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When in need, raise brown puddings on a farm! ;)

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Randolph S. Vance

Dec 16, 1993, 6:20:34 PM12/16/93

As the subject implies, I have discovered a way to build up experience
as well as favor with my god, Loki.

I'm playing an 11th level Valkyrie, wielding Mjollnir, and carrying
Excalibur, Stormbringer and Dragonbane as spare weapons. This is a
3.0 version.

Here's what the map looks like:

# ## #`.........|
--------------- |..............|##### ###..--.---.-
|.............| ----- ##...............-###### ##### # ##
|...........<.| |..>.### |...............####### ###### #
|.............| |..^|### -----------.....# #### ############
|.............| #..#^|########################## --.|-.-.--
|.............-#####|....# ### ##.....&...|
------------.-- ----- ##### ## |..._....|
##### ###`# ----`-----

Locnar the Woman-at-arms St:18/04 Dx:12 Co:18 In:10 Wi:9 Ch:8 Chaotic
Dlvl:9 G:0 HP:98(98) Pw:36(36) AC:-9 Xp:11/15142

Okay, I've got good stats, a decent armor class and a temple for Loki
I'm living in virtually. The human one southwest from the Altar to
Loki is the priest. That's Yenoghu in the room with me and that's
me in the lower right corner of the room. The path (that USED to
be direct, damn dwarf lords! :( ) that runs from the lower left
doorway leads to the Brown Pudding farm in the room with the upstairs.

I also have a identified Unicorn Horn as well as a plethora of uncursed
armor which I will polymorph when I find a wand of polymorph. I am
aware of the danger of golem creation, but I'll take that risk.

Food is not a problem for me anymore. I have 10 uncursed rations and
if I run out, all I have to do is kill a couple of Brown Puddings.

Now, you ask, how do I raise Brown Puddings for fun and profit?


Find a Brown Pudding. Hit it once. It will split. Leave the room,
re-enter and hit both puddings once. Now you have four. Repeat as
often as needed. Be cautious as Brown Pudding Corpses are heavy and
filling and dragging corpses may be harder if you have uncontrolled
teleportation. (Here tengu tengu tengu....I got a nummy nummy SNACK for
you! ;)

I would NOT reccomend raising Black Puddings as they will be
very malicious and destructive to armor.

As for experience, I am gaining a little over 120 points for every
Pudding I kill. You can see how I can use that to my advantage. ;)

Well, either I'll come out of this game winning (Yeah, RIIIIGHT!)
or I'll die having a HELL of a high score.

Randolph S. Vance (NeXT Mail)

QUOTE: "I'll watch some TV, it'll help me to RELAX!" -Ren Hoek

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