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Archaeologist needs a survival tip: should I try to pray again, or what?

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Jonadab the Unsightly One

Mar 15, 2012, 4:14:24 PM3/15/12
I'm in the upper-right corner room of DL7:

The dog is tame. The bees are hostile. I'd include
more of the map if I could think of any way to get out
of that room other than as a ghost.

I've got daggers, darts, and a boomerang, the starting whip
and pick, the starting touchstone and luckstone (which
was from a chest so is *probably* not cursed), tinning kit,
food, and a sack containing money and a couple of gems.
I'm only wearing the standard start-of-game Arc suit. I
haven't seen any wands yet this game and don't have
any scrolls or potions with me. I've been running from
those bees since three quarters of the way across the
level and am now pretty well cornered. I tried to hide
behind the dog, but the bees just went around him.

I had to pray once before, on T1700, but it's currently
T2807. HP are at 13 out of 58.

Should I try to pray again? After I'm stung down below
7 HP (which will be about one turn, if I'm lucky)?

Throw the luckstone, so if nothing else the lucky
soul who finds my bones can have it non-cursed?

Try to dig down? (There's no possible way I could
dig through the floor before they sting me to death,
is there?)

Run southwest and hope the bees suddenly change
their minds and decide to battle the dog instead of
me, contrary to everything they've done so far?

Other options?

BTW, I'm St11, Dx8, Co16, In14, Wi16, Ch11,
XL6, and Lawful, for all the more difference any
of that makes. AC9, don't know any spells. All
weapons are at starting skill level; I am eligible
to #enhance whip if I thought it would save me.

Karl Garrison

Mar 15, 2012, 4:38:42 PM3/15/12
On Mar 15, 4:14 pm, Jonadab the Unsightly One
<> wrote:


> I had to pray once before, on T1700, but it's currently
> T2807.  HP are at 13 out of 58.
> Should I try to pray again?  After I'm stung down below
> 7 HP (which will be about one turn, if I'm lucky)?

Chances are that it should be safe to pray again by now. That's what
I would recommend.



Mar 15, 2012, 5:12:53 PM3/15/12
On 15 Mar 2012, Jonadab the Unsightly One
<> wrote in news:65242671-0283-4bc5-

> <snip a bunch of stuff>
> I had to pray once before, on T1700, but it's currently
> T2807. HP are at 13 out of 58.

Should be safe to pray, but it still won't help much; your current HP
are too high to be healed that way (you'd need to be at 1/7 your max
or less; this amounts to 8 HP or less, at 58 max HP).

> Should I try to pray again? After I'm stung down below
> 7 HP (which will be about one turn, if I'm lucky)?

Are you poison-resistant? If you're not, there's a risk of instadeath
from their stings via deadly poison; if you are, you can survive 4
attacks, maybe 5 if you get lucky (killer bee stings are 1d3 plus

> Throw the luckstone, so if nothing else the lucky
> soul who finds my bones can have it non-cursed?

Bit fatalistic, plus you're not guaranteed to leave bones.

> Try to dig down? (There's no possible way I could
> dig through the floor before they sting me to death,
> is there?)

Lousy idea; I can all but guarantee that the next message you'll see

> Run southwest and hope the bees suddenly change
> their minds and decide to battle the dog instead of
> me, contrary to everything they've done so far?

Again, DYWYPI?

> Other options?

Try writing Elbereth in the dust (buttons 'E-'); killer bees respect
it. If it works, you get a breather to write some more; if it
doesn't, well, you were about to die anyway, right? Or were you
trying for illiterate conduct?

Heck I likely would've made those E-writings in a corridor, so only
one of the bees could attack me at a time; yeah fighting something
that's fast and has a poisonous attack is risky, but better one at a
time than two at once.

> BTW, I'm St11, Dx8, Co16, In14, Wi16, Ch11,
> XL6, and Lawful, for all the more difference any
> of that makes. AC9, don't know any spells. All
> weapons are at starting skill level; I am eligible
> to #enhance whip if I thought it would save me.

Whip probably would't help much here.

Our trolls are kept on a very strict diet.
Please do not feed them.

