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AD: [muck] Fursperia MUCK

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Sep 27, 1998, 3:00:00 AM9/27/98
Fursperia MUCK is a Furry Medieval RP environment. We hope to gather
some new players who wish to participate in realistic, historically
accurate (to most extents) Scottish/Irish/English RP, set in the days
of knights and warriors.

There is alot of promise in the MUCK.. we have recently reworked our
staff; there is always staff presence online to help with player
concerns. The map is large, with plenty of room for growth. There are
two villages and a castle, and we need furs to put the second village
to good use.

If you'd like to check out our MUCK, telnet in to
(, port 1318 and page any of our staffurs, or Timban,
Danra, or Geran. Hope to see ye soon in Scotland! :)
~Geran/One for the webpage :)

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