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lusty mud

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Apr 1, 1995, 3:00:00 AM4/1/95
what ever happened to lusty mud?

Robert Lyons

Apr 3, 1995, 3:00:00 AM4/3/95
In article <> , writes:
> what ever happened to lusty mud?

The venerable LustyMud is dead. Lusty is no longer interested in
the mud, and has shut it down (the machine itself is still up for other
purposes). This comes as no surprise to long-time players of the game;
the mud administration has been reorganized twice in the past to relieve
Lusty of the tedious aspects of mud operation. More than a year ago, five
Sages were appointed to handle day-to-day chores, and less than a month
ago, Lusty erased her own character and left operations to two remaining
Sages. Obviously this was not a long-term solution, since the machine
itself was still in Lusty's hands. A memory-eating bug required the mud
to be rebooted every four hours during high player loads (anything more
25 players - i.e. anything except some late nights). When reboot was
the swapfile on the mud grew until it caused the machine to lock up
completely, requiring a full hardware reboot. With such a situation,
Lusty could never absolve herself of mud-related chores as long as she
still owned the machine itself.

I wish I could write proper obituary for this game. I would be interested
in seeing someone post a complete history of LustyMud and the people
who were involved in it. I believe it is one of the oldest stable muds,
having been around in one form or another for 5 (?) years or so. It was
the only mud I ever played seriously, the only one I coded for, and a
in which I'd invested heart and soul for several years now. Thanks to all
the people who played my 'Tank Battle' simulation and who explored in
the Spirit World. It was a real thrill to see my ideas come to fruition
and to see players trying to solve the problems and puzzles I placed in
their way. I doubt I'll ever get involved in such a venture again. Thanks
also to the wizards I grew to know so well, and to Lusty for hosting us
all for so long.


Apr 3, 1995, 3:00:00 AM4/3/95
In article <3lot6r$>, Robert Lyons <> writes...

>In article <> ,
> writes:
>> what ever happened to lusty mud?
>The venerable LustyMud is dead. Lusty is no longer interested in
>the mud, and has shut it down (the machine itself is still up for other
>purposes). This comes as no surprise to long-time players of the game;

That's what I figured. After the last shut down, I knew it was
only a matter of time before it went for good. A real shame.

>I wish I could write proper obituary for this game. I would be interested
>in seeing someone post a complete history of LustyMud and the people
>who were involved in it. I believe it is one of the oldest stable muds,
>having been around in one form or another for 5 (?) years or so. It was
>the only mud I ever played seriously, the only one I coded for, and a
>in which I'd invested heart and soul for several years now. Thanks to all

This I really understand. For myself as well, Lusty was the only
mud I played. Something made it different from all the others, maybe
the people, maybe the way it was organized. The guild system was top-notch,
guild members really became family.

Instead of thinking obituary however, can we not ponder the idea
of moving it to another machine. Would lusty (the person) mind if lusty
(the game) were resurrected on another system? Also, every logon message
said "formerly Darmouth Mud" or something similar. Was it then on another

(Grog - one of the HLG'ers who still flings in his dreams...)

Thomas Moll aka -Fnord |
Concordia University | "Back where I come from Lion,
Department of Journalism | we have men who are called heroes..."
Montreal, Quebec, Canada |

(WWW home page)

JR Wang

Apr 6, 1995, 3:00:00 AM4/6/95

: Instead of thinking obituary however, can we not ponder the idea

: of moving it to another machine. Would lusty (the person) mind if lusty
: (the game) were resurrected on another system? Also, every logon message
: said "formerly Darmouth Mud" or something similar. Was it then on another
: server?

: (Grog - one of the HLG'ers who still flings in his dreams...)

