The management of Perilous Realms treated me unfairly, irresponsibly, and
in a nasty way. I would recommend to anyone looking for a place to play,
find another one.
The situation was very simple, and very straight forward. I chose a name
that wasn't to the liking of Deth, the implementor. He did not say
anything to me, he merely disonnected me, and a message was displayed
before me that said if I had any disagreement I should use MUD mail to
explain my position. I immediately logged back in, and started to hunt
down the implements necessary to construct just such a message.
Before I could buy a pen and note to write my message, I was disconnected
again. THEN, I renamed myself AGAIN, still hoping that the name I'd
originally chosen might be acceptable after I wrote my letter.
once again, I was disconnected, and this time I was warned:"One more try
before I delete your acct and siteban you"
Still, after 3 tries, unable to discuss the problem with the naming.
Admittedly, the name I'd chosen was unconventional, but it did not appear,
after reading the help file, to go against any of the criteria.
The name was something like Xpxlpxkyl, and my reasoning was, since I was a
pixie, it would be neat to play a Mr. Mxplyktyllx type character. Though,
you'll note I didn't steal the name directly, I tried to be original, and
I tried to be true to a certain type of 'pixie.'
The treatment, and the threats, without any discussion may be 'legal' in
the sense that it's his mud and he can do anything he wants, but they
certainly indicate to me that I have no desire to play there. And I would
recommend against anyone ever playing there.
In the 8 years I've played on MUDs, I've never been treated so poorly, or
seen such cold, cruel, and flat out dispicable behaviour from any MUD
Stephan Anstey
Well after getting siteband for over 45 differant ip address, I loged on
from work at the Goverment building in the state of florida "i will not
state the town due to privacy reasons" and i found out i my character had
been deleted so with the help of my employer we found out from the F.C.C
that under no circumstance could a goverment site be banned!! from
electronic means.
So i kindly contacted there server and informed them what this law
ment and ther server forced the mud to be shut down untill all personal
problems would be taken care of.
Now this was the most extreme method taken your action may be just
simple enough as to join another mud or send them a Telnet bomb
(AKA) Virus:
Thank You
P.S. remember to come to Telnet://
for the best gaming on the web and also remember that we are in search
of CODERS and BUILDERS who will recive great rewards !!!
> Now this was the most extreme method taken your action may be just
> simple enough as to join another mud or send them a Telnet bomb
> (AKA) Virus:
The type of reaction you taked about is way out of my realm of acceptable.
I feel that one bad advertisement for one instance of extreme rudeness is
fair. For me to go further would have required significant belligerant
actions on their part, such as mail bombing or attacking me personally.
And when I say 'further' I still wouldn't resort to illegal, or ethically
questionable activities, I'd be far more likely to try contacting ISP and
dealing with it professionally.
Regardless, my consumer warning is the action I intend, and it is only
intended to warn people away from a hostile situation. In a couple of days
this post will be gone, and that will be the end of it as far as I'm
I am the least
and because of that
I am the most.
Behind the paradox
I find solace.
: The management of Perilous Realms treated me unfairly, irresponsibly, and
: in a nasty way. I would recommend to anyone looking for a place to play,
: find another one.
[snip silly diatribe that doesn't belong in this newsgroup]
Some other wanker wrote in response, but didn't know how to quote and cite
: Dont feal so bad man i got treated the same way with Real world mud:
: they were a bunch of dumb ass white boys with mommies
: and daddys money thinking they could do any thing.
Whereas you are a minority of some sort with no money because you're
unwilling to get a job and insist that those 'white boys' are responsible
for your financial difficulties, and think muds should all be minority
owned and that positions on them should be given out using racial quotas,
right? Moron.
: been deleted so with the help of my employer we found out from the F.C.C
: that under no circumstance could a goverment site be banned!! from
: electronic means.
This is bullshit. The FCC has no power to regulate the Internet or any
site thereon. The Internet is not an EM spectrum user. You are wrong.
Please shut up now.
: So i kindly contacted there server and informed them what this law
: ment and ther server forced the mud to be shut down untill all personal
: problems would be taken care of.
This law doesn't exist. Moreover, if it did exist, it could be freely
ignored, as it is blatantly unconstitutional on its face. If you want
proof, I'll siteban all .gov sites from my mud, and you go rat me out.
Please take along a cameraman; I want pictures of you being laughed
out of a federal building.
: Now this was the most extreme method taken your action may be just
: simple enough as to join another mud or send them a Telnet bomb
: (AKA) Virus:
'Bombs' of all sorts ARE illegal.
: P.S. remember to come to Telnet://
: for the best gaming on the web and also remember that we are in search
: of CODERS and BUILDERS who will recive great rewards !!!
You have a sick notion of an ad. Great rewards? They get to use emote,
John J. Adelsberger III
"Civilization is the process of setting man free from men."
- Ayn Rand
> The management of Perilous Realms treated me unfairly, irresponsibly, and
> in a nasty way. I would recommend to anyone looking for a place to play,
> find another one.
> In the 8 years I've played on MUDs, I've never been treated so poorly, or
> seen such cold, cruel, and flat out dispicable behaviour from any MUD
> management.