The Management,

Jonadab the Unsightly One

Mar 16, 2012, 7:56:44 AM3/16/12
On Mar 15, 5:12 pm, "G-Mon" <gmon5...@invalid.invalid> wrote:
> > I had to pray once before, on T1700, but it's currently
> > T2807. HP are at 13 out of 58.
> Should be safe to pray,

Good to know.

> but it still won't help much; your current HP are too
> high to be healed that way (you'd need to be at 1/7
> your max or less; this amounts to 8 HP or less, at
> 58 max HP).

Okay, I was sort of thinking that.

> > Should I try to pray again? After I'm stung down below
> > 7 HP (which will be about one turn, if I'm lucky)?
> Are you poison-resistant?

I don't think so. I've eaten a couple of corpses that have
a chance of granting it, but I don't think any of them did,
unless I overlooked the message somehow.

> If you're not, there's a risk of instadeath

I know, but there's also a chance it might not happen.
At this point, I'm looking for something that will give
me a chance to maybe survive.

> > Throw the luckstone, so if nothing else the lucky
> > soul who finds my bones can have it non-cursed?
> Bit fatalistic, plus you're not guaranteed to leave bones.

I wasn't really serious about that one.

> > Try to dig down? (There's no possible way I could
> > dig through the floor before they sting me to death,
> > is there?)
> Lousy idea; I can all but guarantee that the next
> message you'll see is DYWYPI?

Okay, that agrees with my instincts as well.

> Try writing Elbereth in the dust (buttons 'E-'); killer bees respect
> it. If it works, you get a breather to write some more; if it
> doesn't, well, you were about to die anyway, right? Or were you
> trying for illiterate conduct?

No, I can try Elbereth and should have listed it as one of
the possibilities I suppose, but the problem is I'm cornered.
I could write it in the dust and stand there and hope it lasts
until the dog kills the bees, but the odds are horrible. I can
engrave it and then try to slip around the bees, but as soon
as I move I'm not on Elbereth any more...

> Heck I likely would've made those E-writings in a corridor,

Interesting point.

I wonder what my odds are of alternating dust
Elbereth with running and working my way back
around to the corridor now? Not good odds, I bet...

> > BTW, I'm St11, Dx8, Co16, In14, Wi16, Ch11,
> > XL6, and Lawful, for all the more difference any
> > of that makes. AC9, don't know any spells. All
> > weapons are at starting skill level; I am eligible
> > to #enhance whip if I thought it would save me.
> Whip probably would't help much here.

Indeed. I keep hoping to find a decent weapon,
but so far the daggers are the best thing I've
managed to obtain. If I somehow survive the bees,
should I switch to one of the daggers as my main

Benjamin A. Schmit

Mar 16, 2012, 8:20:56 AM3/16/12
Pe dată de 2012-03-16 12:56, Jonadab the Unsightly One a scris:
> On Mar 15, 5:12 pm, "G-Mon" <gmon5...@invalid.invalid> wrote:
>> Try writing Elbereth in the dust (buttons 'E-'); killer bees respect
>> it. If it works, you get a breather to write some more; if it
>> doesn't, well, you were about to die anyway, right? Or were you
>> trying for illiterate conduct?
> No, I can try Elbereth and should have listed it as one of
> the possibilities I suppose, but the problem is I'm cornered.
> I could write it in the dust and stand there and hope it lasts
> until the dog kills the bees, but the odds are horrible. I can
> engrave it and then try to slip around the bees, but as soon
> as I move I'm not on Elbereth any more...
I'd probably try it this way: Engrave one Elbereth using your fingers.
See if you get hit that turn. If yes, and you survive the hits, prayer
will probably give you the time to succeed with your writing. If no,
the Elbereth probably worked. Engrave another (adding to the first) on
the next turn. Repeat until the dog has finished the bees or you feel
confident to join in. You will be safe as long as at least one is still
readable. No guarantees, though…

A +0 dagger usually yields a pretty good Elbereth, but it takes three
turns to engrave (and the dagger will go to -3 in the process): Engrave
Elb, then ere, finally th. It won't work if you try to engrave the
whole word at once. Might be an option if the prayer gives you that
much time.


