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DOS ASCII-style character set? (for solid walls)

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David Chmelik

Oct 18, 2023, 4:20:14 AM10/18/23
On GNU/Linux Moria/Angband/ToME, how can I get back something like the DOS
extended ASCII character set that made walls solid white characters
instead of hash/pound signs which look much worse? If possible, I'd try
this for the official (Dr David Grabiner) Moria 5.6 or unofficial
( Moria 5.7 and Angband from earlier days when rangers still
had fireballs to maybe current version, and ToME-ah (ToME-SX looks good
also but hasn't had recent updates) (of course I mean Tales/Troubles of
Middle-earth, not the newer ToME that changed the world and is no longer
an Angband variant).
I asked on some IRC channels and got some answers but not sure they'll
work other than a reprogramming of Moria/Angband/ToME with unicode for
contemporary terminals (ttys, xterms), which I don't know I'm up to doing
but could probably suggest on the games' git repository issue/bug report

Eli the Bearded

Oct 18, 2023, 8:40:25 PM10/18/23
In, David Chmelik <> wrote:
> I asked on some IRC channels and got some answers but not sure
> they'll work other than a reprogramming of Moria/Angband/ToME with
> unicode for contemporary terminals (ttys, xterms), which I don't
> know I'm up to doing but could probably suggest on the games' git
> repository issue/bug report pages.

Off the top of my head:

Changing the code to use any single other character is easy (eight bit
character). Changing it to use UTF-8 would be complicated. Using a font
/ charset with drawing characters in highbit octet area would work. Not
sure if you have a font for your xterm or whatever that supports that.

There was a patch / fork that did the work to add colors to Moria for
xterms. if you can compile that, setting foreground color equal to
background color may work.

Looks like I have a copy from literally decades ago. I have not tried to
compile it in this century:

File timestamps all from late 1992.

There's also xmoria, which uses graphical tiles, from early 1993:

has been thinking about a modern rewrite of Moria

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