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7DRL Success: Light7DRL

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kaw (development)

Mar 13, 2011, 7:21:14 PM3/13/11
Light7DRL is a success, in the sense that it's a playable game!

I did have quite a few ideas that I didn't get implemented, but ah
well. I may return to the project later.

This year was pretty hectic for me, as real life interfering meant I
didn't get to do any work on Tuesday or Wednesday and hardly any on
Thursday, so in practice this is almost a 4DRL (but yes, yes, the
hours have to be consecutive). The rather uncreative name of the game
reflects this -- I never got to the point of having time to think of a
proper name, so the codename I needed to make the github repository
stayed. It's a 7DRL, and it's about light (and darkness).

The game is written in Common Lisp, so it's not quite trivial to
distribute for those of you who are not running on Lisp machines (or
at any rate, used to working with CL). I'm using SBCL's save-lisp-and-
die mechanism for generating executables -- from what I understand,
most of SBCL is packaged along with each executable, which is why the
binaries are so obscenely large.


Linux binaries:

I've tested that SBCL can produce Windows binaries, so those are on
their way.

Notes on playing the game: there's no in-game help, so read the README
to get the control scheme. One thing that's not mentioned is that
space/enter are used as general "dismiss" keys, e.g. for "more"
prompts. Especially when it comes to ending the game, these are not
always well signalled. If the game seems frozen, try pressing space.



Mar 14, 2011, 2:16:26 AM3/14/11
"kaw (development)" <> writes:

> The game is written in Common Lisp

Yay, a fellow Lisper!

> Linux binaries:

Just FYI, it looks like your libtcod is dynamically linked against
libpng12, which is pretty old. I'm trying to install it in a slot on my
laptop as I write, but you might consider bundling that .so as well, or
statically linking libtcod.

Also, if you only have 32-bit hardware, I have both 32- and 64-bit, and
could make you a 64-bit build if you want, once I get libtcod on the
64-bit machine.

Looking forward to running it as soon as I have libpng12 in place!

> I've tested that SBCL can produce Windows binaries, so those are on
> their way.

Nice, I may use that feature to distribute a classic-style console
client when mine gets a little closer to distributability.


My whole approach in broadcasting has always been "You are an
important person just the way you are. You can make healthy
decisions." ... I just feel that anything that allows a person to
be more active in the control of his or her life, in a healthy way,
is important.
-- Fred Rogers

kaw (development)

Mar 14, 2011, 11:48:53 AM3/14/11
On Mar 14, 12:21 am, "kaw (development)" <> wrote:
> Light7DRL is a success, in the sense that it's a playable game!

> Source:
> Linux binaries:

Windows binaries:

I had to modify the code a bit to get it to work on Windows, partly to
work around what seems to be a bug in SBCL (on Windows).

Furthermore, however, I got a gameplay bug report before I'd managed
to release the Windows port, and the fix for that has been
incorporated into the Windows binaries above. I haven't yet updated
the Linux binaries, so be aware that those are broken until I get to
them. (The newest source is in the repository, of course.)

On Mar 14, 7:16 am, vsync <> wrote:
> Just FYI, it looks like your libtcod is dynamically linked against
> libpng12, which is pretty old. I'm trying to install it in a slot on my
> laptop as I write, but you might consider bundling that .so as well, or
> statically linking libtcod.

Oh, thanks. IIRC I didn't build this libtcod myself, it's a beta
version from the libtcod site. I'll see what I can do about including
the necessary libraries.


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