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7DRL Challenge 2010: Date is Chosen!

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Jeff Lait

Jan 27, 2010, 1:26:26 PM1/27/10
What is a Seven Day Roguelike?

A Seven Day Roguelike is a roguelike created in seven days. This means
the author stopped writing code one hundred and sixty eight hours
after they started writing code.


A Seven Day Roguelike (7DRL) can be written at any time. However, a
general agreement was reached that it would be fun to schedule a
specific week for a challenge. This allows the various authors to know
that others are also desperately tracking down a bad pointer reference
on the 167th hour.

The week has been chosen for the Sixth Annual 7DRL Challenge!

After an unscientific straw poll, the following scientific-looking
graph was generated:

Feb 20 - Feb 28: #############
Feb 27 - Mar 7: ######
Mar 6 - Mar 14: ################

A discursive analysis of this shows that the use of the # sign makes
for an aesthetically pleasing method for representing bar graphs.

The week for the Seven Day Roguelike Challenge has been chosen!

Within the week of March 6th to March 14th, you are hereby challenged
to write a roguelike in 168 hours!

To participate, follow these simple steps:
1) Any time on March 6th or March 7th (as measured in your time zone),
post to that you have started work on
your Seven Day Roguelike.
2) Write a roguelike.
3) After 168 hours, if you have completed a playable roguelike, post
your success to! If not, post your lack
of results to, where we will all
commiserate and agree that given a few scant more hours, it could have
been great.

Good Luck!

I will try to post a reminder message the Wednesday before the
Jeff Lait

Sherm Pendley

Jan 27, 2010, 4:07:21 PM1/27/10
I've created a "7DRL Challenge" Facebook group:


Sorry, I created last year's as a one-time event instead of a group.
So you'll need to add yourself to the group again. I did it right this
time around though; the group is "7DRL Challenge", and it owns the
"2010 7DRL Challenge" event. So next year, everyone in the group will
hear about the event automatically.

Good luck everyone!



Jan 27, 2010, 9:35:03 PM1/27/10

> Feb 20 - Feb 28: #############
> Feb 27 - Mar  7: ######
> Mar  6 - Mar 14: ################


Okay, not really. Although I do think you missed a few Week 1 votes, I
don't dispute the verdict.

Anyhow, I expect that week 3 won't really work for me, what with being
the anticipated first week that my firstborn will be sucking back air.
I hear humans can be pretty demanding when they're hot off the

All this is by way of saying that I'm still going to do a 7DRL, but
I'm gonna do it on my schedule, god-dammit. And my schedule starts
tomorrow. I'll make a post then to commemorate it.

Wish me luck. Hopefully I can set a good example for any first-timers
who will be taking part in the official time period.


Kornel Kisielewicz

Jan 28, 2010, 10:33:18 AM1/28/10
Duh, I won't be able to deploy Neko up to that date... dammit -_-.

Anyway, good luck everyone!

Kornel Kisielewicz

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