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Jun 30, 1994, 5:34:36 AM6/30/94
>Ok Neil here is just a random shot in the dark,
>but did ya ever think of maby writeing it in standerd c?

I wrote it in what I _thought_ was standard C but apparently all the
compilers out there have other ideas as to what is standard. I wouldn't
mind if I got the same compiler error all the time but every different
compiler finds a different reason for not compiling it or for it crashing
when it runs (except AIX and OSF/1). I find this situation pathetic.
All I can say is the guys who wrote MudOS have done an amazing
job getting it to compile on all the architectures.

Moral: Get AIX - it doesnt complain about anything - just like a C compiler
should be it compiles any old crap - none of this fussing about types
etc etc...

Neil Robertson

Michael D. Bayne

Jun 30, 1994, 12:40:00 PM6/30/94
to wrote:
: when it runs (except AIX and OSF/1). I find this situation pathetic.

I find your code pathetic. Gcc spewed out nearly one thousand warnings
(I exaggerate not) when I tried to compile your code on a linux
machine. That was WITHOUT -pedantic or anything unfriendly like that.
I couldn't count how many times GCC warned about functions declaring a
return value and then not returning anything.

My advice: pick up The C Programming Language 2nd Edition by Kernighan
and Ritchie. Read it. Put it under your pillow. If you write code as
specified in that book (and they did after all write the language),
then you'll have a lot better luck getting things to compile on other
machines. Granted the ANSI standard doesn't cover everything (largely
and most painfully networking) however, ogham needs a severy beating
with the ANSI stick before it even needs to start worrying about
getting the networking stuff working.

: Moral: Get AIX - it doesnt complain about anything - just like a C compiler

: should be it compiles any old crap - none of this fussing about types
: etc etc...

Moral: There is a standard. It is ANSI. People use it. So should you.

| /o)\ | | All that is is emacs. | /o)\ |
| \(o/ | Blah, blah, teleblah | Emacs is all that is. | \(o/ |

Bob Farmer

Jun 30, 1994, 1:42:44 PM6/30/94
In article <> writes:
>>Ok Neil here is just a random shot in the dark,
>>but did ya ever think of maby writeing it in standerd c?
>I wrote it in what I _thought_ was standard C but apparently all the
>compilers out there have other ideas as to what is standard. I wouldn't
>mind if I got the same compiler error all the time but every different
>compiler finds a different reason for not compiling it or for it crashing
>when it runs (except AIX and OSF/1). I find this situation pathetic.

shrug, if you had developed it on a SunOS, or an Ultrix, or whatever, I
imagine you'd now be complaining that AIX isn't standard. right?

> All I can say is the guys who wrote MudOS have done an amazing
>job getting it to compile on all the architectures.
>Moral: Get AIX - it doesnt complain about anything - just like a C compiler
> should be it compiles any old crap - none of this fussing about types
> etc etc...

heh, nod AIX with the model C compiler. NOT

>Neil Robertson

Bob Farmer
University Computer Services, Sam Houston State Univ. (409)294-3546

Ian Dean

Jul 1, 1994, 2:27:43 AM7/1/94
to (Bob Farmer) writes:

>In article <> writes:
>>>Ok Neil here is just a random shot in the dark,
>>>but did ya ever think of maby writeing it in standerd c?
>>I wrote it in what I _thought_ was standard C but apparently all the
>>compilers out there have other ideas as to what is standard. I wouldn't
>>mind if I got the same compiler error all the time but every different
>>compiler finds a different reason for not compiling it or for it crashing
>>when it runs (except AIX and OSF/1). I find this situation pathetic.

>shrug, if you had developed it on a SunOS, or an Ultrix, or whatever, I
>imagine you'd now be complaining that AIX isn't standard. right?

>> All I can say is the guys who wrote MudOS have done an amazing
>>job getting it to compile on all the architectures.
>>Moral: Get AIX - it doesnt complain about anything - just like a C compiler
>> should be it compiles any old crap - none of this fussing about types
>> etc etc...

