No work for 11 days, so I'm announcing my 11DRL here. It will probably
end up being a 7DRL thanks to the holiday(s), but on non-consecutive
days. Also 11 rhymes with 7 so, there you go.
Depending on the time of the day, Grogue is either "Gnome rogue", a
single-character follow up of my 7DRL *GnomeSquad*, or "GROGue", a
pirate-themed follow up to my terrible 2010 7DRL *AarrrRL*.
Either way since it's the holidays the game will involve lots of
drinking. And firearms. (!)
My current thought is to take up a challenge from one of the roguelike
radio episodes I was listening to, and try to work in a good
randomized crafting system. As of now the idea is to have the game be
heavily drink-oriented. You'll be able to find various alcohols,
mixers, voodoo spices, etc and combine them in a crafting system. The
"recipes" are randomized before the game similar to potion colors in
nethack. So, one game rum (safe to assume a common item) may be a key
ingredient for a throwable fire potion, but one game it may only be
good for making a potion of lameness. What you can build will depend
on what recipes you've found and also what ingredients you've found.
Does that sound fun, or too random? Maybe I'll find out.
I'm using javascript because I am tired of using python and the
incredible slowness of pygame. (Yes I know libtcod is great :)
I will post daily updates on my blog:
Happy rogueliking to all. Cheers!
- HF