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Lady Whisper

Nov 3, 1996, 8:00:00 AM11/3/96

In article <55i0ie$>, says...
> Hello Lady Whisper and all...
> I heard you mention that you have a Ultima Soundtrack CD (#2 with U7
> music, my fav.) and that its good to listen to while cleaning etc. - Well
> thats for me! I am working on Serpent Gate Map restoration in Photoshop
> but my damn Mac (everyone stop rolling your eyes) doesn't have enough RAM
> (9mb) to run my Midi conversion program and Photoshop at the same time. I
> need that music for inspiration! Please please write me back at my address
> and lets work something out (begging while clenching hands) Thanks! (I
> hope)
> (Bows low to Lady Whipser with a wry smile)
> Northumbrian Dragon

I don't know what it is you are asking for here. If you want my copy of
the CD, you can forget it. <G> Not a chance. I suggest you run either
Photoshop or your conversion program and not both, and that might solve
your problem. Then again you could just go and get yourself a REAL
computer and get rid of the MAC. <g,d&r>

Lady Whisper
Worlds Of Origin:

Graeme Lennon

Nov 3, 1996, 8:00:00 AM11/3/96

> > I heard you mention that you have a Ultima Soundtrack CD (#2 with U7
> > music, my fav.) and that its good to listen to while cleaning etc. - Well
> > thats for me! I am working on Serpent Gate Map restoration in Photoshop
> > but my damn Mac (everyone stop rolling your eyes) doesn't have enough RAM
> > (9mb) to run my Midi conversion program and Photoshop at the same time. I
> > need that music for inspiration! Please please write me back at my address
> > and lets work something out (begging while clenching hands) Thanks! (I
> > hope)
> I don't know what it is you are asking for here. If you want my copy of
> the CD, you can forget it. <G> Not a chance. I suggest you run either
> Photoshop or your conversion program and not both, and that might solve
> your problem. Then again you could just go and get yourself a REAL
> computer and get rid of the MAC. <g,d&r>

Is this CD a recorded CD with the digital audio ripped from the games,
or has OSI actually released an official, soundtrack CD, with shrinkwrap,
jewel case, price sticker and everything? Dare I hope? ;)

|*| Moongate Dragon -==)- UDIC -(==-

Markus Brenner

Nov 4, 1996, 8:00:00 AM11/4/96

In article <>, (Lady Whisper) wrote:
>>Please please write me back at my address
>> and lets work something out (begging while clenching hands) Thanks! (I
>> hope)
>> (Bows low to Lady Whipser with a wry smile)
>> JF...@AOL.COM
>> Northumbrian Dragon
>I don't know what it is you are asking for here. If you want my copy of
>the CD, you can forget it. <G> Not a chance. I suggest you run either
>Photoshop or your conversion program and not both, and that might solve
>your problem. Then again you could just go and get yourself a REAL
>computer and get rid of the MAC. <g,d&r>
>Lady Whisper

How about taping that music to an audio tape? BTW, is the music on the CD
recorded with some professional MIDI equipment, or is it just the music, like
you hear it in the game? Anyway, I don't see a major copyright problem with
just taping the CD, in Germany there's an institution called GEMA which
handles the problem of distributing the money for copying off recordings to
tape, as you pay a little share into the big GEMA money pot each time you buy
a blank audio tape. And, besides, the CD isn't sold anymore, you won't harm
Origin by taping the CD (I guess this argument won't work with Whisper,
though ;)



Markus Brenner _ no matter how - how hard you try
-==(UDIC)==- ( ) in your own life, and through the years
Minstrel Dragon --+-- with every up - must come a down
o o | enjoy the laughter and the tears
o Ring of Dragons o | of happiness (Roger Taylor)
o o o
email: * WWW:

Lady Whisper

Nov 4, 1996, 8:00:00 AM11/4/96

In article <55kasu$>,

> How about taping that music to an audio tape? BTW, is the music on the CD
> recorded with some professional MIDI equipment, or is it just the music, like
> you hear it in the game? Anyway, I don't see a major copyright problem with
> just taping the CD, in Germany there's an institution called GEMA which
> handles the problem of distributing the money for copying off recordings to
> tape, as you pay a little share into the big GEMA money pot each time you buy
> a blank audio tape. And, besides, the CD isn't sold anymore, you won't harm
> Origin by taping the CD (I guess this argument won't work with Whisper,
> though ;)

Correct, it won't work with me. I won't record it on audio cassette
(assuming I could, of course, which I can't so the point is basically
moot) without written permission from Origin saying I can, which I doubt
they'd give. <G> Vol 2 says "All music created using Roland MT-32", and
vol 3 says "All songs on this CD are as they appear in the gmes. All
songs are General MIDI compositions, with the exception of tracks one,
two, four and fourteen".


