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Accounting 27th Edition Carl Warren (Solutions Manual)

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Mar 20, 2019, 3:18:53 AM3/20/19
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List of some books we have

A Course in Modern Mathematical Physics by Peter Szekeres (solutions manual)
A Course in Probability 1st Edition by Neil A. Weiss (solutions manual)
A Course in Public Economics by John Leach (solutions manual)
A First Course in Abstract Algebra By John B. Fraleigh (solutions manual)
A First Course in Complex Analysis with Applications , By Dennis G. Zill , 1st ed (solutions manual)
A First Course in Database Systems 3rd Edition by Jeffrey D. Ullman (solutions manual)
A first course in differential equations , D.zill & cullen's ,5th ed (solutions manual)
A First Course in Differential Equations with modeling applications , By Dennis G. Zill , 9th zill (solutions manual)
A First Course in General Relativity , Cambridge University Press , (2016) (solutions manual)
A First Course in Mathematical Modeling 5th Edition by Frank R. Giordano, William P. Fox (solutions manual)
A First Course in Mathematical Modeling 5th Edition by Giordano (solutions manual)
A First Course in Probability , By Sheldon Ross , 7th Edition (Solutions Manual) 2007 (solutions manual)
A first course in probability 6th edition by Ross (solutions manual)
A First Course in Probability 9th Edition by Sheldon Ross (solutions manual)
A First Course in Statistics , James T. McClave and Terry Sincich , 8th ed (solutions manual)
A First Course in String Theory by Barton Zwiebach (solutions manual)
A First Course in the Finite Element Method 6th Edition by Daryl L. Logan (solutions manual)
A Practical Introduction to Data Structures and Algorithm Analysis Second Edition by Clifford A. Shaffer (solutions manual)
A Preface to Marketing Management 14th Edition by J. Paul Peter, James H Donnelly Jr (Test Bank/solutions manual)
A Quantum Approach to Condensed Matter Physics by Philip L. Taylor (solutions manual)
A Second Course in Statistics: Regression Analysis 7th Edition by William Mendenhall,‎ Terry T Sincich (solutions manual)
A Short Introduction to Quantum Information and Quantum Computation by Michel Le Bellac (solutions manual)
A Transition to Advanced Mathematics , By D. Smith & M. Eggen , R. Andre , 5th ed (solutions manual)
Accompany Digital Systems Principles and Applications, 10th Edition By Ronald J. Tocci, Neal S. Widmer, Gregory L. Moss (solutions manual)
Accompany Electric Machinery and Power System Fundamentals, First Edition by Stephen J. Chapman (solutions manual)
Accompany Electronic Devices and Circuit Theory, 8Ed By Robert L. Boylestad; Louis Nashelsky; Franz J. Monseen (solutions manual)
Accompany Elementary Statistics Ninth Edition by MILTON LOYER (solutions manual)
Accompany Engineering circuit analysis, 6th edition By Hayt (solutions manual)
Accompany Foundations of Electromagnetic Theory 2nd Ed. by John R. Reitz, Frederick J. Milford (solutions manual)
Accompany Fundamentals of Fluid Mechanics, 5th Edition by Bruce R. Munson, Donald F. Young, Theodore H. Okiishi (solutions manual)
Accompany Introduction to algorithms By Sussman J (solutions manual)
Accompany Millman microElectronics Digital and Analog Circuits and Systems , By Thomas V. Papathomas (solutions manual)
Accompany Organic Chemistry , Atkins & Carey ,4th ed .. 2000 (solutions manual)
Accompany Physics for Poets Second Edition By Robert H. March (solutions manual)
Accompany Principles of geotechnical engineering, sixth edition by braja M. DAS (solutions manual)
Accounting , By Carl S. Warren, James M. Reeve & Jonathan Duchac , 25th ed (solutions manual)
Accounting 9th Edition by Charles T. Horngren by Charles T. Horngren (Test Bank/solutions manual)
Accounting for Governmental & Nonprofit Entities 17th Edition by Jacqueline L. Reck James (Test Bank/solutions manual)
Accounting for Governmental and Nonprofit Entities 16th Edition by Jacqueline L. Reck James (Test Bank/solutions manual)
Accounting Information Systems 10th Edition by Ulric J. Gelinas,‎ Richard B. Dull,‎ Patrick Wheeler (Test Bank/solutions manual)
Accounting Information Systems 11th Edition by Ulric J. Gelinas by Ulric J. Gelinas (Test Bank/solutions manual)
Accounting Information Systems 13th Edition by Marshall B. Romney,‎ Paul J. Steinbart (Test Bank/solutions manual)
Accounting Information Systems 14th Edition by Marshall B. Romney, Paul J. Steinbart (Test Bank/solutions manual)
Accounting Information Systems 14th Global Edition by Marshall B. Romney (Test Bank/solutions manual)
Accounting Information Systems 1st Edition by Vernon Richardson (Test Bank/solutions manual)
Accounting Information Systems 4th Edition by Robert Hurt (Test Bank/solutions manual)
Accounting Information Systems 5th Edition by Alison Parkes, Brett Considine, Yvette Blount, Karin Olesen (Test Bank/solutions manual)
Accounting Information Systems 8th Edition by James A. Hall (Test Bank/solutions manual)
Accounting Information Systems 9th Edition by James A. Hall (Test Bank/solutions manual)
Accounting Information Systems Australasian edition by Romney (solutions manual)
Accounting Information Systems: The Crossroads of Accounting and IT 2nd Edition by Donna Kay ,‎ Ali Ovlia (Test Bank/solutions manual)
Accounting Information Systems: The Processes and Controls 2nd Edition by Leslie Turner,‎ Andrea B. Weickgenannt (Test Bank)
Accounting Information Systems: Understanding Business Processes 4th Edition Brett Considine, Alison Parkes, Karin Olesen (Test Bank)
Accounting Principles , Donald E. Kieso , 9th ed (solutions manual)
Accounting Principles 12th Edition by Jerry J. Weygandt, Paul D. Kimmel, Donald E. Kieso (Test Bank/solutions manual)
Accounting Principles Volume 1, 7th Canadian Edition by Jerry J. Weygandt; Donald E. Kieso; Paul D. Kimmel; Barbara Trenholm; Valerie Warren (Test Bank/solutions manual)
Accounting Theory 7th Edition by Jayne Godfrey (Test Bank/solutions manual)
ACCT2 Financial : Asia-Pacific 2nd Edition by Tyler, Godwin & Alderman (Test Bank/solutions manual)
ACCT2 Managerial Asia-Pacific 2nd Edition by Roby B. Sawyers , Steve Jackson , Greg Jenkins (Test Bank/solutions manual)
adaptive control , Karl Astrom , 2nd ed (solutions manual)
Adaptive Control, 2nd Edition, By Karl Johan Astrom,Bjorn Wittenmark (solutions manual)
Adaptive filter thoery 4th edition By Simon Haykin (solutions manual)
