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FTPing and

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Tyler Joseph Allison

Feb 28, 1993, 3:05:34 AM2/28/93

One small problem with getting this GREAT new code....
You didnt tell us what directory it is under.
I spent 20 trying to find it....Of course Ive only used
ftp 2 times. But for the dumb shits in the audience...
could you please tell us what the directory is for
the diku code in < ftp >


Feb 28, 1993, 11:11:55 AM2/28/93
In article <> (Tyler Joseph Allison) writes:
>could you please tell us what the directory is for
>the diku code in < ftp >

It's /pub/mud/dikumud on

Merc Industries

Mar 1, 1993, 9:45:43 AM3/1/93
In article <1ms9ri$>, () writes:
>>>>could you please tell us what the directory is for
>>>>the diku code in < ftp >
>>>It's /pub/mud/dikumud on
>>>Merc Industries

I could not find the /mud/ period... hum....

>it is not. there are two Merc20a files, but each is zero bytes in

> If the 'it' in your post is referring to Merc 2.0 alpha, I have some clues
> for you:
> (1) Merc 2.0 Alpha is a doc release.
> (2) Documentation is often found in a directory named ___.
>> why dont you try distributing it again?
> Why don't you read what people write in articles before writing misinformed,
> obnoxious replies?
> Furey
> Merc Industries

I think he was asking more than complaining :)

*Can't we all just get along?* 8)(8

Mar 1, 1993, 1:18:26 AM3/1/93
In article <> (Jeffrey Boser) writes:

> () writes:
>>>could you please tell us what the directory is for
>>>the diku code in < ftp >
>>It's /pub/mud/dikumud on
>>Merc Industries
>it is not. there are two Merc20a files, but each is zero bytes in

So what?

The original poster was asking for the location of Vie Mud, which is indeed
present in in /pub/mud/dikumud. That's the 'it' in his

> it is also not on, as I thought it was
> supposed to be.

You're just plain wrong.

If the 'it' in your post is referring to Vie 3.2, then their post
announced two ftp sites, one of which was, the
other being some site in Austria.

Nic Fit

Mar 1, 1993, 2:21:49 PM3/1/93
>But, luckily, Merc Industries still has a copy of VieMud when the sites
>[ego trip about saving Vie files deleted]
>Man, it's all there! Ain't it great?!

>>*Can't we all just get along?* 8)(8
>Of course, but please don't post if you don't know what you are posting
>Merc Industries

You my friend, along with your buddy Furey (by reading your past posts)
and the ego the size of the Sears Tower and the brain the size of a pea.
Why must you try to constantly prove something? Just release your damn
code and get along with it. Do other people who release their code (Ie
Silly) make such a big deal about it? No, of course not. Maybe you
should enhance your mind and lower your ego, then maybe you'll get more

<> //|| // // ===== ===== // ======= | Nic Fit ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ <>
|| // ||// // // // // // | ||
|| // ||/ // // //== // // | "Wouldn't you like to ||
<> // || // ====== // // // | enjoy a cigarette now?" <>

Hatchet Tse

Mar 1, 1993, 12:41:24 PM3/1/93
In article <>

>>>>It's /pub/mud/dikumud on
>>>>Merc Industries

>I could not find the /mud/ period... hum....

You are both correct, gentlemen. When Furey posted that message, the files
(VieMud source and lib tar files) WERE in that directory. However, as of
the last time I checked, the directory has disappeared. You ask why? Well,
I'm not wustl, so no go. If you are searching for VieMud, well, I also
checked the other ftp site for you, and, nope, it ain't there either. To
sum it all up, here's my log of wustl's ftp.

245 bytes received in 0.18 seconds (1.3 Kbytes/s)
ftp> cd mud
550 mud: No such file or directory.
ftp> pwd
257 "/pub" is current directory.
ftp> cd games
550 games: No such file or directory.
ftp> cd diku
550 diku: No such file or directory.
ftp> cd dikumud
550 dikumud: No such file or directory.