>heh, nod AIX with the model C compiler. NOT

Maybe you should start again using the gnu compiler ? :)...At least it is
'fairly' standard across machines.


Jul 1, 1994, 9:12:12 AM7/1/94
>: when it runs (except AIX and OSF/1). I find this situation pathetic.

>I find your code pathetic. Gcc spewed out nearly one thousand warnings
>(I exaggerate not) when I tried to compile your code on a linux

You're not exaggerating? Do me a favour. Thats a blatant lie. I've now tried
it on linux using gcc and ok it didn't compile but it only gave about 10
warnings and a few errors. I suggest you either stop inventing stories or
get your system checked out.

Neil Robertson

PS: If you find my code pathetic you try writing a mud and distribute it.
I wait with baited breath.

Jul 1, 1994, 9:41:39 AM7/1/94
>shrug, if you had developed it on a SunOS, or an Ultrix, or whatever, I
>imagine you'd now be complaining that AIX isn't standard. right?

I'm not saying SunOS isn't standard. I was just wondering why the
manufacturers don't get their heads together and come up with compilers
that give equivalent results for any given program. Its rather difficult
programming for all unixes if you only have access to 2. Maybe you should
rrt it sometime - I have to do it for a living.

>heh, nod AIX with the model C compiler. NOT

Thank god. It costs money to have to alter code because some bloody compiler
complains about something which is fine on another system.

Anyway , I don't want to start a flame war on this - this isn't the place.
comp.lang.c or something similar would be better.

Neil Robertson

Markku J{rvinen

Jul 1, 1994, 12:18:45 PM7/1/94
to (Ian Dean) wrote:

Ian> Maybe you should start again using the gnu compiler ? :)...At least it is
Ian> 'fairly' standard across machines.

I say GCC is not the answer, it is more of like a can of worms.

And I tried it too, it compiled on Sun OS 4.1.3, Solaris 2.2 and
HPUX 9.01, only HPUX needed a little hacking (one define and one function).

So seems like people don't know how to compile things in their

- Markku

P.S. The compiler on Sun's was the unbundled one, the bundled cc
(in 4.1.3) does not like ANSI too well.

Tero Jyri Michael Pelander

Jul 1, 1994, 3:59:49 PM7/1/94
to writes:
>>I find your code pathetic. Gcc spewed out nearly one thousand warnings
>>(I exaggerate not) when I tried to compile your code on a linux

>You're not exaggerating? Do me a favour. Thats a blatant lie. I've now tried
>it on linux using gcc and ok it didn't compile but it only gave about 10
>warnings and a few errors. I suggest you either stop inventing stories or
>get your system checked out.

I tried to compile it. First with -Wall (all warnings). That generated about
79kB large warning file. When I didn't use it I only got about 10 messages.
Good portable programs shouldn't generate any warnings even with -Wall.

Ekholm Vesa

Jul 1, 1994, 3:39:45 PM7/1/94

Tron has temporarily moved to address: 3000

So the port has changed.

Best wishes,A.
-- - -
'General rule: Never argue with a fool because he may be doing the same thing'

Andy Fiddaman

Jul 2, 1994, 7:11:48 PM7/2/94
In article <> writes:
>>Ok Neil here is just a random shot in the dark,
>>but did ya ever think of maby writeing it in standerd c?
>I wrote it in what I _thought_ was standard C but apparently all the
>compilers out there have other ideas as to what is standard. I wouldn't
>mind if I got the same compiler error all the time but every different
>compiler finds a different reason for not compiling it or for it crashing
>when it runs (except AIX and OSF/1). I find this situation pathetic.

It compiles on AIX only because you wrote it on it!. AIX is certainly not
standard (I've had a lot of problems getting things to compile over the
last year) and, in fact, most muds have only recently become compatible.
(CD still isn't ...........)

