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[V] YASD - This one really hurt

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27 juli 2005 13:18:432005-07-27
Ouch. This is by far the luckiest character I've ever had. I thought
for sure he would be The One I'd finally win with. But it was not to

43rd level mage at 2900'. I'd found +15 speed in rings before I hit
1900' and found Ringil on the floor at 2250'. Oh, and Gondor, the
Arkastone, the Bow of the Bard, too much other stuff to count...

And what do I die to? Freakin' plasma hounds.

There was a small vault and using the Arkestone's clairvoyance, I saw
there was a !Experience in one of the corners, surrounded by a bunch of
red Zs. Of course, I didn't look to see exactly what they were...I
figured fire hounds. So I mud-to-stone the corner, figuring I'd snatch
the scroll (with my incredible speed) and teleport away.

The last command I typed was "mbi" and 'n' for direction...and then a
lot of spacebar to clear -more- prompts as they breathed, breathed,
breathed...693 HPs to -9 very quickly. Saddest tombstone I've ever
seen...also one of the most surprising.

Such is Angband. Now I've got a 9th level Dunadan Ranger who's
starting to work on the orcs...

[Angband 2.9.3 Character Dump]

Name Finlandia Self RB CB EB
Sex Male Age 122 STR! 18/100 +1 -5 +5
Race High-Elf Height 86 INT! 18/100 +3 +3 +3
Class Mage Weight 196 WIS! 18/100 -1 +0 +6
Title Sorcerer Status 68 DEX! 18/100 +3 +1 +10
HP -9/693 Maximize Y CON! 18/100 +1 -2 +10
SP 322/336 Preserve Y CHR! 18/100 +5 +1 +3

Level 43 Armor [24,+112] Saving Throw
Cur Exp 4203395 Fight (+5,-7) Stealth Very
Max Exp 4203395 Melee (+27,+18) Fighting
Adv Exp 4830000 Shoot (+22,+19) Shooting
Blows 4/turn Disarming
Gold 1825118 Shots 1/turn Magic Device
Burden 328.6 lbs Infra 40 ft Searching

You are the only child of a Teleri Warrior. You have light
grey eyes, wavy black hair, and a fair complexion.

[Last Messages]

> The Plasma hound claws you.
> It breathes plasma.
> The Plasma hound resists.
> It breathes darkness.
> The Plasma hound shrugs off the attack.
> The Plasma hound breathes plasma.
> The Plasma hound resists.
> The Plasma hound breathes plasma.
> The Plasma hound resists.
> You die.

[Character Equipment]

a) The Long Sword 'Ringil' (4d5) (+22,+25) (+10 to speed) {Floor 2250'}
It can be activated for...
frost ball (100)
...if it is being worn.
It affects your speed.
It fights against evil with holy fury.
It strikes at undead with holy wrath.
It strikes at demons with holy wrath.
It is especially deadly against trolls.
It does extra damage from frost.
It provides resistance to cold.
It provides resistance to light.
It slows your metabolism.
It provides permanent light.
It speeds your regenerative powers.
It allows you to see invisible monsters.
It provides immunity to paralysis.
b) The Long Bow of Bard (x3) (+17,+19) (+2)
It affects your dexterity.
It affects your shooting power.
It provides immunity to paralysis.
c) a Moonstone Ring of Speed (+5) {1850' Floor}
d) a Moonstone Ring of Speed (+10) {1300' Dark Elven Lord}
e) The Amulet of Carlammas (+2)
It can be activated for...
protection from evil
...if it is being worn.
It affects your constitution.
It provides resistance to fire.
f) The Arkenstone of Thrain
It can be activated for...
...if it is being worn.
It provides light (radius 3) forever.
It allows you to see invisible monsters.
It provides resistance to life draining.
g) The Augmented Chain Mail of Caspanion (-2) [16,+19] (+3)
It can be activated for...
door and trap destruction
...if it is being worn.
It affects your intelligence.
It affects your wisdom.
It affects your constitution.
It provides resistance to acid.
It provides resistance to poison.
It provides resistance to confusion.
h) The Cloak of Thingol [1,+18] (+3)
It can be activated for...
recharge item I
...if it is being worn.
It affects your dexterity.
It affects your charisma.
It provides resistance to acid.
It provides resistance to fire.
It provides resistance to cold.
It provides immunity to paralysis.
i) The Large Leather Shield of Celegorm [4,+18]
It provides resistance to acid.
It provides resistance to electricity.
It provides resistance to fire.
It provides resistance to cold.
It provides resistance to light.
It provides resistance to dark.
j) The Golden Crown of Gondor [0,+15] (+3) {Diag Vault 2200'}
It can be activated for...
heal (500)
...if it is being worn.
It affects your strength.
It affects your wisdom.
It affects your constitution.
It provides resistance to fire.
It provides resistance to cold.
It provides resistance to light.
It provides resistance to blindness.
It provides permanent light.
It speeds your regenerative powers.
It allows you to see invisible monsters.
k) The Set of Leather Gloves 'Cambeleg' (+6,+6) [1,+14] (+2)
It affects your strength.
It affects your constitution.
It provides immunity to paralysis.
l) The Pair of Soft Leather Boots 'Dal-i-thalion' [2,+13] (+5)
It can be activated for...
remove fear and cure poison
...if it is being worn.
It affects your dexterity.
It sustains your constitution.
It provides resistance to confusion.
It provides resistance to nether.
It provides resistance to chaos.
It provides immunity to paralysis.