Seek freedom and become captive of your desires.
Seek discipline and find your liberty.
-- Frank Herbert, Dune Chronicles

Jonadab the Unsightly One

Mar 16, 2012, 9:27:47 AM3/16/12
> No, I can try Elbereth and should have listed it as one of
> the possibilities I suppose, but the problem is I'm cornered.
> I could write it in the dust and stand there and hope it lasts
> until the dog kills the bees, but the odds are horrible. I can
> engrave it and then try to slip around the bees, but as soon
> as I move I'm not on Elbereth any more...
> > Heck I likely would've made those E-writings in a corridor,
> Interesting point.
> I wonder what my odds are of alternating dust
> Elbereth with running and working my way back
> around to the corridor now? Not good odds, I bet...

This is what I ended up trying, and it mostly worked.

I got stung a couple more times, but I made it around
to the doorway... only to find there was a giant beetle
in the corridor immediately southwest of the doorway...

Jonadab the Unsightly One

Mar 16, 2012, 9:29:36 AM3/16/12
On Mar 16, 8:20 am, "Benjamin A. Schmit" <>

> I'd probably try it this way: Engrave one Elbereth using your fingers.
> See if you get hit that turn. If yes, and you survive the hits, prayer
> will probably give you the time to succeed with your writing. If no,
> the Elbereth probably worked. Engrave another (adding to the first) on
> the next turn. Repeat until the dog has finished the bees or you feel
> confident to join in. You will be safe as long as at least one is still
> readable. No guarantees, though…

I've previously been given to understand that any existing, already-
written Elbereth immediately stops working as soon as you start
trying to write another.

Benjamin A. Schmit

Mar 16, 2012, 9:41:55 AM3/16/12
Pe dată de 2012-03-16 14:29, Jonadab the Unsightly One a scris:
>> I'd probably try it this way: Engrave one Elbereth using your fingers.
>> See if you get hit that turn. If yes, and you survive the hits, prayer
>> will probably give you the time to succeed with your writing. If no,
>> the Elbereth probably worked. Engrave another (adding to the first) on
>> the next turn. Repeat until the dog has finished the bees or you feel
>> confident to join in. You will be safe as long as at least one is still
>> readable. No guarantees, though…
> I've previously been given to understand that any existing, already-
> written Elbereth immediately stops working as soon as you start
> trying to write another.
AFAIK, this is only true if mosters get a move while you engrave (which
is not the case with a dust Elbereth).


Mar 16, 2012, 9:43:15 AM3/16/12
Jonadab the Unsightly One wrote:
> I've previously been given to understand that any existing, already-
> written Elbereth immediately stops working as soon as you start
> trying to write another.
Indeed. The game records engravings as text, and timestamp when the
engraving will be complete, together with some other information
(internally, you don't write the engraving over time, you write the
engraving instantly, but you're left helpless for the length of time it
would take to write, and the engraving itself only takes effect when you
would finish writing it). And appending to an engraving is programmed as
altering the text and updating the timestamp… Arguably, this is a bug.
(This is also the reason you can't interrupt writing an engraving.)

Hmm, an interesting test that I've never done before and did just for
this post:

> Create what kind of monster? [type the name or symbol] hostile grid bug
> What do you want to write with? [- abcdg or ?*]
> You engrave in the floor with a white gem.
> What do you want to engrave in the floor here? Elbereth Elbereth Elbereth Elbereth Elbereth
> The grid bug bites! You get zapped! The grid bug bites!
> You get zapped! The grid bug bites! You get zapped!
> The grid bug bites! You get zapped! The grid bug bites!
> You get zapped! The grid bug bites! You get zapped!
> The grid bug bites! You get zapped! The grid bug bites!
> You get zapped! The grid bug bites! You get zapped!
> The grid bug bites! You get zapped! The grid bug bites!
> You get zapped! The grid bug bites! You get zapped!
> The grid bug bites! You get zapped! The grid bug bites!
> You get zapped! The grid bug bites! You get zapped!
> The grid bug bites! You get zapped! The grid bug bites!
> You get zapped!
> You die... But wait... Your medallion begins to glow!
> You feel much better! The medallion crumbles to dust!
> You survived that attempt on your life.
> Something is engraved here on the floor.
> You read: "Elbereth Elbereth Elbereth Elbereth Elbereth".
> You see no objects here.
> The grid bug misses.
> The grid bug bites! You get zapped!
> Something is engraved here on the floor.
> You read: "Elbereth Elbereth Elbereth Elbereth Elbereth".
> You see no objects here.