While the code for ogham is very annoying in its slapdash use of prototypes
(pretending they don't exist even!) it does work well when it is compiled
and made very interesting reading.

Two main problems were the assumption that all architectures have time_t
typdef'd to int (certainly not true where I have tried to compile it) and
that the signal prototype should point to a function returning an int.
(Not even true for AIX although it doesn't complain about it)

Admittedly these only required minor code changes and I have successfully
compiled it on 6 different architectures with only 5 minutes work.

>Moral: Get AIX
When I was having problems compiling code, the very mention of 'AIX' made
people shy away ;).. Personally I like AIX now that I am used to writing
code for it.


Andy Fiddaman | ---- ' /\/\ / / /| 2222 | / / / / / / / | guest ftp | / / / /__/ /__/ 2223
- There's something right in the world today, and everyone knows it's wrong... -

Ekholm Vesa

Jul 4, 1994, 8:03:41 PM7/4/94

Tron PKMud is out on: 3000 (*note* port used to be 4000, for now it's 3000)

Tron is a mud based on the film Tron.

Tron is a player killing mud (PKMud) and is very different from previous
muds you might have played. However the ideas behind it are simple
and you do not need to learn and memorise huge areas as on previous
player killing muds. If you have played a player killing mud before
you may find some of the concepts easier to grasp, but even if you
have not you should not be put off.

The key concept in Tron that you will need to grasp if you are going
to be a succefull player is ADAPTABILITY. Unlike other muds or player
killing muds the playing area is randomly generated each war. You do
not need to learn castles or map areas. The playing area, or games
grid, can be viewed at any time, showing the layout and your position.
The ability to adapt to the new area each time and to move around
effectively within it is a critical factor to your survival.

The Games Grid is split into 9 sectors as shown:

(1,2) ----> (26,2) (52,2)
| | | Key: # = Room
| | | X = You
v Sector 1 | Sector 2 | Sector 3 * = Corridor
(Maintenance) | (Air Base) | (Cell Block) @ = others
| |
| |
Sector 4 | Sector 5 | Sector 6
(Disc World) | (Interface) | (Free Zone)
| |
| |
Sector 7 | Sector 8 | Sector 9
(Tank Base) | (Cycle Arena) | (Dead Zone)
| |

Every room/corridor has a (x, y) co-ordinate and is positioned precisely as
depicted on the map. The entire map should never be bigger than a 24 x 80
screen. X marks your position on the map.

Here is an example of the grid:

* ###################********##
* ################### ##
****** * *
* *** *
* #################### *
######************####################****** ###
###### #################### **###
###### #################### ###
* #################### ###
* #################### ###
* * *
******** * *
* **************** *
* * ************
#########***** * *
######### **##### *
##### *

Instead of the well worn class systems (e.g. Mages, Warriors, Thieves etc)
there are more challenging and relevant positions to select such as:

- Infantry (Use Discs)
- Tank Commanders (Use Tanks?!)
- Pilots (Use flying Guardian Patrol ships)
- Cyclist (Use Light Cycles)
- Throwers (Use energy ball throwers)
- Spinners (Use deadly spider-vehicles)

The different type of equipments require and dictate different types of
stratergies. These are DISC, CYCLE, TANK, THROWER, SPIDER and SHIP.

A DISC has good long-range and short range capabilities. It can be thrown at
an enemy where ever they may be and can also be wielded for close, hand-to-hand
combat. It also deflects damage from other disc throwers.

A CYCLE leaves a trail behind it when riden and hits everyone in their path.
They can travel at upto 4 rooms at a time. The trail blocks off rooms but
this is for the more advanced players.

A TANK moves very slowly, but however can launch missiles over a long range
doing a lot of damage over a wide area surrounding the impact. It also has
on board tracking capabilities.

