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YAAP (different set of 9/12 conducts - long, spoily)

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Brad Sagarin

May 8, 2005, 2:42:23 PM5/8/05
With the calendar creeping towards November, I decided to try a
multiple conduct game. My goal was nine conducts: Foodless, Pacifist,
Weaponless, Genoless, Polyless, Polyselfless, Artifact wishless. I'd
add Wishless if critical equipment was found before the first wish. A
lawful monk seemed optimal with this set of conducts. Monks get all
necessary intrinsics by gaining levels, and their -20 body armor
penalty helps with pacificm. Lawful helps with alignment boosting.

The game is a race against time until you find a ring of slow
digestion. A coaligned altar can help by reducing the prayer timeout,
but eventually the ring is critical. A number of prior attempts ended
when a food prayer failed.

In this game, I found a coaligned altar on level 2 and two rings a few
levels later. The rings were identified with scrolls, and one was slow

I credit cloned about 5000 gold pieces and then headed to minetown for
protection and items (there were no items of particular note). Next was
the Oracle for level 3 (poison resistance) and then sokoban. Sokoban
contained the amulet, but a giant mimic behind a boulder stopped
progress on the top level. The mimic took out my large dog Spike, so I
returned to the dungeon to find more pets. I found a kitten and raised
him to a large cat. This time I slept the mimic with a spell and then
the large cat took it out. The amulet was mine.

A bit deeper into the dungeon, I found a magic lamp. I thought about
going wishless, but decided that magic resistance was critical to avoid
losing polyself and to get a better pet. The djinni provided +3 GDSM.
My vital stats were HP 30, PW 16, AC -23, Level 3.

With magic resistance, I went back to the mines to find a polytrap.
Found one on level 8 (just below minetown). I displaced my pets into
the trap (does this get you -3 alignment? Wizard mode tests suggest
not). Eventually I got a jabberwock. I also got a long worm. Pet long
worms are a pain in the butt if you don't have a magic whistle (which
I did not).

The jabberwock and I progressed to minesend. I found bag of holding
along the way. The RNG was generous with bags this game. I had
previously come across 2 sacks and 1 oilskin sack. Minesend was the
Mimic of the Mines. I found the luckstone and headed back up.

On the way up, I stole a gold piece from a shopkeeper to harvest cream
pies (the preferred pacifist weapon). I teleported out of the shop into
a room with a watchman at the door. Oops. Without a magic whistle to
summon my jabberwock, this could get ugly. I zapped wand of digging to
dig through the wall to the coaligned temple and ran to safety. I hung
out with the priest listening to the jabberwock take out the Kops. The
jabberwock eventually came within sight. I leashed him and went around
cleaning up Kops and watchmen. While looking for the angry shopkeeper,
I found a pile of gold and a key. Oh well. (Izchak was locked safely in
his shop, by the way).

On the way back to the main dungeon, I alchemized one potion of extra
healing with gain energy. I did this mainly to identify full healing.
Full healing was smoky. Clearly this game wasn't meant to be wishless.

On level 20, a titan showed up. Hmm. The jabberwock killed it, ate the
chameleon corpse, and I was the proud owner of a tame sewer rat.

Time for a trip back to the mines.

I picked up a kitten and a pony on the way. The tamed long worm was
still tame and huge. I tried leashing it to drag it through the
polytrap, but it appears that the leash can move along the tail.

I dug my way around the long worm and started displacing pets into the
polytrap. One pet turned into a tiger and then died to a glass piercer.
The other pet turned into a titan. That'll do. I'll go find
Grayswandir (an early sacrifice gift) and he can use that.

Sometime later, the titan ate a chameleon corpse and turned into a gray
ooze. Great. Back to the mines. Polyed another jabberwock.

Time to storm the castle. I snuck in the back door (convenient that
jabberwocks can fly), levitated using a ring, and waited behind a hole
while everyone fell in. The jabberwock killed anyone who didn't fall.
This strategy cleared the place out pretty easily.

Once in the throne room, I took off the ring of levitation to open the
chest. Unfortunately, I forgot to put it back on before wandering down
the hallway. I found myself in the Valley in the middle of a huge mob
of castle denisens. Oops. I engraved "Elbereth" with a wand of
lightening and zapped a wand of light. The stairs were too far away. I
needed another way out. So I took a potion of confusion and some
scrolls of teleportation out of the bag, quaffed the potion, and
teleported to level 30. The next scroll teleported me to level 22. I
used a wand of digging to get back to the castle quickly. Whew.

