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Potion of Augmentation

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Jon Waggoner

Jun 21, 1995, 3:00:00 AM6/21/95
Ok, what does a potion of Augmentation do? How about Detonation? Is
there an FAQ that tells what potions do, or does everyone just try them
and go one save back after they find out? Any other's that don't have
obvious effects... *healing*... Thanks--JON--

Steve Linberg

Jun 21, 1995, 3:00:00 AM6/21/95
In article <3s85el$>, Jon Waggoner <jwagg> wrote:

> Ok, what does a potion of Augmentation do?

Augments your stats, like drinking one of each gain stat potion.

> How about Detonation?

Detonates inside you. Extremely fatal. Throw it at a bad guy.

> Is
> there an FAQ that tells what potions do, or does everyone just try them
> and go one save back after they find out?

MIA. The potion spoiler file has not been seen in ages.

> Any other's that don't have
> obvious effects... *healing*...

Heals and restores everything. I think. Never found one.

> Thanks--JON--

You're welcome.

| Steven F. Linberg | Just because it's dissonant doesn't mean |
| | it sounds good. |
| | - Leo Kottke |
\------------------- --------------------/

Russ Allbery

Jun 21, 1995, 3:00:00 AM6/21/95
Jon Waggoner <jwagg> writes:
>Ok, what does a potion of Augmentation do?

Spoilers ho!

It's a super stat-gain potion. Increases everything, as I recall (I
haven't had a character down into Augmentation depth for a while).

>How about Detonation?

Don't drink that one. Instead, throw it at someone. Something like 300
points of damage, I believe.

>Is there an FAQ that tells what potions do, or does everyone just try
>them and go one save back after they find out?

There are lots of spoilers about them; try /pub/angband/Help at


Dave Lodge

Jun 22, 1995, 3:00:00 AM6/22/95
Jon Waggoner (jwagg) wrote:
> Ok, what does a potion of Augmentation do? How about Detonation? Is
Don't quaff this unless you have a lot of hp and want to waste a
potion of healing or can cast the spell...
(essentially it reduces hp and gives you a mortal wound)

> there an FAQ that tells what potions do, or does everyone just try them

> and go one save back after they find out? Any other's that don't have
> obvious effects... *healing*... Thanks--JON--

I'd agree with this, many potions I *still* don't know what they're for
eg what is different between healing and *healing*?

dave (50th level human paladin trying to work out how to kill tiamat
when her breath weapon halves my hp?)

David 'I just get these headaches' Lodge,
Disclaimer: All opinions expressed in this message are those of Malcolm the Ant
"There's far too much blood in my alcohol stream"
- Skyclad

Stephen S. Lee

Jun 22, 1995, 3:00:00 AM6/22/95
In article <3sarrj$m...@cyclone.Stanford.EDU>,
Russ Allbery <> wrote:
[snippety snip]
>>Is there an FAQ that tells what potions do, or does everyone just try

>>them and go one save back after they find out?
>There are lots of spoilers about them; try /pub/angband/Help at

Speaking of spoilers, the ones at and at are sorely in need of updating. When a stable version of
Angband comes out (this Friday, I hope), and the new version is trumpeted
to the world at large, up-to-date spoilers will be in demand in addition
to up-to-date documentation. I'm planning to write a new version of
gooditem.spo when the new version is out, as well as a regular item
spoiler. Does anyone else want to help with the others?

On an entirely different note: Westernesse weapons and Sting. Some have
argued that Sting should be more powerful than any Westernesse weapon,
but I disagree. First of all there is no guarantee that Sting is such a
hot weapon; it might have been a toy to its makers. Also, *real*
Westernesse weapons should be very powerful anyway. The barrow daggers
in LoTR are powerful, and slay orcs, trolls, and undead, and they aren't
even Westernesse weapons. (They were made during the wars against the
Witch-King, nearly 2000 years after the fall of Numenor.) Actual weapons
from Westernesse would then be powerful indeed; the better ones should be
competitive with Holy Avengers.

-- Stephen S. Lee --------------------------------- --
Corollary to Occam's Razor: Never attribute to ingenious malice that which
can be more simply explained by sheer stupidity.

Russ Allbery

Jun 23, 1995, 3:00:00 AM6/23/95
Stephen S. Lee <> writes:
>Speaking of spoilers, the ones at and at
> are sorely in need of updating. When a stable version of
>Angband comes out (this Friday, I hope), and the new version is trumpeted
>to the world at large, up-to-date spoilers will be in demand in addition
>to up-to-date documentation. I'm planning to write a new version of
>gooditem.spo when the new version is out, as well as a regular item
>spoiler. Does anyone else want to help with the others?

I consider spoilers to be part of the overall documentation project. Here's
the current status:

I have the documentation for Hyperlatex and plan on redoing the Angband
manual in it. That will let me generate both a nice LaTeX version and an
html version, which will be put up on the Web. Unfortunately, the support
for translating LaTeX to text is poor to nonexistant; I've tried several
different packages and not one of them can produce satisfactory results.
Because of that, it looks like I'll have to maintain two copies of the
documentation; one in text for the on-line system and for ease of reading,
and one in Hyperlatex for the nicer, more polished version.

That's the plan at the moment, at least, although Hyperlatex does lack some
formatting features that I would like. I'm going to be doing the text
version first, since it's the on-line help and the most critical, and then
look at the other conversions.

