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Mr P V Smith

Apr 14, 1993, 4:51:42 PM4/14/93

It's come to my attention that someone has been blacklisting The Farside
mud and blacknaming me (Beebop, a gamemaster on the aforementioned mud).

I have a good idea why it's happening, for 2 days ago i removed and
banished a wizard from farside, said wizard was 'Beanie'.

Now, it appears that she is running around telling all her friends
what a big nasty person i am, and Farside's Game Admin, Alvin, has
received some emails complaining about me, he just trashed them,
i don't blame him..

Firstly, I removed beanie, so if you have a problem with that,
mail ME!!!!!! and talk to me in PERSON, i don't appreciate hearing
what a bad person i'm supposed to be, and that it's spreading all over
lots of muds or whatever, Beanie accused me of backstabbing people,
i wonder what you call this?

So, if you have a problem with me, mail me at,
But, if you have a real problem with me, just stay off Farside eh?
It's that simple.

Now, i may as well explain the truth as to why i removed and banished
beanie, seeing as i've heard several versions of it myself that are
quite funny.

I removed beanie because she was upsetting the atmosphere of the Mud,
I have coded my arse off on Farside, as any farside wiz will tell you,
i recoded a substantial amount of the mudlib, rewrote combat from scratch
etc, wrote 3/4 of the guilds on there, lalala, this isn't a story of my
achievments, suffice to say, i've done a lot. i've earned my Gm position.

Now, i wizzed something to the effect that the mud gets me down sometimes,
coz i've coded most of the new stuff, and not many others are familiar with
it, i get to fix all the lovely bugs, so i have a large list of things to
do, which i'm sure sounds familar to a load of wizards..

Now, this then was shouted (i regret it was shouted, i wish it was all wizzed)
(taken from /log/SHOUTS)

beanie shouted: Gee, thanks Beebop. on Tue Apr 13 00:44:14 1993
beebop shouted: sorry beanie, didn't know you'd contributed so much to this
place on Tue Apr 13 00:44:53 1993
beanie shouted: i WOULD if the mud deserved it. on Tue Apr 13 00:45:39 1993
beebop shouted: could you? on Tue Apr 13 00:45:55 1993
beanie shouted: I could probably outcode most people, IF i wanted to and
had incentive. on Tue Apr 13 00:46:27 1993
beebop shouted: outcode me then on Tue Apr 13 00:46:40 1993
beanie shouted: *heh* on Tue Apr 13 00:46:48 1993
kai shouted: I could use a challange :) on Tue Apr 13 00:46:52 1993
beebop shouted: or Kai on Tue Apr 13 00:46:54 1993
beebop shouted: how about earmuffs for players? on Tue Apr 13 00:51:28 1993
rascall shouted: I just ignore you all when I choose. on Tue Apr 13
00:51:44 1993
beebop shouted: don't see why they should be a just wiz thing (ok wizzes, i
know they dont work yet, but i should fix it some day..) on Tue Apr 13
00:51:54 1993
kai shouted: how about earmufs for wizards on Tue Apr 13 00:51:54 1993
Beebop echoalled Quote of the week: Beebop says: i should fix that some day...

Oh, that's all, i thought it was more than that, i guess we wizzed the
rest, anyway, from that little log at the start of the argument you can
see the Beanie seemed to think herself above this little mud of ours,
and that she can code superbly well, but feels that farside doesn't
deserve her wonderful brilliance. Now, i don't know about any other
Gods/Admins out there, but personally, any wiz with that attitude isn't
welcome on a mud where i wield any power. That's my opinion, and that's
final. I code for the players, i try to make a decent, origional world.
And if some wizard decides that they're too good for this mud of ours,
then basically, i don't see why they should waste our discspace
or CPU time talking. So, it then degenerated into a slanging match over
the wizline (which i'm quite adept at, seeing as i find insults directed
towards me incredibly amusing, and have had 20 years practice at winding
people up till the explode)

So, that's that, that's the real reason i rm'd beanie,
she decided herself that she was too good for our mud, if you lot want
her, you can have her.