A SHIP can only move by teleporting, but has no limit over the range it can
teleport. It can also stomp on players to do damage. This is probably the
favourite with most newbies.

The energy THROWER is basically a mix of concepts between the disc and
tank weapons. While it has the same nature of damaging firepower as the tank,
it also has the mobility and some of the hand-to-hand combat abilities of the

All of these equipments come with some sort of intrinisic tracking free and
you do not have to buy it. Equipment is always given out prior to the start
of the game so all that you are required to do is simply KILL OR BE KILLED,
straight and to the point. PK in its essence.

Healing is kept to sparse so as to encourage the hunting side.

You can regenerate your 'Life' and 'Energy' by healing. Healing is only possible
through the Power Grid that runs under the Games Grid. The underlying grid
is occasionally exposed during games when the Games grid is damaged by hard
fighting. When this occurs the M.C.P. will give a message similar to this:

MCP : Damage report: [30,20] Sector 6 ( n e s )
MCP : Area restricted to all units until repaired.

You will then have to go to the given location, where you will find a crack
on the games grid. You can drink from it to heal yourself. But you better
be quick, because after a while it is fixed by the Maintenance Drones.

Of course, Tron includes all the standard PK features:

- aliases
- replay information
- automatic hit point monitor
- team channels
- past game reports
- monitor room
- etc etc

It also includes added extra's such as:

- Critical hits. This causes a player to start bleeding and leaving a
trail of blood visible to others which can be followed to track them.

- Equipment is not everlasting, and can take/absorb damage till they
become completely useless and you have to replace them.

- You actually get to play the game type you vote for?

- There is no exhaust system so you can move around as fast as you may

- If you run away from a combat no exit direction is shown to hinder
triggers, and this makes also slightly more challenging to hunt.

- You may become a wizard at anytime so long as you can code and have
a good idea to add to the game. We would very much like to hear the
player's ideas.

So come on down and shows us what you got.

best wishes, A.

Rob Quinn

Jul 5, 1994, 2:28:18 AM7/5/94
In <> (Ekholm Vesa) writes:
> Tron PKMud is out on:
> 3000 (*note* port used to be 4000, for now it's 3000)
> Tron is a mud based on the film Tron.

Fuck me you say! Not this damn advertisement again!
Please, take it somehwere appropriate, and don't post it so damn often.

| |
| Rob Quinn |
| |
| Quin...@KSUVM.BITNET |

Ekholm Vesa

Jul 5, 1994, 5:47:13 AM7/5/94
> Tron PKMud is out on:
> 3000 (*note* port used to be 4000, for now it's 3000)
> Tron is a mud based on the film Tron.

>> Fuck me you say! Not this damn advertisement again!
>> Please, take it somehwere appropriate, and don't post it so damn often.

err... what's yor problem, u dont actually have to read the article or
anything... And besides, we see the same bloody coca-cola advertisements
from tv every 30 mins so I might as well start posting the article every
30 mins? :)

Get a grip man, and stop whining. Besides, I wanted to inform of port change
.. the article isn't necessary to read to end...

Best wishes, A.

Bob Farmer

Jul 5, 1994, 8:12:01 AM7/5/94
In article <> (Ekholm Vesa) writes:
> > Tron PKMud is out on:
> > 3000 (*note* port used to be 4000, for now it's 3000)
> > Tron is a mud based on the film Tron.
> >> Fuck me you say! Not this damn advertisement again!
> >> Please, take it somehwere appropriate, and don't post it so damn often.
> err... what's yor problem, u dont actually have to read the article or
>anything... And besides, we see the same bloody coca-cola advertisements
>from tv every 30 mins so I might as well start posting the article every
>30 mins? :)

Are you saying you cannot see the difference between commercial television
channels and Usenet news groups? Get a clue. Do you realize what this
newsgroup would look like if everyone else who ran an LPmud decided that
they, too, needed to post a 150-200 line summary and/or instruction manual
for their mud every single week?

