With rage, flawless dodge, Uncanny Dodge, amazing dexterity, speed and
a host of other defensive and offensive tools up his sleave, he was
basically a unhittable whirlwind of teeth and claws. Everything fell
to him very quickly. I however really needed some sort of See
Invisible as this was his one downfall.
I did find Gauntlets +3 of Lightning early in the game which I suspect
was the real reason I won this game. Wow!! Two claw attacks per
attack with amazing lightning damage. Also I had some other great
The assult of the halls of the goblin king was a slaughter fest, even
blinded Zurvash blessings and a telepath item kept him going as if
nothing had happened. A amulet of boldness was his friend but even his
might was slowing by the end. Once the king was dead he fled without
looking back, leaving many foes (treasure?) behind.
Heres the dump, not sure how this will look.
Zazel, The Crazed Psychopath WINNER
Gender Male
Race Kobold
Class Barbarian 6
Blackguard 5 //black guard was not much help but I was sick of
barbarians so I gave it a try. And where was the second level
Faith Zurvash
XP 67347
Drain 6400
Penal 25%
Next @ 66000
Align Chaotic Evil
STR: 17/62 [+3/+3] (base 16, +5 inherant, -4 natural)
DEX: 29/01 [+8/+8] (base 17, +3 sacred, +5 inherant, +4 natural)
CON: 24/02 [+7/+6] (base 16, +3 sacred, +5 inherant)
INT: 17/05 [+3/+3] (base 10, +5 inherant, +2 natural)
WIS: 18/00 [+4/+3] (base 13, +5 inherant)
CHA: 12/82 [+1/+0] (base 12, +2 inherant, -2 natural)
LUC: 14/00 [+2/+1] (base 14)
Fortitude +18(+5/+4 +7Cn +2Mr -1NL +1Gr)
Reflex +16(+2/+1 +8Dx +2Mr +3Ft -1NL +1Gr)
Will +14(+2/+1 +4Ws +7Mr -1NL +1Gr) (+4 vs. evil magic,
+1 vs. poison)
Brawl +toHit +30 (Barbarian +6/ Blackguard +5, +8 Dex, +3 magic, +2
morale, -1 neglev, +1 size, +6 circumstance)
Damage +7 (base 0, +3 Str, +3 magic, +1 feat)
Speed 165%(base 100% +5% Barbarian +15% Blackguard +45% circumstance)
Size Small: (base small)
Defense Class 27: (base 10, +3 Barbarian, +1 Blackguard, +8 Dex, +2
morale, -1 neglev, +1 size, +3 dodge)
Coverage 13: (base 0, +13 armor)
Movement Rate 65%: (base 75% +30% class) x 140% skill x 50%
circumstance x 90% encumbrance
Hit Dice Rolls 293: [20 + 6d12 (12, 12, 12, 12, 12, 12) + 5d10 (10,
10, 10, 10, 10) + 119 (CON bonus) x 90% (Size)] + 25% (Toughness) //
ok so I cheated here
Mana Rolls 224: 10 + 6d4 (2, 4, 3, 3, 2, 2) x 5 + 5d6 (3, 6, 3,
3, 3) x 5 + 44 (WIS bonus)
Encumbrance Light:
Magic Resist 15%: (base 0, +15 magic)
Spell Slots 2nd: 2+4 (3) //I had no access to blackguard lev 2
Special Abilities:
Berserk Rage
Command Animals
Command Undead
Divine Grace
Increased Move
Infravision (60 ft)
Innate Spells:
Fiendish Servant
Lightning Bolt
Greater Magic Fang
Detect Good
Magic Fang
Ki Strike +3
Scent (70 ft)
Smite Good Creatures
Sneak Attack +1d6
Spellcasting (2nd)
Species Affinity:
Telepathy (90 ft)
Tough as Hell
Improved Uncanny Dodge
Flawless Dodge
Mighty Stroke
Defensive Roll
Water Walking
Armor Proficiency: Light
Armor Proficiency: Medium
Close Quarters Fighter
Dirty Fighting
Fists of Iron
Lightning Reflexes
Master Grapple
Natural Aptitude
Swarm Tactics
Weapon Finesse
Resistances and Armor:
Slashing Damage 9
Piercing Damage 8
Blunt Damage 7
Complete Immunities:
Proficiencies Simple Weapons, Long Blades, Axes, Impact, Polearms,
Spears, Flails, Light Armor, Medium Armor and whip
Skill Ratings:
Athletics +17 (9 ranks, +6 CON, +2 train)
Climb +13 (0 ranks, +8 DEX, +3 train, +2 synergy)
Craft +14 (2 ranks, +3 WIS, +3 train, +2 racial, +4 kit)
Decipher Script +10 (5 ranks, +3 INT, +2 kit)
Find Weakness +13 (8 ranks, +3 WIS, +2 train)
Handle Device +18 (5 ranks, +3 INT, +2 train, +4 racial, +4 kit)
Healing +16 (9 ranks, +3 WIS, +2 train, +2 kit)
Hide in Shadows +21 (7 ranks, +8 DEX, +2 train, +4 size)
Intimidate +18 (12 ranks, +3 STR, +3 train)
Intuition +7 (2 ranks, +3 WIS, +2 train)
Jump +12 (0 ranks, +8 DEX, +2 train, +2 synergy)
Knowledge (Infernal) +15 (9 ranks, +3 INT, +2 train, +1 synergy)
Knowledge (Nature) +5 (0 ranks, +3 INT, +2 train)
Knowledge (Planes) +8 (3 ranks, +3 INT, +2 train)
Knowledge (Theology) +11 (2 ranks, +3 WIS, +2 train, +4 kit)
Listen +7 (2 ranks, +3 WIS, +2 train)
Lockpicking +9 (0 ranks, +8 DEX, +1 synergy)
Mining +10 (3 ranks, +3 STR, +2 train, +2 racial)
Poison Use +6 (0 ranks, +3 INT, +3 train)
Ride +5 (0 ranks, +3 WIS, +2 train)
Searching +7 (0 ranks, +3 INT, +2 racial, +2 kit)
Spot +14 (9 ranks, +3 WIS, +2 train)
Swimming +7 (0 ranks, +3 STR, +2 train, +2 synergy)
Wilderness Lore +6 (1 ranks, +3 WIS, +2 train)
Spiritual State:
__You are devoted to Zurvash.
__You are the hand of Zurvash //yeah baby!
____on Theyra.
__Zurvash has not aided you. //didnt need aid, as he fled when
in trouble
____(Favor 24165, Lev 9, Pen 0%)
__You have angered Zurvash. //must of been on the way up :(
__You flawlessly embody Evil.
__You flawlessly embody Chaos. //you bet he did!
uncursed short sword +5 //for coupe de grace only
uncursed feather-light bonemail armor +5 //kick ass
uncursed Boots of Levitation {good/arc} [-2, -15%, -50%] //very
uncursed Mantle of Magic Resistance +1 [+15]
mildly cracked uncursed Ring of Water Walking
mildly cracked uncursed Ring of Free Action {good/abj} //good
partly damaged uncursed Holy symbol of Zurvash
uncursed Gauntlets +3 of Lightning
mildly cracked uncursed Helm +4 of Telepathy //exellent
mildly damaged uncursed Bracers +4 of Blinding Strikes [+45%, +8] //
uncursed Boots +1 of Striding and Springing {magical/tha} [+20%, +2]
uncursed Amulet +5 of Life Protection [+20, +10]
45 uncursed Potions of Healing {magical/tha} [2d8+8]
uncursed Amulet +1 of Life Protection [+4, +2]
uncursed Boots +3 of the Winterlands [+9]
uncursed Cloak +2 of Resistance [+2]
14 uncursed Potions of Extra-Healing [3d8+12]
uncursed Ring +2 of Fire Resistance [+6]
35 uncursed Scrolls of Identify
On The Ground:
Known Spells:
Fiendish Servant 0 100% 0
Protection from Good 1 100% 5 +4
Heroism 3 100% 25 +2
Lightning Bolt 3 100% 6 2d6+4
Greater Magic Fang 0 100% 0 //gimme gimme
Detect Good 1 100% 5 +29
Doom 1 91% 2 -4
Magic Fang 1 100% 5 +1
Pain Touch 1 96% 1
12:00 AM, 1st of Suntide: Unknown Location (H:11/18 M:10/10 XP:0)
Starting Perks:
Innate Spell: Lightning Bolt.
Save Bonus: +4 vs. Evil magic.
12:00 AM, 1st of Suntide: Entry Chamber, 10' (H:36/36 M:13/13 XP:0)
You arrive at 10' in the The Goblin Caves.
11:20 PM, 1st of Suntide: Parthenion, 20' (H:24/77 M:34/34 XP:3672)
You attempted conversion to Zurvash.
11:20 PM, 1st of Suntide: Parthenion, 20' (H:24/77 M:34/34 XP:3672)
"Honor my name and my covenant, and thou shalt attain great glory!"
4:40 AM, 15th of Suntide: Ancient Barracks, 80' (H:74/254 M:189/224 XP:
Seen: mind flayer warrior (CR 10)
You are gravely wounded by a spellstitched icewight!