The castle wand was (0:3):

2 blessed scrolls of charging
Magic whistle
Spellbook of charm monster (the best attack spell for pacifists)
Ring of conflict (for taking out tough monsters)
Helm of brilliance (for better spellcasting and incubus dancing)

Saved the last two wishes for later.

With the magic whistle and charm monster in hand, I went back to the
mines to poly a good pet. I was looking for an Aleax, Angel, or Archon
to wield Grayswandir. As I built my army, I discovered that everyone
becomes a gray dragon eventually (makes sense since they have magic
resistance). I got three gray dragons and one baby gray dragon, plus
some assorted cannon fodder. Then I got an incubus. Tamed incubi are
useful. You can whistle them over periodically to see if they're ready.

At some point during the poly session, someone dropped a potion of gain
level. I had been storing 3 potions of speed, 1 healing, 2 extra
healing, 1 full healing, and 1 gain energy. Some alchemy later and I
had 6 potions of gain ability (the last step was somewhat painful, as
full healing were smoky this game). Quaffed 'em and had Intelligence 21
and Charisma 16. Dancing with my incubus should be a wholly pleasant
experience now.

I got up to level 10 before he got a severe headache. I dropped my
former lover on the next level down (if I remember correctly, if he
polys, his new form will also be cancelled)

Eventually my army consisted of a maralith, a balrog, 2 gray dragons, a
baby gray dragon, and a cockatrice. This last one was not ideal due to
conflict problems. We headed to Gehennom. Things proceeded uneventfully
for a while. Vlad's throne gave a wish (2 cursed scrolls of genocide
intended for incubi for levels and silver dragons for scales). I
planned to reverse genocide incubi in the first floor of Vlad's
tower, as it provides a convenient set of closets to lock my more
dangerous pets in.

Oops. Can't reverse genocide incubi. Live and learn. I went for silver
dragons instead. One corpse dropped scales. Grabbed 'em and headed
back to Gehennom.

Things got dicey in Orcustown when I got engulfed by a fire vortex. Uh
oh. I'm not fire resistant. Ok. Don't panic. Think about options. No
wand of teleportation. No wand of slow monster. I do have some scrolls
of teleportation, though.

Blessed scroll of teleportation failed (I forgot that Orcustown is no
teleport). First cursed scroll caused shuddering (Does this mean it
tried to randomly teleport me to the same level?). Second cursed scroll
teleported me to the main dungeon. I descended quickly hoping to get
back to Orcustown before my balrog becomes non-tamed.

Too late.

Continued slogging my way down without the balrog. A master lich
summoned Yeenoghu. I didn't have anything powerful enough to take on
Yeenoghu, so I made my way off the level. Master liches and arch-liches
are a pain!

A bit later, I got hungry. I decided to head back to the altar on level
2 and then to a polytrap I had found on level 15 to get some good pets.
I was hoping for an incubus for some levels. Got one, but it provided
only one level.

After too much polymorphing, I headed back down with a purple worm and
a titan wielding the +6 Grayswandir. I named him Graywielder. Do
archons ever get generated in a polytrap? Also, why would the
occasional Aleax not wield Grayswandir?

Back in Gehennom, the titan got hit by a level teleporter. Bleah.

Continued down, whistling for the titan. Hit the bottom on level 47.

Teleported back to level 1 to try to find the titan. Found him on level
10. Fortunately, he was still tame.

Graywielder, the purple worm, and I teleported to the bottom. I found
and marked the vibrating square. Then we headed back up to clear the
wizard tower. We found Yeenoghu on the second tower level. Suddenly
Graywielder is whacking me. Ouch! That +6 Grayswandir can pack a punch!
I quaffed a potion of full healing and zapped a wand of probing at the
titan. He's blind. An extra healing spell fixed that, and we're
friends again. Graywielder turned his attention to Yeenoghu and soon
we're on our way.

We continued up the tower. A potion of full healing brought a djinni
with a wish. Two blessed potions of gain level please. Got one. Grrr.
Level 14, ready for quest but no shock resistance. I'm aiming for 15.
Level 17 is not really needed with a ring of teleport control.

