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Stupid deaths

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Nelson Minar

Dec 30, 1991, 5:15:09 PM12/30/91
I haven't won nethack yet, so this death particularly hurt me.. I find
that I do stupid things when I have been playing for a long time.
What's the record for physical time to solve the game? It took me
about 3 hours to get to dlevel 21..

There are no doubt spoilers here.

Playing a priest, lousy strength (10), lousy intelligence (10), but
a very convenient spellbook of haste self.

Early on (dlevel 3?), I found an armour dealership that had, among
other things, a cloak of displacement, a blessed +1 cloak of
protection, boots of speed, and some gauntlets of power. Fairly
convenient when you have enough tripe to convince your pet to shop for
you. AC goes to -4.

along the way, I run into a blessed potion of invisibility. "Do you
wish the invisibilty to be permanent?" Sounds good to me ;)

A couple of lucky sacrifices got me Fire Brand and Frost Brand.

Next thing I hit was a bones level. The character I found had *14*
rings on him, and me with only one blessed scroll of identify. Such
a shame. I settled on the ring of warning and the ring of conflict,
and tossed the rest of them down the sink.

Ring of conflict + invisibility + speed = nothing kills you. I took
out a huge beehive (7x4), a barracks, a treasure zoo, a big throne
room. No trouble at all, they didn't even attack me. It was
ridiculous. Somewhere along the way I realized my warning was useless
and traded the ring of warning for a +5 ring of protection. AC -12, in
case anything tried to hit me.

So what killed me? That treasure zoo was full of neat corpses,
including a black dragon corpse. So, I ate it. It was tough swallowing
the whole thing, but I was ok. But one level farther down I killed a
violet fungus, ate it and choked to death.

ARGH! Nothing was going to kill me. I was invincible. And I choked to
death on a violent fungus?! Sigh. There is a bones though with lots of
nifties. If I ever get to level 21 again..
__ \/ The past is prologue

Jack Hsiung

Jan 2, 1992, 7:41:17 PM1/2/92
In article <> (Nelson Minar) writes:
>I haven't won nethack yet, so this death particularly hurt me.. I find
>So what killed me? That treasure zoo was full of neat corpses,
>including a black dragon corpse. So, I ate it. It was tough swallowing
>the whole thing, but I was ok. But one level farther down I killed a
>violet fungus, ate it and choked to death.
>ARGH! Nothing was going to kill me. I was invincible. And I choked to
>death on a violent fungus?! Sigh. There is a bones though with lots of
>nifties. If I ever get to level 21 again..

Your're not alone. I was a level 16 Barbarian with 160+ hp, AC of -12 in
DL 17. I killed and ate a rock mole while satiated. I thought that the
program will ask me if I want to continue eating, but the next thing I
knew, I choked to death on the corpse. Why wasn't I asked to continue
Jack Hsiung

David Faulkner

Jan 10, 1992, 11:49:57 AM1/10/92
In article <> (Nelson Minar) writes:
>ARGH! Nothing was going to kill me. I was invincible. And I choked to
>death on a violent fungus?! Sigh. There is a bones though with lots of....
Ah, so that's why you died. You shouldn't eat violent fungi ;-).

A question. Why eat violet fungus anyway? I thought it just made you
hallucinate. Is there something I don't know about it?

Dave Faulkner, Research Officer (
BHP Coated Products Division, Research and Technology Centre
Port Kembla, New South Wales, Australia.

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