Note that I was standing on the Elbereth all along. I haven't finished
writing it yet, but I can act again because I was lifesaved, and I can
read it even though it hasn't finished writing. (The grid bug attacking
me before the lifesave is not a bug; the grid bug attacking me
afterwards is pretty bizarre.)

Eventually, many turns later, without doing anything to affect the
engraving, I got "The grid bug turns to flee!"; it had been attacking me
all the time up to that. That's when I would have finished writing the
engraving if I hadn't been lifesaved.

Off to report this to the devteam now…


Benjamin A. Schmit

Mar 16, 2012, 9:57:59 AM3/16/12
Pe dată de 2012-03-16 14:43, ais523 a scris:
> (The grid bug attacking me before the lifesave is not a bug; the grid bug attacking me afterwards is pretty bizarre.)
When is a bug not a bug? ;-)

Doug Freyburger

Mar 16, 2012, 12:22:18 PM3/16/12
Jonadab the Unsightly One wrote:
> I've previously been given to understand that any existing, already-
> written Elbereth immediately stops working as soon as you start
> trying to write another.

I thought that more dust writing does not reset existing dust writing,
more engraving does not reset existing engraving, more burning does not
reset existing burning. But any switch of methods does reset any
previous writing.

Jonadab the Unsightly One

Mar 16, 2012, 7:46:19 PM3/16/12
I guess I'll have to do some wizmode testing...

Jonadab the Unsightly One

Mar 16, 2012, 7:45:26 PM3/16/12
On Mar 16, 9:43 am, ais523 <> wrote:
> > You die... But wait... Your medallion begins to glow!
> > You feel much better! The medallion crumbles to dust!
> > You survived that attempt on your life.
> > Something is engraved here on the floor.
> > You read: "Elbereth Elbereth Elbereth Elbereth Elbereth".
> > You see no objects here.
> > The grid bug misses.

Huh. Weird.

> Note that I was standing on the Elbereth all along. I
> haven't finished writing it yet, but I can act again
> because I was lifesaved, and I can read it even
> though it hasn't finished writing.

Now that is most definitely a bug. I can see two
ways this might be "fixed" (without completely
changing how engraving works): either you
continue engraving (and being attacked) after
the lifesave, or the engraving you were working
on should be truncated in progress at the
point where you would have left off.

> (The grid bug attacking me before the lifesave
> is not a bug; the grid bug attacking me afterwards
> is pretty bizarre.)

Depends how you look at it.

The gridbug continuing to attack is consistent
with how engraving works in NetHack, given
that the engraving was not finished. (The
definition of "finished" is up for grabs here,
but bear with me.) It is arguable that the
mechanics of how engraving works should be
revamped entirely and from the ground up, but
that's another discussion for another thread.
The way it works now, it makes sense that
the grid bug would continue to attack if the
engraving isn't finished.

What does not make sense is that you were
able to perform other actions while you were
still engraving. That's a bug. The game needs
to decide, when the lifesave event happens,
whether you are indeed going to continue
engraving or not. Either you continue, (which
would be easiest to implement, I think) and
you cannot act until you're done, or else you
don't continue, and the engraving is truncated
in progress -- in which case you *would* be
able to act, and the engraving would be done
(well, as much of it as you got done would
be done), and the grid bug would stop its
attack if at least one Elbereth was complete.