Cleared the rest of the tower but left Rodney for later. Time for the

I found a potion of speed on quest level 2. I had been hoarding potions
of healing, so with this potion of speed, I made a detour back to main
dungeon to do some alchemy and refresh spells. Some alchemy later and I
had 16 blessed diluted potions of full healing (plus 3 blessed
undiluted potions of full healing that I had picked up on the way). I
quaffed 11 of them for the hit point boost (and a stethoscope, if I got
a wish). No wish, but my hit points were somewhat more adequate for
facing Master Kaen.

Back to the quest. One level above Master Kaen, I made my final
preparations. I enchanted my speed boots to +5 (total AC -39). And I
readied a cursed scroll of teleportation, an uncursed scroll of earth,
and 2 blessed potions of full healing.

With trepidation, Graywielder and I descended to Master Kaen's level.
I cast light. Master Kaen teleported over. I cast sleep on him. It
worked. I whistled the titan over, and he killed the sleeping Master
Kaen in three rounds. A titan with the +6 Grayswandir kicks ass.

It was almost anti-climactic.

I guess it's time to get the Book.

Brad the Student of Waters St:18/07 Dx:18 Co:18 In:22 Wi:22 Ch:17
Dlvl:12 $:0 HP:306(306) Pw:128(128) AC:-39 Xp:15/160000 T:69407

I teleported to the bottom to walk up to WizPort. On the way up, I had
two scary encounters. First, Graywielder found a trapper. He and I
quickly exited upstairs. Then he killed a chameleon. I managed to grab
the corpse before he could eat it. That was close.

Rodney was awfully difficult to kill. I used conflict, but my titan
seemed reticent to attack. Finally he did and took out Rodney. Any
tricks to this?

I teleported to the bottom. Damn, Graywielder was still eating. I
teleported back up, whistled him over, and we walked down (I was
running uncomfortably low on scrolls of teleportation).

I went to the square and did the ritual. Thankfully, you don't lose
pacifist conduct if the ensuing flood drowns some monsters. I should
have tested this in wizard mode first.

Rodney appeared in the Sanctum. He teleported into the temple, Double
Troubled, and started attacking the high priest. He never managed to
kill the high priest, but he did summon lots of nasties, which made
life difficult for me. An hour of annoying fighting later, I got hungry
then weak. I teleported to level 2 to pray. The Sanctum was a mess,
with two Rodneys, a high priest, and an arch-lich. I was thinking about
reverse genociding purple worms.

I teleported back down with my titan. After another hour of slogging, I
finally realized how to finish this. I tamed two purple worms that had
shown up. Then I went to the temple door, whistled the worms inside,
backed out, and selectively used conflict when a worm was next to one
of the Rodneys or the high priest. The worms took out the first Rodney,
then the second. This slowed things down to a manageable level. Finally
the worms took out the high priest. In the meantime, three arch-liches
had shown up. Worms swallowed these as well.

Purple worms are my new favorite pet.

I was hungry again. I dropped the amulet at the entrance to the Sanctum
and teleported back to level 2 with my titan and purple worm.

Weird. My prayer timeout wasn't finished yet. I hadn't been
crowned. Guess I just got unlucky.

I tried some more sacrificing, but to no avail. Wow, I must have gotten
a really bad prayer timeout roll. I quaffed 3 blessed potions of fruit
juice to get rid of weak status. But I was out of wands of create

I took a day off to think things over. Ok. I'm not wishless, so why
am I making myself crazy? Time to wish for a wand of polymorph.

Polyed to fix hunger. Dropped a level. I was curious if a blessed
potion of full healing would fix that. A djinni appeared. Blessed magic
marker please. The next blessed potion of full healing gave HP but no
level. Oh well.

It occurred to me that the one problem with smoky potions of full
healing is the possibility of a djinni appearing when you really need
the healing.

The mysterious force was being a total pain in the ass. I didn't keep
a record of the repeated levels, but it felt like I had passed level 42
at least five times. I charmed another purple worm on the way up,

On level 30, my titan got polymorphed into a gnome zombie. A very well
armed gnome zombie. But a gnome zombie. I took him along for old times

On the last level before the valley, Rodney reappeared. My ex-titan got
killed during a conflict session. My purple worm eventually swallowed

When I went over to grab the gear from Graywielder's corpse, I
discovered he had dropped Grayswandir at some point. Then I remembered
that zombies don't use weapons. Oh well.