Monsters Encountered:
Total: 1865
321 Animals
123 Bats
17 Birds
12 Cats
56 Dogs
16 Eye Creatures
32 Faeries
227 Goblinkin
871 Humanoids
36 Imps
11 Jellies
11 Oozes
20 Kobolds
9 Lycanthropes
6 Nagas
58 Orcs
39 Quadrupeds
117 Rodents
61 Spiders
10 Trappers
5 Hags
27 Vortices
6 Worms
101 Vermin
42 Celestials
129 Beasts
94 Constructs
71 Dragons
26 Elementals
34 Fungi
1 Golems
30 Giants
4 Illithids
1 Genies
46 Elementalkin
22 Mythic Hybrids
251 Outsiders
40 Plant Creatures
66 Reptiles
23 Snakes
7 Spirits
10 Trolls
177 Corporeal Undead
12 Vampires
42 Negative Undead
185 Aberrations
23 Hominids
127 Zombies
21 Humans
10 Elves
15 Dwarves
11 Halflings
18 Drow
26 Swarms
27 Planetoucheds
23 Demons
19 Devils
Level Statistics:
Lvl | Act | Key | Turns | Secs | XP | Explored
1 | 2524| 4511|1113005| 1706| 3044|3183 / 3477 = 91%
2 |10809|19072| 953514| 10434| 4593|3523 / 3617 = 97%
3 | 5765| 8969| 547397| 4529| 5535|4002 / 4079 = 98%
4 | 4938| 8300| 99308| 4347| 5850|2891 / 3063 = 94%
5 | 6207|10628|1022198| 8686|10084|4492 / 4600 = 97%
6 | 5069|10643| 281382| 6892| 5617|3898 / 3926 = 99%
7 | 4290| 8370|1090983| 8724|10687|4475 / 4538 = 98%
8 | 4127| 8985| 394611| 10836|16863|4091 / 4647 = 88%
9 | 1331| 2769| 326172| 1643| 4779|1813 / 3784 = 47%
10 | 1062| 2885| 99335| 1493| 6695|1646 / 5100 = 32%
You have won...
Do you need to carry the spell books? I saw none in your inventory.
> With rage, flawless dodge, Uncanny Dodge, amazing dexterity, speed and
> a host of other defensive and offensive tools up his sleave, he was
> basically a unhittable whirlwind of teeth and claws. Everything fell
> to him very quickly. I however really needed some sort of See
> Invisible as this was his one downfall.
See Invisible is very useful in Incursion. Lacking any other source,
you can buy the feat Natural Aptitude (Alchemy) and use Alchemy
to allow you to manufacture twilight salve. It's a useful skill for
of other alchemical items, too.
> I did find Gauntlets +3 of Lightning early in the game which I suspect
> was the real reason I won this game. Wow!! Two claw attacks per
> attack with amazing lightning damage. Also I had some other great
> equipment.
> Blackguard 5 //black guard was not much help but I was sick of
> barbarians so I gave it a try. And where was the second level
> spells????
You get a caster level at every even blackguard level, for a
total of 2 as a level 5 blackguard. Level 2 casters can only
use level 1 spells; you get your first level 2 slot at caster
level 3. Caster Level != Spell Level. Check out the spell
slot progression chart in the spellcasting chapter of the
manual for how many base spell slots of each spell level you
have at a given caster level.
> __You have angered Zurvash. //must of been on the way up :(
This may be a bug if you started the game in a version earlier
than 0.6.2F. It says you've angered your god, but you really
haven't. It's fixed now.
> Greater Magic Fang 0 100% 0 //gimme gimme
I will get this fixed up ASAP. I've had it mentioned by
others as well and didn't realize it was still not
-- Julian Mensch
Thank you, now I can get back to my life!
> > Blackguard 5 //black guard was not much help but I was sick of
> > barbarians so I gave it a try. And where was the second level
> > spells????
> You get a caster level at every even blackguard level, for a
> total of 2 as a level 5 blackguard. Level 2 casters can only
> use level 1 spells; you get your first level 2 slot at caster
> level 3. Caster Level != Spell Level. Check out the spell
> slot progression chart in the spellcasting chapter of the
> manual for how many base spell slots of each spell level you
> have at a given caster level.
Yep I was aware of the even level spell level progression :)
The spells did not show up in the spell selection screen when I was at
level 4 or 5. Only the level one spells were there for selection. I
have not really played spell casters yet, is there anything I didnt do
to make them visible, or is it a bug?
> > __You have angered Zurvash. //must of been on the way up :(
> This may be a bug if you started the game in a version earlier
> than 0.6.2F. It says you've angered your god, but you really
> haven't. It's fixed now.
I was using 0.6.1(something), it could of been the fact I used a wand
of beast summoning near the end (maybe I summoned something he did not
Nope, they are evil priest spells, so no spell books required.
You get a new /spell/ level every odd caster level. You get
a new /caster/ level every even blackguard level. So you do
not get 2nd level spells as a barbarian 6 / blackguard 5. You
get access to 2nd-level spells with 6 blackguard levels, which
would give you the same spell slots as a 3rd-level mage. Just
think of it as, "a blackguard has the same spell slots as a
cleric of half his blackguard level."
I didn't realize how confusing this concept could get until
I tried to articulate it. :)
-- Julian Mensch
-- Julian
Wow cool, I go by nothing other than Corremn.
Here is the full dump unless you want the html file. Hmm just noticed
my speed was reduced by 50% from the boots I wore to make the journey
back easier.