There is even more interesting things than that. You just didn't play
there long enough. ;)
George Greer - | Genius may have its limitations, but stupidity | is not thus handicapped. -- Elbert Hubbard
After 45 different times of being kicked off, you couldn't pick up the hint..
I really doubt you cycled through 45 ip addresses too, unless of course, you count and as two different addresses. If you actually
did cycle through 45 different ones, well, you need to get out of your house more.
>from work at the Goverment building in the state of florida "i will not
>state the town due to privacy reasons" and i found out i my character had
>been deleted so with the help of my employer we found out from the F.C.C
>that under no circumstance could a goverment site be banned!! from
>electronic means.
Okaaay.. If you say so. :)
>Now this was the most extreme method taken your action may be just
>simple enough as to join another mud or send them a Telnet bomb
>(AKA) Virus:
Okay, banning a government site is illegal, but I guess viruses/bombs aren't.
Suure. So what, you're saying that you can break the law and still call it down
upon people? It's okay if you break the law, and then go looking for loopholes
(which I'd stake my life on don't exist) to use as well? God forbid those nasty
mud implementors don't like me, I'll show them. I'll just go and sink below their
level, hah!
If you want real fun when you have disagreements with the management
of a MUD, you have to make them paranoid of you, that you can seriously
do bad things, like give out nasty information. It's enough fun until
you get bored and decide to just move on, and doesn't really hurt anyone,
besides making the imp's hair go gray. ;)
>P.S. remember to come to Telnet://
>for the best gaming on the web and also remember that we are in search
>of CODERS and BUILDERS who will recive great rewards !!!
If I'm telneting to your mud, how is it the best game on the Web?
Or does it really suck compared to other telnet muds and this is just
a loophole to get around people harping at you for false advertisement?
Oh, I see, your mud isn't the best, but your home page is filled with blinking
lights and moving graphics. Wow. :)
And what rewards am I going to recieve? Do I get to use echo? Wow.
Oh, yes, oset! I can have blindingly bright restrung items! YES!
- Zio, the Holy One.
(My god, no advertisement. Hell is freezing over again, isn't it?)
"Mr Bester.." "Captain Sheridan.." "Get the hell out of my chair!"
I currently play MS. We're not a huge mud...we normally have about
18 people on at normal hours, maybe mid 20s at the peak...We've got
Great imms and some great coding done by our imp Flar. Check us out if
you like... 4000
Mike Pazos AKA
: I currently play MS. We're not a huge mud...we normally have about
: 18 people on at normal hours, maybe mid 20s at the peak...We've got
: Great imms and some great coding done by our imp Flar. Check us out if
: you like...
Is MS NT out yet, or is this still MS 95?:-)
(Clueless as to my point? MS is an abbreviation, not a name:-)
And we are ever so grateful to watch you air your dirty laundry here. *yawn*
>The management of Perilous Realms treated me unfairly, irresponsibly, and
>in a nasty way. I would recommend to anyone looking for a place to play,
>find another one.
Nobody forced you to play there.
>The situation was very simple, and very straight forward. I chose a name
>that wasn't to the liking of Deth, the implementor.
If you don't like their rules then leave and go somewhere else. There are
plenty of muds on the internet.
>The treatment, and the threats, without any discussion may be 'legal' in
Of course it is legal moron. Sheesh.
>In the 8 years I've played on MUDs, I've never been treated so poorly, or
>seen such cold, cruel, and flat out dispicable behaviour from any MUD
Then find another mud to play. But please, quite your whining.
VISIT THRESHOLD ONLINE! High Fantasy Role Playing Game!
Player run clans, guilds, businesses, legal system, nobility, missile
combat, detailed religions, rich, detailed roleplaying environment.
> Whereas you are a minority of some sort with no money because you're
> unwilling to get a job and insist that those 'white boys' are responsible
> for your financial difficulties, and think muds should all be minority
> owned and that positions on them should be given out using racial quotas,
> right? Moron.
[snip further discussion]
> "Civilization is the process of setting man free from men."
> - Ayn Rand
Obviously, the 'white boys' remark was out of line. I would consider the
discussion on minorities following it equally so. The existence of
discrimination is not open to debate, although policy (if any) to ame-
liorate it is. The Rand quote is especially interesting in this context;
Rand, you may recall, if the philosopher who used a mix of Nietzsche
and Victor Hugo to prove that it is cruel not to let people starve.
Nathan Simington
[Snip of Adelsberger]
>[snip further discussion]
>> "Civilization is the process of setting man free from men."
>> - Ayn Rand
>The Rand quote is especially interesting in this context;
>Rand, you may recall, is the philosopher who used a mix of Nietzsche
>and Victor Hugo to prove that it is cruel not to let people starve.
>Nathan Simington
And what, exactly, is your point?
Do you expect John to be shocked? Embarassed? Or any of us to see this
as a startling insight to John's politics?