Rodney appeared again. A purple worm swallowed him. Purple worms are
definitely my new favorite pet.

I refreshed spells on level 2, checked my inventory, and headed
upstairs to start the endgame. Pets: one purple worm. We'll see if
that's enough

Earth was easy. The purple worm ate Rodney, and my extended trip to
Gehennom had provided more than enough wands of digging. I used charm
monster and wands of teleportation on Air. Fire was straightforward.
With ; still around, I was a bit worried about water. I stayed away
from sea creatures and headed towards the last known portal location.
Then I got swallowed by some type of vortex. While waiting to be
expelled, I had a sad feeling. Then Rodney announced his return. I
decided to reverse genocide some more purple worms. One swallowed the
Wizard. Then I found the portal.

I went to the right temple past Pestilence. I slipped around Pestilence
making liberal use of conflict and wands of teleportation and
occasional use of charm monster. The altar was chaotic. My wand of
wishing was at (1:0). The Astral Plane is not the optimal place to
wrest a charge. I started to slog my way towards the next temple, but
when Pestilence reappeared, I realized this was stupid.

I made my way back to the chaotic temple and teleported away annoying
monsters. Then I confused myself and read three scrolls of create
monster. The room filled with acid blobs, and with a moment of peace, I
stood in a corner zapping the wand of wishing until I wrested one more
charge. Helm of opposite alignment, please.

Your mind oscillates briefly.

--.%.|b%)b...| 5

-- --
------- | |....3..
| % | ------
-- -------
- |

Brad the Student of Waters St:18/03 Dx:18 Co:18 In:18 Wi:18 Ch:18
Astral Plane $:0 HP:390(390) Pw:80(152) AC:-23 Xp:17/923744 T:76582
Hungry Burd

You offer the Amulet of Yendor to Huan Ti...
An invisible choir sings, and you are bathed in radiance...
The voice of Huan Ti thunders: "Congratulations, mortal!"
"In return for thy service, I grant thee the gift of Immortality!"
You ascend to the status of Demigoddess...

Do you want your possessions identified? [ynq] (n)

f - an uncursed amulet of reflection (being worn)
X - an uncursed amulet of life saving
p - a cursed +0 helm of opposite alignment (being worn)
B - an uncursed +4 gray dragon scale mail (being worn)
C - an uncursed greased thoroughly burnt +4 robe named Poly15 Incubus5
D - a blessed +5 pair of speed boots (being worn)
E - an uncursed thoroughly burnt rotted +4 pair of leather gloves
(being worn)
F - an uncursed greased rustproof +4 helm of brilliance
G - an uncursed thoroughly burnt +5 small shield (being worn)
b - 2 uncursed cream pies (wielded)
Z - a cursed lizard corpse
m - an uncursed scroll of create monster
a - a cursed ring of teleportation
d - an uncursed ring of free action
j - an uncursed ring of levitation
k - an uncursed ring of teleport control
o - an uncursed rustproof ring of conflict
x - an uncursed ring of slow digestion (on right hand)
H - an uncursed ring of polymorph control
c - a cursed wand of digging (0:1)
h - a blessed wand of polymorph (0:5)
q - a wand of teleportation (1:1)
A - a wand of sleep (0:5)
J - a wand of teleportation (0:0)
K - a wand of fire (0:2)
U - a cursed wand of lightning (0:2)
W - a wand of cancellation (0:6)
e - a blessed +0 unicorn horn
g - an uncursed skeleton key
i - a blessed greased bag of holding
l - the uncursed Eyes of the Overworld (being worn)
t - a cursed towel
w - an uncursed magic whistle
u - a blessed luckstone