Advanced Accounting , Debra C. Jeter & Paul K. chaney , 4th ed (solutions manual)
Advanced Accounting , Fischer and Cheng and Taylor , 10th ed (solutions manual)
Advanced Accounting ,By Beams and Anthony and Clement and Lowensohn , 8th ed (solutions manual)
Advanced Accounting 11th Edition by Floyd A. Beams Joseph H. Anthony ,‎ Bruce Bettinghaus ,‎ Kenneth Smith (Test Bank/solutions manual)
Advanced Accounting 12th Edition by Floyd A. Beams by Floyd A. Beams ,‎ Joseph H. Anthony (Test Bank/solutions manual)
Advanced Accounting 12th Edition by Joe Ben Hoyle by Joe Ben Hoyle (Test Bank/solutions manual)
Advanced Accounting 12th Global Edition by Floyd A. Beams (Test Bank/solutions manual)
Advanced Accounting 13th Edition by Joe Ben Hoyle (Test Bank/solutions manual)
Advanced Accounting 2nd Edition by Halsey Hopkins (Test Bank)
Advanced Accounting 6th Edition by Debra C. Jeter , Paul K. Chane (Test Bank/solutions manual)
Advanced Digital Design with the Verilog HDL by Michael D. Ciletti (Selected problems) (solutions manual)
Advanced engineering electromagnetics by Constantine A. Balanis (solutions manual)
Advanced Engineering Mathematics , 10th ed. , Kreyszig (Wiley;2014;9781118266700 ;eng) (solutions manual)
advanced engineering mathematics , By Erwin Kreyszig , 3rd ed Vol.2 (solutions manual)
Advanced Engineering Mathematics , By Peter V. O'Neil , 6th ed (solutions manual)
Advanced Engineering Mathematics 8 Edition By Erwin Kreyszig (solutions manual)
Advanced Engineering Mathematics 9 Edition By Erwin Kreyszig (solutions manual)
Advanced Financial Accounting 11th Edition ,by Theodore E. Christensen, David M Cottrell (Test Bank/solutions manual)
advanced macroeconomics , By David Romer , 3rd ed (solutions manual)
Advanced Mathematics for Engineering , By Dennis G. Zill , 2th ed (solutions manual)
Advanced Mathematics for Engineering , By Dennis G. Zill , 3rd ed , Vol.2 (solutions manual)
Advanced Mathematics for Engineering , By Dennis G. Zill , 4th ed (solutions manual)
Advanced Mechanics of Materials , By A. Boresi and R. Schmidt , 6th ed (solutions manual)
advanced modern engineering mathematics , By Glyn jamess , 4th ed (solutions manual)
Advanced Modern Engineering Mathematics 3rd Edition by Glyn James (solutions manual)
Advandced Accounting , By Fischer Taylor , 8th ed (solutions manual)
Advertising and Promotion: An Integrated Marketing Communications Perspective 10th Edition by George E. Belch, Michael A. Belch (Test Bank/solutions manual)
Advertising Promotion and Other Aspects of Integrated Marketing Communications, 9th Edition by erence A. Shimp, J. Craig Andrews (Test Bank)
Aircraft Structures for Engineering Students Fourth Edition by T. H. G. Megson (2007) (solutions manual)
Algebra and Trigonometry , 4th ed , MILLER & Blitzer, 2010 (solutions manual)
Algebra and Trigonometry and Precalculus, 3rd Edition by Penna & Bittinger Beecher (solutions manual)
An introduction to database systems 8th edition By C J Date (solutions manual)
An Introduction to Drug Synthesis ,Graham L. Patrick , 2015 (solutions manual)
An Introduction to Management Science: Quantitative Approaches to Decision Making 14th Edition by David R. Anderson, Dennis J. Sweeney, Thomas A. Williams, Jeffrey D. Camm (Test Bank/solutions manual)
An Introduction to Medicinal Chemistry , Patrick , 5th ed (solutions manual)
An Introduction to Ordinary Differential Equations By James C. Robinson (with Matlab files) (solutions manual)
An Introduction to Queueing Systems ,By Kluwer Academic Publishers and Sanjay K. Bose , 1st ed (solutions manual)
An Introduction to Signals and Noise in Electrical Communication , 4th Ed , by A. Bruce Carlson , Paul B. Crilly & Janet C. Rutledge (solutions manual)
An Introduction to Signals and Systems By John Stuller (solutions manual)
An Introduction to Statistical Learning: with Applications in R by G. James, D. Witten, T. Hastie, and R. Tibshirani (solutions manual)
An Introduction to The Finite Element Method (Third Edition) By J. N. REDDY (solutions manual)
An Introduction to Thermodynamics and Statistical Mechanics and Keith Stowe , 2nd ed (solutions manual)
An?lisis de Redes (Network Analysis) , By M. E. Valkenburg , 3rd ed (solutions manual)
An?lisis de Sistemas Eléctricos de Potencia (Power Systems Analysis of Power ) , John J. Grainger & William D. Stevenson Jr. , 3rd ed (solutions manual)
An?lisis Matematico (Mathematical Analysis Modern Introduction to Superior Calculus) , Tom Apostol , 2nd ed (solutions manual)
Analog Integrated Circuit Design , David Johns & Ken Martin (solutions manual)
Analysis and Design of Linear Circuits , By Thomas. Rosa. Toussaint , 6th ed (solutions manual)
Analysis and design of analog integrated circuits 4th edition by Srikanth Vaidianathan and Haoyuee Wang (solutions manual)
Analysis of Investments and Management of Portfolios 9th Edition by Brown (Test Bank/solutions manual)
Analysis of Investments and Management of Portfolios 9th Edition By Frank K. Reilly (Test Bank/solutions manual)
Analytical Chemistry ,Higson ,2005 (solutions manual)
Analytical Mechanics, 7th Edition By Fowles & Cassiday (solutions manual)
Antenas , By John Kraus , 3rd ed (solutions manual)
Antenna Theory Analysis and Design, 2nd Edition Balanis (solutions manual)
Antennas for all Applications 3rd edition by John D. Kraus & Ronald J. Marhefka (solutions manual)
Anton Calculus 8th edition, Exercises solutions (solutions manual)
Applied Calculus for the Managerial, Life, and Social Sciences , By Soo T. Tan , 7th ed (solutions manual)
Applied Calculus for the Managerial, Life, and Social Sciences , soo T. Tan , 6th Ed (solutions manual)
Applied Electromagnetism , By Liang Shen. and Frank Huang , 2ed (solutions manual)
applied fluid mechanics , By Robert L. Mott , 6th ed (solutions manual)
Applied Linear Statistical Models , By M. Kutner and C. Nachtsheim and J. Neter and W. Li , 5th ed (solutions manual)
Applied Numerical Analysis 7th Edition By Curtis F. Gerald,Patrick O. Wheatley (solutions manual)
Applied Numerical Methods MATLAB Engineers Scientists , By Chapra , 3rd ed (solutions manual)
Applied Numerical Methods With MATLAB for Engineers and Scientists , by Steven C. Chapra , 2nd ed (solutions manual)
Applied Numerical Methods With MATLAB for Engineers and Scientists by Steven C. Chapra , 1st ed (solutions manual)
Applied Partial Differential Equations with Fourier Series and Boundary Value Problems 4th Edition by Richard Haberman (solutions manual)