Also, here's my log of's ftp.

150 Opening data connection for /bin/ls (,1657) (0 bytes).
226 Transfer complete.
76 bytes received in 0.021 seconds (3.5 Kbytes/s)
ftp> pwd
257 "/pub/diku/outgoing" is current directory.

(note that town.* is just midgaard, nothing more.)

But, luckily, Merc Industries still has a copy of VieMud when the sites

still contained those files ... So, if anyone wishes to get a copy of them,
email me,, and I'll arrange for a way to
get them. Since the original post was from Cyron, I would assume that that's
what he would have wanted done. Of course, please email me otherwise, Cyron,
if that is not your wish.

>I think he was asking more than complaining :)

Wrong. He was not the original poster, and he obviously was wrong about what
files the original poster wanted. To state again, please read post #2000,
and note that the original poster was talking about VieMud, nothing about
zero length Merc_20a doc files.

By the way, if you did want Merc 2.0 alpha docs, it's still in In fact, here's some nice things you should see.
Again, my log:

ftp> pwd
257 "/pub/mud/incoming" is current directory.

Man, it's all there! Ain't it great?!

>*Can't we all just get along?* 8)(8

Of course, but please don't post if you don't know what you are posting

Merc Industries

Jeffrey Boser

Mar 1, 1993, 12:42:17 AM3/1/93
to () writes:
>>could you please tell us what the directory is for
>>the diku code in < ftp >
>It's /pub/mud/dikumud on
>Merc Industries

it is not. there are two Merc20a files, but each is zero bytes in
size. it is also not on, as I thought it was
supposed to be.

why dont you try distributing it again?


Mar 1, 1993, 10:18:21 PM3/1/93
In article <> writes:
> Why must you try to constantly prove something?

We're not.

This group is full of bitter back-biting flamers. If someone posts about an
idea they have, they'll get the following response: 'I had the same idea two
years ago (but didn't bother telling anyone else), so it's no use YOUR
talking about it.' If someone tries to answer a question, they'll get flamed:
'quit talking about XXX, you must be feeding your ego.'

> Just release your damn code and get along with it.

Gee, that's funny. We just had a release this week. We posted ONE article
about it in{announce,diku}. The post you're flaming Hatchet
about has NOTHING TO DO with Merc Mud.

The facts are: Vie Mud released their code and worlds for anon ftp at and Somebody posted to the effect
that they couldn't find Vie Mud on wuarchive. Quite reasonable, it's a very
large anon ftp site. I posted the name of the directory to find it in.

Then some dolt flamed me for (1) having zero-length aborted uploads at, and (2) his not being able to find files at ucbvax.
Neither of which had anything to do with my post, and both of which would
have been better handled by e-mail.

Hatchet posted to the effect that Vie is NO LONGER PRESENT at wuarchive,
in fact their entire /pub/mud directory is gone, and that the copy at
billroth is also gone. Given that people are looking for Vie Mud and posting
queries about it in the group that's useful information.

What I'd REALLY like right now is for someone from Vie to speak up and say
whether they want their mud distributed or not ... if they really do we will
help people get copies. If not we'll just destroy our copy, as will all
ethical mud coders.

> Do other people who release their code (Ie Silly) make such a big
> Silly) make such a big deal about it? No, of course not.

Jdb is jdb, and we're Merc. He can do whatever he likes, and we can do
whatever WE like.

> Maybe you should enhance your mind and lower your ego, then maybe you'll
> get more friends.

Friends like you? Get lost.

Merc Industries

Nic Fit

Mar 2, 1993, 10:14:38 AM3/2/93
In article <1mujlt$> () writes:
>> Why must you try to constantly prove something?
>We're not.

Yeah, you are. If you ask anyone about which gods have the biggest ego,
you might get mixed responses, not any definite answer. But if you ask
anyone which imps have the biggest ego, chances are they'll say "The
Merc F*cks" hands down.

