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Silly dungeon thoughts

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Feb 26, 1999, 3:00:00 AM2/26/99
I finally have something put together so I can start to put together a
roguelike. I have a lot of doubts that I'll have tne time or inclination to
get past the proof of concept stage, though. Thinking about it has been more
interesting than implementation, but maybe I'm just being lazy.

Hopefully people won't tell me to go to the dev group since it's not exactly a
development question at this point.

I was thinking silly thoughts about using a linked list/graph to implement a
dungeon. Probably a lot of things that are possible with a graph could be
done with teleportation tiles, though, assuming that the view of the dungeon
doesn't allow one to see the entire dungeon. More things are possible when
the entire dungeon cannot be seen at once, but is the inability to pinpoint
exactly where one is (without magical aid) annoying?

To be completely honest, the whole reason I started to consider a graph was
that I wanted to have dungeons with ceilings and floors with variable heights
(to allow for flying monsters and monsters that move along walls and
ceilings). I haven't quite worked out all the details, though. The other
thought was that I wanted to keep everything ASCII based since going with 3D
graphics would be taking the "easy" way out. A 3D array would not make for
very large dungeons, probably, so some sort of linked list is probably the
only really feasible solution.

Tunneling was a thought that was irritating (as far as linked lists are
concerned). It would probably be preferable to connect into an existing
tunnel or room rather than going into hyperspace, but I guess there might be
a use for hyperspace. Any thoughts on this one?

One of the irritating things that occurred to me was that if going north and
then east is different from going east and then north, what should someone see
looking northeast? The LOS/FOV might be the most annoying thought, actually.

I've noticed that usually it's usually obvious when a two dimensional array
is used for the data structure of a floor map. Those kind of floor maps
often seem "densely packed"- which is not necessarily a bad thing. Do long,
winding tunnels have any purpose other than making running a necessity? The
only thought that I had was that having long tunnels allow levels to possibly
look a bit more different from each other. On the other hand, if everything
is closely packed together, there's not much advantage to using linked lists.


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Aidan Ryder

Feb 26, 1999, 3:00:00 AM2/26/99
In article <7b4qek$u7m$>,

>To be completely honest, the whole reason I started to consider a graph was
>that I wanted to have dungeons with ceilings and floors with variable heights
>(to allow for flying monsters and monsters that move along walls and
>ceilings). I haven't quite worked out all the details, though. The other
>thought was that I wanted to keep everything ASCII based since going with 3D
>graphics would be taking the "easy" way out. A 3D array would not make for
>very large dungeons, probably, so some sort of linked list is probably the
>only really feasible solution.

Maybe have brown .`s for the floor, varying in lightness by height?
Aidan Ryder --
"Formula of my happiness: a Yes a No, a straight line, a *goal*" - Nietzsche

benjamin wilson lagow

Feb 26, 1999, 3:00:00 AM2/26/99
In article <7b4qek$u7m$>,

<> wrote:
>I was thinking silly thoughts about using a linked list/graph to implement a
>dungeon. Probably a lot of things that are possible with a graph could be
>done with teleportation tiles, though, assuming that the view of the dungeon
>doesn't allow one to see the entire dungeon. More things are possible when
>the entire dungeon cannot be seen at once, but is the inability to pinpoint
>exactly where one is (without magical aid) annoying?

D/l and play Linley's Dungeon Crawl, and get yourself thrown into the Abyss.
You'll see how much fun it is to be clueless. =)

(And if you don't have Crawl, go and get it, because it kicks ass.)



Feb 26, 1999, 3:00:00 AM2/26/99
In article <7b6l0b$lh8$>, (benjamin wilson lagow) babbled thusly:
I have an idea, let them print out the map to a txt (or some such) file.

All spellings are not guaranteed accurate. ICQ: 8869737 Yahoo: Drakmere Aim: drakmere9
The irony is that Bill Gates claims to be making a stable operating system and Linus Torvalds claims to be trying to take over the world.
When in-laws are outlawed, only outlaws will have in-laws.
If you can't say something nice, post it on Usenet.
This .sig in UNDER CONSTRUCTION any suggestions are appreciated, and disposed of ;)


Feb 26, 1999, 3:00:00 AM2/26/99
In article <>, Aidan Ryder <> babbled thusly:
>>To be completely honest, the whole reason I started to consider a graph was
>>that I wanted to have dungeons with ceilings and floors with variable heights
>>(to allow for flying monsters and monsters that move along walls and
>>ceilings). I haven't quite worked out all the details, though. The other
>>thought was that I wanted to keep everything ASCII based since going with 3D
>>graphics would be taking the "easy" way out. A 3D array would not make for
>>very large dungeons, probably, so some sort of linked list is probably the
>>only really feasible solution.
>Maybe have brown .`s for the floor, varying in lightness by height?
Use it on creatures two. Lighter as they go up....

Brian Christopher Robinson

Feb 27, 1999, 3:00:00 AM2/27/99
to wrote in message

>I finally have something put together so I can start to put together a
>roguelike. I have a lot of doubts that I'll have tne time or
inclination to
>get past the proof of concept stage, though. Thinking about it has
been more
>interesting than implementation, but maybe I'm just being lazy.
Whatever. I've designed hundreds of games in my head, and it was
fun. Being lazy is a virtue; embrace it.

>Hopefully people won't tell me to go to the dev group since it's not
exactly a
>development question at this point.

But... Why not go to the dev group? I mean, I don't care if you do
or don't, but there would probably be more people interested in your
subject there.

>I was thinking silly thoughts about using a linked list/graph to
implement a
>dungeon. Probably a lot of things that are possible with a graph could
>done with teleportation tiles, though, assuming that the view of the
>doesn't allow one to see the entire dungeon. More things are possible
>the entire dungeon cannot be seen at once, but is the inability to
>exactly where one is (without magical aid) annoying?

Well, it could be done if each node was sufficiently big, like a
screen or half a screen or something. You could follow the old Infocom
text adventure style, where there would be exits, and each would link to
some other node.

>One of the irritating things that occurred to me was that if going
north and
>then east is different from going east and then north, what should
someone see
>looking northeast? The LOS/FOV might be the most annoying thought,

You wouldn't be able to display more than just the node you're
working with. And don't let your players look around corners.

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