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Priest promoted to high priest?

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Apr 14, 2008, 11:25:23 PM4/14/08
I started a pudding farm (I know, sue me, I'm going for wishless) at a
co-aligned altar fairly deep in the dungeon. As I was invisible and
the puddings couldn't attack me directly in the sanctuary, they
occasionally attacked each other and the priest. The priest of course
defended himself, killing most puddings in one blow. However
eventually I started seeing messages like "The high priest hits the
black pudding!" I used my stethoscope and found that, sure enough, the
priest had been promoted to a high priest from all the slayings.

I've never seen a high priest in the main dungeon before. Will this
have any implications for my game? Other than being very careful not
to accidentally annoy him until my character's much buffer, that is (I
already had to use a magic flute twice to calm him down while altar-
camping before I started the farm, when a spell and a broken wand hit
him.) Maybe I can save time and offer the Amulet to him on level 22
instead of Astral, on the way back up? ;-) (Not a serious question...)

- funcrunch

Matt Frisch

Apr 15, 2008, 1:18:15 AM4/15/08
On Mon, 14 Apr 2008 20:25:23 -0700 (PDT), funcrunch
<> scribed into the ether:

Be an interesting take on it if you offered the amulet to the priest, and
not onto the altar.

YANI: Dumping a hundred or so potions of gain level on an altar turns it
into a high altar!


Apr 15, 2008, 12:58:36 PM4/15/08
On Apr 14, 8:25 pm, funcrunch <> wrote:
> I started a pudding farm (I know, sue me, I'm going for wishless) at a
> co-aligned altar fairly deep in the dungeon. As I was invisible and
> the puddings couldn't attack me directly in the sanctuary, they
> occasionally attacked each other and the priest. The priest of course
> defended himself, killing most puddings in one blow. However
> eventually I started seeing messages like "The high priest hits the
> black pudding!" I used my stethoscope and found that, sure enough, the
> priest had been promoted to a high priest from all the slayings.

I didn't know that would happen. Just for academics, see how many
rocks it takes to slay him from outside of a boulder fort >:)

> I've never seen a high priest in the main dungeon before. Will this
> have any implications for my game? Other than being very careful not
> to accidentally annoy him until my character's much buffer, that is (I
> already had to use a magic flute twice to calm him down while altar-
> camping before I started the farm, when a spell and a broken wand hit
> him.) Maybe I can save time and offer the Amulet to him on level 22
> instead of Astral, on the way back up? ;-) (Not a serious question...)

Maybe he'll get transfer orders and you can carpool up to the Astral


Apr 15, 2008, 8:49:06 PM4/15/08

Indulgences will cost more; a high priest has more administrative overhead.

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