Now, this wasn't the end of the story like i assumed/hoped it would
be though, because beanie happens to have a load of friends on other
muds and is a goddess somewhere or something, so she decided to whine
to all her friends and say what a bad person i was, and got a flatmate
of hers to log on and proceed to tell me that i was a very bad human
being and started to list ways that i should behave as a Gm


have you any idea how utterly pathetic it is to have a level 1
log on for the first time and tell a level 1000 how he should run a mud?
i don't care how many muds you're god or arch on (anyone can be a god,
if you've got ftp). Because you lot have no idea what i am really like,
you all seem to assume i'm a bad person just because i remove someone,
how pathetic, on farside i'm a gamemaster, it's a totally different
persona to my real life personality, and i wish more people would
deal with that.

I guess that about wraps it up, don't wanna waste too much time here.

Just remember, if you got a problem with me, mail ME dammit, don't
mail my mud admin, he doesn't give a toss about this sort of thing, he
finds it as amusing as i do.

And Beanie, Just deal with it, you're history on farside, and that's
all there is to it. Just quit whining and bitching to all your ever-so
powerful friends, ok?

~Beebop, who freely admits to being more than 119% bastard

(But maybe all you lot should log onto farside, 2500,
and ask all the players what they think of the Gm Beebop eh?)

Alex Parga

Apr 14, 1993, 6:34:35 PM4/14/93
Beebop, don't sweat it...disgruntled wizards will do anything to raise a stink
and 'get back' at those they feel have hurt them, including try to hurt a mud

So bet it...there will always be more players and more try to
'strike back' to make yourself feel better by hurting someone else is
childish and stupid. Responding to such 'attacks' merely perpetuates the
cycle and lends credence to what the disgruntled wizard says.

If you nuke a wizard in the interest of preserving a certain atmosphere
that said wizard disrupts, or because said wizard doesn't produce code,
or simply because said wizard annoys you to no end which keeps you from getting
things done (assuming you do a lot), nuke em and be done with it, don't
perpetuate it or invite flames by milling over it. Just end it


Stevn D Lamb

Apr 14, 1993, 9:11:14 PM4/14/93

just thought it was kinda funny that on the old Farside i seem to remember
having a set of earmuffs for players. *grin*
Beebop, feel free to use the code if my dir is still there ;)


Jason D. Bourgoin

Apr 14, 1993, 11:29:00 PM4/14/93
In article <>, (Mr P V Smith) writes...


>And if some wizard decides that they're too good for this mud of ours,
>then basically, i don't see why they should waste our discspace
>or CPU time talking.


> have you any idea how utterly pathetic it is to have a level 1
>log on for the first time and tell a level 1000 how he should run a mud?
>i don't care how many muds you're god or arch on (anyone can be a god,
>if you've got ftp).


People often forget that MUDding is not a right, nor is being a wizard, coder,
or similarly privileged user in MUDs they don't specifically own/run. This is
just going back to the whole "MUD ethics" thread, so ask TMI-2 if they have a
copy of their conference for more along the lines of that particular series.
The topic of ethics is moot (God, I love that word!); those de-frocked if you
will from a MUD will always self-inflict martyrdom upon themselves, and be sure
their 50 closest friends take heed and follow their lead. Thus, you will have
beaucoup new logins adhering to "bitch and moan" mode, and not just from any
one site cause that'd be too easy for you to seal them out. About all you can
do is sit in /room/church (/room/square, or whatever your mudlib supports) and
"dest <player>" till you're blue in the face, or make a quick object that does
the same for anyone who shouts (catch_tell can be nice, despite how everyone
likes to thrash on it). Or you can take away "shout" and deal with your loyal
players complaints about not having global communication systems. But your
best bet is probably to finalize the banishment/removal of the offender (tar
their directory and move it outside the mudlib... let them contact the MUD
admin to have a copy uuencoded and mailed to them) and ignore the short burst
of anger spewed off by the "flocks," the 50 or so "closest" friends of the
victimized *cough* (pulease!) exile. If your MUD allows player killing, the
players who stay (obviously not swayed by the shouts of the defendant and
cohorts) might even gang up and sit in the entrance room for you! :)