applied physics , By Paul E. Tippens , 6th ed (solutions manual)
Applied Probability Models with Optimization , By Sheldon M. Ross , 2nd ed (solutions manual)
Applied Quantum Mechanics by A. F. J. Levi (solutions manual)
Applied Statistics And Probability For Engineers , 2nd ed , By Montgomery, Runger (solutions manual)
Applied Statistics And Probability For Engineers 3rd edition By Montgomery,Runger (solutions manual)
Applied Statistics And Probability For Engineers 4th edition By Montgomery,Runger(solutions manual)
Applied Statistics in Business and Economics 5th Edition by David Doane ,‎ Lori Seward Senior Instructor of Operations Management (Test Bank/solutions manual)
Applied Strength of Materials 4th Edition By Robert L. Mott (solutions manual)
Applying IFRS Standards 4th Edition by Ruth Picker, Kerry Clark, John Dunn, David Kolitz, Gilad Livne (Test Bank/solutions manual)
Artificial Intelligence A Modern Approach , By Russell and Norvig , 2nd ed (solutions manual)
Artificial Intelligence A Modern Approach , By S. Russell, P. Norvig , 3rd ed (solutions manual)
Artificial Intelligence A ModernApproach 2nd edition by StuartJ. Russelland, Peter Norvig (solutions manual)
Assembly Language for Intel-Based Computers,3ed, by Kip R. Irvine (solutions manual)
Astronomy Today , McMillan & Chaisson , 5th ed (solutions manual)
Atkins' Physical Chemistry ,Peter Atkins and Julio de Paula ,10th ed (solutions manual)
Auditing & assurance services , By Louwers & Sinason & Straeser & Ramsy , 2nd ed (solutions manual)
Auditing & Assurance Services 3rd International Edition by Aasmund Eilifsen, William F. Messier, Steven M. Glover, Douglas F. Prawitt (solutions manual)
Auditing & Assurance Services in Australia Revised 7th Edition by Grant Gay (Test Bank/solutions manual)
Auditing & Assurance Services: A Systematic Approach 10th Edition by William F Messier Jr ,‎ Steven M. Glover Associate Professor ,‎ Douglas F. Prawitt Associate Professor (Test Bank/solutions manual)
Auditing & Assurance Services: A Systematic Approach 9th Edition by Messier (solutions manual)
Auditing and Assurance Services , By Arens. Elder and Beasley and Randal J. Elder , 13th ed (solutions manual)
Auditing and Assurance Services 16th Global Edition by Randal J. Elder, Mark S. Beasley, Chris E. Hogan Alvin A. Arens (Test Bank)
Auditing and Assurance Services 3rd International Edition by Eilifsen (solutions manual)
Auditing And Assurance Services In Australia 6th Edition by Gay, Grant; Simnet, Roger (Test Bank/solutions manual)
Auditing and Assurance Services In Australia 7th Edition by Grant Gay, Roger Simnett (Test Bank/solutions manual)
Auditing and Assurance Services: A Systematic Approach 9th Edition by William F Messier (solutions manual)
Auditing and Assurance Services: An Integrated Approach 16th Edition by Alvin A. Arens ,‎ Randal J. Elder ,‎ Mark S. Beasley ,‎ Chris E. Hogan (Test Bank/solutions manual)
Auditing and Professional Ethics CQUniversity by Robyn Moroney, Fiona Campbell, Jane Hamilton, Philomena Leung, Paul Coram, Barry J. Cooper, Peter Richardson (Test Bank/solutions manual)
Auditing Assurance Services and Ethics in Australia 10th Edition by Alvin Arens, Peter Best, Greg Shailer, Brenton Fiedler, Randy Elder, Mark Beasley (Test Bank/solutions manual)
Auditing Cases: An Interactive Learning Approach 5th Edition by Mark S. Beasley, Frank A. Buckless (solutions manual)
Auditing Cases: An Interactive Learning Approach 6th Edition by Mark S. Beasley, Frank A. Buckless, Steven M. Glover (solutions manual)
Auditing, Assurance Services and Ethics in Australia 9th Edition by Alvin A Arens, Mark S. Beasley, Peter John Best, Randal J. Elder, Brenton Fiedler, Gregory E. P. Shailer (Test Bank/solutions manual)
Auditing: A Practical Approach 2nd Canadian edition by Fiona; Hamilton, Jane; Warren, Valerie Moroney Robyn; Campbell (Test Bank/solutions manual)
Auditing: A Practical Approach 3rd Canadian Edition by Robyn Moroney (Test Bank/solutions manual)
Auditing: A Practical Approach 3rd Edition by Robyn Moroney, Fiona Campbell, Jane Hamilton (Test Bank/solutions manual)
Auditing: A Risk Based-Approach to Conducting a Quality Audit 10th edition by Karla Johnstone, Audrey Gramling (Test Bank/solutions manual)
Auditing: The Art and Science of Assurance Engagements, Thirteenth Canadian Edition by Mark S. Beasley , Joa Alvin A. Arens Randal J. Elder (Test Bank/solutions manual)
Australasian Business Statistics 3rd Edition by Ken Black, John Asafu-Adjaye, Paul Burke, Nazim Khan (Test Bank/solutions manual)
Australian Financial Accounting 7th Edition by Craig Deegan (Test Bank/solutions manual)
Automatic control systems , By Benjamin C. Kuo , 7th ed (solutions manual)
automatic control systems , By Kuo & Golnaraghi , 9th ed (solutions manual)
Automatic Control Systems 8th edition By Kuo and Golnaraghi (solutions manual)
Avanced Dynamics , By Greenwood , 1st ed (solutions manual)

Bailey & Scott’s Diagnostic Microbiology 13th Edition by Patricia Tille (Test Bank)
Bailey & Scott’s Diagnostic Microbiology 14th Edition by Patricia Tille (Test Bank)
Balance de Materia y Energ?a (Balances of Matter and Energy) , By Girontzas V. Reklaitis , 1st ed (solutions manual)
Basic and Applied Thermodynamics , P. K. Nag , 2nd ed (solutions manual)
Basic Econometrics , By Damodar N. Gujarati , 4th ed (solutions manual)
Basic Electrical Engineering By Nagrath, D P Kothari, Nagrath D P Kothari I J Nagrath, I J Nagrath, 2002 (solutions manual)
Basic Engineering Circuit Analysis 7th Ed. by J. David Irwin (Selected Problems) (solutions manual)
Basic Engineering Circuit Analysis 8th Edition By J. David Irwin (solutions manual)
BCOM 8th Edition by Carol M. Lehman ,‎ Debbie D. DuFrene (Test Bank/solutions manual)
Biological Science 3rd Canadian Edition By Scott Freeman, Kim Quillin, Lizabeth Allison, Michael Black, Greg Podgorski, Emily Taylor (Test Bank)
Biological Science 5th Edition by Scott Freeman, Kim Quillin, Lizabeth Allison (Test Bank)
Biological Science 6th Edition by Scott Freeman, Kim Quillin, Lizabeth Allison, Michael Black (Test Bank/solutions manual)
Biological Sequence Analysis , Durbin and Eddy and Krogh and Mitchison , 1st ed (solutions manual)
Biology: Concepts and Investigations 4th Edition by Mariëlle Hoefnagel (Test Bank/solutions manual)
Bioprocess Engineering Principles ,By Pauline M. Doran , 2nd ed (solutions manual)
Bond Markets, Analysis, and Strategies 9th Edition by Frank J. Fabozzi (solutions manual)
