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Why no Scorefile???

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Bob Martin

Jun 6, 1990, 10:11:17 PM6/6/90
Could someone please explain why there is no scorefile for the new version of
Moria?? Is a patch coming soon, or is there not going to be a scorefile.
It seems strange to have a game like this on a multi-user system and not have
a scorefile.

Also, the new version of moria is a little disappointing. I really like all
the little improvements that make the game less of a hassle (weights, seeing
seams, showing weapon damage, online monster data, etc), but it doesn't seem
as if there's anything new about the game (monsters, character classes, etc.).
Is there a new version planned that will add some new features?

Finally, one last nit. There ought to be an option for turning haggling off.
I am always able to get to the minimum price, and I hate having to waste time
getting there. It's nice for someone new to the game, but for someone who
plays a LOT, it's very annoying.

Any info is appreciated.

Bob Martin ...!uunet!tellab5!ram
Bob Martin |
Tellabs, Inc. | "Listen to me now, and believe me later"
Lisle, IL. 60532 | - Hans und Franz

Brad S. Hunziker

Jun 7, 1990, 1:36:39 AM6/7/90
I've been trying for ages to find Gain Strength, Intelligence,
Dexterity, etc. potions and failing miserably. They're supposed
to be around the 30th level, but I've been down there quite a bit
and have found a grand total of 2 in weeks of adventuring. Is
there some trick to improving stats (other than wizard mode)?
Do the stores ever have this sort of item?

BTW: I found a Metal Scale Mail (R) (-2) (13, +7) in the store
yesterday. (the -2 is the to-hit adjustment for those 4.87'ers
out there)


Paul Botts

Jun 7, 1990, 12:30:34 AM6/7/90
Regarding the haggling: I agree _completely_! Haggling is a cute
concept, but it's got to go. It's the single biggest defect in the game
as far as the "minor aggravation" factor that all games do have.

Regarding another comment someone posted in response to my posting of
possible game improvements: I know what you mean about the best part of
the game being the period around 20th level when you have to really
think and be careful in confronting each new type of monster. It seems
the game bogs down (at least it has for me) once I got to the point when
I could handle ancient dragons, because I was still nowhere near ready
to handle the Balrog (I was playing the PC version and racking up
tombstones trying, while cheating to restore save files and try again).
So I had to spend a _lot_ of time just wandering around killing ADs and
the occasional AMHD, trying to find the elusive potions of
invulnerability and get my experience up high enough to get that last
prayer. I eventually got bored and quit playing.
A damn shame, becuase I loved the game up till then.


Jun 7, 1990, 4:11:00 PM6/7/90
In article <>, (Brad S. Hunziker)
I guess the first is dependent on your system to some extent; I've
had pretty good luck puttering around between 1400 and 1700 feet;
so that's, what, 28th to 34th level? Give it time (although I
must say gain intelligence and strength seem to be rather rare.
As usual my constitution and charisma are already through the roof)

The second thing; yeah. I've seen Guantlets of slaying (2,+5) (+5,+5)
in the armory as well. Unfortunately I was jumped on by a system
error shortly after purchasing them, so maybe I was not intended
to have 'em.

Items of SPEED, now, those remain mythical so far. Do those tend
to show up at even lower levels? I'm beginning to run into the
friendly Emperor Lich with some frequency and they pretty much have
their way with me until I can teleport away.
Josh Hayes, Zoology Department, Miami University, Oxford OH 45056
voice: 513-529-1679 fax: 513-529-6900

miamiu.bitnet (good) | Surrounded by a
/ | thin thin sixteen (also good) | shell. And inside,
c | it's delicious. (not so good) | That's Herbie's
| whole beef halves.

Jun 7, 1990, 1:05:07 PM6/7/90

Go back up to 1250-1300 feet... I've found about a dozen of them in the last
three hours of play there... lots of other good stuff, too...

C Irby

James E. Wilson

Jun 7, 1990, 7:54:47 PM6/7/90
In article <> (Bob Martin) writes:
>Could someone please explain why there is no scorefile for the new version of
>Moria?? Is a patch coming soon, or is there not going to be a scorefile.
>It seems strange to have a game like this on a multi-user system and not have
>a scorefile.

Because the score file code was integrated with the save file protection
scheme. When I decided to abandon save file protection, the save file code
had to go also. Since then, I haven't felt like working on the save file
code, so I haven't worked on it, and hence there is no score file.

This will eventually be corrected.

>Also, the new version of moria is a little disappointing. I really like all
>the little improvements that make the game less of a hassle (weights, seeing
>seams, showing weapon damage, online monster data, etc), but it doesn't seem
>as if there's anything new about the game (monsters, character classes, etc.).
>Is there a new version planned that will add some new features?

