b3> I just want to ask a possibly stupid and obvious question: Why the
b3> hell are we only seeing second hand messages from Repp?? Since, as one
b3> poster claimed, he reads this group, why isn't he posting to it
b3> himself? Especially given the nature of the topic. I'd really like to
b3> hear something from him, first hand and not a repost from Compuserve.
b3> After all, this is an issue that affects the people who read this
b3> group. The least he could do is address us directly.
I e-mailed him and got a quick reply. One of the things I said was that we
were being blown off . . . he riposted with the fact that he was being
over-scrutinized (or something along those lines) and that I should sit tight,
'cause something would be forthcoming. (I know, I know, we've heard that
before. ;) Anyway, I replied with "touche'" (well, a little more than that).
I'm sure his e-mail box is full. (And I'm sure that a well-placed post here
would alleviate some of that, but might bring in all-new, all-different e-mail.
Maybe I'm just ignoring you... :)
Nope, I'm pretty sure that's not it. I must be busy, or maybe I just have
nothing to contribute. Hmmmm, maybe I was in an accident. Nope. Ummm...
"When I have nothing to say, my lips are sealed."
David Byrne
Official releases forthcoming. Meanwhile, I'm quietly watching the
commentary go by. That's all, nothing too sinister. Generally, when
addressing a crowd, you should say only what needs saying, lest you draw
fire. In fact, this comment is probably a mistake, but I couldn't resist.
Have a nice day!
Rob Repp | InterNet: tsr...@aol.com
Manager, Digital Projects Group | InterNet: mob...@mercury.mcs.com
TSR, Inc. | CompuServe: 76217,761
__________________________________ | GEnie: TSR.Online AOL: TSR Inc
All opinions are my own, not TSR's | 414-248-3625 Fax 414-248-0389