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Monsters' Starting Equipment (SPOILER) (LONG)

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Topi Linkala

Jul 22, 2006, 5:11:38 AM7/22/06
I just wrote a message in which I told about a nymphs possible inventory
and after that I tried to find the following updated spoiler file from
the net but couldn't.

So I post the whole spoiler here and hope that somebody archives it

Feel free to comment the contents.


Monsters' Starting Equipment

by Boudewijn Waijers,
with corrections for 3.4.3 by Topi Linkala.

Lots of monsters get some items to start with. This document details
which monsters may get which item(s). Big exception: monsters generated
on rogue level get no items.


Monsters may get the following offensive items:

ettin a club (50%)
other giant a boulder (50%)
watchman/soldier either:
* a partisan, ranseur, spetum, glaive, halberd, bec de
corbin, voulge, bardiche, fauchard, guisarme, bill-
guisarme, or lucern hammer; a dagger or knife, or
* a spear, or
* a short sword
sergeant a flail or mace
lieutenant a broadsword or long sword
(watch) captain a long sword or silver saber
priest a +0, +1 or +2 mace (half of them are cursed)
other human a dagger (25%); a spear (14%); if both fail, they get
a knife
elf an elven mithril coat or cloak (50%); an elven leather
helm (50%) or if that fails, elven boots (25%); an
elven dagger (50%); and either:
* an elven shield (25%); an elven short sword (66%);
an elven bow; 3-14 arrows, or
* an elven broadsword; an elven shield (50%), or
* an elven spear and an elven shield
elvenking as elves, but an additional pick-axe (66%, 100% on the
plane of earth); a crystal ball (2%)
Archon Demonbane or Sunsword (same chance) (unless it already
exists), which can't have negative enchantment; a
non-cursed +0 shield of reflection
Aleax a blessed, rustproof (sometimes magical) long sword;
Angel 5% chance of it being Demonbane or the Sunsword; an
uncursed rustproof large shield (25% chance of a
shield of reflection instead) The guardian angel
generated on the astral level gets a silver sabre if
he doesn't have a weapon and his weapon is blessed and
its enchantment is raised 1 to 4 points if it's under
+4. He also gets an amulet of reflection if he doesn't
have a shield of reflection.
hobbit a dagger, elven dagger, or sling; an elven mithril
coat (10%); a dwarvish cloak (10%)
dwarf a dwarvish cloak (86%); iron shoes (86%); and either:
* (25%) a dwarvish short sword; a dwarvish mattock or
an axe and a dwarvish roundshield; a dwarvish iron
helm; a dwarvish mithril coat (33%)
* a pick-axe (33%) or a dagger (66%)
kops 3-5 cream pies (25%); a club or rubber hose (33%)
(kops are not eligible for a random offensive item)
orc-captain is treated like either Mordor orc or Uruk-Hai
orc an orcish helm (50%); (Mordor) 33% chance of any of
the following: scimitar, orcish shield, knife, orcish
chain mail; (Uruk-Hai) 33% chance of any of the
following: orcish cloak, orcish short sword, iron
shoes, bow and 3-15 arrows, Uruk-Hai shield; (goblin)
an orcish dagger (50%); (other o's) a scimitar (50%)
ogre a battle axe (king: 33%, lord: 18%, ordinary: 9%);
otherwise, a club
troll a ranseur, partisan, glaive or spetum (50%)
kobold 3-14 darts
forest centaur a bow, 3-14 arrows
other centaur a crossbow, 3-14 bolts
master lich 7% chance for either an athame (86%) or a wand of
nothing (14%) (master liches are not eligible for
a random offensive item)
arch lich 33% chance for either an athame (66%) or a quarterstaff,
this weapon can't have negative enchantment and may be
erodeproof (25%) (arch lichs are not eligible for
a random offensive item)
barrow wight a knife and a long sword
Nazgul a knife and a long sword
skeleton a leather armour (25%); a knife (8%) or a short sword
(16%) (skeletons are not eligible for a random offensive
salamander a spear (6/7) or a trident (2/21) or a stiletto (1/21)
balrog a bullwhip and a broadsword
horned devil a trident (75%) or a bullwhip (25%)
ice devil a spear (25%) (ice devils are not eligible for a random
offensive item)
Orcus a wand of death
Asmodeus a wand of cold; a wand of fire (Asmodeus is not eligible
for a random offensive item)
Dispater a wand of striking
Yeenoghu a flail
gnomes 3-14 darts or a crossbow and 3-14 bolts or a bow and
3-14 arrows or 3-5 daggers or aklys or nothing.
Propability of getting nothing is 36% for a gnome king,
50% for a gnome lord and 64% for ordinary gnomes
Vlad the Impaler a battle axe or two-handed sword or a bow and 3-14 arrows
iron golem or a longsword or a lucern hammer or nothing.
Propability of getting nothing is 21% for Vlad the
and 64% for iron golems.(iron golems are not eligible for
a random offensive item)

In addition these monsters might be eligible for a random offensive item.
Propability of getting and item depends on monsters level.