Nov 4, 1996, 8:00:00 AM11/4/96

Hey Lady Whisper

About that crack concerning my Mac... bite me. I have both IBM and Mac but
only have photoshop for Mac and can't run both computers at same time. Mac
IS a real computer, depends what you want to use it for, this childish
view that ownership of an IBM compat. makes someone better than Mac users
can olnly be attributed to some idiotic sophmoric mentality. Having both,
I use them to their fullest for different types of work, both are sound
products. Thanks for your sour attitude, you really surprised me. To the
others that responded to this message: Thanks for the suggestions, I
appreciate your help and maturity =)

Northumbrian Dragon

Lady Whisper

Nov 4, 1996, 8:00:00 AM11/4/96

In article <>, says...

> Is this CD a recorded CD with the digital audio ripped from the games,
> or has OSI actually released an official, soundtrack CD, with shrinkwrap,
> jewel case, price sticker and everything? Dare I hope? ;)

Its an actual, official soundtrack CD and was shrinkwrapped in a jewel
case. Dunno about a price sticker and "everything", and don't know where
its still available. :)

Robert S. Gregg

Nov 5, 1996, 8:00:00 AM11/5/96

> Its an actual, official soundtrack CD and was shrinkwrapped in a jewel
> case. Dunno about a price sticker and "everything", and don't know where

> its still available. :)

It ain't. :) There were 3 CD's in all, and none of them are still
available. Somebody (was it Rain?) brought two of them to the
Mid-Atlantic Dragons Convention back in summer '95, and we listened to
them. The music is recorded versions of MIDI soundtracks played on some
high-end system (though I can't remember what), not orchestral. Very high
quality though. The first two CD's were put out by EA's UK division,
*not* in the US, and so they were never widely publicised here in the
States. The third CD, if I'm not mistaken, was distributed with the
collector's edition of Wing Commander 3. There's hasn't been a fourth CD
to my knowledge. Darn, I've got to get around to updating and reposting
that collectibles list...

Oh, incidentally, the Usenetite known as Sir Launcelot du Lak (who posts
occasionally on csipg.rpg) wrote a review of the first two CD's for Game
Bytes magazine a couple of years ago. The review is still available
online, if you're interested.

Underworld Dragon

Lady Whisper

Nov 5, 1996, 8:00:00 AM11/5/96

In article <55mhec$>, says...

I see its true what they say about Mac owners severely lacking in a sense
of humor. <LOL> "It was a joke, son. A JOKE. Get it? ... Boy's got the
brains of a turnip." <snicker>

(hint: think Foghorn Leghorn)

John Justice

Nov 5, 1996, 8:00:00 AM11/5/96

> I don't know what it is you are asking for here. If you want my copy of
> the CD, you can forget it. <G> Not a chance. I suggest you run either
> Photoshop or your conversion program and not both, and that might solve
> your problem. Then again you could just go and get yourself a REAL
> computer and get rid of the MAC. <g,d&r>

> Lady Whisper

Forget that idea and get a REAL computer. I suggest an SGI or Sun.
(though HP's aren't bad either.)

Mithril Dragon

Jason P Cobb

Nov 5, 1996, 8:00:00 AM11/5/96

The second audio cd is still available through EA direct call 800
245-4525 and select option 2 from the menu and ask for it. EA says the
first CD was released to employees only and the 3rd is in the WCIII
special edition set which they still have!!!

*--- <<<---Jocksitter Dragon--->>> ---*
*---- E-Mail to ----*
*----- -----*

Mark W. Maurer

Nov 5, 1996, 8:00:00 AM11/5/96

JFD66 ( wrote:
:Hey Lady Whisper

:About that crack concerning my Mac... bite me. I have both IBM and Mac but
:only have photoshop for Mac and can't run both computers at same time. Mac
:IS a real computer, depends what you want to use it for, this childish
:view that ownership of an IBM compat. makes someone better than Mac users
:can olnly be attributed to some idiotic sophmoric mentality. Having both,
:I use them to their fullest for different types of work, both are sound
:products. Thanks for your sour attitude, you really surprised me. To the
:others that responded to this message: Thanks for the suggestions, I
:appreciate your help and maturity =)
:Northumbrian Dragon


Whaoh! the heat!!!

Methinks you missed the Lady's <g,d&r> thingie at the end of the Mac
crack.... There ain't much sour about a grin. Besides, we all know that
linux is the best OS :) <-- (smiley for the humor impaired)
Mark Maurer "Ok brain, I don't like you, you don't like
Exanter Dragon --==[ UDIC ]==-- me, but get me through this test, and I'll
homepage: go back to killing you with beer." -- Homer Simpson.

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