I forgot to mention it yesterday, but yesterday was my
first anniversary of working for TSR.
This means that _today_ is the first anniversary of
the day Rob Repp _left_ TSR.
FYI, that's all.
Sean Reynolds, TSR Online Coordinator
TSR...@aol.com | AOL: keyword TSR | http://users.aol.com/tsrinc/
*The Gen Con 1996 registration book is online at the sites above*
"If I was John, and you were Yoko, I would gladly give up musical genius,
Just to have you as my very own ... personal Venus."
'Be My Yoko Ono,' Barenaked Ladies
Seriously, congratualations.
The Munchkin King
Tell us, Sean, what have you learned in all that time about being
an online rep?
>I forgot to mention it yesterday, but yesterday was my
>first anniversary of working for TSR.
Congrats. Keep up the good work.
Terry Austin
Hyperbooks Online Bookstore
Submission Guidelines at:
Role Playing Submissions Welcome!
E-mail: tau...@hyperbooks.com
Sure I'm prejudiced! None of my friends are idiots!
----Larry Niven
+This means that _today_ is the first anniversary of
+the day Rob Repp _left_ TSR.
Hooray now we can celibrate "Repp is gone day" every july 11th. :)
r...@ior.com "You've never lived,
bob...@aol.com till you've almost died"
MNA # 1484
Why don't you suck up a little more?
_____ __ __ __ ___
/ ___/ _____ ____ _ / /_ / /_ / |/ / ____ _ ____
\__ \ / ___// __ `// __// __/ / /|_/ / / __ `/ / __ \
___/ // /__ / /_/ // /_ / /_ / / / / / /_/ / / / / /
/____/ \___/ \__,_/ \__/ \__/ /_/ /_/ \__,_/ /_/ /_/
- Shane King aka Scatt Man (scat...@bssc.edu.au)
Now on the web! Find me at : http://genesis.bssc.edu.au/student/king.s/
If the Scatt Man can do it, so can you.
For he's a ...... etcetera..... <someone at the back singing out of key
and sinc, having had too much of the drinks at the party.>
Well, we've all learned how to use | David Dylan ,
a fork and a knife, How sometimes we | Illustrator, writer,
all have to wear a suit and tie, And | and student history. (all but the
understand these things are what gives | latter free-lance) member of the
us the 'right' to go around the world | TRIBE MAGAZINE (E-zine) team.
acting superior..(New Model Army) | Head editor actually....
Please send E-mail to : nob...@xs4all.nl Thank you.
... Welcome to my 12
> +This means that _today_ is the first anniversary of
> +the day Rob Repp _left_ TSR.
> Hooray now we can celibrate "Repp is gone day" every july 11th. :)
You might want to watch how you phrase things a little--"Rob net.Repp"
might be gone, but "Rob Repp, average gamer" still lurks on here on
occasion, he just doesn't post as often. ;)
And a hearty "Congratulations for surviving your first year" to Sean, and
when are you going to convince Connie to get set up with an e-mail account
so I can fill it with requests to change the net.policy? :)
Aardy R. DeVarque
Feudalism: Serf & Turf
Joshua Jasper (sin...@netcom.com) wrote:
> Tell us, Sean, what have you learned in all that time about being
>an online rep?
Take several slow, deep breaths before saying anything.
Sean Reynolds, TSR Online Coordinator
TSR...@aol.com | AOL: keyword TSR | http://users.aol.com/tsrinc/
*The Gen Con 1996 registration book is online at the sites above*
"I'm so sick of fighting, and that effigy you're lighting, looks an awful lot
like someone who's name I just can't quite place, and thought you say it's not
supposed to be me or an entity, still through the flames and smoke I see
I recognize that face."
'You Will Be Waiting," - BareNaked Ladies
Aardy R. DeVarque (jh...@nslsilus.org) wrote:
>And a hearty "Congratulations for surviving your first year" to Sean, and
>when are you going to convince Connie to get set up with an e-mail account
>so I can fill it with requests to change the net.policy? :)
Oh, I'm sure she'd love me for that.... ;)
Sean Reynolds, TSR Online Coordinator
TSR...@aol.com | AOL: keyword TSR | http://users.aol.com/tsrinc/
*The Gen Con 1996 registration book is online at the sites above*
"You think you're so smart, but I've seen you naked
I'll probably see you naked again."