Sorry Nathan, I just couldn't resist, welcome to :)
: Obviously, the 'white boys' remark was out of line. I would consider the
: discussion on minorities following it equally so. The existence of
: discrimination is not open to debate, although policy (if any) to ame-
: liorate it is. The Rand quote is especially interesting in this context;
: Rand, you may recall, if the philosopher who used a mix of Nietzsche
: and Victor Hugo to prove that it is cruel not to let people starve.
Does the fact that you are lying and that anyone who reads Rand will KNOW
you are lying bother you? Hugo was an author - a novelist. Not a
philosopher, in Rand's mind or mine. Nietzsche she made fun of, as do
I; he essentially said that philosophy is whatever you want it to be.
If anything, Hugo was a sentimentalist who felt sorry for the 'unfortunate.'
This is not wrong, but it hardly meets your description. Neitzsche can
be made to mean whatever you like; all the man really had to say was that
you should find your OWN morality, whatever that might be.
If you meant to get at the fact that Rand didn't believe in government
enforced 'charity' you're right - she didn't. Neither do I. Being rude
is not necessary to make this point. Lying is not either.
When/if you actually have something credible to say, do it, but don't libel
dead people; not only is it rude, but you've nothing to gain.
John J. Adelsberger III
"Civilization is the process of setting man free from men."
- Ayn Rand
Yeah...I guess I am deliberately lying to you. This must be because of
the psycho-epistemological fallacies in my makeup; my fundamental
"Ellsworth Toohey"-ism, as it were. I read a lot of Rand when I was
younger, and took it semi-seriously until I realized that half of "The
Romantic Manifesto" was cribbed from "Thus Spake Zarathustra". As for
Hugo, I stand by Rand's description of him as being 'one of the greatest
novelists of all time', with the other being Dostoevski. I suppose that
she deliberately avoided being influenced by him then? For evidence, you
just have to reread _The Man Who Laughed_.
Anyhow, the point of my original post was that flaming minorities isn't
going to solve anything.
Nathan Simington
: Yeah...I guess I am deliberately lying to you. This must be because of
: the psycho-epistemological fallacies in my makeup; my fundamental
: "Ellsworth Toohey"-ism, as it were.
Actually, I think it's because you're an ass.
: I read a lot of Rand when I was
: younger, and took it semi-seriously until I realized that half of "The
: Romantic Manifesto" was cribbed from "Thus Spake Zarathustra". As for
: Hugo, I stand by Rand's description of him as being 'one of the greatest
: novelists of all time', with the other being Dostoevski. I suppose that
: she deliberately avoided being influenced by him then? For evidence, you
: just have to reread _The Man Who Laughed_.
If/when you read philosophy to any extent, you will find that many ideas
and themes are common across wildly differing philosophical systems. I
seriously doubt Rand 'cribbed' anything, anymore than Aristotle 'cribbed'
Plato's work.
As I said, she was probably influenced by Hugo as a writer, but not Hugo
as a philosopher. She agreed with aspects of what she termed his 'world
view' but this is not the same thing as philosophy; certainly the laughing
man could have been one of her characters, but this is not a matter of
By the way, the Romantic Manifesto and her fiction really weren't the best
stuff she ever did. They _are_ worthwhile, but they aren't the best thing
she ever did.
> >from work at the Goverment building in the state of florida "i will not
> >state the town due to privacy reasons" and i found out i my character
> >been deleted so with the help of my employer we found out from the F.C.C
> >that under no circumstance could a goverment site be banned!! from
> >electronic means.
Um. As Aristotle et al told you , get a clue, or a life... or maybe some
Read the constitution you little babbling fool. Freedom of association.
Look it up, ask a lawyer.
good news though folks.. gov lawyers now apparently give free (though
legal advice to Janitors!
> >Now this was the most extreme method taken your action may be just
> >simple enough as to join another mud or send them a Telnet bomb
> >(AKA) Virus:
Just fyi dipshit. That's called Terrorism. Not assault, not fraud, not
"playin a nasty prank." You just threatened retaliation for a legal act
with an illegal assault with intent to permanently damage or destroy an
asset (of the mud owner) and the business assets of his provider. And you
just posted it for the world to see.
Good legal advice you're getting.
Aren't you the same little braindead nazi who decided we were all poor
minority scum to be purged? hmm
just fyi i'm a white boy from nc and little hate filled whiners like you
are an embarrassment to humanity.
I have heard some morons on my mud make this same argument "I am logging on
from a government site and you cannot ban me!"
That is a total load of crap. First of all, its a freedom of association issue
(1st ammendment). Second of all, the government cannot force you to give them
access because that would be an unlawful "seuzire" of your property (4th and
14th ammendments).
The guy didn't get legal advice. Every lawyer would know that. The guy is just
a lying twink.
> Aren't you the same little braindead nazi who decided we were all poor
> minority scum to be purged? hmm
> just fyi i'm a white boy from nc and little hate filled whiners like you
> are an embarrassment to humanity.
Nope...the twit who claims government sites may not be legally banned
claims that all mud admins are a bunch of white boys. It was somebody
else who then accused the twit of being an unskilled member of a mi-
nority who prolly couldn't get a job.
How uncivil (=