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AD: Age of Heroes MUX

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Moritz Hardwick

Sep 6, 2014, 8:20:10 AM9/6/14
Age of Heroes MUX is a multiverse comic MU featuring characters from the DC and Marvel universes (and potentially others, at Staff Discretion) early in their lives (but not Year One). Our world is a shared universe from the beginning. There is no weird dimension warping to bring the universes together, the Marvel and DC characters are intertwined, and the timeline explaining much of this can be found here --

Age Of Heroes picks up not long after the Spectre's curse restricting supernatural influences on the world is lifted, once again allowing heroes and villains to do with their powers as they will. This world is fresh and primed for various influences to begin trying to further their own goals. There are many hooks written into the timeline for potential FCs as well as OCs, and the game world is waiting for players to make their mark.

What we offer:
* Easy and brief +traits based character generation.
* Active and friendly staff and evolving world where player actions make a difference.
* A game where feature and original characters are both welcome.
* Open to player run plots.
* Expansive grid of Metropolis, Gotham, and NYC.
* Established teams with the possibility to create your own.
* A game where you can instantly join Xavier's School.
* No scene too crazy.
* Character's follow YOUR direction, not canon. Freedom to do what YOU want.

MUX: 2012

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