> > > Chris Hibler - CARGPB #31http://www.Team-EM.comhttp://
webpages.charter.net/chibler/Pinball.htm...new place for pinball repair info- Hide quoted text -
> > > - Show quoted text -
> > Hi Chris,
> > Thank you for that detailed information.Im not sure I know how to
> > locate the points to DMM.I did find two rectangular chips on the CPU
> > near the middle to the right a bit that both are 7404 but none say Z24
> > on them.They have 7 legs on either side.So would it be the first chip
> > labelled 7404 and the bottom right leg?
> > And on the driver board there are none labelled Z but im thinking it
> > may be one of those 9 rectangular chips along the top? Perhaps the 5th
> > one? Those have 8 legs per side so perhaps pin 9 is the top right leg?
> > I also located the pin 13 of J1 and found it to be a purple wire.It
> > looks snug to me.
> > I will await the results of my guess work.
> > Thanks,
> > Todd
> Hi Todd,
> Here are the diagrams to help answer your questions...
> Driver Board -
> CPU -
> Dual-Inline-Package leg numbering can be found here:
> Yes, 7404s are 14 pin rectangular chips
> The 74175 will have 16 pins.
> The hook is baited...let's see you cast the line... :-)
> --
> Chris Hibler - CARGPB #31http://www.Team-EM.comhttp://
webpages.charter.net/chibler/Pinball/index.htmhttp://www.PinWiki.com- The Place to go for Pinball Repair Info- Hide quoted text -
> - Show quoted text -
Hi Chris,
Thanks for all the links.What a greatsite! I couldnt stop reading.I
learned a lot.Like turning the machine off to replace bulbs.Yesterday
I did some bulb swaps and dropped and adjusted a star rollover switch
with the power on and the end result was two blown fuses.One was the
primary fuse,so the game wouldnt boot up at all.The second was the 1/4
amp fuse that powers the displays.I replaced the primary fuse and it
boots up and plays fine but I didnt have a 1/4 amp fuse so I ''gulp''
put in a 1/2 fuse and it blew it.So until I get more 1/4 amp fuses,I
wont know if ive created a short or not.If it is a short my guess
would be the #3 bulb at the top as I had to bend it back to swap it
and in turning the bulb the whole socket turned round and round.The
bulb ended up being ok and just loose.Where can I buy those breaker
things so I dont have to keep killing fuses if it is a short? Ok so
back to the task at hand.I was right in my guess that Z5 was the fifth
chip from the left on the driver board but was wrong with my numbering
guess.It starts at the dot and works clockwise.So the end result had
me trying to buzz the bottom right leg on the chip on Z5 on the driver
board with the top right leg of the first 7404 chip.I did not get any
buzz with several attempts at this.So your correct that the signal is
not getting through.My guess now is that the 13th connector pin is
bad? I read that these are common culprits and should be fixed or
replaced but I havent found instructions on how to do it yet.How did I
do with my exploration?