Random offensive items include: wands of striking, magic missile, sleep,
fire, cold, or lightning, potions of confusion, blindness, paralysis,
acid or sleeping, scrolls of earth and wands of death (the latter only
for tough monsters).

Other monsters than those mentioned here don't get weapons.
Some of those monsters that are implied here to get weapons are escpecially
excluded. These are: orc and kobold shamans, gnomish wizards, abbots, monks,
nurses, the Oracle, the Grand Master, Master Kaen and the Wizard of Yendor.


Next to weapons, monsters can gain protective items:

guard armour up to a -1 AC
soldier armour up to a 3 AC
sergeant armour up to a 0 AC
lieutenant armour up to a -2 AC
captain armour up to a -3 AC
watchman armour up to a 3 AC
watch captain armour up to a -2 AC
mummy a mummy wrapping (6/7)

This armour is composed of one of (crystal) plate mail, splint mail,
banded mail, ring mail, studded leather armour, or leather armour, and
an additional helmet or dented pot, a small or large shield, a pair of
low or high boots, and leather gloves or a leather cloak.

The following other items can be generated:

nymph a mirror (50%); a potion of object detection (50%)
minotaur a wand of digging
giant a few gems
Nazgul a cursed ring of invisibility
quantum mech a large box (5%), may contain Schroedinger's Cat
leprechaun some gold (level dependent)
soldier a C-ration (33%); a K-ration (33%); a bugle (33%)
officer a C-ration (33%); a K-ration (33%)
watchman a tin whistle (66%).
shopkeeper a skeleton key; a wand of striking; a potion of healing;
(75%); a potion of extra healing (50%); a wand of magic
missile (25%); Ringshop keepers get a touchstone.
priest a small shield; 20-29 zorkmids; a robe (86%) or a cloak of
protection (10%) or a cloak of magic resistance (4%); those
in temples get also 2 - 4 spellbooks and their cloak is
blessed if coaligned and cursed otherwise.
high priest same as priest but also the Amulet of Yendor if generated
in the sanctum.
monk a robe (91%) or a cloak of magic resistance (9%)
minotaur a wand of digging (33%; 100% at the plane of earth)
mummy a mummy wrapping (86%)
pony starting pet pony gets a saddle.

The Wizard of Yendor a spellbook of digging (only when on the plane of
earth and if he is the only existing wizard)
Vlad the Impaler the Candelabrum of Invocation
Croesus a two-handed sword
your quest nemesis the Bell of Opening
Pestilence a potion of sickness

If the monster is not an animal, exploding or mindless creature,
ghost, or kop, it can have something else. The chances are monster level
in 50 for a defensive item, and monster level in 100 for a miscellaneous
item. Only one soldier out of thirteen is eligible for these items.

A defensive item is one of: a wand or a scroll of teleportation or
create monster, a potion of healing, extra healing or full healing
and a wand of digging.

A miscellaneous item is one of: a wand or a potion of polymorph
(only for weak monsters), a wand of speed monster, or make invisible,
a potion of speed, invisibility or gain level and a amulet of life

Monsters that like gold but don't have it already might get some gold
(80%), the amount depends on the depth of the level.


Player character monsters get: a longsword (50%) or a random non
projectile weapon (50%) and if generated on astral level a random
dragon scale mail, 7 times out of 8 a random cloak that cannot be
elven, orcish or dwarven nor a mummy wrapping, 7 times out of 8
a random headgear, 7 times out of 8 a random shield that cannot be
a small shield, 7 times out of 8 a random pair of handgear and 7
times out of 8 a random pair of footwear.