Zazel, The Crazed Psychopath WINNER
Gender Male
Race Kobold
Class Barbarian 6
Blackguard 5
Mana Rolls 224:
10 + 6d4 (2, 4, 3, 3, 2, 2) x 5 + 5d6 (3, 6, 3, 3, 3) x 5 + 44 (WIS
Encumbrance Light:
(Light 33.2s, Moderate 99.7s, Heavy 199.5s, Extreme 300.0s, Max
Press 260.0s)
Magic Resist 15%:
(base 0, +15 magic)
Spell Slots 2nd:
2+4 (3)
Special Abilities:
____on Theyra.
__Zurvash has not aided you.
____(Favor 24165, Lev 9, Pen 0%)
__You have angered Zurvash.
__You flawlessly embody Evil.
__You flawlessly embody Chaos.
uncursed short sword +5
uncursed ring mail +1 of medium fortification and etherealness
uncursed feather-light bonemail armor +5
uncursed Boots of Levitation {good/arc} [-2, -15%, -50%]
uncursed Mantle of Magic Resistance +1 [+15]
mildly cracked uncursed Ring of Water Walking
mildly cracked uncursed Ring of Free Action {good/abj}
partly damaged uncursed Holy symbol of Zurvash
uncursed Gauntlets +3 of Lightning
mildly cracked uncursed Helm +4 of Telepathy
mildly damaged uncursed Bracers +4 of Blinding Strikes [+45%, +8]
uncursed Boots +1 of Striding and Springing {magical/tha} [+20%, +2]
uncursed Amulet +5 of Life Protection [+20, +10]
45 uncursed Potions of Healing {magical/tha} [2d8+8]
blessed Ring +5 of the Ram [5d10+4, 5d2] (3 uses left)
uncursed small backpack
uncursed Amulet +1 of Life Protection [+4, +2]
uncursed Periapt of Wound Closure
uncursed Boots +3 of the Winterlands [+9]
uncursed Boots of the Druid {good/wea}
uncursed Cloak +2 of Resistance [+2]
4322 uncursed gold pieces {mundane}
2 uncursed Potions of Clairvoyance
3 uncursed Potions of Cure Disease {good} [0]
14 uncursed Potions of Extra-Healing [3d8+12]
3 uncursed Potions of Light
uncursed Potion of Mana [3d8+8]
uncursed Potion of Mending {magical/arc}
uncursed Potion of True-Healing [4d8+20]
uncursed Potion of Valor [0]
6 uncursed Potions of Vitality [3d4+1]
uncursed Ring +1 of the Gnomes [+2, +2]
uncursed Ring +2 of Fire Resistance [+6]
uncursed Scroll of Alarm
uncursed Scroll of Cure Disease [0]
uncursed Scroll of Hallow
35 uncursed Scrolls of Identify
uncursed Scroll of Infravision
uncursed Scroll of Passwall [3]
2 blessed Scrolls of Cure Disease {good} [0]
uncursed Holy symbol of The Multitude {magical}
2 uncursed sets of craftsman's tools {mundane}
2 uncursed healing kits
2 uncursed sets of mechanical tools
2 uncursed viewing lenses
2 vials of water {magical} [3d6]
uncursed Wand +1 of Beast Summoning (43 charges)
uncursed Wand +4 of Fire Bolts [8d6+4] (30 charges)
uncursed Wand of Alacrity {magical/tha} [+25%] (34 charges)
On The Ground:
Known Spells:
Fiendish Servant 0 100% 0
Protection from Good 1 100% 5 +4
Heroism 3 100% 25 +2
Lightning Bolt 3 100% 6 2d6+4
Greater Magic Fang 0 100% 0
Detect Good 1 100% 5 +29
Doom 1 91% 2 -4
Magic Fang 1 100% 5 +1
Pain Touch 1 96% 1
12:00 AM, 1st of Suntide: Unknown Location (H:11/18 M:10/10 XP:0)
Starting Perks:
Innate Spell: Lightning Bolt.
Save Bonus: +4 vs. Evil magic.
12:00 AM, 1st of Suntide: Entry Chamber, 10' (H:36/36 M:13/13 XP:0)
You arrive at 10' in the The Goblin Caves.
12:10 AM, 1st of Suntide: Kobold Warren, 10' (H:8/36 M:13/13 XP:410)
Seen: skeleton (CR 1)
You are gravely wounded by a skeletal foot soldier!
12:38 AM, 1st of Suntide: Webbed Corridor, 10' (H:8/36 M:13/13 XP:
Seen: skeletal foot soldier (CR 1)
You have enough experience to advance to level two.
1:43 AM, 1st of Suntide: Winding Corridor, 10' (H:16/57 M:18/24 XP:
Seen: graveborn cave orc (CR 2)
Seen: uncursed Girdle +1 of Dwarvenkind (IL 3)
You are gravely wounded by a crawling claw!
10:26 PM, 1st of Suntide: Kobold Warren, 10' (H:57/57 M:24/24 XP:
Seen: crawling claw (CR 0)
Seen: uncursed Horn +1 of the Kobolds (3 uses left) (IL 2)
You have enough experience to advance to level three.
11:00 PM, 1st of Suntide: Earthen Cavern, 20' (H:77/77 M:34/34 XP:
Seen: cave orc (CR 1)
Seen: uncursed Ring +1 of Elvenkind (IL 3)
You arrive at 20' in the The Goblin Caves.
11:09 PM, 1st of Suntide: Parthenion, 20' (H:77/77 M:34/34 XP:2833)
You sacrificed a cave orc corpse (fresh, DC 20) to Zurvash.
