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[PBEM News] Vampire or Lycan, which side are you on?

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Feb 7, 2006, 4:05:25 PM2/7/06
Man has always been in conflict. Over land holdings, possessions and
even women. No war could ever measure up to the one that has been
going on since the dawn up the dark ages as it called. The war
between the Vampires and Lycans started at the dawn of man. Years
have turned into decades, decades into centuries, the war continues.

Bloodoaths have been made. Lost souls, pledged to fight. The lines
have been drawn, which side are you on.

Are you on the side of Vampires, who rule the night. They see the
Lycans has nothing more then beasts or slaves. In their eyes they
created them as servants.

The Lycans fight for freedom, but know there will never be that as
long as the Vampires are around. Lycan pack has evolved from the
simple creates of their fore fathers into a new lycan order or

Each has strengths, both have believe they'll win the war.

Are you a vampire... or are you a lycan... pledge your bloodoath to
your coven or pack..

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