Contents of the bag of holding:

an uncursed potion of gain level
6 blessed diluted potions of full healing
4 uncursed potions of full healing
2 blessed potions of full healing
an uncursed potion of healing
5 potions of holy water
3 uncursed potions of water
3 potions of unholy water
an uncursed potion of polymorph (backup nutrition)
8 blessed potions of fruit juice (more backup nutrition)
an uncursed potion of fruit juice
3 uncursed potions of acid (stoning protection)

a blessed magic marker (0:35)
a magic marker (1:11)
a can of grease (0:9)
a blessed scroll of charging
an uncursed amulet of reflection (pet equipment)
an uncursed +0 shield of reflection (pet equipment)
a blessed +0 unicorn horn (pet equipment)
an uncursed leash
an uncursed leash
a blessed spellbook of charm monster (the one spellbook I lugged along)
a +1 bullwhip (for enchanting pet weaponry)
a blessed +4 pair of water walking boots
an uncursed +0 set of silver dragon scales (never switched to SDSM,
an uncursed +0 cloak of magic resistance
an uncursed +0 pair of jumping boots
25 uncursed cream pies (backup pacifist arsenal)

Lots of scrolls, wands, rings, and gems snipped

Do you want to see your attributes? [ynq] (n)

Final Attributes:

You were piously aligned.
You were fire resistant.
You were cold resistant.
You were sleep resistant.
You were shock resistant.
You were poison resistant.
You were magic-protected.
You saw invisible.
You were warned.
You had automatic searching.
You were invisible to others.
You were stealthy.
You had teleport control.
You had slower digestion.
You were protected.
You were very fast.
You had reflection.
You were extremely lucky.
You had extra luck.
Good luck did not time out for you.
You survived.

Do you want an account of creatures vanquished? [ynq] (n)

Vanquished creatures:

The Wizard of Yendor (10 times)
13 arch-liches
a high priest
Master Kaen
a mastodon
6 krakens
13 iron golems
3 master liches
a ki-rin
3 storm giants
a balrog
17 purple worms
6 gray dragons
4 silver dragons
14 red dragons
5 white dragons
an orange dragon
15 black dragons
3 blue dragons
9 green dragons
11 yellow dragons
24 minotaurs
13 jabberwocks
17 baluchitheria
9 Angels
a demilich
Vlad the Impaler
2 stone golems
7 master mind flayers
10 chameleons (one of the most dangerous monsters for a pacifist)
3 Kop Kaptains (thanks for the pies!)
14 Kop Lieutenants
11 Kop Sergeants
34 Keystone Kops
3380 creatures vanquished.

Do you want to see your conduct? [ynq] (n)

Voluntary challenges:

You went without food.
You never hit with a wielded weapon.
You were a pacifist.
You never genocided any monsters.
You never polymorphed an object.
You never changed form.
You used 11 wishes.
You did not wish for any artifacts.

(Wishes: GDSM, scrolls of charging, magic whistle, spellbook of charm
monster, ring of conflict, helm of brilliance, cursed scrolls of
genocide, potion of gain level, wand of polymorph, magic marker, helm
of opposite alignment)

Goodbye Brad the Demigoddess...

You went to your reward with 70832 points,
The Eyes of the Overworld (worth 2500 zorkmids and 6250 points)
6 rubies (worth 21000 zorkmids),
3 amethyst stones (worth 1800 zorkmids),
2 diamonds (worth 8000 zorkmids),
2 aquamarine stones (worth 3000 zorkmids),
2 obsidian stones (worth 400 zorkmids),
1 emerald (worth 2500 zorkmids),
1 chrysoberyl stone (worth 700 zorkmids),
1 garnet stone (worth 700 zorkmids),
1 agate stone (worth 200 zorkmids),
2 amulets of reflection (worth 300 zorkmids),
1 amulet of ESP (worth 150 zorkmids),
1 amulet of life saving (worth 150 zorkmids),
1 amulet of change (worth 150 zorkmids),
1 amulet of unchanging (worth 150 zorkmids),
and 1 piece of gold, after 76582 moves.
You were level 17 with a maximum of 390 hit points when you ascended.

Could I have gone wishless? I could have skipped the GDSM, but this
would have meant searching diligently for polytraps until I found
another source of magic resistance. I had two magic markers, so I might
have been able to write a spellbook of charm monster once my luck had
been maxed. I had found an early potion of polymorph, which I had
(foolishly, in retrospect) diluted. Had I kept it, I could have skipped
the wand of polymorph. Six of the other wishes were purely for
convenience (scrolls of charging, helm of brilliance, cursed scrolls of
genocide, potion of gain level, magic marker, helm of opposite
alignment). The only two essential wishes were the magic whistle and
the ring of conflict. I never came across either of these during the

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