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San Francisco Go Club Addresses Its History

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Hal Womack 3-dan

Apr 30, 2022, 11:53:45 AM4/30/22
Greetings to the SFGC founding history meeting:

The Clintons and the criminal and immensely destructive U.S. war against Iraq were closely bound up with the sudden wicked decision by Mayor Frank Jordan and other local officials back around 1993 to expel our Club from our more than half-century-old tenancy at the grand old temple located at 1881 Bush Street @ Laguna.

Given your present commendable initiative in laying out Club history, I hope before too long to go into the details of that critical chapter with which I was personally involved as Club secretary and resident night watchman and also as budding commentator on the then recently born Internet.

I also trust that both this afternoon and henceforward you will duly remember the role of our great leader (and my mentor) Shinji Dote 4-dan.

Wishing you the best of luck with your first meeting,

¡ Salud ! --Hal Womack (once "3-dan")

History of SF Go Club Meeting – 4/30 1PM
On Saturday April 30th at 1pm the SF Go Club will host a meeting of old and new members to talk about the history of the club and record information about photos, stories, and more. Setting up will start at 12pm for those interested. Please join us especially if you have been attending the SF Go Club for a long time.

Some things that we will cover at this meeting:

Go through photos and identify year, place, and people. We’ll use stickers to number photos and keep details organized.
The meeting will be audio recorded.
Examine other materials at the club collectively and record information about them.
Renew old acquaintances.
Build a team for an ongoing history project.
Play Go
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