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Savage Empire bugs?

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Mark D. Niemiec

Apr 10, 1997, 3:00:00 AM4/10/97

I recently started playing Savage Empire again (never
having finished it when it first came out), and seem
to have found a couple of object-related bugs
(the Faq mentions neither bugs nor patches for SE.):

Sometimes, if I open an inventory container, and
then Move an object to the container icon (i.e.
Move to outside of container), when I close the
container, the object has vanished, never to be seen
again. This can render the game unplayable if the
object is unique object necessary to the completion
of the game. Fortunately, there is a workaround:
moving the object to another person, and then
having them move it back.

The second bug is more serious. Whenever I use a
grenade to push a boulder onto the T-Rex, I get the
> Gold falls!
(I should have expected "Boulder falls!" instead)
> Tyrannysaurus killed!
At this point, the fifth person in my party seems to
have disappeared. If I talk to him, and ask him to
JOIN, he says he is already with me; if I ask him to
leave, he says that that's an inappropriate command.
If I try this with less people, the last person always
mysteriously disappears.

(This bug appears to be related to the T-Rex alone,
pushing the boulder around with multiple grenades,
and pushing ot off the cliff so it doesn't hit the
T-Rex works as expected, but of course the game is
also unwinnable at that point.)

What is really bizarre is if I ask everyone else to leave,
then throw the grenade; in this case, the last person
(Avatar) disappears, and my party has no people in it!
Movement commands still work; however, since there are
no people, Inventory, Drop, etc. don't.
Also, Rest, Battle, etc. complain that the command
is not available while on a ship.
Death is fatal; your party is resurrected at Kurak,
but since it has no members, nobody has input focus, so
time passes while keyboard and mouse are ignored.
You have to re-boot.

(There is a similar infinite loop bug in Ultima (6 I think):
charge a wand with Armageddon; give it to a secondary party
member; that member goes into solo mode and uses the wand.
This causes everyone but the Avatar to vanish, and a
no-longer-existing character has the keyboard focus in solo
mode, so time passes, but keyboard and mouse are ignored.)

Has anyone else encountered these or similar problems?
The version of SE I am running is 1.6.
Is there a patch which is necessary for reliable behavior?
I thought that the Ultima 6 engine had been fixed.
I had to re-start U6 (v1.0) three times before I was able
to finish it, due to major object corruptions.
I have already started SE twice, and am about halfway
through; I dread the idea of having to restart yet again.

-- Mark D. Niemiec <>


Apr 10, 1997, 3:00:00 AM4/10/97

Mark D. Niemiec wrote:
> The second bug is more serious. Whenever I use a
> grenade to push a boulder onto the T-Rex, I get the
> message:
> > Gold falls!
> (I should have expected "Boulder falls!" instead)
> > Tyrannysaurus killed!
> At this point, the fifth person in my party seems to
> have disappeared. If I talk to him, and ask him to
> JOIN, he says he is already with me; if I ask him to
> leave, he says that that's an inappropriate command.
> If I try this with less people, the last person always
> mysteriously disappears.

Yeah, I've seen this bug. Ever seen a grown man cry?


William LaGamba

Apr 10, 1997, 3:00:00 AM4/10/97

Mark D. Niemiec ( wrote:
: I recently started playing Savage Empire again (never

: having finished it when it first came out), and seem
: to have found a couple of object-related bugs
: (the Faq mentions neither bugs nor patches for SE.):

: Sometimes, if I open an inventory container, and
: then Move an object to the container icon (i.e.
: Move to outside of container), when I close the
: container, the object has vanished, never to be seen
: again. This can render the game unplayable if the
: object is unique object necessary to the completion
: of the game. Fortunately, there is a workaround:
: moving the object to another person, and then
: having them move it back.

: The second bug is more serious. Whenever I use a

: grenade to push a boulder onto the T-Rex, I get the
: message:
: > Gold falls!
: (I should have expected "Boulder falls!" instead)
: > Tyrannysaurus killed!
: At this point, the fifth person in my party seems to
: have disappeared. If I talk to him, and ask him to
: JOIN, he says he is already with me; if I ask him to
: leave, he says that that's an inappropriate command.
: If I try this with less people, the last person always
: mysteriously disappears.

: (This bug appears to be related to the T-Rex alone,

You want to talk about BUGS!! Have I got one for you. when you goto the
final stage, where you enter the boss guys lair via the vine, if you go
back up the vine there's NOTHING there!!! aarrrggghhh!!!! I did this
because I ran outta grenades and needed to get some more. Had to start the
whole game over again. :( I so pi$$ed, and when I called origin about it
they told me that there was nothing they could do to fix the problem. talk
about poor programming. geez


| Xenocide Dragon |
| -==(UDIC)==- |
|"I don't care how much you eat, Ender, self-cannibalism|
| won't get you out of this school." - Mazer Rackham |

Flying Scot

Apr 10, 1997, 3:00:00 AM4/10/97

In article <5iij0g$>, Mark D. Niemiec
<> wrote:

+ I recently started playing Savage Empire again (never having finished it
+ when it first came out), and seem to have found a couple of object-related
+ bugs (the Faq mentions neither bugs nor patches for SE.):
+ Sometimes, if I open an inventory container, and then Move an object to the
+ container icon (i.e. Move to outside of container), when I close the
+ container, the object has vanished, never to be seen again. This can render
+ the game unplayable if the object is unique object necessary to the completion
+ of the game. Fortunately, there is a workaround: moving the object to another
+ person, and then having them move it back.

