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7DRL Attempt: SpiritsRL

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Mar 9, 2009, 2:03:54 AM3/9/09
I'm starting with 2 days offset.
I hope to finish by the end of next sunday.
Kinda story:
In a 'Spirits research facility' an incident has happened.
Spirit energy tank suddenly has leaked.
Leaked energy for some reason has drained into
'Hostile spirits confinement vault'.
Spirits in this vault were deactivated,
but wild energy most likely has awakened them.
You play role as a memeber of security personnel.
And you have just realised, that text with
small letters in your contract is forcing you
to resolve this issue.
Since main spirit energy tank is sealed,
you only have 4 emergency capsules.
With this 4 capsules you can:
Activate 1 battle suite (out of 5).
Activate 1 anti-spirit weapon (out of 5).
Activate 2 guardian spirits (out of 10).

Your task is to clean all floors of vault and
find out source of problem.

There are 5*5*C(10,2)=1125 possible combinations :)
Suite, weapon and each spirit have 2 special abilities.
40 total.
It was paiful to make up 40 more or less
different abilities on basis of quite simplistic system.
I hope I can make them in time.

I'm going to try to use TJRPG mechanics.
i.e. during your turn you can move by several cells
AND perform one action.
Another experimental feature -
spirit energy play role of both experience and mana.
You can upgrade battle suite, weapon and spirits with
this energy and use it for special abilities.

I'll use parts of framework of my rl in dev.
Wish me good luck.


Mar 10, 2009, 1:43:39 PM3/10/09
On 9 мар, 12:03, Xecutor <> wrote:
Progress report:
General game workflow seems to work fine.
I'm afraid I do not have time to make more or less complex AI.
Brainless yet dangerous spirits that just rush to attack you.
Tomorrow I'll start implementation of abilities.


Mar 13, 2009, 12:21:30 PM3/13/09
Another progress report:

I've completed 20 out of 40 abilities.
i.e. abilities of suites and weapons.
Abilities of guardians are remaining.
But since a lot of infrastructure is
already done, I'll make'em faster.

Things still need to be done:
Detailed descriptions of suites, weapons and guardians.
Descriptions of abilities.
Upgrade screen.
A few more obstacles and better level generator.
Probably a little better AI.


Mar 14, 2009, 1:19:24 PM3/14/09
All 40 abilities are finished.
It's very hard to code and watch House MD simultaneously,
but somehow I managed :)
Upgrade screen and level generator tomorrow...
Looks very fun, but I'm afraid not quite balanced...
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