I've done it both ways. Believe me, it only wastes more time and energy
trying to reason with people who are oblivious to logic and rational thought
normally associated with species of a higher intellect than, say, your average
petri dish colony. The players, those players who understand that their admins
are trying to act in the MUD's best behalf rather, will stay. Those who leave
were planning to leave anyway; if this incident didn't decide it for them, the
next would have. Trying to accomodate the "sandbox needs" ("I'm taking my ball
and going home" analogy) of 1,000 people, or even 10 people for that matter,
is a lesson in futility for even the best social engineer. No matter how you
run things, there will always be SOMEONE who doesn't like it. My personal
feeling is that some people have a physiological NEED to have something to
bitch about, so they aren't happy with life unless something irks them.

However you deal with it, try not to sweat it to much. Log off, go home (if
you MUD from a computer center, like I do), order a pizza, grab a beer and
some TUMS, and relax! People like that will be here tomorrow, and the next
day, and the next, and the next. Don't base your schedule around them,
trying to "talk to them" or "code special objects to prevent" or they'll have
you just where they want you: on puppet strings. Instead, kick back and do
something Zen'ish like throwing darts at your ceiling while you're lying on
your bed. Soon they'll realize their pleas are falling on deaf ears and get
bored. Or maybe they'll freak when your long description looks like this:

*sarcasm on*

>look at katmandu
Katmandu the Peanut Butter Novice (Neutralized)
Katmandu was playing darts last night, with his ceiling. He has 6 little
hole marks in his forehead where he didn't quite catch the the ones that
didn't stick. Katmandu would LOVE to play darts with people who abuse the
humble MUD that he's trying to maintain!
He is in good shape.
He is carrying:
A longing grudge for people who deserve it
A set of darts

*sarcasm off*

Ok, maybe that's not the BEST approach to take, but it sure beats trying to
kiss up to them all! :)

Hope this helps, *cough*chuckle*

Jason D. Bourgoin, UAS Computer Center, 11120 Glacier Highway, Juneau AK 99803
JX...@Acad1.Alaska.Edu, JX...@Alaska.Bitnet Phone: ( 9 0 7 ) 4 6 5 - 6 5 2 1
The opinions/views expressed herein are my own, and do not necessarily reflect
the views of the University of Alaska, or any affiliates including UAS Juneau,
or the Computer Center and Academic Computing thereof, unless otherwise stated

A Pair-annoyed

Apr 15, 1993, 2:13:00 AM4/15/93
In article <>, (Jason D. Bourgoin) writes...

[Some very gooooood stuff removed]

>trying to "talk to them" or "code special objects to prevent" or they'll have

I seem to remember a few of those objects. And a few that 'spied' on the
players. BTW, do you still have that one on Secret Agents Katmandu and

>you just where they want you: on puppet strings. Instead, kick back and do
>something Zen'ish like throwing darts at your ceiling while you're lying on
>your bed. Soon they'll realize their pleas are falling on deaf ears and get
>bored. Or maybe they'll freak when your long description looks like this:
>*sarcasm on*
>>look at katmandu
>Katmandu the Peanut Butter Novice (Neutralized)
>Katmandu was playing darts last night, with his ceiling. He has 6 little
>hole marks in his forehead where he didn't quite catch the the ones that
>didn't stick. Katmandu would LOVE to play darts with people who abuse the
>humble MUD that he's trying to maintain!
>He is in good shape.
>He is carrying:
>A longing grudge for people who deserve it
>A set of darts
>*sarcasm off*

Actually, it's like this:

Disgruntled: Hey you, Yeah you shit for brains who removed me!

Corwin: What do you want now. Can't you get the message, your not wanted?

Disgruntled: Look, I'm sorry about the mistake. Can't I have another chance?

Corwin: This is a 1 mistake MUD, and you made 2 of them. 1) You pissed me off
2) You called me shit for brains. Basically the message is this:
SUFFER! You made your bed, now sleep in it!

Disgruntled: I'll get you removed from this account.

Corwin: So?

Disgruntled: I know the SYS ADMIN, hehe, he'll remove you.

Corwin: Really? Do tell?