Current status of the major documentation:

general.hlp -- Not started.
birth.hlp -- Not started.
dungeon.hlp -- Not started.
battle.hlp -- Not started.
commands.hlp -- Complete through 2.7.6v3
version.hlp -- No update needed.
rumors.hlp -- Not started, some thought given.

Unless Ben made changes to the commands for 2.7.7, and I don't believe he
did, it should be all set for 2.7.7. I plan to do the rest, although I'm
not sure on the order yet; rumors will probably be left for last. If anyone
else wants to jump in and do a help file, I certainly have no objections.
Let me know first, either by posting or sending e-mail, since I'm likely to
just start on any one of these files when I feel like it. Most of these
help files shouldn't require all that many changes, although adding in the
effects of various options will be the biggest part of the work.

(Which reminds me...options probably changed for 2.7.7. I'll take a look at

I consider the following to be the major spoiler files:

artifact.spo -- Details on artifacts.
gooditem.spo -- Details on ego items.
item.spo -- Prices and depth levels for all normal items.
magic.spo -- Effects of all spells and magical items.
(should be combined with spells.spo)
monsters.spo -- Details on monsters (probably will be several
files like it is now)
stats.spo -- Details of character generation and the effects
of stats (should be combined with
store.spo -- Haggling spoilers and upper spending limits.

We also need a new spoiler file giving the exact effects of scrolls and
potions. Of these spoilers, artifact.spo, item.spo, and monsters.spo should
be generated by wizard commands, since they rely on parsing k_list.txt,
r_list.txt, and v_list.txt and the game already does that for you. Both Ben
and I have given some thought to writing in those wizard commands, but
neither of us have started; again, if someone wants to do it, let everyone
know and jump in.

There is a current copy of artifact.spo, but it's generated by a Perl script
that I wrote in about five hours, and it's a major hack. Something better
is very much desired.

As part of the overall documentation project, something should also be done
for the strategy guide and the FAQ. The current FAQ is mostly full of
information that should be incorporated into the strategy guide, and I think
there's some call for a newsgroup FAQ that says where to get the game for
different platforms, something about spoilers, topics to avoid on the
newsgroup (save files or no save files, mostly), and suggested additions to
the game that will probably not be done and why they won't.

My first priority is to finish the Angband Manual / on-line help. If anyone
else would like to help with that, or jump into some other part of the
overall documentation project, feel free.

I've been delayed by having to switch to a new system for the summer, but I
should be getting back to things fairly soon now. As always, the latest
versions of any help files that I have will be available via ftp from:

(note the new ftp address).


David L Evens

Jun 24, 1995, 3:00:00 AM6/24/95
In article <3sb9t2$> Dave Lodge (d...@ wrote:

: Jon Waggoner (jwagg) wrote:
: > Ok, what does a potion of Augmentation do? How about Detonation? Is
: ^^^^^^^^^^
: Don't quaff this unless you have a lot of hp and want to waste a
: potion of healing or can cast the spell...
: (essentially it reduces hp and gives you a mortal wound)

: > there an FAQ that tells what potions do, or does everyone just try them
: > and go one save back after they find out? Any other's that don't have
: > obvious effects... *healing*... Thanks--JON--

: I'd agree with this, many potions I *still* don't know what they're for
: eg what is different between healing and *healing*?

*Healing* is MUCH stronger than Healing. This is a general case, the
asterisks indicate a much stronger version.

: dave (50th level human paladin trying to work out how to kill tiamat

: when her breath weapon halves my hp?)

Ring around the neutron, | "OK, so he's not terribly fearsome.
A pocket full of positrons,| But he certainly took us by surprise!"
A fission, a fusion, +--------------------------------------------------
We all fall down! | "Is his name 'Dick Earth'?"
e-mail will be posted as I see fit.


Jun 24, 1995, 3:00:00 AM6/24/95
> > Ok, what does a potion of Augmentation do? How about Detonation? Is

Augmentation is basically a multiple stat increase (I think it may also
have healing, but I'm not sure).

Detonations is not something to drink, unless you're the suicidal type. It
DOES, however, make a rather nice bang if you throw it at a baddy-
something in the range of 400 points of damage, if I remember correctly...
Kaypy (Kris PARKER), First Year Student, UWA

Manoj Srivastava

Jun 24, 1995, 3:00:00 AM6/24/95
to Russ Allbery

If you can export the document easily to an HTML version, then
a text version can be generated quite painlessly using lynx -dump (on
a unix machine). If you don't have/can't run lynx, I'd be glad to
help. Or is there something I'm missing?


Manoj Srivastava Project Pilgrim, Department of Computer Science
Phone: (413) 545-3918 A143B Lederle Graduate Research Center
Fax: (413) 545-1249 University of Massachusetts, Amherst, MA 01003

Russ Allbery

Jul 1, 1995, 3:00:00 AM7/1/95
In, Manoj Srivastava

<> writes:
> If you can export the document easily to an HTML version, then
> a text version can be generated quite painlessly using lynx -dump (on
> a unix machine). If you don't have/can't run lynx, I'd be glad to
> help. Or is there something I'm missing?

No, actually this is a very good point that I didn't think of. I'll
probably just do it that way, then, provided that lynx -dump produces
reasonable output.

when I have time to get back to it, that is...too many projects, not enough

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