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TSR code of ethics

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Bojan Ramadanovic

Aug 1, 1995, 3:00:00 AM8/1/95
First thing: I do not have anything against it. I understand need for it
and certanly anything that I will write (for eventual publishing) about
Ad&d game will be in respect of "code". Problem is that your own people
are not respecting code at all and thaty is bad. Before I continue
whining I will give example(s) of what I'm talking about: Volo's guide to
where-ever Almost only things (at least 60% and probably more) of this
books are devoted to taverns and whore-houses (in Volo's works called
festhouses). While I think that something like travelers journals through
campaign worlds is usefull I realy do not need a book of 100+ pages of
directions where my character can get drunk and where he can lay with the
girl. On one place Volo explicitly state that most regular patrons of
mother something's "festhouse" are adventurers and such. Have we tell
something about adventurers being heros and things like that ? Except
that we have regular Ed Greenwood's column in Dragon (Wizards three) wich
not only mocks character that Ed have not created (Dalmar and
Mordenkainen) but is full of breakings of code of ethics.(Should I give
examples or everybody knows what naughty 500+ years old wizard is doing
with beautifull female apprentices) Well I do not care if Ed Greenwood
have problem, but of all code, part about sex was best and I realy do not
see the point in breaking it because some writer want to share his
fantasies with readers of "Dragon".
Do not misunderstand me, there is sex in my campaigns and I'm not some
religious fanatic, but using sex in this (do not be insulted pleaseeeee)
so american way, you are destroying one of major elements of heroic

"O Elbereth! Gilthoniel!
We still remember, we who dwell
In this far land beneath the trees,
Thy starlight on the western seas"
J.R.R Tolkien.

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