You make such a big deal of your code. I mean, how many coders have a
mailing list of their code? How many coders post about their code and
make such a big hum hah about it? How many coders post up saying that
they want so so percentage of the "Diku market" - it's ludicrous. When
someone charges that some guy is selling code, you go ahead and say
"well we don't charge merc code" - almost every post you try to have some
oppurtunity to advertise your product.

>> Maybe you should enhance your mind and lower your ego, then maybe you'll
>> get more friends.
>Friends like you? Get lost.

Hahhahah, what I mean is friends in real-life. I know some people at
Berkeley and they've told me about you. Your social life really needs
a new direction, Furey. Go get one.

>Merc Industries

Your inclusion of "Merc Industries" only suggests your immaturity, not
a grandiousness, you are trying to achieve.

Mar 2, 1993, 10:48:38 AM3/2/93
In article <> writes:
>Yeah, you are. If you ask anyone about which gods have the biggest ego,
>you might get mixed responses, not any definite answer. But if you ask
>anyone which imps have the biggest ego, chances are they'll say "The
>Merc F*cks" hands down.

Hey, irrefutable hearsay. I'm not impressed with the quality of your

>You make such a big deal of your code. I mean, how many coders have a
>mailing list of their code?

Diku, lpmud, and tiny have their own *newsgroups*, which is a bit bigger
than a mailing list.

So we have a mailing list. You're welcome _not_ to join it if you don't
want to talk about Merc. The people who are on it are welcome to talk about
Merc, and aren't you glad we don't hold all those discussions in r.g.m.d?

>How many coders post about their code and make such a big hum hah about it?

I defy you to find two posts from me in the past month talking about Merc code.
Just one, the announcement. Then you started in. You will notice that this
post, and my last, and the one before that, and the one before THAT, don't
mention any ftp sites, any features, or any advertisements for Merc.

You might say we're being an advertisement just by existing ... well it's YOU
making such a big deal of it eh? Maybe I should thank you for the publicity.

>Hahhahah, what I mean is friends in real-life. I know some people at
>Berkeley and they've told me about you. Your social life really needs
>a new direction, Furey. Go get one.

Hahahaha, you're a Merc groupie. I'm amazed some mudder in Chicago cares about
my _social life_. And you think _we're_ too much into mud? Believe me, I
don't go around asking 'friends in Chicago' what you do for fun. I couldn't
care less about it.

Merc Industries


Mar 2, 1993, 7:37:26 PM3/2/93
In article <> brumleve@iboga (Dan Brumleve) writes:

> (Nic Fit) writes:
>>In article <1mujlt$> () writes:
>>>>[Brainless flaming deleted]
>>>[More brainless flaming deleted]
>>[More and more brainless flaming deleted]
> Look, it's another of those wonderful, happy penis-waving flamewars that
>r.g.m.d is famous for! And this time I'm not in the middle of it!
Which apparently is exactly why you are posting now, to stick
your 'happy penis' into the fray. What's the matter, feel left out?


Dan Brumleve

Mar 2, 1993, 11:32:01 AM3/2/93
to (Nic Fit) writes:

>>>[Brainless flaming deleted]

>>[More brainless flaming deleted]

>[More and more brainless flaming deleted]

Look, it's another of those wonderful, happy penis-waving flamewars that
r.g.m.d is famous for! And this time I'm not in the middle of it!

Dan Brumleve, Illinois Mathematics and Science Academy

"A computer chattered away to itself for no apparent reason.
This was because reason had in fact gone out to lunch."
-Douglas Adams, "The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy"

Mar 3, 1993, 12:32:03 AM3/3/93
In article <bp11H71v?> (Jeffrey Stine) writes:
> (many cogent lines deleted)
> DO _not_ assume anything (see above). Please do not take it on yourself
> to distribute said code. rm the code or write me and ask about which
> parts can be _used_, not distributed.

