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[Announce] LASH

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Paul O'Brian

Mar 22, 2000, 3:00:00 AM3/22/00
North American Salvage Corporation
451 Gates Drive
American Africa ME-2726-0-451-62726-1

22 August 2062

Dear Aspirant:

I am pleased to inform you that your performance on our tests has been
outstanding, and that you have been selected to participate in the
greatest salvage project of the 21st century: the recovery of artifacts
and information from the North American continent.

Remember that your findings will become the property of the North
American Salvage Corporation, and their monetary value will be split
equally between you and the Corporation. Depending of course on what you
find, that value could be quite significant indeed. Your site has been
selected, and a fact sheet is enclosed that outlines some of the details
of that site, including items of possible monetary value.

To facilitate your salvage project, you will be provided with a Multiple
Use Land Explorer (MULE) robot, which you will control through a Local
Asynchronous Satellite Hookup. This robot partakes of some very current
technology, including cutting-edge Natural/Artificial Intelligence
capabilities. In addition, it is equipped with experimental Ingaki
time-folding features, though these features are to be used entirely at
your own risk, and the North American Salvage Corporation assumes no
responsibility for the consequences of such use. The robot has been
airdropped to your site, and is programmed with knowledge of its

I offer you my enthusiastic congratulations on your admission, and wish
you the best of luck in your salvage endeavors. Remember, our success is
your success!

Sincerely Yours,

William E. Congreve
North American Salvage Corporation


PLEASE NOTE: The LASH interface is not intended for use by children. The
old North American continent is unpredictable, and some survivors of the
Second American Civil War still dwell in the ruins. The radiation from
the atomic weapons used in the war has rendered the land uninhabitable
and the survivors cancerous and grotesque. Consequently, the MULE could
encounter disturbing scenes, including graphic violence and very
offensive language. Parents are hereby warned that events depicted via
the LASH may not be suitable for children.


Your Local Asynchronous Satellite Hookup software is available as a file
titled "lash.z8", and can be obtained from the incoming/if-archive
directory at In time, it will be archived permanently at:

Some operators have noted troubles using the software with the JZIP
interpreter. JZIP users are hereby advised either to obtain the newest
version (JZIP 2.1) at, or to employ a
different interpreter.

Paul O'Brian

LASH -- Walk the command line at http://ucsu/

Mar 22, 2000, 3:00:00 AM3/22/00
In article <Pine.GSO.3.96.100032...@ucsu.Colorado.EDU>,
Paul O'Brian <obr...@ucsu.Colorado.EDU> wrote:

<snip intro to LASH>

I've got this goose pimply feeling, just like I did when reading about
an upcoming Infocom game 15 years ago.

This is how every game should be introduced...


Sent via
Before you buy.

Paul O'Brian

Mar 22, 2000, 3:00:00 AM3/22/00
On Wed, 22 Mar 2000, Paul O'Brian wrote:

> LASH -- Walk the command line at http://ucsu/

Uh, whoops. That address has a / in place of a . It should be


LASH -- Walk the command line at

Mar 22, 2000, 3:00:00 AM3/22/00
to wrote:
> I've got this goose pimply feeling, just like I did when reading about
> an upcoming Infocom game 15 years ago.
> This is how every game should be introduced...

I couldn't agree more! I just downloaded it, and will start on it here
in a few minutes. I didn't really have much in the way of work this
afternoon anyway...


William Lash

Mar 22, 2000, 3:00:00 AM3/22/00

Wow, this seems like the game that I was born to play...

Bill Lash

Mar 22, 2000, 3:00:00 AM3/22/00
In article <8batke$7g0$>, wrote:
> In article

> Paul O'Brian <obr...@ucsu.Colorado.EDU> wrote:
> <snip intro to LASH>
> I've got this goose pimply feeling, just like I did when reading about
> an upcoming Infocom game 15 years ago.
> This is how every game should be introduced...

I was a beta tester for this masterpiece, and I'd just like to say
that if it doesn't provoke some thoughtful and/or heated remarks on
this newsgroup, nothing will!


Suzanne Britton

Mar 22, 2000, 3:00:00 AM3/22/00
mmus...@Sun.COM (Mark Musante - Sun Microsystems) wrote:

>Problem is that if this weren't written by a frequent poster like Paul,
>I would have skipped it without reading more than the first line. Taken
>on its own, the general structure is very spam-like.

Eh? How is that? No spelling errors, grammar errors, $$$ MAKE MONEY FAST $$$,
or "then READ IT AGAIN!!!" in sight. And spammers don't usually put a
nice killfile-able [Announce] in their subject headers.

And how does one discern "general structure" after reading the first line?

Methinks someone has grown cranky from an overdose of spam.


-- \ \ This space intentionally left blank.
"Worlds Apart" Homepage: \ /

Andrew Plotkin

Mar 22, 2000, 3:00:00 AM3/22/00
In Suzanne Britton <> wrote:
> Eh? How is that? No spelling errors, grammar errors, $$$ MAKE MONEY FAST $$$,
> or "then READ IT AGAIN!!!" in sight. And spammers don't usually put a
> nice killfile-able [Announce] in their subject headers.

Some of them do.

> And how does one discern "general structure" after reading the first line?

Gestalt eye-impression. It doesn't look like a Usenet posting, it looks
like a press release.

He's right; I've seen lots of Usenet crap that was formatted *exactly*
like that.

I recognized the author's name first, the advertisement-format second, and
the date (2062) third. If the order had been slightly different, I might
have ignored the whole thing.

> Methinks someone has grown cranky from an overdose of spam.

Well, sure, but with *reason*.

(One reason spam is bad is that it reduces the number of things I can say
that won't be ignored. I don't know if I've ever sent email with the
subject line "The info you asked for" -- but I certainly never will in
the future.)


"And Aholibamah bare Jeush, and Jaalam, and Korah: these were the

Suzanne Britton

Mar 22, 2000, 3:00:00 AM3/22/00
to wrote:

>I was a beta tester for this masterpiece, and I'd just like to say
>that if it doesn't provoke some thoughtful and/or heated remarks on
>this newsgroup, nothing will!

Hear, hear!

-Suzanne, a-wastin' that bandwidth

Joe Mason

Mar 22, 2000, 3:00:00 AM3/22/00
Paul O'Brian <obr...@ucsu.Colorado.EDU> wrote:
>Dear Aspirant:
>I am pleased to inform you that your performance on our tests has been
>outstanding, and that you have been selected to participate in the
>greatest salvage project of the 21st century: the recovery of artifacts
>and information from the North American continent.

And to think I was feeling guilty for skipping school today...


Joe Mason

Mar 23, 2000, 3:00:00 AM3/23/00
Note on playing LASH with nitfol:

/automap (global) 0 seems to work fine for the automap, but be sure you do
this after typing "connect", or else nitfol crashes.

This is a perfect game for the automap, BTW, because of the nature of the


Quentin D. Thompson

Mar 23, 2000, 3:00:00 AM3/23/00
In article <8bbere$5v7$>,

Suzanne Britton <> wrote:
> wrote:
> >I was a beta tester for this masterpiece, and I'd just like to say
> >that if it doesn't provoke some thoughtful and/or heated remarks on
> >this newsgroup, nothing will!
> Hear, hear!

Incidentally, I was pleasantly surprised (I think) to see that my letter was
signed William E. Congreve. Is this game going to be about "the way of the
world?" Or is it based on the real Congreve's most famous quote, 'Hell hath
no fury like a woman scorned'?

Q.D.T., speculating......

Quentin D. Thompson
Thane of Halo
Arms: A red six-pack with two koalas rampant

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