Business & Professional Ethics for Directors, Executives & Accountants 8th Edition by Leonard J. Brooks, Paul Dunn (solutions manual)
Business 12th Edition by William M. Pride (Test Bank)
Business Analysis & Valuation IFRS Text and Cases 3rd Edition by Erik Peek,‎ Krishna G. Palepu ,‎ Paul Healy (solutions manual)
Business Analysis and Valuation 2nd Asia Pacific Edition by Krishna G. Palepu /Paul M. Healy /Sue Wright (solutions manual)
Business Analytics: Data Analysis and Decision Making 6th Edition by S. Christian Albright, Wayne L. Winston (Test Bank/solutions manual)
Business Communication: Process and Product 8th Edition by Mary Ellen Guffey,‎ Dana Loewy (Test Bank/solutions manual)
Business Driven Technology 7th Edition by Paige Baltzan Instructor (Test Bank/solutions manual)
Business Ethics Now 5th Edition by Andrew W. Ghillyer (Test Bank/solutions manual)
Business Ethics: Decision Making for Personal Integrity & Social Responsibility 3rd Edition by Laura P. Hartman,‎ Joseph R. DesJardins,‎ Chris MacDonald (Test Bank/solutions manual)
Business Forecasting 9th Edition by John E. Hanke, Dean Wichern (solutions manual)
Business Forecasting with Business ForecastX 6th Edition by J. Holton Wilson, Barry Keating (Test Bank/solutions manual)
Business Intelligence and Analytics: Systems for Decision Support 10th Edition by Ramesh Sharda,‎ Dursun Delen,‎ Efraim Turban (Test Bank/solutions manual)
Business Intelligence, Analytics, and Data Science: A Managerial Perspective 4th Edition by Ramesh Sharda, Dursun Delen, Efraim Turban (Test Bank/solutions manual)
Business Intelligence: A Managerial Perspective on Analytics 3rd Edition by Ramesh Sharda,‎ Dursun Delen,‎ Efraim Turban (Test Bank/solutions manual)
Business Law 15th Edition by Jane P. Mallor (Test Bank)
Business Law 3rd Edition by Nickolas James (Test Bank/solutions manual)
Business Law 9th Edition by Henry R. Cheeseman (Test Bank/solutions manual)
Business Law and the Regulation of Business 11th Edition by Richard A. Mann ,‎ Barry S. Roberts (Test Bank/solutions manual)
Business Law in Canada 11th Canadian Edition by Richard A. Yates (Test Bank/solutions manual)
Business Law Today Standard: Text & Summarized Cases 11th Edition by Roger LeRoy Miller (Test Bank/solutions manual)
Business Law Today The Essentials: Text and Summarized Cases 10th Edition by Roger LeRoy Miller (solutions manual)
Business Law Today, Standard: Text and Summarized Cases 10th Edition by Roger LeRoy Miller (Test Bank)
Business Research Methods 9th Edition by William G. Zikmund , Barry J. Babin , Jon C. Carr (Test Bank/solutions manual)
Business Statistics Australia New Zealand 7th Edition by Saroja Selvanathan and Gerald Keller (Test Bank/solutions manual)
Business Statistics in Practice: Using Data, Modeling, and Analytics 8th Edition by Bruce L Bowerman Professor,‎ Richard T O’Connell Professor,‎ Emilly S. Murphree Professor (Test Bank/solutions manual)
Byrd & Chen’s Canadian Tax Principles 2016 – 2017 Edition by Clarence Byrd, Ida Chen (Test Bank/solutions manual)
Byrd & Chen’s Canadian Tax Principles 2016 – 2017 Edition Volume 1 + Volume 2 by Byrd (Test Bank/solutions manual)
Byrd & Chen’s Canadian Tax Principles 2018-2019 Edition by Clarence Byrd, Clarence Byrd Inc.Ida Chen (Test Bank/solutions manual)

C++ How to Program, 3rd Ed by Harvey M. Deitel, Paul J. Deitel (solutions manual)
C++ How to Program, 3rd edition By Deitel & Nieto (solutions manual)
Calculus , By (Narberg , Purcell , Rigdon) , 8th Edition (Solutions Manual and Test Bank) , Prentice Hall 2000
Calculus , By James Stewart , 4th ed (solutions manual)
Calculus 5th Edition By James Stewart (solutions manual)
Calculus 8th Ed by Larson, Hostetler, Edwards (solutions manual)
Calculus A Complete Course 6th Edition by R.A. Adams (solutions manual)
calculus An intuitive And physical approach , 2nd ed , By Morris Kline (solutions manual)
Calculus and Its Applications 14th Edition by Larry J. Goldstein, David C. Lay, David I. Schneider, Nakhle H. Asmar (solutions manual)
Calculus Early Transcedentals ,By Stewart , 6th ed (solutions manual)
Calculus Early Transcedentals ,By Stewart ,5th ed (solutions manual)
Calculus Early Transcendental - Edwards, Penney - 6ed (solutions manual)
Calculus Early Transcendental Functions , By R. Smith, R. Minton , 3rd ed (solutions manual)
Calculus Early Transcendentals , By Howard Anton , 7th ed (solutions manual)
Calculus Early Transcendentals 5th Edition By Stewart (solutions manual)
Calculus early transcendentals 7th edition By Anton Bivens Davis (solutions manual)
Calculus for Engineers 4th Edition by Donald Trim (solutions manual)
Calculus for Engineers 4th Edition by Trim (solutions manual)
calculus Late Transcendentals combined , Anton & Bivens & Davis , 8th ed (solutions manual)
Calculus Multivariable , By Jon Rogawski , 2nd ed (solutions manual)
calculus multivariable 4th edition Deborah Hughes-Hallett, Andrew M. Gleason, et al (solutions manual)
Calculus of a Single Variable , Ron Larson , 7th ed (solutions manual)
calculus of variations , By I. B. Russak , 1st ed (solutions manual)
Calculus one and several variables Instructor , 8th ed , By Bradley E. garner & Carrie J. Garner (solutions manual)
Calculus Single Variable , By Stewart , 7th ed (solutions manual)
Calculus Single Variable , Jon Rogawski , 2nd ed (solutions manual)
Calculus Single Variable Hughes-Hallett, Gleason, McCallum, et al (solutions manual)
CALCULUS WITH APPLICATIONS , Lial & Greenwell & Ritchey , 8th ed (solutions manual)
Calculus: Early Transcendentals 7th Edition by James Stewart (Test Bank)
Calculus: Early Transcendentals 8th Edition by James Stewart (Test Bank/solutions manual)
Calculus: Multivariable 7th Edition by William G. McCallum, Deborah Hughes-Hallett, Daniel E. Flath (Test Bank)
Campbell Biology 2nd Canadian Edition by Jane B. Reece, Lisa A. Urry, Michael L. Cain (Test Bank/solutions manual)
Campbell Biology in Focus 1st Edition by Lisa A. Urry ,‎ Michael L. Cain ,‎ Steven A. Wasserman ,‎ Peter V. Minorsky ,‎ Robert B. Jackson ,‎ Jane B. Reece (Test Bank)
Canadian Business and the Law 6th Edition by Dorothy Duplessis, Shannon O’Byrne, Philip King (Test Bank/solutions manual)
Canadian Organizational Behaviour 9th Edition by Steven McShane, Sandra Steen, Kevin Tasa (Test Bank)
Canadian Tax Principles 2017-2018 Edition by Clarence Byrd, Ida Chen (Test Bank/solutions manual)
Canadian Tax Principles, 2017-2018 Edition Volume 1 + Volume 2 by Byrd (Test Bank/solutions manual)