> Eventually, many turns later, without doing
> anything to affect the engraving, I got "The
> grid bug turns to flee!"; it had been attacking
> me all the time up to that. That's when I would
> have finished writing the engraving if I hadn't
> been lifesaved.
> Off to report this to the devteam now…

Yeah. You probably could've walked away
and even left the level, and yet at the appointed
time you would have finished the engraving --
which would clearly not be an intended feature.
(Now I want to test to see whether the engraving
that you complete shows up where you started
it or at your location when you finish, and
whether this bug makes it possible to engrave
long strings of Elbereth in otherwise impossible
locations, such as on the plane of water, or
even the high altar on the astral plane. That
could make for YASAT.)

Capt. Cave Man

Mar 16, 2012, 9:45:33 PM3/16/12
On Thu, 15 Mar 2012 21:12:53 +0000 (UTC), "G-Mon"
<gmon...@invalid.invalid> wrote:

>Bit fatalistic, plus you're not guaranteed to leave bones.

And if he did, the luckstone wouldn't be included, would it?

Jonadab the Unsightly One

Mar 17, 2012, 10:51:11 AM3/17/12
On Mar 16, 9:45 pm, Capt. Cave Man
<> wrote:
> On Thu, 15 Mar 2012 21:12:53 +0000 (UTC), "G-Mon"
> <gmon5...@invalid.invalid> wrote:
> >Bit fatalistic, plus you're not guaranteed to leave bones.
>  And if he did, the luckstone wouldn't be included, would it?

The wiki says this:
> Luckstones are always generated uncursed except possibly in bones files.

I take that to mean that in bones files they have the same
chance of being cursed as most other objects or otherwise
would inherit their beatitude from the former game.

This particular luckstone came from a chest and has not
been tampered with much, so it is almost certainly uncursed,
though I haven't yet found an altar to drop it on to prove that.

Capt. Cave Man

Mar 18, 2012, 12:22:09 AM3/18/12
My question is that if you toss it away before you die, it would NOT be
in your bones file because you did not have it in your inventory at the
TOD. That is what I asked essentially.

Is whether or not that is the case.


Mar 18, 2012, 2:06:43 AM3/18/12
On Sunday, March 18, 2012 12:22:09 AM UTC-4, Capt. Cave Man wrote:

> My question is that if you toss it away before you die, it would NOT be
> in your bones file because you did not have it in your inventory at the
> TOD. That is what I asked essentially.
> Is whether or not that is the case.

If you toss it away just a few turns before dying, then it's on the same
level as the one you died on. Therefore it will be in the bones file,
which is equivalent in every way to the level when you died. Same monsters,
same stuff on the ground. Just add a gravestone (maybe) and a ghost.

Mar 19, 2012, 7:45:13 PM3/19/12
I agree with Jonadab:
If you engrave Elbereth (with say a diamond), then a soldier ant shows up, and you try to append an Elbereth at the end with the same diamond, I think you wind up dead. Hopefully the ant got scared before you started the 2nd engraving, but if not, the ant won't respect the 1st Elbereth while you're engraving the 2nd one.

Fortunately, most combat situations rely on instantaneous Elbereths (e.g., dust, wand of digging, athame, wand of fire/lightning), so the point is somewhat moot. You're vulnerable while engraving the 2nd Elbereth, but since that takes 0 time, the only thing that matters is if there's an Elbereth on the ground when you're done engraving.

In that sense, once you get several dusty Elbereths below you, you can often risk attempting a hit, then write a few Elbereths in the dust (one at a time), risk attempting a hit, etc. If you start to get low on health, then forget about hitting and just keep engraving Elbereth. It takes a while, but starting from scratch takes a while, too.

To start the Elbereth parade, once you have one dusty Elbereth successfully engraved, just rest until the nearby monsters are scared before you attempt to write the 2nd one. You have a much better chance of having an Elbereth at the end of your turn if you rest on one than if you attempt to write a 2nd one.

Janis Papanagnou

Mar 19, 2012, 8:00:04 PM3/19/12
On 20.03.2012 00:45, wrote:
> In that sense, once you get several dusty Elbereths below you, you can
> often risk attempting a hit, then write a few Elbereths in the dust (one at
> a time), risk attempting a hit, etc. If you start to get low on health,
> then forget about hitting and just keep engraving Elbereth. It takes a
> while, but starting from scratch takes a while, too.