- 'Blame It On Me,' BareNaked Ladies
>I forgot to mention it yesterday, but yesterday was my
>first anniversary of working for TSR.
My condolences.
The CyberGuineaPig
"When all you've got is a hammer,
all your problems start looking
like plaster flamingoes."
Meanwhile, you write:
Message-ID: <skreynDu...@netcom.com>
>> First off, I thought the term "Dungeon Crawl" was already in popular use,
>> and thus not able to be trademarked.
> Well, for one, TSR doesn't consider it to be generic - the term grew
>up around TSR products, so....
I think you've crossed the line again ...
- Ed.
Ed Taychert | Visit Irony Games! PBEM's, Game openings, Worlds on the
e...@irony.com | web and online GM tools. All free! http://www.irony.com
What exacty does the TSR Online Coordinator do?
C.A. Pyndragon
Try reading his posts to find out. Now the interesting question
is, what would the TSR online coordinator like to be doing with his
title. I'm serious, here, Sean, what is it you'd like your title to realy
mean in usenet context. As it stands, you seem more like a kibbitzer, and
flame answerer. Did you have anything grander in mind when you took the job?
Bruce Mesarosh Jr.
Sinboy wrote:
> Now the interesting question is, what would the TSR online
> coordinator like to be doing with his title. I'm serious,
> here, Sean, what is it you'd like your title to realy mean
> in usenet context. As it stands, you seem more like a
> kibbitzer, and flame answerer. Did you have anything
> grander in mind when you took the job?
Hmm, if only I could find the want ad for this job when I first
applied for it....
First of all, I have to point out that my title (TSR Online
Coordinator) is mostly self-appointed. I really don't have a title,
unlike everyone else at the company. While I'm technically part of the
Creative Services department, I'm not involved in the conceptualization of
a product, its design, or its editing. If you take a look at the product
group employees (FR/RL group, BR/PS group, etc.), I am listed under
"Special." There's a note after my name that says "Web-site coordinator
and digital projects." As we don't have a web site, and I actually do
more than that, I chose a more general title for what I do. At my old
job, I went from "Online Marketing Assistant" to just "Online Guy;" I
thought something simple, yet more formal would be a better choice.
Anyway, enough history; the question is what's my Big Plan for TSR in the
online world:
I want TSR to have a real, modern, effective, and useful (from a
gamer's standpoint) site on the internet. That's my goal.
I'd like to have a big ultimate FAQ on our (real) web page, to answer
the hordes of repetitive mail I get. One of the main reasons I started
the info-page was because I got sick of sending out the Dragon or Dungeon
submissions guidelines in email ten times a day. Now that's on the
info-page, and I don't have to email it any more. That's the info I'm
asked for, and that's the info I want. Errata. Catalog info. Sage
Advice. Lists of distributors. How to subscribe to Dragon. Press
releases. And so on.
The more valuable information I can get online (and thus, the fewer
replies that I actually have to search to find the answers for), the more
time I can devote to putting out of print products online (such as Ivid,
or the Grand Conjunction, or the U series, etc.), or having contests, or
getting TSR staff online (whether as guest speakers at special events, or
as actual full-time posters like Steve Miller, Dave Gross, and the
staffers on the various mailing lists), or having searchable indexes of
conventions, or online registration for Gen Con, or just about anything.
I am a gamer. If I can build a site that is beneficial to gamers,
helps improve TSR products, and doesn't break any laws, then I feel I've
done my job. That's what I want to do.
Is that a satisfacotry answer?
> Terry Austin wrote:
> >
> > skr...@netcom.com (TSR Online Coordinator) wrote:
> >
> > >I forgot to mention it yesterday, but yesterday was my
> > >first anniversary of working for TSR.
> >
> > Congrats. Keep up the good work.
> Why don't you suck up a little more?
> --
Oh, please! Like he gets free TSR products for congratulating Sean on a
good job or something. Actually, that's what we all do here on UseNet.
Ever since the Evil Empireª took control of the orbital mind control
lasers both the Iranian moderates and gaming geeks have been forced to
worship TSR, right Mustafa? (nudge, nudge)
"This writing business. Pencils and what-not. Over-rated if you ask me.