Chemical and Engineering Thermodynamics 3rd Ed. by Stanley I. Sandler (solutions manual)
Chemical Engineering (Vol.1 & Vol.2 & Vol.3) Coulson & Richardson's , 1st ed (solutions manual)
Chemical Engineering Design , By Sinnot , Vol6 (solutions manual)
Chemical Engineering Design Vol.6 , By R. K. Sinnott , 4th ed (solutions manual)
Chemical Engineering Science , By O. Levenspiel , ch 5-10 , 3rd ed (solutions manual)
Chemical Enginering Vol 6 4th edition by Coulson and Richardson (solutions manual)
Chemical Principles , 4th ed., 2007 , By John Krenos , Joserh Potenza (solutions manual)
Chemical Principles 7th Edition by Steven S. Zumdahl, Donald J. DeCoste (Test Bank)
Chemical Structure and Reactivity ,Keeler & Wothers , 2ed (solutions manual)
chemistry , By Raymond chang , 10th ed (solutions manual)
chemistry the central science , 9th ed , By Brown & Bursten & LeMay (solutions manual)
Chemistry: A Molecular Approach 2nd Canadian Edition by Nivaldo J. Tro,‎ Travis D. Fridgen,‎ Lawton E. Shaw (solutions manual)
Chemistry: Structure and Properties 2nd Edition by Nivaldo J. Tro (Test Bank)
Chemistry³ introducing inorganic ,and physical chemistry ,burrows ,holman ,parsons ,pilling ,price ,3th ed (solutions manual)
Circuitos Integrados Digitales , By Jan M. Rabaey , 2nd ed (solutions manual)
Classical Dynamics A Contemporary Approach by Jorge V. Jose, Eugene J. Saletan (solutions manual)
Classical Dynamics of Particles and Systems 5th edition by Stephen T. Thornton, Jerry B. Marion (solutions manual)
Classical Electrodynamics , By John David Jackson , 3rd ed (solutions manual)
Classical Electrodynamics 2nd Edition by John David Jackson by Kasper van Wijk (solutions manual)
Classical Mechanics - An Undergraduate Text by R. Douglas Gregory (solutions manual)
Classical Mechanics 2nd edition By Goldstein & Safko (solutions manual)
classical thermodynamics of Non-Electrolyte , By H. C. Van ness 1st ed (solutions manual)
CMOS Digital Integrated Circuits 3rd edition By Sung-Mo Kang,Yusuf Leblebici (solutions manual)
CMOS VLSI Design 3e by ananymous (solutions manual)
College Physics , By Faughn and Serway and vuille , 6th ed (solutions manual)
COLLEGE PHYSICS , by SERWAY AND VUILLE’S , 9th ed (solutions manual)
College Physics: A Strategic Approach 3rd Edition by Randall D. Knight (Test Bank/solutions manual)
Communication Between Cultures 8th Edition by Larry A. Samovar, Richard E. Porter (Test Bank)
Communication Networks Fundamental Concepts and Key Architectures Alberto Leon-Garcia (solutions manual)
Communication Systems 4th ed by bruce carlson (solutions manual)
Communication Systems 4th edition by Simon Haykin (solutions manual)
Communication Systems 5th Edition by Simon Haykin (solutions manual)
Communication Systems Engineering - Second Edition John G. Proakis Masoud Salehi (solutions manual)
Company Accounting 10th Edition by Ken J. Leo, John Sweeting, Jeffrey Knapp, Susan McGowan (Test Bank/solutions manual)
Company Accounting 11th Edition by Ken Leo, Jeffrey Knapp, Susan McGowan, John Sweeting (Test Bank/solutions manual)
Company Accounting 9th Edition by Ken Leo, John Hoggett, John Sweeting (solutions manual)
Complex Variables and Applications , JW Brown , RV Churchill , 8th ed(2009) (solutions manual)
complex Variables and applications ,James Ward Brown ,7th ed (solutions manual)
complex variables with applications ,A. David wunsch ,3th ed (solutions manual)
Computational Techniques for Fluid Dynamics (Scientific Computation) by Karkenahalli Srinivas, Clive A. J. Fletcher (solutions manual)
Computer Networking A Top-Down Approach 3rd Edition by James F.Kurose,Keith W. Ross (solutions manual)
Computer Networks - 4th Edition by Andrew S. Tanenbaum (solutions manual)
Computer Organization 5th edition by Hamacher,Vranesic and Zaky (solutions manual)
Computer Organization and Design RISC-V Edition by David A. Patterson ,‎ John L. Hennessy (solutions manual)
Computer Organization and Design The HardwareSoftware Interface, 3rd edition by David A. Patterson, John L. Hennessy, (solutions manual)
Computer Security: Principles and Practice 4th Edition by William Stallings, Lawrie Brown (Test Bank/solutions manual)
Computer-Controlled Systems 3rd edition by Karl J. Astrom (solutions manual)
Comunicacion Satelital , Timothy Pratt & Charles Bostian , 2nd ed (solutions manual)
concepts and applications of finite element analysis , Robert Cook and David s. Malkus and Michael E. Plesha , 4th ed (solutions manual)
Concepts of Programming Languages 7th edition Solutions Manual by Robert Sebesta (solutions manual)
Consumer Behavior 11th Edition by Leon G. Schiffman (Test Bank/solutions manual)
Consumer Behavior 6th Edition by Wayne D. Hoyer (Test Bank)
Contemporary Accounting: A Strategic Approach for Users 9th Edition by Phil Hancock , Peter Robinson , Mike Bazley (Test Bank/solutions manual)
Contemporary Advertising and Integrated Marketing Communications 15th edition by William F Arens (Test Bank)
Contemporary Auditing 10th Edition by Michael C. Knapp (solutions manual)
Contemporary Auditing 11th Edition by Michael C. Knapp (solutions manual)
Contemporary Auditing 9th Edition by Michael C. Knapp (solutions manual)
Contemporary Business 17th Edition by Louis E. Boone (Test Bank)
Contemporary Business Law 8th Edition by Henry R. Cheeseman (Test Bank/solutions manual)
Contemporary Business Mathematics with Canadian Applications 11th Edition by S. A. Hummelbrunner, Kelly Halliday, Ali R. Hassanlou (Test Bank/solutions manual)
Contemporary Canadian Business Law: Principles and Cases 10th Edition by John A. Willes and Johh H. Willes (Test Bank)
Contemporary Canadian Marketing Cases 5th Edition by H.F. (Herb) MacKenzie (solutions manual)
Contemporary Engineering Economics , By Chan S. Park , 4t ed (solutions manual)
Contemporary Engineering Economy , By William G. Sullivan and Elin M. Wicks and C. Patrick Koelling , 5th ed (solutions manual)
Contemporary Financial Management 13th Edition by R. Charles Moyer,‎ James R. McGuigan,‎ Ramesh P. Rao (Test Bank/solutions manual)
Contemporary Issues in Accounting 1st Edition by Patricia Stanton, Susan McGowan, Kimberly Ferlauto, Matthew Tilling Michaela Rankin (Test Bank/solutions manual)
Contemporary Linear Algebra , Howard Anton and Robert C. Busby , 1st ed (solutions manual)
Contemporary Strategy Analysis: Text and Cases 8th Edition by Grant (Test Bank)
