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Replicant and Black Widow 88

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Feb 12, 2024, 6:03:13 AMFeb 12

Black Widow

This one took me by surprise. I revamped my old Scorpion scanner, added a
qscan optimized by Steve Gunnell and fine tuned the boot distance against
every oneshot available.

Here's the exact version from the 88 hill:

;name Black Widow
;author S.Fernandes
;strategy qscan -> scanner
;assert CORESIZE == 8000

QGAP equ 1168

qfirst equ (qp2+2*qstep)
qdist equ qfirst+QGAP
qstep equ (QGAP+QGAP)

qi equ 5
qr equ 10

qbomb dat <qi/2-qi*qr, <qi*qr-qi/2

qa equ qstep*16
qb equ qstep*5+2
qc equ qstep*10
qd equ qstep*2
qe equ qstep*1

qscan cmp qdist+qc, qfirst+qc
jmp qfast, <qa
cmp qdist+qe+qd, qfirst+qe+qd
qp1 jmp <qfast, <qc
qp2 cmp qdist, qfirst
qp3 jmp qskip, <qe

cmp qdist+qb, qfirst+qb
q1 djn qfast, #qp1

cmp qdist+qd+qc, qfirst+qd+qc
jmp qslow, <qfirst+qd+qc+4
cmp qdist+qd+qb, qfirst+qd+qb
x1 jmp qslow, <q1
cmp qdist+qc+qc, qfirst+qc+qc
q2 djn qslow, #qp2
cmp qdist+qd, qfirst+qd
jmp qslow, <qfast
cmp qdist+qa, qfirst+qa
jmp q1, <q1

cmp qdist+qa+qd, qfirst+qa+qd
jmp x1, <q1
cmp qdist+qc+qb, qfirst+qc+qb
jmp q2, <q1
cmp qdist+qe+qd+qc,qfirst+qe+qd+qc
jmp qslower, <qfirst+qe+qd+qc+4
cmp qdist+qd+qd+qc,qfirst+qd+qd+qc
q3 djn qslower, #qp3

jmz warr, qdist+qe+qd+qc+10

qslower add @q3, @qslow
qslow add @q2, qkil
qfast add @q1, @qslow

qskip cmp <qdist+qstep+50, @qkil
jmp qloop, <1234

add #qdist-qfirst, qkil
qloop mov qbomb, @qkil
qkil mov <qfirst+qstep+50, <qfirst
sub #qi, @qloop
djn qloop, #qr+2

warr mov <sfrom , <sboot
mov <sfrom , <sboot
mov <sfrom , <sboot
mov <sfrom , <sboot
mov <sfrom , <sboot
sfrom jmz warr , inc+1
sboot jmp bloc+2 , bloc+10

bloc equ 6488
step equ 1712
offset equ step*2
sep equ 7
count equ 498
target equ (shades+9)

loop add inc , shades
shades cmp offset+sep , offset
aim mov shades , target
mov sbmb , <target
djn loop , #count
sbmb spl 0 , 0
clear mov cleanup , <target
djn clear , <5307
cleanup dat <2667 , <-sbmb-target-7
inc dat <step , <step

end qscan

And here's the hill results:

