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I dont know arabic language. Can i make roguelikes?

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Oct 22, 2019, 7:42:27 PM10/22/19
Olden sites i saw were on english,
but last updates i seen were 2012
and 2007 years. I read that there
is ``, and, decided to
write here, because all developers
who i wrote did not answer. I cannot
write to redit, my comuter is too
old, and, redit demands at least
Windows 10.

But when i saw this group, i
understood, that i need to know
arabic language to become modern

Is it so necessarily for making

Because i read Roguecanister, and,
there was nothing about arabic

Michael Deutschmann

Oct 23, 2019, 4:48:22 AM10/23/19
On Tue, 22 Oct 2019, Olmey wrote:
> But when i saw this group, i
> understood, that i need to know
> arabic language to become modern
> RL-developer.

You don't. This is an English newsgroup. The Arabic stuff is just a

It looks like the spammer is trying to insert itself into discussions
related to "development" of countries. That is, upgrading "undeveloped
countries" (ie: 3rd-world) to a "developed country" (ie: 1st world)
standard of living. (Some such countries are Arab.)

This group has nothing to do with that, but the spammer appears to be
attracted to the word "development" in the name.

---- Michael Deutschmann <>


Oct 23, 2019, 1:03:22 PM10/23/19
среда, 23 октября 2019 г., 12:48:22 UTC+4 пользователь Michael Deutschmann написал:
> On Tue, 22 Oct 2019, Olmey wrote:
> > But when i saw this group, i
> > understood, that i need to know
> > arabic language to become modern
> > RL-developer.
> You don't. This is an English newsgroup. The Arabic stuff is just a
> spammer.
> ---- Michael Deutschmann

At least it was funny.
I have no idea and no desire to know how happen management of google groups, so if there no way to erase spam, let eat bee.

I plan write something valuable, but first at redit, becouse there are many graphomaniacs like me, and they'll immediately humiliate me and ridicule my ideas. So i plan to byu new computer to write on redit.

And i think old machines are very useful if you want test performance. VM are not so accurate.

David Damerell

Oct 23, 2019, 1:13:06 PM10/23/19
Quoting Olmey <>:
>who i wrote did not answer. I cannot
>write to redit, my comuter is too
>old, and, redit demands at least
>Windows 10.

It doesn't. I am using it on a more than decade old MacBook running
Debian Linux.
David Damerell <>
Clown shoes. I hope that doesn't bother you.
Today is Second Epithumia, October - a weekend and the Earth's Birthday.
Tomorrow will be Second Olethros, October - a weekend.
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