These are adjusted as follows:

Archeologists: Half of the time the weapon is changed to a bullwhip.
Barbarians: Half of the time the weapon is changed to a battle axe
(50%) or two-handed sword (50%) and no shield, half of
the time the armor is changed to a random armor from
(crystal or bronze) plate mail, splint mail, banded
mail, dwarven or elven mithril-coat or chain mail and
if the headgear would have been a helm of brilliance
then no headgear is generated.
Cave(wo)men: The weapon is changed to a mace (75%) or if not to a club
(50%) and if the headgear would have been a helm of
brilliance then no headgear is generated.
Healers: The weapon is changed to a quarterstaff (75%) or if not
to an unicorn horn (25%) or a scalpel (25%), 3 times out
of 4 the headgear is changed to a helm of brilliance
(50%) or a helm of telepathy (50%) and half of the time
no shield is generated.
Knights: 3 times out of 4 the weapon is changed to a longsword
and half of the time the armor is changed to a random
armor from (crystal or bronze) plate mail, splint mail,
banded mail, dwarven or elven mithril-coat or chain mail.
Monks: No weapon nor armor is generated, the cloak is always
a robe and half of the time no shield is generated.
Priests: Half of the time the weapon is changed to a mace, half
Priestesses: of the time the armor is changed to a random armor from
(crystal or bronze) plate mail, splint mail, banded mail,
dwarven or elven mithril-coat or chain mail, 3 times out
of 4 the cloak is a robe, 3 times out of 4 the headgear
is changed to a helm of brilliance (50%) or a helm of
telepathy (50%) and half of the time no shield is
Rangers: Half of the time the weapon is changed to an elven dagger.
Rogues: Half of the time the weapon is changed to a short sword.
Samurai: Half of the time the weapon is changed to a katana.
Tourists: No changes.
Valkyries: Half of the time the weapon is changed to a war hammer and
half of the time the armor is changed to a random armor
from (crystal or bronze) plate mail, splint mail, banded
mail, dwarven or elven mithril-coat or chain mail.
Wizards: 3 times out of 4 the weapon is changed to a quartestaff
(50%) or an athame (50%), half of the time the armor is
changed to a black dragon scale mail (50%) or a silver
dragon scale mail (50%) and if so the cloak is changed to
a cloack of magic resistance. 3 times out of 4 the headgear
is changed to a helm of brilliance. No shields are

The weapon is enchanted to +4 - +8 for astral level and to +0 - +4
otherwise, 33% are erodeproof or if not 50% are greased. For the astral
level the weapon is tried to change into an artifact and if this ends up as
the Magicbane the enchantment is dropped to +1 - +4.

Each piece of armor is erodeproof (33%), blessed (33%) or cursed (22%), and
enchanted to +0 - +5 (60%), +4 - +7 (30%) or -3 - -1 (10%)

The random items are generated using the same relative frequences as in
normal random item generation. So no randon athames, scalpels, worm tooths,
crysknives, tsurugis, runeswords nor rubber hoses for weapons.

Player character monsters get 1-3 random offensive items, 1-3 random
items and 1-3 random miscellanous items, these comes from the same items as
for other monsters. In addition those player character monsters that are
created on astral plane get a fake amulet of yendor, some gems, 0-1999 gold,
0-9 totaly miscellanous items and one in ten gets a luckstone (66%) or
loadstone (33%).


Note that a lot of monsters actually produce some stuff when they are
killed. Things that might be created when you kill a creature are:

dragon uncursed dragon scales (33%), (5%) for revived dragon
unicorn unicorn horn, unless revived unicorn
long worm worm tooth
iron golem 2d6 iron chains
glass golem some worthless pieces of glass
clay golem 1d20 + 50 rocks
stone golem statue of a stone golem
wood golem 2d4 quarterstaffs, never an artifact
leather golem 2d4 leather armours
gold golem some gold
paper golem 1d4 blank scrolls

Also, some monsters may pick up things after they've been generated,
which can make them carry more than should be possible according to the
"rules" above.


And a special case:

* Spiders and snakes generated during level generation get a random item
on top of them.


"The whole problem with the world is that fools and fanatics are
always so certain of themselves, but wiser people so full of doubts."
- Bertrand Russell
"How come he didn't put 'I think' at the end of it?" - Anonymous

David Damerell

Jul 24, 2006, 9:54:28 AM7/24/06
Quoting Topi Linkala <>:
>I just wrote a message in which I told about a nymphs possible inventory
>and after that I tried to find the following updated spoiler file from
>the net but couldn't.

linked from

Now, getting it updated...
David Damerell <> Distortion Field!
Today is First Olethros, July - a weekend.

Topi Linkala

Jul 24, 2006, 11:25:12 AM7/24/06
David Damerell wrote:
> Quoting Topi Linkala <>:
>>I just wrote a message in which I told about a nymphs possible inventory
>>and after that I tried to find the following updated spoiler file from
>>the net but couldn't.
> linked from
> Now, getting it updated...

Yes, I found those, but they are way out of date.