Contemporary Strategy Analysis: Text and Cases 9th Edition by Robert M. Grant (Test Bank/solutions manual)
Control systems Principles and Design 2nd Edition by Madan Gopal (solutions manual)
Control systems engineering , By Norman Nise , 6th ed (solutions manual)
Control Systems Engineering 4th edition by Norman S. Nise (solutions manual)
Convection Heat Transfer ,By Adrian Bejan , 3rd ed (solutions manual)
Core Concepts of Accounting Information Systems 12th Edition by Mark G. Simkin,‎ Jacob M. Rose,‎ Carolyn S. Norman (Test Bank/solutions manual)
Core Concepts of Accounting Information Systems 13th Edition by Mark G. Simkin,‎ Carolyn S. Norman,‎ Jacob M. Ros (Test Bank/solutions manual)
Cornerstones of Cost Management 3rd edition by Don Hansen, Maryanne Mowen (Test Bank/solutions manual)
Cornerstones of Financial Accounting 3rd edition by Jay Rich, Jeff Jones, Maryanne Mowen, Don Hansen (solutions manual)
Cornerstones of Managerial Accounting 5th Edition by Maryanne M. Mowen,‎ Don R. Hansen,‎ Dan L. Heitger (Test Bank/solutions manual)
Corporate Finance 10th Edition by Stephen Ross, Randolph W. Westerfield, Jeffrey Jaffe (Test Bank/solutions manual)
Corporate Finance 11th Edition by Stephen A. Ross,Jeffrey Jaffe (Test Bank/solutions manual)
Corporate Finance 3rd Canadian Edition by Jonathan Berk,‎ Peter DeMarzo,‎ David Stangeland (Test Bank/solutions manual)
Corporate Finance 3rd Edition by Jonathan Berk,‎ Peter DeMarzo (Test Bank/solutions manual)
Corporate Finance 3rd global Edition by Jonathan; DeMarzo, Peter (eds.) Berk (Test Bank/solutions manual)
Corporate Finance 4th Edition by Jonathan Berk,‎ Peter DeMarzo (Test Bank/solutions manual)
Corporate Finance 4th Global Edition by Jonathan Berk & Peter DeMarzo (Test Bank/solutions manual)
Corporate Finance 7th Canadian Edition by Jaffe, Roberts Ross Westerfield (Test Bank/solutions manual)
Corporate Finance solution manual 6th Edition by Ross (solutions manual)
Corporate Governance 3rd Edition by Kenneth Kim, John R. Nofsinger (Test Bank/solutions manual)
Cost Accounting , By Horngren , 12th ed (solutions manual)
Cost Accounting , By Horngren , 13th ed (solutions manual)
Cost Accounting , By William K. Carter , 14th ed (solutions manual)
Cost Accounting: A Managerial Emphasis 15th Global Edition by Madhav Rajan Srikant M. Datar Charles T. Horngren (Test Bank/solutions manual)
Cost Accounting: A Managerial Emphasis 2nd Edition by Charles T. Horngren, Srikant M. Datar, Madhav V. Rajan, Monte B. Wynder, William (Test Bank/solutions manual)
Cost Accounting: A Managerial Emphasis 7th Canadian Edition by Charles T. Horngren,‎ Srikant M. Datar,‎ Madhav V. Rajan,‎ Louis Beaubien,‎ Chris Graham (Test Bank/solutions manual)
Cost Management: A Strategic Emphasis 5th Edition by Blocher (solutions manual)
Cost Management: A Strategic Emphasis 6th Edition by Edward Blocher, David Stout, Paul Juras, Gary Cokins (Test Bank/solutions manual)
Cost Management: Accounting and Control 6th edition by Don R. Hansen,‎ Maryanne M. Mowen,‎ Dr. Liming Guan (Test Bank/solutions manual)
Cost-Benefit Analysis 4th Edition by Anthony Boardman , David Greenberg , Aidan Vining , David Weimer (Test Bank/solutions manual)
Crafting and Executing Strategy: The Quest for Competitive Advantage: Concepts and Cases 20th Edition by Arthur A. Thompson, Margaret Peteraf Leon E. Williams (Test Bank/solutions manual)
Craig's Soil Mechanics 7th Edition (solutions manual)
Cryptography and network security-principles and practice 4th ed. By William Stallings (solutions manual)

Data and computer communications 7th edition William Stallings (solutions manual)
Data Communications and Networking 4th edition by Behroz Forouzan (solutions manual)
Database Management Systems 3rd edition Raghu Ramakrishnan Johannes Gehrke (solutions manual)
Database Processing: Fundamentals, Design, and Implementation 14th Edition by David M. Kroenke,‎ David J. Auer (Test Bank)
Database System Concepts , A. Silberschatz and H. Korth and S. Sudarshan , 4th ed (solutions manual)
Derivatives Markets 3rd Edition by McDonald (solutions manual)
Derivatives Markets 3rd Edition by Robert L. McDonald (solutions manual)
Design of Analog CMOS Integrated Circuits Behzad Razavi (solutions manual)
Design of Concrete Structures , By Arthur H. Nilson , 14th ed (solutions manual)
Design of Nonlinear Control Systems with the Highest Derivative in Feedback 1st Edition by Valery D. Yurkevich [student solution manual]
Design with Operational Amplifiers and Analog Integrated Circuits, 3rd edition by Franco, Sergio (solutions manual)
Developing the Public Relations Campaign 3rd Edition by Randy Bobbitt,‎ Ruth Sullivan (Test Bank/solutions manual)
Device Electronics for Integrated Circuits 3rd edition by Muller Kamins (solutions manual)
Differential Equation , by Richard Bronson 3rd ed (solutions manual)
Differential Equations and Boundary Value Problems , Edwards &amp & Penney , 2nd ed (solutions manual)
differential equations and boundary value problems computing and modeling , By Edwards and Penney , 4th ed (solutions manual)
differential equations and linear algebra , Jerry Farlow & Beverly H. West & james-e-hall & jean-marie-mcdill , 2nd ed (solutions manual)
Differential Equations with Boundary Value Problems 2nd Edition by JOHNPOLKING and DAVID ARNOLD (solutions manual)
Differential Equations with Boundary Value Problems, 2nd edition by John Polking (solutions manual)
Digital and Analog Communication Systems 7th Edition by Leon W. Couch (solutions manual)
Digital Communication 4th edition by Proakis (solutions manual)
Digital Communications 5th edition by John Proakis (solutions manual)
Digital Communications Fundamentals and Applications, 2nd Edition by Bernard sklar (solutions manual)
Digital Control and state variable methods - M.Gopal (solutions manual)
Digital Design 2nd Edition by M. Morris Mano,Michael D. Ciletti (solutions manual)
Digital Design 3rd Edition by M. Morris Mano,Michael D. Ciletti (solutions manual)
Digital Design 4th edition Morris Mano (solutions manual)
Digital Design-Principles and Practices 3rd Edition by John F. Wakerly [selected problems] (solutions manual)
Digital Fundamentals 9th edition by Thomas L. Floyd (solutions manual)
Digital Image Processing 2nd edition by Rafael C. Gonzalez (solutions manual)
Digital Integrated Circuits 2nd edition by Rabaey (solutions manual)
Digital Integrated Circuits by Thomas A. DeMassa & Zack Ciccone (solutions manual)
Digital Logic Design 2nd edition by M. Morris Mano (solutions manual)