Sweet smoke rises from the altar. You feel that Zurvash is impressed
by your offering.
11:20 PM, 1st of Suntide: Parthenion, 20' (H:24/77 M:34/34 XP:3672)
Seen: human (CR 3)
You sacrificed an adlet ranger corpse (fresh, DC 20) to Zurvash.
Sweet smoke rises from the altar. You feel that Zurvash is impressed
by your offering.
11:20 PM, 1st of Suntide: Parthenion, 20' (H:24/77 M:34/34 XP:3672)
You attempted conversion to Zurvash.
11:20 PM, 1st of Suntide: Parthenion, 20' (H:24/77 M:34/34 XP:3672)
"Honor my name and my covenant, and thou shalt attain great glory!"
11:20 PM, 1st of Suntide: Parthenion, 20' (H:24/77 M:34/34 XP:3672)
You sacrificed an adlet bandit corpse (fresh, DC 20) to Zurvash.
Sweet smoke rises from the altar. You feel that Zurvash is impressed
by your offering.
11:20 PM, 1st of Suntide: Parthenion, 20' (H:24/77 M:34/34 XP:3672)
"I grant unto thee this blessing!"
11:29 PM, 1st of Suntide: Parthenion, 20' (H:53/106 M:34/34 XP:3685)
Seen: ice toad (CR 2)
You sacrificed a half-fiend adlet corpse (fresh, DC 20) to Zurvash.
Sweet smoke rises from the altar. You feel that Zurvash is impressed
by your offering.
11:29 PM, 1st of Suntide: Parthenion, 20' (H:53/106 M:34/34 XP:3685)
You sacrificed a hill orc monk corpse (fresh, DC 20) to Zurvash.
Sweet smoke rises from the altar. You feel that Zurvash is impressed
by your offering.
11:29 PM, 1st of Suntide: Parthenion, 20' (H:53/106 M:34/34 XP:3685)
"I grant unto thee this blessing!"
11:29 PM, 1st of Suntide: Parthenion, 20' (H:53/106 M:34/34 XP:3685)
You sacrificed an aranea bandit corpse (fresh, DC 10) to Zurvash.
Sweet smoke rises from the altar. You feel that Zurvash is impressed
by your offering.
11:45 PM, 1st of Suntide: Parthenion, 20' (H:50/96 M:34/34 XP:3973)
Seen: ice toad (CR 2)
Seen: uncursed Boots +1 of the Spur (IL 2)
You sacrificed a half-fiend cave orc corpse (fresh, DC 20) to
Sweet smoke rises from the altar. You feel that Zurvash is impressed
by your offering.
11:45 PM, 1st of Suntide: Parthenion, 20' (H:50/96 M:34/34 XP:3973)
"I grant unto thee this blessing!"
11:45 PM, 1st of Suntide: Parthenion, 20' (H:50/96 M:34/34 XP:3973)
You sacrificed an aasimar rogue corpse (fresh, DC 20) to Zurvash.
Sweet smoke rises from the altar. You feel that Zurvash is impressed
by your offering.
11:55 PM, 1st of Suntide: Ice Matrix, 20' (H:31/96 M:7/34 XP:4189)
Seen: ancient skeletal trooper (CR 6)
You are gravely wounded by your ancient skeletal trooper!
8:26 AM, 2nd of Suntide: Ancient Library, 20' (H:80/96 M:34/34 XP:
Seen: ancient skeletal trooper (CR 6)
Seen: uncursed Horn +1 of the Kobolds (3 uses left) (IL 2)
You have enough experience to advance to level four.
12:42 AM, 2nd of Suntide: Armoury, 30' (H:75/96 M:34/34 XP:5226)
Seen: slow shadow (CR 2)
You arrive at 30' in the The Goblin Caves.
12:59 AM, 2nd of Suntide: Parthenion, 20' (H:121/121 M:54/54 XP:5526)
Seen: skilled tiefling monk (CR 3)
You sacrificed a skilled tiefling monk corpse (fresh, DC 20) to
Sweet smoke rises from the altar. You feel that Zurvash is impressed
by your offering.
1:27 AM, 2nd of Suntide: Parthenion, 20' (H:90/121 M:54/54 XP:5738)
Seen: graveborn hobgoblin (CR 4)
You sacrificed a grimlock barbarian corpse (fresh, DC 20) to
Sweet smoke rises from the altar. You feel that Zurvash is impressed
by your offering.
1:43 AM, 2nd of Suntide: Armoury, 30' (H:36/121 M:54/54 XP:6094)
Seen: skeletal trooper (CR 5)
You are gravely wounded by a crocodile!
2:39 AM, 3rd of Suntide: Parthenion, 20' (H:97/121 M:54/54 XP:6762)
Seen: ancient skeletal trooper (CR 6)
Seen: uncursed Horn +1 of the Kobolds (3 uses left) (IL 2)
You sacrificed a half-fiend cave orc corpse (fresh, DC 20) to
Sweet smoke rises from the altar. You feel that Zurvash is impressed
by your offering.
