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dirty clubs

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Apr 18, 1995, 7:00:00 AM4/18/95

Does someone have the rules to dirty clubs? I remember that you deal I
think 5 cards and turn one up. If you turn up a club, it is trump
automatically. If not, you bid to see how many tricks yyou can take.
Actually, you get four cards, sorry. If you make your bid, you get that
many points. If not, you lose 5. There's probably scoring variations. I'm
just looking for the real rules. Thanks.

David Howard

Apr 18, 1995, 7:00:00 AM4/18/95

My God! Someone else has heard of this game!!! I have NEVER met anyone
else who has ever played it. Lemme relate the rules as I know them.
there may be regional variations, but this version makes for a playable game:

Players: 3 or more
Deck: A, K, Q, J, T *add more cards as needed for more than 3 players*

Each player is dealt 5 cards *yes, five*. each player bids for th number
of tricks that they can take. bids countinue around until there are
passes all around the table after the final bid. After bidding, a card is
cut from the remainder of the deck. If it comes up a club, then clubs
become the trump suit. If not clubs, the winning bidder names a suit as
trump and leads for the first trick.

Card Order in play: J, off-J (same suit), A, K, Q, T...etc. Trumping is
not required, you must follow suit if possible.

Scoring: scores start at 15 and go down to zero; first to zero wins. The
bidder must take the bid number or greater. all other players must take
one trick (called, 'the bacon'). Any player who does not take their
required number of trick (bid or bacon) adds 5 to their score. Players
who do take their required number reduce their score by that number of

That's it. It's a good, simple trick taking game, best played with three
players. With more than three playes, someone is always going 'set' (not
getting the required number) and thus the game tends to go on for ever.
It's a good introduction to trick taking games for children, I remember
playing it when I was four years old, so must be pretty easy to pick up.

Good luck, and lemme know if you have any questions!



Robert Madden

Apr 18, 1995, 7:00:00 AM4/18/95
Sounds like the rules to Eucher. In dirty clubs, does the jacks of suit
have any significance?

JOM ( wrote:

: Does someone have the rules to dirty clubs? I remember that you deal I
: think 5 cards and turn one up. If you turn up a club, it is trump
: automatically. If not, you bid to see how many tricks yyou can take.
: Actually, you get four cards, sorry. If you make your bid, you get that
: many points. If not, you lose 5. There's probably scoring variations. I'm
: just looking for the real rules. Thanks.

):-{])) <------
"remember, keep looking for the next universe"


Apr 20, 1995, 7:00:00 AM4/20/95
to (Robert Madden) writes:

>Sounds like the rules to Eucher. In dirty clubs, does the jacks of suit
>have any significance?

Not at all. The aces in ach suit are the highest cards and the ace of
trump is the highest of all the cards.

Feb 17, 2019, 1:40:45 AM2/17/19
This is how the cards rate from high to low. Jack of whatever is trump is THE HIGHEST, NOT THE ACE like someone above said. THEN the Jack of same color is 2nd highest, THEN Ace, King, Queen, 10. The person saying the Ace is highest must be thinking of card game “Spades” or another game. It’s NOT Dirty Clubs!! Dirty clubs is EXACTLY the same in the way the cards go from highest to lowest.

Feb 28, 2020, 11:40:48 PM2/28/20
When I learned to play Dirty Clubs back in the 80's, We started at 15 if you had three of the lowest cards in your hand you get the bottom three cards left in the deck. Depending how many people play. Then the highest you can go up is twenty. But other wise played the same with the last comment. Every person I played with played this way. Has anyone else played this way? A new friend plays different and says that I play wrong and their way is only right. So wanted some input on this. :) Thanks in advance

Jul 4, 2020, 11:16:35 PM7/4/20
Bottoms it’s called, not too many play that way. Also we always played what you call for tricks is all you get even if you go over!
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