I must agree with Grog here.
I've been playing Lustymud since Dec 9 1992. And I have learned since
then that muds are dangerously addictive..and particularly dangerous if
you are in your final year at University. :) Lustymud was the first mud I
earnestly played and got very involved with. I think if this had happened
a year ago, during the final stages of my project thesis when having a
Lustymud window up on my workstation kept me from going over the brink ;),
I would definitely have crawled up the walls. Now, I can sit back
and say, it has been fun and a wonderful 2 years when I got to know a LOT of
amazing and interesting people whom I wouldn't otherwise have the
opportunity to meet in the stifling confines of Academia. I have invested
a LOT of time and energy in Lustymud and I doubt I'll ever mud again with
such zest and enthusiasm. But perhaps it would be premature to start
writing Lustymud obituaries. Lusty herself took the mud code from
Dartmouth Mud's first creators, Fermat and company. I'm rather fuzzy
about the Mud history as it HAS been some time since I read the
newspapers ;) so please correct me if I am wrong, but yes, Lustymud HAS
changed sites before. It used to be based at Dartmouth College. The
original creators got tired with the relative simplicity of the game and
went on to create Dartmud which is only for HARDCORE mudders, as it
attempts to emulate real life conditions as closely as possible. Lusty
took over the mud and set it up at TAMU. I've heard rumours about its
imminent demise for a year, but never took them terribly seriously. Now
it does seem as if its down for good, but the code IS transferable. Of
course Lusty herself is the guardian of the code, and it is entirely up
to her if she wants to pass it on to another worthy guardian who will
maintain it responsibly in another machine (different site). I hope, from
the depths of my heart, that Lusty will consider this in the near future,
because so many of us have put our hearts into the mud, and it would
really be a dreadful shame to see that all go to waste.

This is the way the mud ends
This is the way the mud ends
Not with a 'Connection closed by foreign host'
But with a 'Gamedriver shouts 'LP Mud Going down immediately!''

Simply my two cents.
Artemis the demented goddess, Safe House rocks forever! Yea!

J.R Wang
"Women have served all these centuries as looking-glasses possessing the
magic and delicious power of reflecting the figure of man at twice its
natural size...Take it away and man may die, like the drug fiend deprived
of his cocaine."
(Virginia Woolf - "A Room Of One's Own")

The Lord of Insanity

Apr 8, 1995, 3:00:00 AM4/8/95
In an apparent fit of insanity, Fnord ( spewed:
Hoopy-> >The venerable LustyMud is dead. Lusty is no longer interested in
Hoopy-> >operating
Hoopy-> >the mud, and has shut it down (the machine itself is still up for other
Hoopy-> >purposes). This comes as no surprise to long-time players of the game;

I agree totally. This has been expected for some time now.

Hoopy-> >I wish I could write proper obituary for this game. I would be interested
Hoopy-> >in seeing someone post a complete history of LustyMud and the people
Hoopy-> >who were involved in it. I believe it is one of the oldest stable muds,
Hoopy-> >having been around in one form or another for 5 (?) years or so. It was
Hoopy-> >the only mud I ever played seriously, the only one I coded for, and a
Hoopy-> >world
Hoopy-> >in which I'd invested heart and soul for several years now. Thanks to all

I'll try to provide a brief history. I started playing Lusty about 4.5
years ago. Before this, it was Dartmouth LP, based at Dartmouth university,
and if I am not mistaken run by Fermat. Some of you may remember my
character Hermy, HLG master, whom I stopped playing a couple years ago.
Lusty was my first MUD, and will always remain my favorite (when it was
old, see further explanation below). Lusty had a certain charm, and, despite
being threatened with banishment no less than two time by Lusty herself
(due to a few shouting battles with Xenocide, and the infamous
check-writing affair, which involved my writing 1-coin checks from the
HLG account and donating them to HLG, thereby giving HLG an unlimited
coffee supply, and still allowing them t turn a respectable profit for
each coffee lot sold, I kept going back to it. Noting how the MUD was
declining steadily, and the dramatic increase in the stress level of
my real life, I decided to leave the MUD, first giving away all of my
money (at that time ~500k).
Several months ago, having found a site that wasn't yet banished
frmo Lusty (increasingly difficult to find), I started a new character
(having long forgotten Hermy's password). I was distressed t o
see just how far the mud had declined. Many of the best areas were down,
and the guilds were merely a shadow fo their former selves. Those of you
who started playing Lusty during it's last year or so missed its Golden
Age, so to speak.