3:31 AM, 3rd of Suntide: Winding Corridor, 40' (H:85/121 M:58/58 XP:
Seen: ice toad zombie (CR 3)
You arrive at 40' in the The Goblin Caves.
3:41 AM, 3rd of Suntide: Mud-Choked River, 30' (H:39/121 M:58/58 XP:
Seen: stunjelly (CR 5)
You are gravely wounded by a clockwork boa constrictor!
5:44 PM, 3rd of Suntide: Parthenion, 20' (H:84/121 M:46/46 XP:8306)
Seen: clockwork boa constrictor (CR 3)
Seen: uncursed Horn +1 of the Kobolds (3 uses left) (IL 2)
You sacrificed a black orc Multitude cultist corpse (fresh, DC 20)
to Zurvash.
Sweet smoke rises from the altar. You feel that Zurvash is impressed
by your offering.
6:02 PM, 3rd of Suntide: Cooled Magma Flow, 30' (H:39/121 M:42/46 XP:
Seen: skeleton (CR 5)
You are gravely wounded by a plague of rats!
6:17 PM, 3rd of Suntide: Oddly-formed Hall, 30' (H:44/139 M:34/50 XP:
Seen: elder skeletal trooper (CR 5)
You are gravely wounded by a drow ranger!
11:26 PM, 3rd of Suntide: Parthenion, 20' (H:79/151 M:50/50 XP:10066)
Seen: elder graveborn kobold (CR 4)
Seen: uncursed Horn +1 of the Kobolds (3 uses left) (IL 2)
You have enough experience to advance to level five.
2:27 AM, 4th of Suntide: Parthenion, 20' (H:103/175 M:62/62 XP:10066)
You sacrificed a hatchling white dragon corpse (fresh, DC 15) to
Sweet smoke rises from the altar. You feel that Zurvash is impressed
by your offering.
2:45 AM, 4th of Suntide: Cooled Magma Flow, 30' (H:48/145 M:30/67 XP:
Seen: skeletal trooper (CR 5)
Seen: uncursed Tome +1 of Clear Thought (IL 6)
You are gravely wounded by a grick skeleton!
2:50 AM, 4th of Suntide: Place of Sanctuary, 30' (H:44/145 M:32/67 XP:
Seen: grick skeleton (CR 3)
You are gravely wounded by a bull shark!
3:29 AM, 4th of Suntide: Parthenion, 20' (H:9/145 M:50/67 XP:11632)
Seen: stunjelly (CR 5)
You sacrificed a kyrie bandit corpse (fresh, DC 20) to Zurvash.
Sweet smoke rises from the altar. You feel that Zurvash is impressed
by your offering.
5:18 AM, 5th of Suntide: Parthenion, 20' (H:145/145 M:72/72 XP:12060)
Seen: mummy (CR 5)
Seen: uncursed Horn +1 of the Kobolds (3 uses left) (IL 2)
You sacrificed a chitine priest corpse (fresh, DC 20) to Zurvash.
Sweet smoke rises from the altar. You feel that Zurvash is impressed
by your offering.
5:18 AM, 5th of Suntide: Parthenion, 20' (H:145/145 M:72/72 XP:12060)
"I grant unto thee this blessing!"
6:42 AM, 5th of Suntide: Parthenion, 20' (H:145/145 M:72/72 XP:12984)
Seen: mote of fire (CR 4)
Seen: uncursed Gauntlets +3 of Lightning (IL 6)
You sacrificed a hatchling copper dragon corpse (fresh, DC 15) to
Sweet smoke rises from the altar. You feel that Zurvash is impressed
by your offering.
7:44 AM, 5th of Suntide: Parthenion, 20' (H:120/145 M:72/72 XP:13832)
Seen: plague of locusts (CR 4)
You sacrificed a very young black dragon corpse (fresh, DC 15) to
Sweet smoke rises from the altar. You feel that Zurvash is impressed
by your offering.
5:40 AM, 6th of Suntide: Winding Corridor, 40' (H:80/145 M:55/72 XP:
Seen: floating eye (CR 8)
Seen: uncursed Horn +1 of the Kobolds (3 uses left) (IL 2)
You have enough experience to advance to level six.
6:03 AM, 6th of Suntide: Parthenion, 20' (H:80/145 M:67/72 XP:15546)
Seen: human (CR 2)
You sacrificed a kyrie bandit corpse (fresh, DC 20) to Zurvash.
Sweet smoke rises from the altar. You feel that Zurvash is impressed
by your offering.
6:03 AM, 6th of Suntide: Parthenion, 20' (H:80/145 M:67/72 XP:15546)
You sacrificed a skilled aranea barbarian corpse (fresh, DC 10) to
Sweet smoke rises from the altar. You feel that Zurvash is impressed
by your offering.
6:03 AM, 6th of Suntide: Parthenion, 20' (H:80/145 M:67/72 XP:15546)
"I grant unto thee this blessing!"
8:16 AM, 6th of Suntide: Parthenion, 20' (H:145/184 M:77/82 XP:16916)
Seen: mummy (CR 5)
You sacrificed a slyph corpse (fresh, DC 20) to Zurvash.