Do you realize that your article must be transmitted to tens of thousands
of sites, most through low speed modems or slow net links, and that it
takes up disk space on just as many machines around the world... And
there are a total of maybe 20 people (shrug) interested in it? There is
absolutely no justification to post it with the frequency you have been.

> Get a grip man, and stop whining. Besides, I wanted to inform of port change
>.. the article isn't necessary to read to end...

The port number change was _already_ posted, on 01 Jul 1994 19:39:45 GMT,
by _you_. (Any bets on whether they changed the port number just so they
could post another few news articles about it? laugh.)

I hope your local postmaster doesn't mind you (1) flooding multiple
newsgroups with your crap, and in fact (2) running a mud on the machines
there, because if you don't stop, I guarantee (s)he'll hear about it
before long.

> Best wishes, A.

Jul 5, 1994, 10:49:38 AM7/5/94

If anyone has managed to port ogham to unixes other than AIX & OSF could
you by any chance mail me how you did it? I know putting a request on here
generally gets about as much response as a comatose eunuch in a brothel
but I thought I'd give it a try....

Neil Robertson

Rob Quinn

Jul 5, 1994, 11:23:09 AM7/5/94
> err... what's yor problem, u dont actually have to read the article or
>anything... And besides, we see the same bloody coca-cola advertisements
>from tv every 30 mins so I might as well start posting the article every
>30 mins? :)
> Get a grip man, and stop whining. Besides, I wanted to inform of port change
>.. the article isn't necessary to read to end...

None of this is an excuse for posting to an inappropriate newsgroup.


Jul 5, 1994, 11:38:31 AM7/5/94

What is unappropriate about posting an advertisement for a MUD to a
MUD newsgroup.


Bob Farmer

Jul 5, 1994, 1:00:16 PM7/5/94

Well, for one thing, the purpose of is the "discussion"
of "issues" relating to LPmuds. My understanding was that "ads" (aka
announcements) belong in (Of course, this Tron
person wouldn't be able to get his every-5-day ads through on there, since
it's moderated.)

But _my_ problem with this person's posts is not really the content, but
the frequency and length.

Do you _want_ people posting 200 line ads for their muds on at least a
once per week basis? I'd be glad to start doing the same, if everyone
thinks it's a good idea. So would another couple dozen mud admins, I'm sure.

Ekholm Vesa

Jul 5, 1994, 1:11:43 PM7/5/94
<< me trying to be funny erased >>

None of this is an excuse for posting to an inappropriate newsgroup.

ok.. where did i go wrong, isn't alt.mud etc... newsgroups meant for mud-
advertising etc... ? Please explain...

And dont flame me when you know im not harassing here. :( making me feel
bad about myself, no.1 enemy of the society. :(

best wishes, Vesa who definately isnt meaning to harm anyone here.

Michael D. Bayne

Jul 5, 1994, 11:28:14 PM7/5/94
to wrote:
: >I find your code pathetic. Gcc spewed out nearly one thousand warnings

: >(I exaggerate not) when I tried to compile your code on a linux
: >machine.

: You're not exaggerating? Do me a favour. Thats a blatant lie. I've now tried
: it on linux using gcc and ok it didn't compile but it only gave about 10
: warnings and a few errors. I suggest you either stop inventing stories or
: get your system checked out.

You are correct sir. There were only 879 warnings and 16 errors to be
precise. I'm sure you'll find the log that I mailed you backs this up.
I concur that writing a mud is a staggering task, however, that is no
excuse for a blatant disregard for any and all C programming rules and


| /o)\ | | All that is is emacs. | /o)\ |

| \(o/ | #include <stddisclaimer.h> | Emacs is all that is. | \(o/ |


Jul 5, 1994, 11:46:14 PM7/5/94
In article <2vc3j0$>,

Bob Farmer <> wrote:
>Well, for one thing, the purpose of is the "discussion"
>of "issues" relating to LPmuds. My understanding was that "ads" (aka
>announcements) belong in (Of course, this Tron
>person wouldn't be able to get his every-5-day ads through on there, since
>it's moderated.)