[Character Inventory]

a) 14 Books of Magic Spells [Magic for Beginners] {@1!d!d!t!t!v!v}
b) 15 Books of Magic Spells [Conjurings and Tricks] {@2!d!d!t!t!v!v,
10% off}
c) 16 Books of Magic Spells [Incantations and Illusions]
d) 11 Books of Magic Spells [Sorcery and Evocations] {@4!d!d!t!t!v!v,
50% off}
e) 6 Books of Magic Spells [Resistance of Scarabtarices]
f) 4 Books of Magic Spells [Mordenkainen's Escapes] {@6!d!d!t!t!v!v}
g) 4 Books of Magic Spells [Kelek's Grimoire of Power] {@7!d!d!t!t!v!v}
h) 2 Books of Magic Spells [Tenser's Transformations] {@8!d!d!t!t!v!v}
i) 7 Dark Blue Mushrooms of Restoring
j) 16 Dark Blue Potions of Speed {25% off}
k) 25 Smoky Potions of Heroism
l) 25 Green Speckled Potions of Cure Critical Wounds {50% off}
m) a Cloudy Potion of Healing
n) 20 Gloopy Green Potions of Restore Mana {50% off}
o) 7 Yellow Potions of Restore Life Levels {75% off}
p) a Scroll titled "ulkwerg prokha" of *Identify*
q) 25 Scrolls titled "erkcomp abpay" of Holy Chant {40% off}
r) 18 Arrows (1d4) (+7,+7) {25% off}

[Home Inventory]

a) a Light Green Potion of *Healing*
b) a Shimmering Potion of Life
c) 2 Scrolls titled "ulkwerg prokha" of *Identify*
d) 13 Scrolls titled "ivsee ner" of Enchant Weapon To-Dam
e) a Tiger Eye Ring of Strength (+5)
f) a Jet Ring of Intelligence (+5)
g) a Topaz Ring of Constitution (+4)
h) The Ring of Barahir (+1) {Hoaramuth 2600'}
It affects your strength.
It affects your intelligence.
It affects your wisdom.
It affects your dexterity.
It affects your constitution.
It affects your charisma.
It affects your stealth.
It provides resistance to poison.
i) The Star of Elendil
It can be activated for...
magic mapping
...if it is being worn.
It provides light (radius 3) forever.
It allows you to see invisible monsters.
j) The Chain Mail of Arvedui (-2) [14,+15] (+2)
It affects your strength.
It affects your charisma.
It provides resistance to acid.
It provides resistance to electricity.
It provides resistance to fire.
It provides resistance to cold.
It provides resistance to shards.
It provides resistance to nexus.
k) The Metal Brigandine Armour of the Rohirrim [19,+15] (+2)
It affects your strength.
It affects your dexterity.
It provides resistance to acid.
It provides resistance to electricity.
It provides resistance to fire.
It provides resistance to cold.
It provides resistance to confusion.
It provides resistance to sound.
l) The Full Plate Armour of Isildur [25,+25] (+1)
It affects your constitution.
It provides resistance to acid.
It provides resistance to electricity.
It provides resistance to fire.
It provides resistance to cold.
It provides resistance to confusion.
It provides resistance to sound.
It provides resistance to nexus.
m) The Soft Leather Armour 'Hithlomir' [4,+20] (+4 to stealth)
It affects your stealth.
It provides resistance to acid.
It provides resistance to electricity.
It provides resistance to fire.
It provides resistance to cold.
It provides resistance to dark.
n) The Cloak 'Colannon' [1,+13] (+3 to stealth)
It can be activated for...
...if it is being worn.
It affects your stealth.
It provides resistance to acid.
o) The Large Metal Shield of Anarion [5,+20]
It sustains your strength.
It sustains your intelligence.
It sustains your wisdom.
It sustains your dexterity.
It sustains your constitution.
It sustains your charisma.
It provides resistance to acid.
It provides resistance to electricity.
It provides resistance to fire.
It provides resistance to cold.
p) The Hard Leather Cap of Thranduil [2,+10] (+2)
It affects your intelligence.
It affects your wisdom.
It provides resistance to blindness.
It gives telepathic powers.
q) The Iron Helm 'Holhenneth' [5,+10] (+2)
It can be activated for...
...if it is being worn.
It affects your intelligence.
It affects your wisdom.
It affects your searching.
It provides resistance to blindness.
It allows you to see invisible monsters.
r) The Steel Helm of Hammerhand [6,+20] (+3)
It affects your strength.
It affects your dexterity.
It affects your constitution.
It provides resistance to acid.
It provides resistance to nexus.
s) The Pair of Metal Shod Boots of Thror [6,+20] (+3)
It affects your strength.
It affects your constitution.
t) The Small Sword 'Sting' (1d6) (+8,+8) (+2 attacks) {1350' Floor}
It affects your strength.
It affects your dexterity.
It affects your constitution.
It affects your attack speed.
It fights against evil with holy fury.
It strikes at undead with holy wrath.
It is especially deadly against orcs.
It provides resistance to light.
It provides permanent light.
It allows you to see invisible monsters.
It provides immunity to paralysis.
u) a Light Crossbow of Velocity (x3) (+14,+25)
v) 24 Bolts of Hurt Evil (1d5) (+11,+14)
w) 28 Bolts of Flame (1d5) (+9,+8)
x) 20 Seeker Arrows (4d4) (+0,+7)