The resulting string of text that we can observe if such procedure is
applied, something like "El|e c+r Elbe ctn _lbc cth Eloc c+r E|bere+h
El|ercth ||beret| E|beret El c c+| E|bc c+h Eloer +h El|ere+h =lbercth
E|bcr tn F|bere+h [|bc e+h E|bercth E|be et| _l|crctr Elbereth Elberet|"
or any other inscription on a single square should be restricted to a
certain limit; how many words would fit on a square if using a finger
(or any other clumsy item) to scribble something (in one turn!) in the


Mar 20, 2012, 3:45:14 AM3/20/12
On Monday, March 19, 2012 5:00:04 PM UTC-7, Janis wrote:
The game does limit the text string. I think the limit is 256 characters, which is only good for 32 Elbereths (you have 21 or so above). Once you reach the limit, I think the game drops the earliest engraved letters (which are generally the most smudged). My dungeons frequently have several squares that have filled up the buffer and look very much like the string you have above. This method of killing team "a" is quite tedious and time consuming, but sometimes (as your arc found out) there's not much else you can do.

Raisse the Thaumaturge

Mar 23, 2012, 5:20:41 PM3/23/12
But it would not be subject to bones cursing, because it would not be in
your inventory at death. It's in the bones *file* but not on the bones

Raisse, killed by the ghost of Wonderin

Vesta veran, terna puran, farenin.
Beghinnen can ick, volherden will' ick, volbringhen sal ick.

Capt. Cave Man

Mar 23, 2012, 10:25:47 PM3/23/12
On Fri, 23 Mar 2012 22:20:41 +0100, Raisse the Thaumaturge
<> wrote:

>rpresser wrote:
>> On Sunday, March 18, 2012 12:22:09 AM UTC-4, Capt. Cave Man wrote:
>>> My question is that if you toss it away before you die, it would NOT be
>>> in your bones file because you did not have it in your inventory at the
>>> TOD. That is what I asked essentially.
>>> Is whether or not that is the case.
>> If you toss it away just a few turns before dying, then it's on the same
>> level as the one you died on. Therefore it will be in the bones file,
>> which is equivalent in every way to the level when you died. Same
>> monsters, same stuff on the ground. Just add a gravestone (maybe) and a
>> ghost.
>But it would not be subject to bones cursing, because it would not be in
>your inventory at death. It's in the bones *file* but not on the bones
> Raisse, killed by the ghost of Wonderin

Got that part in the very first mention. Makes sense. I simply did
not know that when a bones file is made, that it keep the entire level,
items, monsters, et al.

What about any passages the explorer may have dug on that level?

Janis Papanagnou

Mar 23, 2012, 11:46:30 PM3/23/12
On 24.03.2012 03:25, Capt. Cave Man wrote:
> Got that part in the very first mention. Makes sense. I simply did
> not know that when a bones file is made, that it keep the entire level,
> items, monsters, et al.
> What about any passages the explorer may have dug on that level?

Dug passages are still there on a bones level.


Jonadab the Unsightly One

Mar 24, 2012, 9:31:05 AM3/24/12
Pets, too, are still present on a bones level, but no longer tame.

This can be pretty nasty when somebody's pet dog happened upon a
polymorph trap in the mines and became something rather more potent
than a dog and then the player somehow contrived to get his sorry
carcase killed on the way back out, round about dungeon level 5.

I once died *twice* on the same bones level on NAO, due both times
to the original player's pet horse (named Tudor IIRC). The first
time the horse kicked me *almost* to death and I managed to close
a door on it and escape to the other part of the level, only to be
killed by the next lightweight monster that so much as looked at me
funny. Upon starting a new game, I ran into the same bones level
again and was wounded by my own former pet then kicked to death
by the same horse.


Mar 29, 2012, 2:38:25 PM3/29/12
On Saturday, March 24, 2012 9:31:05 AM UTC-4, Jonadab the Unsightly One wrote:
> Pets, too, are still present on a bones level, but no longer tame.
Likewise, angry shopkeepers are still angry at you, provided you're
using the same name...
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