This is largely a reflection of my opinions on what moria should be.
I believe that a game with tens of well thought out features, is much
better than a game that has hundreds of poorly thought out features.
Hence I have concentrated on adding a few very useful features,
and on trying to do them right.

If you want a game that has everything, including the kitchen sink,
see NetHack.

You are right that there are no new monsters, character classes/races,
objects, etc. However, I claim that adding these would not necessarily
make umoria a better game. It would make a different game, but perhaps
not a better game.

>Finally, one last nit. There ought to be an option for turning haggling off.
>I am always able to get to the minimum price, and I hate having to waste time
>getting there. It's nice for someone new to the game, but for someone who
>plays a LOT, it's very annoying.

There is, and it is even mentioned in the documentation.
If you get the minimum price often enough, the shopkeepers will eventually
recognize that you are a superb haggler, and they will go immediately to
the minimum price.

Jim Wilson wil...@ernie.Berkeley.EDU
The US Constitution guarantees freedom of religion, and freedom of speech.
Offer void where prohibited by law.

Boudewijn Wayers

Jun 8, 1990, 3:30:28 PM6/8/90
In article <> (Bob Martin) writes:

>Finally, one last nit. There ought to be an option for turning haggling off.
>I am always able to get to the minimum price, and I hate having to waste time
>getting there. It's nice for someone new to the game, but for someone who
>plays a LOT, it's very annoying.

In the new version of moria, you do NOT have to haggle (always). After
you have haggled some times (about 20) and have reached the last bid,
the shopkeeper will not haggle with you anymore.
wsb...@eutws1.UUCP or ...!mcvax!eutws1!wsbusr or

John DiMarco

Jun 8, 1990, 7:56:53 PM6/8/90
I have my own nit to pick with moria. Whenever I rest on a level for a
significant length of time, by the time I start moving around again, I'm
mobbed by hundreds of monsters. It seems there is code which generates
"wandering monsters" every so often. As I rest, monsters of every sort are
being created by spontaneous generation, until the entire level is
swarming with them. Try it on the town level sometime.

Furthermore, I think you should get experience for killing the townsfolk.
For a low-level character, a "battle-scarred veteran" is a significant
foe. It's not quite reasonable to make killing this enemy worth NO experience.

All in all, however, moria is a very enjoyable game, if a little difficult
and monotonous at times. Of all the rogue-style games I've played, only
Omega is as addictive. (Bob Martin) writes:

>Finally, one last nit. There ought to be an option for turning haggling off.
>I am always able to get to the minimum price, and I hate having to waste time
>getting there. It's nice for someone new to the game, but for someone who
>plays a LOT, it's very annoying.

This patch allows you to compile moria with a NOBARGAIN #define, which
allows you to skip the long bargaining sessions.

*** config.h Fri Jun 8 15:42:32 1990
--- Fri Jun 8 15:41:52 1990
*** 108,113 ****
--- 108,115 ----
/* if you change this, you only need to recompile main.c */

+ /* if you don't want bargaining, define NOBARGAIN. */
+ #define NOBARGAIN

/* for the ANDREW distributed file system, define this to ensure that
the program is secure with respect to the setuid code, this prohibits
*** store1.c Fri Jun 8 15:43:05 1990
--- Fri Jun 8 15:40:14 1990
*** 418,424 ****
--- 418,428 ----
int store_num;
int32 minprice;
+ #ifdef NOBARGAIN
+ return(1);
+ #else
register int flagnoneed;
register store_type *s_ptr;

s_ptr = &store[store_num];
*** 427,432 ****
--- 431,437 ----
(minprice < 1000)));

return (flagnoneed);
+ #endif

John DiMarco or
University of Toronto, CSRI BITNET:
(416) 978-8609 UUCP: {uunet!utai,decvax!utcsri}!db!jdd

Jun 13, 1990, 7:53:52 AM6/13/90
> You are right that there are no new monsters, character classes/races,
> objects, etc. However, I claim that adding these would not necessarily
> make umoria a better game. It would make a different game, but perhaps
> not a better game.

A couple of new monsters would have been nice though. I don't think anybody
that more monsters will clutter the game with features, they just add a bit
more variety to the game.

Allso a small suggestion about screen layout: how about putting a frame
around those windows which pop up when you do inventory, spell lists etc.?
I think it would make the screen somewhat easier to read.


Brad S. Hunziker

Jun 13, 1990, 10:27:47 PM6/13/90
I was wondering if resistances of various types are
accumulative. Are two rings of fire resistance better
than 1? Is it the same ratio of damage (ie 1 cuts damage
by 1/2, 2 cuts to 1/4?)


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