Sweet smoke rises from the altar. You feel that Zurvash is impressed
by your offering.
8:16 AM, 6th of Suntide: Parthenion, 20' (H:145/184 M:77/82 XP:16916)
"I grant unto thee this blessing!"
9:03 AM, 6th of Suntide: Unworked Stone, 50' (H:184/184 M:77/82 XP:
Seen: caryatid column (CR 3)
Seen: uncursed padded armor +4 (IL 8)
You arrive at 50' in the The Goblin Caves.
10:04 AM, 6th of Suntide: Unholy Sepulchre, 50' (H:92/298 M:77/82 XP:
Seen: human (CR 12)
You are gravely wounded by a canis dirus zombie!
9:24 PM, 6th of Suntide: Parthenion, 20' (H:163/198 M:77/82 XP:20374)
Seen: elder cave orc (CR 11)
Seen: negative-material uncursed Boots of Thunder (IL 3)
You sacrificed a grey nymph corpse (fresh, DC 20) to Zurvash.
Sweet smoke rises from the altar. You feel that Zurvash is impressed
by your offering.
9:24 PM, 6th of Suntide: Parthenion, 20' (H:163/198 M:77/82 XP:20374)
"I grant unto thee this blessing!"
9:24 PM, 6th of Suntide: Parthenion, 20' (H:163/198 M:77/82 XP:20374)
You sacrificed a disir corpse (fresh, DC 20) to Zurvash.
Sweet smoke rises from the altar. You feel that Zurvash is impressed
by your offering.
9:24 PM, 6th of Suntide: Parthenion, 20' (H:163/198 M:77/82 XP:20374)
"I grant unto thee this blessing!"
10:37 PM, 6th of Suntide: Winding Corridor, 40' (H:198/198 M:67/82 XP:
Seen: ancient skeletal foot soldier (CR 4)
You have enough experience to advance to level seven.
11:09 PM, 6th of Suntide: Winding Corridor, 60' (H:209/216 M:99/114 XP:
Seen: ancient tiefling vampire (CR 12)
You arrive at 60' in the The Goblin Caves.
12:42 AM, 6th of Suntide: Parthenion, 20' (H:216/216 M:94/114 XP:
Seen: floating eye (CR 8)
"I grant unto thee this blessing!"
12:42 AM, 6th of Suntide: Parthenion, 20' (H:216/216 M:94/114 XP:
You sacrificed a green hag corpse (fresh, DC 20) to Zurvash.
Sweet smoke rises from the altar. You feel that Zurvash is impressed
by your offering.
1:18 AM, 7th of Suntide: Parthenion, 20' (H:216/216 M:94/114 XP:
Seen: wereboar (CR 6)
You sacrificed a hound archon corpse (fresh, DC 20) to Zurvash.
Sweet smoke rises from the altar. You feel that Zurvash is impressed
by your offering.
10:31 AM, 7th of Suntide: Parthenion, 20' (H:216/216 M:109/114 XP:
Seen: guardian naga (CR 12)
Seen: 4 produced flame +4 (4 shots, 0 turns) (IL 8)
You sacrificed a guardian naga corpse (fresh, DC 15) to Zurvash.
Sweet smoke rises from the altar. You feel that Zurvash is impressed
by your offering.
1:37 AM, 8th of Suntide: Vast Ampitheater, 60' (H:310/321 M:51/114 XP:
Seen: naga (CR 12)
Seen: force construct staff +2 (0 turns) (IL 4)
You sacrificed a graveborn annis corpse (fresh, DC 25) to Zurvash.
Sweet smoke rises from the altar. You feel that Zurvash is impressed
by your offering.
1:43 AM, 8th of Suntide: Winding Corridor, 60' (H:234/261 M:49/114 XP:
Seen: skeleton (CR 6)
You have enough experience to advance to level eight.
2:03 AM, 9th of Suntide: Vast Ampitheater, 60' (H:172/172 M:127/142 XP:
Seen: graveborn young dragon (CR 6)
You sacrificed a hatchling plant ur-dragon corpse (fresh, DC 15) to
Sweet smoke rises from the altar. You feel that Zurvash is impressed
by your offering.
2:45 AM, 9th of Suntide: Community Offices, 60' (H:41/157 M:122/142 XP:
Seen: ursoi skeleton (CR 6)
You are gravely wounded by a giant slug!
11:10 AM, 9th of Suntide: Vast Ampitheater, 60' (H:117/172 M:127/142
Seen: giant slug (CR 6)
You sacrificed a chitine shadowdancer corpse (fresh, DC 20) to
Sweet smoke rises from the altar. You feel that Zurvash is impressed
by your offering.
12:20 AM, 9th of Suntide: Community Offices, 60' (H:50/157 M:127/142
Seen: turbulent mote of entropy (CR 6)
You are gravely wounded by a giant slug!
9:51 PM, 9th of Suntide: Fungi Garden, 70' (H:277/342 M:126/142 XP:
Seen: giant slug (CR 6)
You arrive at 70' in the The Goblin Caves.