Digital Signal Processing - A Modern Introduction, 1st Edition Cengage learning Ashok Ambardar (solutions manual)
Digital Signal Processing , Proakis and Manolakis , 1st ed (solutions manual)
Digital Signal Processing ; A Computer-Based Approach 1st edition By sanjit K. Mitra (solutions manual)
Digital Signal Processing 2nd Edition by Mitra (solutions manual)
Digital Signal Processing 3nd Edition by Mitra (solutions manual)
Digital Signal Processing 4th edition by John G. Proakis and Dimitri s G. Manolakis (solutions manual)
Digital Signal processing Acomputer - based Approach , By Sanjit K. Mitra (solutions manual)
Digital Signal Processing by Thomas J. Cavicchi (solutions manual)
Digital signal processing proakis manolakis (solutions manual)
Digital Signal Processing Signals, Systems, and Filters Andreas Antoniou (solutions manual)
Digital Signal Processing Using Matlab 2nd edition by Vinay K Ingle Proakis (solutions manual)
Digital Systems-Principles and Applications 10th Ed. by Ronald Tocci, Neal S. Widmer & Gregory L. Moss (solutions manual)
Discretas mathematics , By Richard Johnsonbaugh , 6th ed (solutions manual)
Discrete and Combinatorial Mathematics , By R. Grimaldi , 5ed Part 1 (solutions manual)
Discrete Mathematics with Applications Third Edition By Susanna S. Epp (solutions manual)
discrete Time control systems (Sistemas de control en tiempo discreto) , 2nd ed , Katsuhiko ogata (solutions manual)
Discrete Time Signal Processing 2nd Edition, by Alan V. Oppenheim (solutions manual)
Discrete time signal processing 3rd edition by Oppenheim (solutions manual)
Dise?o con Amplificadores Operacionales y Circuitos Integrados Anal?gicos(Design with Operational Amplifiers and Analog Integrated Circuits) , By Sergio Franco , 3th ed (solutions manual)
Dynamics of Mechanical Systems , By Carl T. F. Ross , 7th ed (solutions manual)
Dynamics Structures theory and applications to earthquake engineering , By Anil K. Chopra , 3th ed (solutions manual)

E-commerce 2018 14th Edition by Kenneth C. Laudon , Carol Guercio Traver (Test Bank)
E-commerce 2018 14th Edition E-commerce 2018: business. technology. society by Laudon (Test Bank)
Econometric Analysis 5th Edition by William H. Greene (solutions manual)
Economic Development 12th edition by Michael P Todaro by Jonathan; DeMarzo, Peter (eds.) Berk (Test Bank/solutions manual)
Economic Development 12th edition by Todaro (Test Bank/solutions manual)
Economic engineering , L. Blank and A. Tarkin , 6th ed (solutions manual)
Economics 1st Global Edition by Daron Acemoglu (Test Bank/solutions manual)
Effective Training 5th Edition by P. Nick Blanchard, James Thacker (Test Bank)
Effective Writing A Handbook for Accountants 10th Edition by Claire B. May,‎ Gordon S. May (solutions manual)
Electric Circuits 7th edition by Nilsson (solutions manual)
Electric Circuits 8th edition by Nilsson (solutions manual)
Electric Machinery 6th Edition by Fitzgerald Kingsley (solutions manual)
Electric Machinery and Power System Fundamentals 1st edition by Stephen Chapman (solutions manual)
Electric Machinery Fundamentals 4th edition by Stephen J. Chapman (solutions manual)
Electric machines , By Jesus Fraile Mora , 5th ed (solutions manual)
Electric Machines Analysis and Design Applying MATLAB by Jim Cathey (solutions manual)
Electrical Engineering Principles and Applications 3rd edition by Allan R. Hambley (solutions manual)
Electrical Machines, Drives and Power Systems 6th edition By Theodore Wildi (solutions manual)
Electrical Properties of Materials ,Solymar & Walsh , 7th ed (solutions manual)
Electricity and magnetism (Electricidad y Magnetismo) , By Raymond A. Serway , 6th ed (solutions manual)
Electricity and magnetism , By Raymond A. Serway , 3rd ed (solutions manual)
Electricity and magnetism Vol.II , Edward M. Purcell , 2nd ed (solutions manual)
Electromagnetic Fields and Energy 1st Ed. by Haus and Melcher (solutions manual)
Electromagnetics for Engineers by Ulaby (solutions manual)
Electromagnetism Major American Universities Ph.D. Qualifying Questions and Solutions by Lim Yung-Kuo (solutions manual)
Electron Paramagnetic Resonance ,Victor Chechik, Emma Carter, and Damien Murphy ,2016 (solutions manual)
Electronic Circuit Analysis and Design 2nd edition by Donald A. Neamen (solutions manual)
Electronic devices - electron flow version 4th edition by thomas l.floyd (solutions manual)
Electronic Devices and Circuit Theory 8th Ed. with Lab Solutions, and Test Item File by Robert Boylestad (solutions manual)
Electronic Devices and electronic devices , By thomas L. Floyd , 6th ed (solutions manual)
Electronic Devices-6th Edition by Thomas L. Floyd (solutions manual)
Electronic Physics by Strabman (solutions manual)
Elementary Applied Partial Differential Equations with Fourier Series and Boundary Value Problems , PrenticeHall , R.Haberman (1987) (solutions manual)
Elementary Differential Equations , 8th ed. , By Werner Kohler, Lee Johnson (solutions manual)
Elementary Differential Equations , Penny , 5th ed (solutions manual)
Elementary Differential Equations , Werner Kohler & Lee Johnson , 1st ed (solutions manual)
Elementary Differential Equations 8th edition by Boyce (solutions manual)
Elementary Differential Equations And Boundary Value Problems, 7Th Edition by Boyce And Diprima (solutions manual)
Elementary Differential Equations and Elementary Differential Equations with Boundary Value Problems , William F. Trench , 2000 (solutions manual)
Elementary Linear Algebra With Applications 10E , Howard Anton, Chris Rorres (solutions manual)
Elementary Linear Algebra with Applications 9th by Howard Anton, Chris Rorres (solutions manual)
Elementary Mechanics and Thermodynamics by Jhon W. Norbury , 1st ed (solutions manual)
Elementary Number Theory and Its Applications, 5th edition by Kenneth H. Rosen (solutions manual)
Elementary Number Theory and Its Applications, 6th Ed. By Kenneth H. Rosen (solutions manual)
Elementary Principles of Chemical Processes 3rd edition by Richard M. Felder,Ronald W. Rousseau (solutions manual)
Elementary statistics Using the Graphing Calculator , Mario F. Triola 2005 (solutions manual)
Elementary Survey Sampling 7th edition by Richard Scheaffer,‎ William Mendenhall III,‎ R. Ott,‎ Kenneth Gerow (solutions manual)
Elements of Chemical Reaction Engineering, 3rd Edition by H. Scott Fogler (solutions manual)
Elements of Deductive Inference , By Joseph Bessie and Stuart Glennan , 1st ed (solutions manual)