Disgruntled: Yeah .. I know him really well, in fact he's my best friend

Corwin: Not anymore he isn't, take a hike [name removed to protect an
asshole -- screw it, why protect him].

I think that just about does it...... :)

>Hope this helps, *cough*chuckle*
>Jason D. Bourgoin, UAS Computer Center, 11120 Glacier Highway, Juneau AK 99803
>JX...@Acad1.Alaska.Edu, JX...@Alaska.Bitnet Phone: ( 9 0 7 ) 4 6 5 - 6 5 2 1
>The opinions/views expressed herein are my own, and do not necessarily reflect
>the views of the University of Alaska, or any affiliates including UAS Juneau,
>or the Computer Center and Academic Computing thereof, unless otherwise stated

| MUD UNIVERSE | EMPIRE | Mud is my life, Empire my Destiny |
| | | |
| Corwin | Amber | FS...@ALASKA.BITNET |
| Twix | Stuart_Hall | FS...@ACAD3.ALASKA.EDU |
| Tek (dead) | The_Computer | FS...@AURORA.ALASKA.EDU |
| | | |
| Since 1990 | Since 1991 | Yes I'm still alive and well :) |
| Announcement from The_Computer, (#13) dated Tue Dec 31 00:18:26 1991 |
| My, my, my, my...... Doesn't anybody like me .. :) |
| |
| ? Telegram from The_Scum, (#18) dated Mon Dec 30 23:45:06 1991 |
| Sorry, the last game I saw you in, you made |
| Carrie seem like Mary Poppins. Maybe another |
| game... |
| |
| *grin evilly* .... What did I do wrong .. :) |
| hmmmm ..... all I did was drop a few nukes .. |

Brian Green

Apr 15, 1993, 1:17:06 PM4/15/93
Just wanted to say that I know both people involved in this dispute from
the MUD. I think since Beebop is a GM, he has every right to nuke who he
wants to. And, if Beanie thought the MUD wasn't good enough for her code,
she shouldn't bitch that loud when she got rm'ed. You can be social as
a player, too you know.

As for Beebop's coding ability, I just gotta say that he has created one of
the best combat systems I have ever seen on an LPMud (even if it is a bit
gory :). He has also devised a quite clever guild system that I hope to in my future code. :) (Acutally, I have plans
to change and hopfully improve on his wonderful idea. Thieves still kick
the most ass on Farside. :)

Guild assassian for the thieves,

Psychochild, aka Brian Green in RL (wazzat?)

also, Psychochild@Kerovnia.

No more .sig!

Cary Aipperspach

Apr 16, 1993, 1:49:54 PM4/16/93

Have you considered that most of the world couldn't care less about
Farside? I have my own personal feelings about it, but I don't go
posting them. Leave it alone already. And anyway, your post only
shows your side of things, not necessarily the *whole* story. I find
one-sided posts attempting to explain events to be totally yawnable.

Mr P V Smith

Apr 16, 1993, 3:01:29 PM4/16/93
In article <> (Cary Aipperspach) writes:
>And anyway, your post only
>shows your side of things, not necessarily the *whole* story. I find
>one-sided posts attempting to explain events to be totally yawnable.

Maybe you should read it again, what i was trying to say was, i removed
a wizard, deal with it, and everyone stop running around whining and crying
on other muds and getting other wizards to log on on your behalf and
tell me what a nasty bad person i am,
How the events happened don't matter one little bit, all that matters is
that i am level 1000, she was only about 40 or so, and directly under me
in the heirarchy, therefore i could remove her for saying 'fish' if i felt
like it, yes, it's dictatoral, but as far as LPmuds go, dictator style ruling
is the best way to go, that way you don't get bogged down with silly
democracies where you have to set a meeting time where everyone can get
together and have a little chat which degenerates into a fight and nothing
ever gets done.

Summary: If you're below me, and i don't like you, wave goodbye.


Erorppn Xrzavgm

Apr 16, 1993, 9:31:43 PM4/16/93

Any cool muds out there that officially allow the use of at least
two characters?