Jul 25, 2006, 9:57:28 PM7/25/06
Topi Linkala wrote:

<snip long list of monster starting equipment>

> The following other items can be generated:


> priest a small shield; 20-29 zorkmids; a robe (86%) or a cloak of
> protection (10%) or a cloak of magic resistance (4%); those
> in temples get also 2 - 4 spellbooks and their cloak is
> blessed if coaligned and cursed otherwise.
> high priest same as priest but also the Amulet of Yendor if generated
> in the sanctum.

I can't check this right now on wiz mode, but this suggests a possible

1) Go down to the sanctum
2) wish for a statue of a high priest
3) stone to flesh
4) pick up AoY and start running

Can this happen?

Arthur J. O'Dwyer

Jul 26, 2006, 12:18:21 AM7/26/06

On Tue, 25 Jul 2006 wrote:
> Topi Linkala wrote:
>> The following other items can be generated:
> ....
>> high priest same as priest but also the Amulet of Yendor if generated
>> in the sanctum.
> I can't check this right now on wiz mode, but this suggests a possible
> abuse:
> 1) Go down to the sanctum
> 2) wish for a statue of a high priest
> 3) stone to flesh
> 4) pick up AoY and start running
> Can this happen?

This assumes that (A) stone-to-fleshed statues get the same inventory
as randomly spawned monsters, and either (B1) the AoY winds up on the
floor somehow, or (B2) high priests are pushovers.

(A) and (B1) strike me as highly unlikely (IHTSIFOMBITLTC); being
a totally un-endgame-experienced noob, I can't comment on (B2).

(Also probably due to my inexperience, I don't see how any tactic
that involves getting to the Sanctum with wishes left qualifies as
an "abuse". You're well on the way to winning at that point, aren't


Topi Linkala

Jul 26, 2006, 10:34:09 AM7/26/06
to wrote:
> Topi Linkala wrote:
> <snip long list of monster starting equipment>
>>The following other items can be generated:
> ....
>>priest a small shield; 20-29 zorkmids; a robe (86%) or a cloak of
>> protection (10%) or a cloak of magic resistance (4%); those
>> in temples get also 2 - 4 spellbooks and their cloak is
>> blessed if coaligned and cursed otherwise.
>>high priest same as priest but also the Amulet of Yendor if generated
>> in the sanctum.
> I can't check this right now on wiz mode, but this suggests a possible
> abuse:
> 1) Go down to the sanctum

This generates the high priest of Moloch and thus also the Amulet of Yendor.

> 2) wish for a statue of a high priest
> 3) stone to flesh
> 4) pick up AoY and start running
> Can this happen?

No, as AoY is already generated and can be generated only once.

Rachel Elizabeth Dillon

Jul 26, 2006, 10:53:17 AM7/26/06
On 2006-07-26, Arthur J. O'Dwyer <> wrote:
> On Tue, 25 Jul 2006 wrote:
>> Topi Linkala wrote:
>>> The following other items can be generated:
>> ....
>>> high priest same as priest but also the Amulet of Yendor if generated
>>> in the sanctum.
>> I can't check this right now on wiz mode, but this suggests a possible
>> abuse:
>> 1) Go down to the sanctum
>> 2) wish for a statue of a high priest
>> 3) stone to flesh
>> 4) pick up AoY and start running
>> Can this happen?
> This assumes that (A) stone-to-fleshed statues get the same inventory
> as randomly spawned monsters, and either (B1) the AoY winds up on the
> floor somehow, or (B2) high priests are pushovers.
> (A) and (B1) strike me as highly unlikely (IHTSIFOMBITLTC); being
> a totally un-endgame-experienced noob, I can't comment on (B2).

I wizmode tested this and the corpse the high priest leaves is a
doppleganger corpse with no inventory. Wishing for a cursed figurine of
a high priest, even in wizmode, gets you something else (I got a cursed
figurine of a zruty. Whee). Asking for "high priest of Moloch" gets you
a curate with no inventory who leaves behind a priest corpse.

So no dice, as best I can tell. :)

(Of course, sending Yeenoghu in to do your dirty work does work, and may
even be slicker than the level teleport trick...)


Boudewijn Waijers

Oct 1, 2006, 8:17:56 PM10/1/06
Topi Linkala wrote:

> I just wrote a message in which I told about a nymphs possible
> inventory and after that I tried to find the following updated
> spoiler file from the net but couldn't.
> So I post the whole spoiler here and hope that somebody archives it
> somewhere.

This spoiler could already be found on my website, at

to be precise. Have a look if you will.

> Topi


Confusius says: may the RNG be good to you!

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