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The Secret Of The Nagas In Hindi.pdf

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Denita Burston

Dec 3, 2023, 3:19:47 PM12/3/23
The nagas are a deformed race of warriors with exceptional fighting skills, whose motives are hidden. They play a central role in a conspiracy that has brought a once mighty kingdom to its knees. And if Shiva is to break the deadlock, he must travel deep into hostile territory, where he will face a deadly adversary.

The Secret Of The Nagas In Hindi.pdf

p.71On the whole I am inclined to believe, that the climateof the valley is healthful, although, immediately before ourarrival, the inhabitants had been much troubled with fevers, and,for the first three months after our arrival, the whole of ournative attendants were exceedingly sickly. The complaintsto which they were chiefly subject, were fevers of theintermittent kind, and fluxes, attended with a very copioussecretion of slimy matter, which, by the natives, is attributedto Bayu or wind; and which was brought on by very slightindulgences in eating. In the fevers emetics seemed muchmore efficacious than the cathartics which are usually employedat Calcutta; and, indeed, a dose of emetic tartar very frequentlycut the fever short, as usual in temperate climates. Thefluxes were not attended with much pain, and both these and thetendency in the bowels to the slimy secretions, seemed to requirethe frequent exhibition of spirituous bitters and small doses ofopium. In such cases, I found the chirata tolerablyefficacious, but I thought other bitters more powerful,especially the infusion of chamomile flowers, and the compoundtinctures of Gentian and Peruvian bark. Our people probablysuffered from having passed through the forest too late in theseason; but the natives of Hindustan do not support a change ofair, and on our first arrival they were not well provided withmeans to resist the weather, which to them was uncommonlycold.

When Colonel Kirkpatrick visited the country the twelve chiefofficers, according to his orthography, [107] were reckoned, p. 108oneChoutra, four Kajies, four Sirdars, two Khurdars or secretaries,one Kuppardar or storekeeper, and one Khuzanchee ortreasurer.

The whole lands in Nepal have long been divided into what arecalled Khets or fields, each of which is estimated in ordinaryseasons to produce 100 Muris, or 234 bushels of Paddy, orrice in the husk. About the year 1792 Ranjit Pangre, thenone of the Karyis, by the orders of Rana Bahadur, made a surveyof the valley; but the result has been kept secret. Thepeople know only that he estimated each of their possessions at acertain number of Rupinis, and that on an average twenty-five ofthese formed one Khet. They also observed, that in goodsoils he used a rod seven cubits and a half in length, and in badsoils he employed one nine cubits and a half long. Somepeople who had resided at Patna informed my Brahman, that theRupini was nearly of the same size with the Biga of that city,which is one-third of an English acre; and this is the onlyfoundation that I have for the calculations which I havemade.

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