I'm sick of always playing one race, one class, day after day, without
change. Even on great muds, this can get tedious. Besides, the easiest
way to find out which guild suits you most is too simply play all of them.

No Sig.
No Witty Quote.

Keith Counsell

Apr 16, 1993, 3:45:38 PM4/16/93
I believe that LustyMud allows you to have multiple characters, as long as
you only play one at a time. You might want to check this out for yourself
with one of the Wiz-types first though.

Keith Counsell | Intoxication isn't the answer to | everything, but it does give a good | first order approximation.

James Beck

Apr 17, 1993, 1:26:05 AM4/17/93

>I believe that LustyMud allows you to have multiple characters, as long as
>you only play one at a time. You might want to check this out for yourself
>with one of the Wiz-types first though.

This is true. I happen to know since I'm a wizard on LustyMud and the way
that Lusty herself has stated the rules, you are allowed to have as many
player characters as you want, as long as only one is on at a given time.
We'd prefer of course that you don't bring tons and tons of low-level chars
on and any abuse of the privelidge will cause Lusty to rethink it maybe,
but it is allowed. I myself have a player char i use once and again whn
I just wanna have some fun. Come one come all...and enjoy LustyMud....
the best mud there ever was!!!

Sidenote: If you enter the game on castle is S 4E 3N from the
place where you first enter. :)

Have fun mudding!!!!!

Keith Counsell

Apr 16, 1993, 8:01:58 PM4/16/93
I don't think Snowlock put the address for Lusty in when he suggested that
you folks all come on over and give it a try; it's at 2000.
By the way, I think it is among the best muds i've played. If you drop in,
look me up. I'm Lovecraft (and yes, it is a reference to HP Lovecraft, so
stop asking me about it already...).

David Bennett

Apr 18, 1993, 8:43:55 AM4/18/93
ap52729@dcl-nxt01 (Alex Parga) writes:
>or simply because said wizard annoys you to no end which keeps you from getting
>things done (assuming you do a lot), nuke em and be done with it, don't
>perpetuate it or invite flames by milling over it. Just end it

This is of course the Zellski principle. It works well.

Trust me (or Zellski :)

(PS Long live Zellski, where ever he may be).
David Bennett, | University Computer Club
Where Pink fish swim backwards. | c/o Guild of Undergraduates
These words I am singing now mean nothing more than meow to an animal - TMBG
Disclaimer: Any spelling mistakes in this article are all entirly my fault. Any grammer errors spotted in this article were put there because I could.

George Reese

Apr 18, 1993, 6:21:44 PM4/18/93
In article <1qrieb$> (David Bennett) writes:
>(PS Long live Zellski, where ever he may be).

Among Rocky Mountain frogs.
-Descartes :)

Richard Dalton

Apr 19, 1993, 9:07:20 AM4/19/93
to (Cary Aipperspach) writes:

I get back from a three week Easter break, and immediately a posting from
D**kone pops up on r.g.m.l (the first i've seen i think). Is this an omen or

Rich 'Z'

Richard Dalton | Computing Laboratory
Email: | University of Newcastle Upon Tyne

Christina Hellstr|m INF

Apr 19, 1993, 4:56:31 PM4/19/93
StickMUD allows multiple characters as long as they are in no contact with
each other and never logged in at the same time. All the secondary characters
have to be registered though before they can be used, ie the player has to
mail to admins through the post office in the mud stating who his primary and
secondary characters are. Also, any abuses of the rules will lead to removal
of all secondary characters and possibly some penalty to the primary character
depending on the offence.

The address of StickMUD is: 7680
or 7680
or 7680

//Elena of StickMUD

Christina Hellstrom

Roy W Schletzbaum

Apr 19, 1993, 7:56:32 PM4/19/93
In article <> (Richard Dalton) writes:
> (Cary Aipperspach) writes:
>>Have you considered that most of the world couldn't care less about
>>Farside? I have my own personal feelings about it, but I don't go
>>posting them. Leave it alone already. And anyway, your post only
>>shows your side of things, not necessarily the *whole* story. I find
>>one-sided posts attempting to explain events to be totally yawnable.