Silly stuff. Nothing in it."
Visit my webpage! http://www.dartmouth.edu/~mearls
More than satisfactory. All you twits who keep knocking Sean,
Read this, it means something if all the guy wants to do is make the
place better.
Any help I can offer is yours for the asking (within limits)
>What exacty does the TSR Online Coordinator do?
At this time, I answer a ton of email, maintain our AOL forum (with
the help of my remote AOL coordinator, Tim Hernandez), answer usenet,
fight off flames, tinker on the TSR info-page, and brood and dream about
the upcoming _real_ TSR site (::grins at new compter, still in the box::).
Each of the above is actually many tasks under one title (the AOL
forum, for example, has discussion areas, live chat, several online AD&D
games and game demos, seminars, an online catalog, a file library (with
both TSR and user files), and periodicals archives), so while the above
looks rather simple, please believe me that it's not.
Oh, and since I'm the "online guy" (and therefore must know
everything), I get most of the staff's questions about computers (!), the
net, the web, modems, why their software doesn't work, advertising online,
conventions, E3, video games, CD-ROMs, and California (weather and women,
Sean Reynolds, TSR Online Coordinator
TSR...@aol.com | AOL: keyword TSR | http://users.aol.com/tsrinc/
"I have faith in medication
I believe in the Prozac nation
You play doctor, but I've lost patience."
- Barenaked Ladies, 'This Is Where It Ends'
JUERGEN HUBERT (HUB...@gawein.physik) wrote:
>You're putting out-of-print products online? Like SJG did with its Roleplayer
>magazine? Wow. Where can I get them?
Well, so far, they aren't online _yet_. Ivid The Undying is a
Greyhawk accessory that was _unpublished_, and it's now online
(AOL, GEnie, and ftp.mpgn.com). Next will be the remaining
parts of FRA that haven't been updated (info on the various
cities, mostly). Next comes the Feast of Goblines, part 1 of
the RL Grand Conjunction series. After that, the U series of
modules for the AD&D core line. The Core group gave me a list
of about fourteen OOP products that they think would be good
additions to the "online product list." I'll get to them as
I get time.
Of course, my big project right now is the Savage Coast
campaign setting, which I'm hoping to get online by next week.
Like all of these things, it will be available at all TSR
licensed sites.
>Keep up the good work, Sean. Oh, and a small question about the temporary
>info page: Last time I checked TSR's Online Policy, the whole text was shown in
>a single line, which made it somewhat difficult to read. Is this the site's
>fault, or the fault of my webbrowser?
Um, are you using Lynx? The file is currently a text file, and Lynx
does that to pure text files (as opposed to HTML). I'll fix it;
thanks for pointing it out.
Sean Reynolds, TSR Online Coordinator
TSR...@aol.com | AOL: keyword TSR | http://users.aol.com/tsrinc/
*The Gen Con 1996 registration book is online at the sites above*
"On my income tax 1040 it says 'Check this box if you are blind.' I wanted
to put a check mark about three inches away."
- Tom Lehrer
> A post from the TSR Online Coordinator....
You're putting out-of-print products online? Like SJG did with its Roleplayer
magazine? Wow. Where can I get them?
> or having contests, or
> getting TSR staff online (whether as guest speakers at special events, or
> as actual full-time posters like Steve Miller, Dave Gross, and the
> staffers on the various mailing lists), or having searchable indexes of
> conventions, or online registration for Gen Con, or just about anything.
> I am a gamer. If I can build a site that is beneficial to gamers,
> helps improve TSR products, and doesn't break any laws, then I feel I've
> done my job. That's what I want to do.
> Is that a satisfacotry answer?
Keep up the good work, Sean. Oh, and a small question about the temporary
info page: Last time I checked TSR's Online Policy, the whole text was shown in
a single line, which made it somewhat difficult to read. Is this the site's
fault, or the fault of my webbrowser?
Juergen Hubert
"Sometimes I do stupid stuff, and I don't even know why...
..as if my body were controlled by some demented, sadistic puppet-master..."
-- Bernard Bernoulli
"Well, we all feel that way sometimes."
-- Weird Ed Edison
in: "Day of the Tentacle"