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For Sale: 6 Infocom games...

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May 10, 1999, 3:00:00 AM5/10/99
Due to continuing finiancial troubles, I am forced to sell some more
of the boxed Infocom games in my collection. Like Sherlock, which I
sold a couple of days ago, these games have sat wrapped in plastic
comic book protector bags within a cedar chest in my closet for the
past decade. It's been years since I have played them, but all are in
excellent condition and complete as far as I know. If you've a
particular question regarding a game or its contents, email me at:

The games are:

Beyond Zork (Apple II) - $25
Bureaucracy (IBM) - $30
Trinity (IBM) - $30
A Mind Forever Voyaging (IBM) - $30
Plundered Hearts (IBM) - $30
Zork Trilogy (IBM) - $30

Price includes postage within the US & Canada - add $5 for anywhere
else. If you want to purchase all of them, make me an offer.

I also have a beat up ex-library copy (it was withdrawn folks) of the
book: "The Lost City of Zork" by Robin W. Bailey that I'd sell for $6
if anyone is interested.

Paul Sanders

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