>I get back from a three week Easter break, and immediately a posting from
>D**kone pops up on r.g.m.l (the first i've seen i think). Is this an omen or

Yep, the omen means "Welcome back Zaph, you missed a lot, talk to Beebop,
he'll fill you in." :)

> Rich 'Z'
Daroki, former (WHEW) Gamemaster of the Farside, Elder at Nightmare.

James Waldrop

Apr 21, 1993, 12:16:15 AM4/21/93

Sulam sniffs.

Gnort, Student of Idle Affairs

Apr 21, 1993, 5:26:41 AM4/21/93
to (James Waldrop) writes:
> (George Reese) writes:
>>In article [some frog] (David Bennett) writes:
>>>(PS Long live Zellski, where ever he may be).
>>Among Rocky Mountain frogs.
>Sulam sniffs.
Gnort wonders if Zellski is in his last, long idle.

P{r Emanuelsson

Apr 22, 1993, 2:10:46 AM4/22/93
Pell has given him some hints where he can hook up his fingers to the Internet.
Lysator Computer Society
University of Linkoping, Sweden ...!uunet!!pell


Apr 24, 1993, 11:58:51 PM4/24/93
Heh... look, a cascade in
Twist "We've got armadillos in our trousers" - This Is Spinal Tap "Never trust a woman or a government" - Yellowbeard
*Bill Of Rights - Void where prohibited by law*
Noli nothis permittere te terere

Jason Fish Blakey

Apr 25, 1993, 2:49:20 AM4/25/93
In article <> (Twist) writes:
>In article <> (Gnort, Student of Idle Affairs) writes:
>> (James Waldrop) writes:
>>> (George Reese) writes:
>>>>In article [some frog] (David Bennett) writes:
>>>>>(PS Long live Zellski, where ever he may be).
>>>>Among Rocky Mountain frogs.
>>>Sulam sniffs.
>>Gnort wonders if Zellski is in his last, long idle.
>Heh... look, a cascade in
Good ol' Zellski! I still remember his oven and brewery:)
-Jason (aka Gobrus)
............................................................................ -> He's big! He's purple! He's your best friend!

P{r Emanuelsson

Apr 25, 1993, 7:40:58 PM4/25/93
to (Jason "Fish" Blakey) writes:
>In article <> (Twist) writes:
>>In article <> (Gnort, Student of Idle Affairs) writes:
>>> (James Waldrop) writes:
>>>> (George Reese) writes:
>>>>>In article [some frog] (David Bennett) writes:
>>>>>>(PS Long live Zellski, where ever he may be).
>>>>>Among Rocky Mountain frogs.
>>>>Sulam sniffs.
>>>Gnort wonders if Zellski is in his last, long idle.
>>Heh... look, a cascade in
>Good ol' Zellski! I still remember his oven and brewery:)
I think he'd rather be remembered for his own creations, but, then again,
your smiley is supposedly there for a reason. ;)

Adam Beeman

Apr 26, 1993, 6:11:48 PM4/26/93

In article <> (P{r Emanuelsson) writes:
> (Jason "Fish" Blakey) writes:
>>In article <> (Twist) writes:
>>>In article <> (Gnort, Student of Idle Affairs) writes:
>>>> (James Waldrop) writes:
>>>>> (George Reese) writes:
>>>>>>In article [some frog] (David Bennett) writes:
>>>>>>>(PS Long live Zellski, where ever he may be).
>>>>>>Among Rocky Mountain frogs.
>>>>>Sulam sniffs.
>>>>Gnort wonders if Zellski is in his last, long idle.
>>>Heh... look, a cascade in
>>Good ol' Zellski! I still remember his oven and brewery:)
>I think he'd rather be remembered for his own creations, but, then again,
>your smiley is supposedly there for a reason. ;)
Uh, is he ok? Did he lose net access, or die a horrible death?
Buddha has a questioning look on his face.