I found this problem as well, but I think the real problem was related to
"nested inventory", i.e., having something inside of a bag that was inside
of a bag. What I usually found that what I had accidently released the
mouse button on the item before I had moved it all the way out. I was
usually able to find that I had either dropped the item on the ground, or
it was still in the outer bag. I don't think I ever did lose anything
into thin air like that.

+ The second bug is more serious. Whenever I use a grenade to push a boulder
+ onto the T-Rex, I get the message: Gold falls! (I should have expected
+ "Boulder falls!" instead) Tyrannysaurus killed!

I had a similar problem at the T-Rex. When I got to the cliff with the
boulder overlooking the T-Rex below, I saw that the image of the beast was
messed up. The T-Rex image is composed of three cells, the head, the
tail, and the mid-section. The head and tail were static, but the
mid-section had gone crazy. A constant stream of every imaginable
creature was popping out of it with every flicker of the screen. When I
dropped the boulder onto it in an attempt to win the game, I got the
message "Midramax Queen killed!"

I emailed the Origin support people with this info, but they never responded.

At this point I feel that the version of Savage Empire I have is
unwinnable because of this bug.


The Flying Scot

Robert Kennedy

Apr 10, 1997, 3:00:00 AM4/10/97

> + The second bug is more serious. Whenever I use a grenade to push a boulder
> + onto the T-Rex, I get the message: Gold falls! (I should have expected
> + "Boulder falls!" instead) Tyrannysaurus killed!
> I had a similar problem at the T-Rex. When I got to the cliff with the
> boulder overlooking the T-Rex below, I saw that the image of the beast was
> messed up. The T-Rex image is composed of three cells, the head, the
> tail, and the mid-section. The head and tail were static, but the
> mid-section had gone crazy. A constant stream of every imaginable
> creature was popping out of it with every flicker of the screen. When I
> dropped the boulder onto it in an attempt to win the game, I got the
> message "Midramax Queen killed!"
> I emailed the Origin support people with this info, but they never responded.
> At this point I feel that the version of Savage Empire I have is
> unwinnable because of this bug.

I had the same kind of problem with the T-Rex, but I had saved before
attempting moving the boulder. If I remember correctly, I just skipped
that part of the game and went on to other parts. I even skipped a
large section of the game without realizing it. I never did get the
tribes to join together. I won the game just by defeating the Queen. I
haven't yet tried to win it in the traditional sense, but it can be won
none the less.

Robert Kennedy

Brett Hall

Apr 10, 1997, 3:00:00 AM4/10/97

Even with the bugs you can still win tyhe game. You can actually win
the game without actually doing any of the quests. I was never able to
do the disquiqui quest(a hint: never drink all the plachta moe gives


Just find a myrmidex hole, go down it and wander around until you find
the queen, kill it and then smash the moonstone. This will get you the
endgame sequence, it won't make a whole lot of sense since you've
bypassed the cut-scenes where the tribes go to war with the myrmidex
after you beat the drum. It is also very hard to survive in the
myrmidex caverns without certain items from the underground city.
-schrodinger's dragon


Apr 11, 1997, 3:00:00 AM4/11/97

> You want to talk about BUGS!! Have I got one for you. when you goto the
> final stage, where you enter the boss guys lair via the vine, if you go
> back up the vine there's NOTHING there!!! aarrrggghhh!!!! I did this
> because I ran outta grenades and needed to get some more. Had to start the
> whole game over again. :( I so pi$$ed, and when I called origin about it
> they told me that there was nothing they could do to fix the problem. talk
> about poor programming. geez
> ----
> |Kuno|
> ----
> --
> | Xenocide Dragon |
> | -==(UDIC)==- |
> |"I don't care how much you eat, Ender, self-cannibalism|
> | won't get you out of this school." - Mazer Rackham |

Hehe... I've seen this one... talk about the Piss off of the year in
Savage Empire eh?

Hmmm, looks like someone is an Orson Scott Card Fan, eh?


William LaGamba

Apr 11, 1997, 3:00:00 AM4/11/97

Magic ("$HILLMAJ"@BrandonU.CA) wrote:
: > You want to talk about BUGS!! Have I got one for you. when you goto the

: Magic

:) why yes I am.


Apr 12, 1997, 3:00:00 AM4/12/97

Mark D. Niemiec <> wrote:

>The second bug is more serious. Whenever I use a

>grenade to push a boulder onto the T-Rex, I get the
> > Gold falls!
> (I should have expected "Boulder falls!" instead)
> > Tyrannysaurus killed!

>At this point, the fifth person in my party seems to
>have disappeared. If I talk to him, and ask him to
>JOIN, he says he is already with me; if I ask him to
>leave, he says that that's an inappropriate command.
>If I try this with less people, the last person always
>mysteriously disappears.

In order to kill the T-Rex you are going to have to sacrifice last
member of your party. Therefore the fifth member of the party must not
be one of any consequence (eg Jimmy Malone or Prof. Rafkin). Nor
should it be someone useful like Triolo.
What you should do when you are given this task is to dismiss all
party members in the Sakkhra caves and recruit the Sakkhra guy who is
willing to join you. He does not appear to have any major role in the
game so he can easily be sacrificed. Go to the T-Rex, bomb the boulder
and when it dies and the Sakkhra leaves the party, go back to the
caves and recruit your normal party.
There is no other way to complete this mission unless you can change
the game flags. I couldn't. Can anyone?

Perpetual Dragon

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