Last battle concluded at : Sun Jan 28 13:56:15 UTC 2024

# %W/ %L/ %T Name Author Score Age
1 42/ 37/ 20 Black Widow S.Fernandes 147 1
2 29/ 23/ 48 Resinoid John Metcalf 135 29
3 29/ 23/ 48 Blue Amber inversed 134 142
4 24/ 14/ 62 Un-elfy D gxtx Steve Gunnell 134 15
5 27/ 23/ 49 Lithobolia C yvfp Steve Gunnell 131 60
6 29/ 26/ 45 Elemental Dust 2 John Metcalf 131 158
7 29/ 28/ 42 Talisman John Metcalf 131 10
8 31/ 31/ 38 Santa's Slay Steve Gunnell 131 23
9 27/ 24/ 48 Ice Dragon John Metcalf 131 22
10 30/ 30/ 39 Gothik John Metcalf 131 48
11 26/ 21/ 53 Torment John Metcalf 130 45
12 39/ 48/ 14 Charon v8.2 gibt Cisek,Strack,Kline,G 129 3
13 26/ 23/ 51 Test Alexander (Sasha) Wa 129 427
14 24/ 19/ 57 Permafrost John Metcalf 128 6
15 28/ 28/ 44 Der Zweite Blitzkrieg Mike Nonemacher 127 76
16 33/ 39/ 29 White Fire inversed 127 216
17 33/ 40/ 27 Bewitching DM S.Fernandes 126 21
18 35/ 44/ 22 Dragonfly '88 S.Fernandes 125 2
19 30/ 35/ 35 into the unknown John Metcalf 125 64
20 30/ 36/ 33 Dubstep A xeuv Steve Gunnell 125 5

21 29/ 34/ 37 Papillion Storm xerr Steve Gunnell 123 11


This one is based on ROUS which always struggled with standard processes. I
was playing with alternative replicating bombing loops and stumbled upon one
that's pretty effective.

Here's the exact version from the 88 hill:

;name Replicant
;author S.Fernandes
;strategy paper
;assert CORESIZE == 8000

pstep equ 2198
ipos equ 1681
spos equ 3657

paper mov #26 , 9
loop mov <paper , <pboot
mov <ipos , <spos
add loop+1 , @loop+3
mov bomb , <loop+1
jmn loop , paper
spl @paper , <-2667
pboot jmz @0 , pstep
bomb dat <2667 , <5335

end loop

Here's an alternative loop that didn't perform as well:

;name Replicant--
;author S.Fernandes
;strategy paper
;assert CORESIZE == 8000

pstep equ 2189
sstep equ 1532

paper mov #17 , 9
loop mov <paper , <pboot
mov bomb , @2+sstep
add #sstep , @loop+3
mov bomb , @loop+1
jmn loop , paper
spl @paper , <-2667
pboot jmz @0 , pstep
bomb dat <2667 , <5334

end loop

And here's the hill results:

Last battle concluded at : Tue Feb 6 13:41:55 UTC 2024

# %W/ %L/ %T Name Author Score Age
1 41/ 39/ 20 Black Widow S.Fernandes 143 3
2 34/ 28/ 37 Replicant S.Fernandes 140 1
3 31/ 30/ 39 Gothik John Metcalf 131 50
4 26/ 22/ 52 Lithobolia C yvfp Steve Gunnell 131 62
5 27/ 23/ 51 Resinoid John Metcalf 130 31
6 25/ 21/ 54 Torment John Metcalf 130 47
7 26/ 22/ 52 Blue Amber inversed 130 144
8 22/ 15/ 63 Un-elfy D gxtx Steve Gunnell 130 17
9 28/ 26/ 46 Elemental Dust 2 John Metcalf 129 160
10 26/ 24/ 49 Ice Dragon John Metcalf 129 24
11 38/ 47/ 15 Charon v8.2 gibt Cisek,Strack,Kline,G 129 5
12 27/ 27/ 46 Murmur John Metcalf 128 2
13 33/ 38/ 29 Bewitching DM S.Fernandes 127 23
14 23/ 19/ 58 Permafrost John Metcalf 126 8
15 32/ 38/ 30 White Fire inversed 126 218
16 29/ 33/ 38 Santa's Slay Steve Gunnell 125 25
17 24/ 23/ 52 Test Alexander (Sasha) Wa 125 429
18 27/ 29/ 44 Talisman John Metcalf 125 12
19 30/ 36/ 34 Dubstep A xeuv Steve Gunnell 125 7
20 29/ 34/ 36 into the unknown John Metcalf 124 66

21 25/ 30/ 45 Der Zweite Blitzkrieg Mike Nonemacher 121 78

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