Ads are routinely crossposted to the group appropriate for the
server they are running.

>But _my_ problem with this person's posts is not really the content, but
>the frequency and length.
>Do you _want_ people posting 200 line ads for their muds on at least a
>once per week basis? I'd be glad to start doing the same, if everyone
>thinks it's a good idea. So would another couple dozen mud admins, I'm sure.

Yeesh, can't you figure out how to work a smegging kill file?
Your whining on this topic has already taken up at least as much
space as his ad, and offers less information. If you feel like
posting an ad for your mud every hour on the hour, go for it - I can
killfile you as easily as the next guy.
And my posting, of course, offers even less. Aren't mud
groups grand?


Jul 6, 1994, 6:44:48 AM7/6/94
to wrote

>You are correct sir. There were only 879 warnings and 16 errors to be
>precise. I'm sure you'll find the log that I mailed you backs this up.
>I concur that writing a mud is a staggering task, however, that is no
>excuse for a blatant disregard for any and all C programming rules and

If you've set your compiler so complain about anything that is non-ansi
then yes you will probably get an error on every function definintion and
return since apart from using auto aggregate initialisation I program in
strict K&R. I can get the same amount of warnings using lint but lint
complians about anything and everything - try putting some of the X
libraries through lint and you'll see what I mean. I get the feeling that
you're one of these people who considers and code that isn't programmed in
the same style as you program in to be wrong.

Neil Robertson

PS: I would have mailed this but it keeps bouncing so apologies to anyone
not interested in reading this waffle.

Alexander Weidt

Jul 6, 1994, 7:57:36 AM7/6/94
to writes:

> wrote

>>You are correct sir. There were only 879 warnings and 16 errors to be
>>precise. I'm sure you'll find the log that I mailed you backs this up.
>>I concur that writing a mud is a staggering task, however, that is no
>>excuse for a blatant disregard for any and all C programming rules and

>If you've set your compiler so complain about anything that is non-ansi
>then yes you will probably get an error on every function definintion and
>return since apart from using auto aggregate initialisation I program in
>strict K&R. I can get the same amount of warnings using lint but lint
>complians about anything and everything - try putting some of the X
>libraries through lint and you'll see what I mean. I get the feeling that
>you're one of these people who considers and code that isn't programmed in
>the same style as you program in to be wrong.

forgive me for butting in here, but to me, your logic seems somewaht
unfathomable. you are trying to defend the quality of your code by
saying that you don't program in ANSI C but in K&R C. You (correctly)
mention that you are able to procure the same warnings as any ANSI C
compliant complier would have issued using the lint utility, but are
above using it, since it complains about poor code too much.

my guess is that some people would like to ask you to get a clue.

as a side note, the X11 sources are generally considered to be the
most ugly around.

happy hacking, alex (demos@tubmud).

Jul 6, 1994, 1:46:26 PM7/6/94
>>>>> On Fri, 1 Jul 1994, said:

n> PS: If you find my code pathetic you try writing a mud and distribute it.
n> I wait with baited breath.

Eww, herring breath. As Pinkfish might say, don't exhale.

Brian Edmonds (MSc CompSci) aka Jubal@tmi-2 / SCA: Bardas,OFLT ...cocaine / Lions Gate, AnTir
----Enya---Roxette---U2---Dire-Straits---JS-Bach----/___inux spoken here
No matter where you go, there you are. - Dr. Banzai

Rob Quinn

Jul 6, 1994, 4:55:08 PM7/6/94
> None of this is an excuse for posting to an inappropriate newsgroup.
> ok.. where did i go wrong, isn't alt.mud etc... newsgroups meant for mud-
>advertising etc... ? Please explain...