From the Mind of Adam Beeman || Flames: root@localhost
#include <std/disclaimer.h> || other stuff:
insert your own witty quote here || NeXT Mail:

Christer Borang

Apr 27, 1993, 1:58:32 AM4/27/93
to (Adam Beeman) writes:

>In article <> (P{r Emanuelsson) writes:
>> (Jason "Fish" Blakey) writes:
>>>In article <> (Twist) writes:
>>>>In article <> (Gnort, Student of Idle Affairs) writes:
>>>>> (James Waldrop) writes:
>>>>>> (George Reese) writes:
>>>>>>>In article [some frog] (David Bennett) writes:
>>>>>>>>(PS Long live Zellski, where ever he may be).
>>>>>>>Among Rocky Mountain frogs.
>>>>>>Sulam sniffs.
>>>>>Gnort wonders if Zellski is in his last, long idle.
>>>>Heh... look, a cascade in
>>>Good ol' Zellski! I still remember his oven and brewery:)
>>I think he'd rather be remembered for his own creations, but, then again,
>>your smiley is supposedly there for a reason. ;)
>Uh, is he ok? Did he lose net access, or die a horrible death?
>Buddha has a questioning look on his face.

He died a horrible death. Thankfully, P{r Winzell didn't do the same, so he
lives on together with the player of Velvet. (Karen Meisner (Hope I spelled
it right :))

Det finns inget som g|r kvinnor s} vackra som alkohol och st{ngningsdags...

James Waldrop

Apr 27, 1993, 11:25:01 AM4/27/93
to (Adam Beeman) writes:
> (P{r Emanuelsson) writes:
>> (Jason "Fish" Blakey) writes:
>>> (Twist) writes:
>>>> (Gnort, Student of Idle Affairs) writes:
>>>>> (James Waldrop) writes:
>>>>>> (George Reese) writes:
>>>>>>>In article [some frog] (David Bennett) writes:
>>>>>>>>(PS Long live Zellski, where ever he may be).
>>>>>>>Among Rocky Mountain frogs.
>>>>>>Sulam sniffs.
>>>>>Gnort wonders if Zellski is in his last, long idle.
>>>>Heh... look, a cascade in
>>>Good ol' Zellski! I still remember his oven and brewery:)
>>I think he'd rather be remembered for his own creations, but, then again,
>>your smiley is supposedly there for a reason. ;)
>Uh, is he ok? Did he lose net access, or die a horrible death?
He has forsaken his homeland for Portland and is sans access.