Jeff Stine is correct. Hatchet's offer was made in error, and is withdrawn.
We have never given Vie's files to anyone at all, and we have removed our own
copies, without so much as unpacking most of them.

We (obviously) like free code and are happy to see any mud release code and
worlds, but 'free' is one thing and 'liberating' is another.

Furey and Hatchet
Merc Industries

Jeffrey Stine

Mar 2, 1993, 11:44:38 PM3/2/93
In article <1993Mar1.1...@pasteur.Berkeley.EDU> (Hatchet Tse) writes:
>In article <>
> writes:
>>>>>It's /pub/mud/dikumud on
>>>>>Merc Industries
>>I could not find the /mud/ period... hum....
>You are both correct, gentlemen. When Furey posted that message, the files
>(VieMud source and lib tar files) WERE in that directory. However, as of
>the last time I checked, the directory has disappeared. You ask why? Well,
>I'm not wustl, so no go. If you are searching for VieMud, well, I also
>checked the other ftp site for you, and, nope, it ain't there either. To
>sum it all up, here's my log of wustl's ftp.

Warning: the VieMUD code is in dispute from me. I wrote the version of
code they obtained from someone they say anonymously mailed it to them.
(Several people recieved the Apocalypse I code (Temple v3.1) from a thief)
They politely inquired if they may use parts of it. I responded they may
for _their own use_. The docs, licenses and some copyright notices were
cospicuously missing from those copies that were leaked. Fact remains
I licenced the code for use at one site only and permission to distribute
was withheld. I have been in contact with Cyron and am trying to work
out something whereby he can legitemately distribute his work.
I also contact to let them know of the dispute and
they removed it.
Before you start complaining know that my reasons for withholding permission
on distribution is for legal and financial reasons. Most of the code in
those versions was still crude but represented some ideas that I consider
proprietary and expect to use in comercial work. Again any copies that
got circulated were without my permission and I have always tried to track
down anyone distributing work in an attempt to avoid problems. One of
which involves the orginald diku license which was kept absent - a clear
NO-NO.. all doc, license or other pertinent info was not kept with the
sources known as viemud placed for ftp.
If you have a copy I ask that you contact me and let me know your source.
An agreement might be reached whereby you could use some parts if you do
so. If not, legal action would be considered. It is a pity that it has
come to this because of a few individual's actions, but there you have it.
The writers of Apocalypse may also be interested in hearing from you
as well, I am not familiar with how much they added at the time, but
I am sure they did add something. No one should ever take it on themselves
to distribute code that is not explicitly stated to be in the public domain
and/or shareware that include written permission. This is only common
sense and common courtesy.

>But, luckily, Merc Industries still has a copy of VieMud when the sites
>still contained those files ... So, if anyone wishes to get a copy of them,
>email me,, and I'll arrange for a way to
>get them. Since the original post was from Cyron, I would assume that that's
>what he would have wanted done. Of course, please email me otherwise, Cyron,
>if that is not your wish.

>Of course, but please don't post if you don't know what you are posting
>Merc Industries

DO _not_ assume anything (see above). Please do not take it on yourself

to distribute said code. rm the code or write me and ask about which
parts can be _used_, not distributed.

-jeffrey stine (Abaddon)

Nic Fit

Mar 2, 1993, 8:59:16 PM3/2/93

Now that's what I called "penis envy" - he must be a pychology

Werner Schoenfeldinger

Jun 9, 2021, 5:27:03 AM6/9/21
Here is Cyron,

I wanted everyone to have the VieMud code, to make it better (let call it an "open source project").

best regards from almost 30 years after.


James Power

Aug 20, 2022, 10:23:47 PM8/20/22
On Wednesday, June 9, 2021 at 5:27:03 AM UTC-4, Werner Schoenfeldinger wrote:
> Here is Cyron,
> I wanted everyone to have the VieMud code, to make it better (let call it an "open source project").
> best regards from almost 30 years after.
> Werner

Wow, blast from the past! I think a game I maintain is based on some VieMud code? NCMUD (
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