Hoopy-> Instead of thinking obituary however, can we not ponder the idea
Hoopy-> of moving it to another machine. Would lusty (the person) mind if lusty
Hoopy-> (the game) were resurrected on another system? Also, every logon message
Hoopy-> said "formerly Darmouth Mud" or something similar. Was it then on another
Hoopy-> server?

It was Dartmouth Mud, before Lusty took it over. I would jump at the chance
to bring Lusty back up (there are a few places here at NMSU I could put it
with little forseeable problems), and I would be more tha happy to
adminstrate it. I have little doubt that with a little work it could be
restored to its former days of glory. If Lusty is willing, I will gladly
take the code off her hands.
Hoopy-> (Grog - one of the HLG'ers who still flings in his dreams...)

Erik Nielsen, aka Hermy

James Kenefick

Apr 12, 1995, 3:00:00 AM4/12/95

I liked Lustymud with the exception of the Lunatic Fringe
it was the only mud I ever really played. When I logged in it
always felt like comming home. Everyone I ever met there even
the ones I did not always agree with I liked. The castles were
all well designed and administered. The guild system was also
very nice being more socially interactive rather than character
based (if the members did not work the guild closed). I do miss
Lusty and I hope that this land of ours will one day live again
and all of us wanders will once again be able to come home.

James M Kenefick Jr. (Servant)

And if it seem evil unto you to serve the Lord, choose
you this day whom ye will serve; whether the gods which your
fathers served that were on the other side of the flood, or
the gods of the Amorites, in whose land ye dwell: but as for
me and my house, we will serve the Lord.
Joshua 24:15

Richard Newsome

Apr 15, 1995, 3:00:00 AM4/15/95
In <3mh5fr$> (James Kenefick) writes:
>I do miss Lusty and I hope that this land of ours will one day live again
>and all of us wanders will once again be able to come home.

I'll drink to that.


toDbaj, AberdeenDaq tlhIngan

Apr 16, 1995, 3:00:00 AM4/16/95
Although only being with LustyMUD since October, I have found it an
interesting diversion from reality....and am somewhat upset that
it's down...again. (Pity Aberdeen Uni wouldn't have the MUD on their system :(
otherwise I'd have a nice lag-free connection :)

Just my 0.02 DeQmey....

-- Kahless
aka toDbaj, AberdeenDaq tlhIngan Duy'a'
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toDbaj, AberdeenDaq tlhIngan

Apr 18, 1995, 3:00:00 AM4/18/95
ghItlh Richard Newsome:

I couldn't have put it better myself.


Tim Nan

Apr 19, 1995, 3:00:00 AM4/19/95
In article <>,

toDbaj, AberdeenDaq tlhIngan <> wrote:
>ghItlh Richard Newsome:
>> In <3mh5fr$> (James Kenefick) writes:
>> >I do miss Lusty and I hope that this land of ours will one day live again
>> >and all of us wanders will once again be able to come home.
>> I'll drink to that.
>> Bloodstar
>I couldn't have put it better myself.
>-- Kahless
>aka toDbaj, AberdeenDaq tlhIngan Duy'a'

<.sig removed>

Well, I have never been to Lusty or heard of it, but seems to me it was
one hell of a place. Please come back, so i can check it out.



May 22, 2016, 3:13:39 AM5/22/16
S105...@cedarville.edu於 1995年4月1日星期六 UTC+8下午4時00分00秒寫道:
> what ever happened to lusty mud?

I absolutely love this place that I had put my heart and soul there during my graduate school back to twenty year ago. It will be great to see it come alive again.


Jul 2, 2019, 3:20:11 PM7/2/19
On Saturday, April 1, 1995 at 3:00:00 AM UTC-5, wrote:
> what ever happened to lusty mud?

Lustymud is back up and running if anyone is interested in checking it out. : 2000

Jeff Cooper

Jan 7, 2023, 7:39:38 PM1/7/23

Hi all, anyone there?

Andy Valencia

Jan 8, 2023, 10:35:15 AM1/8/23
Jeff Cooper <> writes:
> Hi all, anyone there?

Yup. Baltor at Ragnarok (last I checked).

Andy Valencia
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