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Prolific Best Counter Warriors

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John Metcalf

Feb 18, 2024, 11:20:22 AMFeb 18
Inversed defined a warrior's best counter as "the opponent that beats it
with the highest score". Here's a list of Koenigstuhl's most prolific
best counters along with how many warriors they're best counter for.
Thanks to Christoph for letting me use the score data to calculate these:


41 - "Replicant--" by S.Fernandes
21 - "Macro Paper" by J.Layland
17 - "Imprimis 2" by P.Kline
13 - "Sting" by John Metcalf
13 - "Locusts 2.2" by Stefan Strack
13 - "Gisela 609" by Andrzej Maciejczak


67 - "Stingray" by John Metcalf
45 - "Goin' Mobile" by Anonymous
34 - "Scanning Paper AI" by Christian Schmidt
19 - "Solo 3" by Roy van Rijn
19 - "Leap in the Dark" by Christian Schmidt


29 - "The Duelist" by Michal Janeczek
17 - "Combatra" by David Moore
14 - "Cooperative Black Dimension 1.0" by Blake Escritt/C. Schmidt
8 - "Sunset" by David Moore
7 - "Babbo Natale" by Maurizio Vittuari

Limited Process

21 - "R.O.U.S." by S.Fernandes
11 - "Bronze minotaur" by G.Labarga
10 - "BioMech" by inversed
8 - "Spire" by JKW
8 - "Disciples of the Void" by inversed


19 - "Quincy" by Philip Thorne
12 - "REAMer DX 92" by Steve Gunnell
9 - "Fire and Ice II" by David Moore
7 - "Pendulum X" by John Metcalf
7 - "Discord" by John Metcalf


22 - "" by Dave Hillis
19 - "Stingray" by John Metcalf
18 - "RedBorg v1.0r6" by The MicroGP Corewars Collective
17 - "interlocking" by John Metcalf
13 - "Serval" by inversed


21 - "early morning view" by Neogryzor/FatalC
14 - "victim of the night" by John Metcalf
13 - "girl from the underworld" by John Metcalf
10 - "Master Gate" by Roy van Rijn
9 - "hectic" by John Metcalf


29 - "Twimp" by Monika Keindl
27 - "Macro Paper" by J.Layland
16 - "Miss Treatment" by Derek Ross
12 - "RoadRunner D" by S. Halvorsen
12 - "B-Panama V" by Steven Morrell
12 - "Backstabber" by Anders Ivner
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