11:26 PM, 9th of Suntide: Vast Ampitheater, 60' (H:121/189 M:127/142
Seen: mind flayer warrior (CR 12)
Seen: uncursed Manual of Gainful Exercise +1 (IL 6)
You sacrificed a juvenile white dragon corpse (fresh, DC 15) to
Sweet smoke rises from the altar. You feel that Zurvash is impressed
by your offering.
11:26 PM, 9th of Suntide: Vast Ampitheater, 60' (H:121/189 M:127/142
You sacrificed an ursoi Multitude cultist corpse (fresh, DC 20) to
Sweet smoke rises from the altar. You feel that Zurvash is impressed
by your offering.
12:10 AM, 9th of Suntide: Slime Chamber, 80' (H:252/252 M:102/142 XP:
Seen: mote of pure magic (CR 7)
Seen: uncursed short sword +5 (IL 10)
You arrive at 80' in the The Goblin Caves.
12:23 AM, 9th of Suntide: Ice Cavern, 70' (H:240/252 M:102/142 XP:
Seen: dire ice toad (CR 7)
You have enough experience to advance to level nine.
8:59 AM, 10th of Suntide: Vast Ampitheater, 60' (H:261/271 M:118/158
Seen: elder wraith (CR 7)
Seen: 6 produced flame +5 (6 shots, 0 turns) (IL 10)
You sacrificed a half-fiend skilled belabra corpse (fresh, DC 15) to
Sweet smoke rises from the altar. You feel that Zurvash is impressed
by your offering.
8:59 AM, 10th of Suntide: Vast Ampitheater, 60' (H:261/271 M:118/158
You sacrificed an elder vampire spawn bandit corpse (fresh, DC 25)
to Zurvash.
Sweet smoke rises from the altar. You feel that Zurvash is impressed
by your offering.
9:06 AM, 10th of Suntide: Lesser Vault, 50' (H:119/361 M:117/158 XP:
Seen: vrock (CR 11)
You are gravely wounded by a vrock!
5:37 AM, 11st of Suntide: Ancient Barracks, 80' (H:287/288 M:118/158
Seen: vrock (CR 11)
Seen: uncursed field plate armor +5 (IL 11)
You have enough experience to advance to level ten.
6:11 AM, 11st of Suntide: Abatoir, 80' (H:162/310 M:134/174 XP:46686)
Seen: young adult yellow dragon (CR 8)
Seen: uncursed chainmail +5 (IL 10)
You feel uneasy.
6:11 AM, 11st of Suntide: Abatoir, 80' (H:162/310 M:134/174 XP:46686)
You feel uneasy.
6:11 AM, 11st of Suntide: Abatoir, 80' (H:162/310 M:134/174 XP:46686)
You feel uneasy.
6:48 AM, 11st of Suntide: Ancient Barracks, 80' (H:91/274 M:134/174 XP:
Seen: silver dragon (CR 8)
Seen: uncursed Potion of Restore Strength (IL 0)
You are gravely wounded by an ethereal shadow ooze!
11:15 AM, 12nd of Suntide: Unworked Stone, 90' (H:235/293 M:224/224 XP:
Seen: naga (CR 12)
Seen: blessed Ring +5 of the Ram (3 uses left) (IL 10)
You arrive at 90' in the The Goblin Caves.
6:55 AM, 14th of Suntide: Unworked Stone, 100' (H:234/293 M:189/224 XP:
Seen: dragonne (CR 9)
Seen: uncursed ring mail +1 of medium fortification and etherealness
(IL 12)
You arrive at 100' in the The Goblin Caves.
4:20 AM, 15th of Suntide: The Goblin Encampment, 100' (H:260/293 M:
189/224 XP:72403)
Seen: elder tojanda (CR 11)
Seen: blessed Ring +5 of the Ram (3 uses left) (IL 10)
You have enough experience to advance to level eleven.
4:20 AM, 15th of Suntide: The Goblin Encampment, 100' (H:260/293 M:
189/224 XP:72478)
Seen: tojanda (CR 9)
You have enough experience to advance to level twelve.
4:36 AM, 15th of Suntide: Ancient Barracks, 80' (H:72/254 M:189/224 XP:
Seen: elder tojanda (CR 11)
Seen: 4 produced flame +4 (4 shots, 0 turns) (IL 8)
You are gravely wounded by an icewight!
Level Statistics:
uck blind! You briefly blind the hill orc! Your gauntlets crackle!
>From the shadows, a shocker lizard!
This must be a shocking elven sickle!
Listen Check: 1d20 (18) +7 = 25 vs DC 10 [success].
You hear the sounds of conflict to the north-east.
A skeletal foot soldier picks up a suit of orcish brigandine.
A skeletal foot soldier picks up a strip of cured meat.
A skeletal foot soldier picks up an orcish shotput.
A skeletal foot soldier picks up 11 gold pieces.
A skeletal foot soldier picks up an orcish ironwood mercurial
Skeletal Foot Soldier's Attack: 1d20 (19) -6 +4 surprise -14 range +2
conceal = 5 vs. Def 27 -8 noDex -3 noDodge = 16 [threat]
Catching you unaware, something throws an orcish shotput, missing you.
You have won...