That's where you went wrong. and r.g.m.misc are not meant for
advertisements. alt.mud maybe... so I've taken it out of the Newsgroup: line
for this discussion.

Rob Quinn

Jul 6, 1994, 4:53:53 PM7/6/94
In <2vbupn$> (Robert) writes:
> What is unappropriate about posting an advertisement for a MUD to a
>MUD newsgroup.

He should only post advertisements in

Rob Quinn

Jul 6, 1994, 5:02:38 PM7/6/94
In <> (Groos) writes:
>>Well, for one thing, the purpose of is the "discussion"
>>of "issues" relating to LPmuds.
> Ads are routinely crossposted to the group appropriate for the
>server they are running.

So what. Just because they are routinely posted doesn't make them right.

>>But _my_ problem with this person's posts is not really the content, but
>>the frequency and length.

> Yeesh, can't you figure out how to work a smegging kill file?

Who cares if he can kill them or not. That doesn't make them appropriate for
this newsgroup.

>Your whining on this topic has already taken up at least as much
>space as his ad,

Discussions _about_ a newsgroup are normally valid within that newsgroup (one
exception being when there's a ``.d'' group especially for discussions).

>If you feel like posting an ad for your mud every hour on the hour, go
>for it

Perhaps you should read news.* and news.admin.* for a while. Then you would
realize that there are responses for people who routinely abuse a newsgroup.

Bob Farmer

Jul 1, 1994, 11:31:52 PM7/1/94
to wrote:
: >: when it runs (except AIX and OSF/1). I find this situation pathetic.

: >I find your code pathetic. Gcc spewed out nearly one thousand warnings
: >(I exaggerate not) when I tried to compile your code on a linux
: >machine.

: You're not exaggerating? Do me a favour. Thats a blatant lie. I've now tried
: it on linux using gcc and ok it didn't compile but it only gave about 10
: warnings and a few errors. I suggest you either stop inventing stories or
: get your system checked out.

He probably used all warnings, ie -Wall. You'll find almost any program
not specifically designed for the OS you're using will give loads and
loads of warnings when all are enabled...

: Neil Robertson

John van Leeuwen

Jul 7, 1994, 3:24:08 PM7/7/94
Bob Farmer ( wrote:
: He probably used all warnings, ie -Wall. You'll find almost any program

: not specifically designed for the OS you're using will give loads and
: loads of warnings when all are enabled...
Not true.. I always code on _any_ machine so that it does not give any
warning with the highest warning level of the compiler..
That is.. gcc -Wall for you (Could even add -pedantic in quite some cases..)


Reimer Behrends

Jul 7, 1994, 8:17:33 PM7/7/94
to wrote:
: I'm not saying SunOS isn't standard. I was just wondering why the

: manufacturers don't get their heads together and come up with compilers
: that give equivalent results for any given program. Its rather difficult
: programming for all unixes if you only have access to 2. Maybe you should
: rrt it sometime - I have to do it for a living.

It might be a good idea to get either GNU autoconf or dist-3.0. Both
include a lot of predefined macros to determine how certain things work
on certain systems. Quite helpful in making stuff system-independent.

Btw, it would be helpful if you included a makefile. Is probably better
than always recompiling everything in one go.

Reimer Behrends

Bob Farmer

Jul 9, 1994, 6:01:04 PM7/9/94

So? If you're coding on one machine, you have no idea whether or not the
system calls on all the other machines out there use the exact same types
for their args and return type--it might even be the same base type, but
just typedef'ed to something else. Unless you check the docs for every
single OS that exists each time you use a system call, you'll get plenty
of warnings for various system calls. Not to mention the various
different names/directories for system include files on different OSes...


Nov 25, 2014, 4:53:29 PM11/25/14
I miss tron. Valjean the master cyclist

Nov 25, 2014, 5:06:43 PM11/25/14
I spent far too many hours playing tron. Valjean the master cyclist
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