Adult: Allow purchase of stats using points : yes (adult_point_based)
Adult: Allow specification of minimal stats : yes (adult_auto_roller)
Adult: Maximize effect of race/class bonuses : yes (adult_maximize)
Adult: Preserve artifacts when leaving level : yes (adult_preserve)
Adult: Restrict the use of stairs/recall : no (adult_ironman)
Adult: Restrict the use of stores/home : no (adult_no_stores)
Adult: Restrict creation of artifacts : no (adult_no_artifacts)
Adult: Randomize some of the artifacts (beta): no
Score: Peek into object creation : yes (score_peek)
Score: Peek into monster creation : yes (score_hear)
Score: Peek into dungeon creation : yes (score_room)
Score: Peek into something else : yes (score_xtra)
Score: Know complete monster info : yes (score_know)
Score: Allow player to avoid death : no (score_live)

David Vestal

28 juli 2005 08:05:412005-07-28
till wrote:
> Ouch. This is by far the luckiest character I've ever had. I thought
> for sure he would be The One I'd finally win with. But it was not to
> be...
> 43rd level mage at 2900'. I'd found +15 speed in rings before I hit
> 1900' and found Ringil on the floor at 2250'. Oh, and Gondor, the
> Arkastone, the Bow of the Bard, too much other stuff to count...
> And what do I die to? Freakin' plasma hounds.
> There was a small vault and using the Arkestone's clairvoyance, I saw
> there was a !Experience in one of the corners, surrounded by a bunch of
> red Zs. Of course, I didn't look to see exactly what they were...I
> figured fire hounds. So I mud-to-stone the corner, figuring I'd snatch
> the scroll (with my incredible speed) and teleport away.
> The last command I typed was "mbi" and 'n' for direction...and then a
> lot of spacebar to clear -more- prompts as they breathed, breathed,
> breathed...693 HPs to -9 very quickly. Saddest tombstone I've ever
> seen...also one of the most surprising.

I sympathize. The closest I ever came to winning (before a few weeks
ago) was with a cLvl50 priest who was practically romping toward
Sauron. I had winner's kit and had killed almost all of the high
uniques. I saw plasma hounds, figured they breathed fire, cast "Resist
Heat and Cold," and stepped in. One painful knockout later, I was


28 juli 2005 09:01:352005-07-28

Yeah,l plasma hound knockouts are really evil. Once I entered a long corridor
(so long, in fact, I didn't see the other end...) with 1 of my early warriors.
As it happens, there were plasma hounds in the offscreen end, and I was knocked
out immediately. But after all, RNG is RNG, making sure a nearby group of wood
spiders got the actual kill...


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