Jul 31, 2015, 12:10:05 PM7/31/15
On Wednesday, April 14, 1993 at 1:51:42 PM UTC-7, Mr P V Smith wrote:
> It's come to my attention that someone has been blacklisting The Farside
> mud and blacknaming me (Beebop, a gamemaster on the aforementioned mud).
> I have a good idea why it's happening, for 2 days ago i removed and
> banished a wizard from farside, said wizard was 'Beanie'.
> Now, it appears that she is running around telling all her friends
> what a big nasty person i am, and Farside's Game Admin, Alvin, has
> received some emails complaining about me, he just trashed them,
> i don't blame him..
> Firstly, I removed beanie, so if you have a problem with that,
> mail ME!!!!!! and talk to me in PERSON, i don't appreciate hearing
> what a bad person i'm supposed to be, and that it's spreading all over
> lots of muds or whatever, Beanie accused me of backstabbing people,
> i wonder what you call this?
> So, if you have a problem with me, mail me at,
> But, if you have a real problem with me, just stay off Farside eh?
> It's that simple.
> Now, i may as well explain the truth as to why i removed and banished
> beanie, seeing as i've heard several versions of it myself that are
> quite funny.
> I removed beanie because she was upsetting the atmosphere of the Mud,
> I have coded my arse off on Farside, as any farside wiz will tell you,
> i recoded a substantial amount of the mudlib, rewrote combat from scratch
> etc, wrote 3/4 of the guilds on there, lalala, this isn't a story of my
> achievments, suffice to say, i've done a lot. i've earned my Gm position.
> Now, i wizzed something to the effect that the mud gets me down sometimes,
> coz i've coded most of the new stuff, and not many others are familiar with
> it, i get to fix all the lovely bugs, so i have a large list of things to
> do, which i'm sure sounds familar to a load of wizards..
> Now, this then was shouted (i regret it was shouted, i wish it was all wizzed)
> (taken from /log/SHOUTS)
> beanie shouted: Gee, thanks Beebop. on Tue Apr 13 00:44:14 1993
> beebop shouted: sorry beanie, didn't know you'd contributed so much to this
> place on Tue Apr 13 00:44:53 1993
> beanie shouted: i WOULD if the mud deserved it. on Tue Apr 13 00:45:39 1993
> beebop shouted: could you? on Tue Apr 13 00:45:55 1993
> beanie shouted: I could probably outcode most people, IF i wanted to and
> had incentive. on Tue Apr 13 00:46:27 1993
> beebop shouted: outcode me then on Tue Apr 13 00:46:40 1993
> beanie shouted: *heh* on Tue Apr 13 00:46:48 1993
> kai shouted: I could use a challange :) on Tue Apr 13 00:46:52 1993
> beebop shouted: or Kai on Tue Apr 13 00:46:54 1993
> beebop shouted: how about earmuffs for players? on Tue Apr 13 00:51:28 1993
> rascall shouted: I just ignore you all when I choose. on Tue Apr 13
> 00:51:44 1993
> beebop shouted: don't see why they should be a just wiz thing (ok wizzes, i
> know they dont work yet, but i should fix it some day..) on Tue Apr 13
> 00:51:54 1993
> kai shouted: how about earmufs for wizards on Tue Apr 13 00:51:54 1993
> Beebop echoalled Quote of the week: Beebop says: i should fix that some day...
> Oh, that's all, i thought it was more than that, i guess we wizzed the
> rest, anyway, from that little log at the start of the argument you can
> see the Beanie seemed to think herself above this little mud of ours,
> and that she can code superbly well, but feels that farside doesn't
> deserve her wonderful brilliance. Now, i don't know about any other
> Gods/Admins out there, but personally, any wiz with that attitude isn't
> welcome on a mud where i wield any power. That's my opinion, and that's
> final. I code for the players, i try to make a decent, origional world.
> And if some wizard decides that they're too good for this mud of ours,
> then basically, i don't see why they should waste our discspace
> or CPU time talking. So, it then degenerated into a slanging match over
> the wizline (which i'm quite adept at, seeing as i find insults directed
> towards me incredibly amusing, and have had 20 years practice at winding
> people up till the explode)
> So, that's that, that's the real reason i rm'd beanie,
> she decided herself that she was too good for our mud, if you lot want
> her, you can have her.
> Now, this wasn't the end of the story like i assumed/hoped it would
> be though, because beanie happens to have a load of friends on other
> muds and is a goddess somewhere or something, so she decided to whine
> to all her friends and say what a bad person i was, and got a flatmate
> of hers to log on and proceed to tell me that i was a very bad human
> being and started to list ways that i should behave as a Gm
> have you any idea how utterly pathetic it is to have a level 1
> log on for the first time and tell a level 1000 how he should run a mud?
> i don't care how many muds you're god or arch on (anyone can be a god,
> if you've got ftp). Because you lot have no idea what i am really like,
> you all seem to assume i'm a bad person just because i remove someone,
> how pathetic, on farside i'm a gamemaster, it's a totally different
> persona to my real life personality, and i wish more people would
> deal with that.
> I guess that about wraps it up, don't wanna waste too much time here.
> Just remember, if you got a problem with me, mail ME dammit, don't
> mail my mud admin, he doesn't give a toss about this sort of thing, he
> finds it as amusing as i do.
> And Beanie, Just deal with it, you're history on farside, and that's
> all there is to it. Just quit whining and bitching to all your ever-so
> powerful friends, ok?
> ~Beebop, who freely admits to being more than 119% bastard
> (But maybe all you lot should log onto farside, 2500,
> and ask all the players what they think of the Gm Beebop eh?)

I wish Farside still existed :(

Jun 16, 2017, 11:56:48 PM6/16/17
I wish farside still existed, too.

Nov 29, 2017, 8:33:20 AM11/29/17
On Friday, June 16, 2017 at 11:56:48 PM UTC-4, wrote:
> I wish farside still existed, too.

I don't understand how it's been 20 years... If only =(
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