Elements of electromagnetics 2nd edition by sadiku (solutions manual)
Elements of electromagnetics 3rd edition by sadiku (solutions manual)
Elements of Power System Analysis 4th edition by William D. Stevenson (solutions manual)
Embedded Microcomputer Systems Real Time Interfacing 2nd Edition by Jonathan W. Valvano (solutions manual)
Energy Science ,Principles, Technologies, and Impacts ,Andrews & Jelley ,3th e (solutions manual)
Energy Systems Engineering evaluation and implementation , Francis M Vanek and Louis D Albright , 1st ed (solutions manual)
Engineering Circuit Analysis 6th edition by Hayt (solutions manual)
Engineering Circuit Analysis 7th edition by Hayt (solutions manual)
Engineering Electromagnetics - 7th Ed. - Hayt (solutions manual)
Engineering Electromagnetics 2d Edition by Nathan Ida (solutions manual)
Engineering Electromagnetics 6th Edition by William H. Hayt Jr. and Hohn A. Buck (solutions manual)
Engineering Fluid Mechanics 7th edition by Clayton T. Crowe, Donald F. Elger & John A. Roberson (solutions manual)
engineering materials science , By milton ohring , 1st ed (solutions manual)
Engineering Mathematics 4th edition by John Bird (solutions manual)
Engineering Mathematics 4th Edition by NEWNES (solutions manual)
Engineering Mechanic STATICS 10th Ed. R.C. Hibbeler (solutions manual)
Engineering Mechanics - Dynamics 11th edition by R. C. Hibbeler (solutions manual)
Engineering Mechanics - Dynamics 2 Edition by Riley and Sturges (solutions manual)
Engineering mechanics - statics 10th edition by R. C. Hibbeler (solutions manual)
Engineering Mechanics - STATICS 4th E - Bedford and Fowler (solutions manual)
Engineering mechanics dynamics , By Boresi and schmidt , 1st ed (solutions manual)
Engineering mechanics Dynamics , By Meriam & Kraige & palm , 3rd ed (solutions manual)
Engineering mechanics Dynamics , By Meriam & Kraige & palm , 5rd ed (solutions manual)
Engineering mechanics dynamics , By Meriam and kraige , 6th ed (solutions manual)
Engineering mechanics Dynamics 4th Ed. by Bedford and Fowler (solutions manual)
Engineering Mechanics Dynamics 5th J.L Meriam (solutions manual)
Engineering Mechanics of Solids , By Egor P. Popov , 2nd ed (solutions manual)
Engineering mechanics statics , By Bedford and fowler , 5th ed (solutions manual)
Engineering mechanics statics , By R. C. Hibbeler , 10th ed (solutions manual)
Engineering mechanics statics , By R. C. Hibbeler , 8th ed (solutions manual)
Engineering Mechanics Statics , By R.C.Hibbeler , 12th ed (solutions manual)
Engineering Mechanics Statics 11th Edition By R.C.Hibbeler (solutions manual)
Engineering Mechanics Statics 6th edition by J.L Meriam (solutions manual)
engineering mechanics statistics , By Meriam & Kraige & palm , 4th ed (solutions manual)
engineering mechanics statistics , By Meriam & Kraige & palm , 6th ed (solutions manual)
Engineering Probability and Statistics for Engineers and Scientists (solutions manual)
Engineering Statistics , By Montgomery , 4th ed (solutions manual)
Engineering Vibration , 3rd ed , Daniel J. Inman (solutions manual)
English Grammar Understanding the Basics , By Cambridge , 1st ed (solutions manual)
Entrepreneurial Finance 5th Edition by J. Chris Leach,‎ Ronald W. Melicher (Test Bank/solutions manual)
Environmental Chemistry , vanLoon & Duffy , 3th ed (solutions manual)
Essentials of Business Analytics 2nd Edition by Jeffrey D. Camm,‎ James J. Cochran,‎ Michael J. Fry (Test Bank/solutions manual)
Essentials of Contemporary Management 5th Canadian Edition by Gareth R Jones, Jennifer M George (Test Bank/solutions manual)
Essentials of Corporate Finance 3rd Australian edition by Ross, Stephen; Trayler, Rowan; Bird, Ron (Test Bank/solutions manual)
Essentials of Corporate Finance 4th Edition by Trayler, Van de Venter (Test Bank/solutions manual)
Essentials of Corporate Finance 9th Edition by Stephen A. Ross ,‎ Randolph W Westerfield Robert R. ,‎ Bradford D Jordan Professor (Test Bank/solutions manual)
Essentials of Economics 3rd Australian Edition by Glenn Hubbard Anne Garnett Philip Lewis Tony O’Brien (Test Bank/solutions manual)
Essentials of Financial Management 3rd Edition by Brigha (Test Bank/solutions manual)
Essentials of Financial Management 3rd Edition by Eugene F. Brigham, Joel F. Houston (Test Bank/solutions manual)
Essentials of Human Communication 9th Edition by Joseph A. DeVito (Test Bank/solutions manual)
Essentials of Investments 10th Edition by Zvi Bodie Professor, Alex Kane, Alan J. Marcus Professor (Test Bank)
Essentials of Investments 9th Edition by Zvi Bodie, Alex Kane, Alan J. Marcus (Test Bank/solutions manual)
Essentials of Organizational Behavior 14th Edition by Stephen P. Robbins,‎ Timothy A. Judge (Test Bank)
Essentials of Strategic Management: The Quest for Competitive Advantage 4th Edition by John Gamble, Arthur Thompson, Margaret Peteraf (Test Bank/solutions manual)
Essentials of Strategic Management: The Quest for Competitive Advantage 5th Edition by John Gamble (Test Bank/solutions manual)
Essentials of Systems Analysis and Design 6th Edition by Joseph Valacich,‎ Joey George (Test Bank/solutions manual)
Ethical Obligations and Decision-Making in Accounting: Text and Cases 4th Edition by Steven M Mintz Chair, Roselyn E. Morris Associate (Test Bank/solutions manual)
Ethics in Accounting: A Decision-Making Approach 1st Edition by Gordon Klein (Test Bank/solutions manual)
Excel Modeling in Corporate Finance 5th Edition by Craig W. Holden (solutions manual)
Excellence in Business Communication 11th Edition by John V. Thill, Courtland L. Bovee (Test Bank/solutions manual)
Experiencing MIS 4th Australian Edition By David Kroenke, David Wilson, Wayne Brookes (Test Bank)
Experiencing MIS 4th Canadian Edition by Andrew Gemino, Peter Tingling David M. Kroenke (Test Bank/solutions manual)
Experiments with Economic Principles , By Theodore Bergstrom And J. Miller , 1st ed (solutions manual)
Exploring Management 4th Edition by John R. Schermerhorn Jr. (Test Bank)
Exploring Management Binder Ready Version 5th edition by John R. Schermerhorn,‎ Daniel G. Bachrach (Test Bank)
Exploring Microsoft Office Excel 2016 Comprehensive by Mary Anne Poatsy, Keith Mulbery, Jason Davidson (Test Bank/solutions manual)

Federal Tax Research 10th Edition by Roby Sawyers, William A. Raabe (Test Bank/solutions manual)
Federal Tax Research 11th Edition by Roby Sawyers, Steven Gill (Test Bank/solutions manual)
Feedback Control of Dynamic Systems 4th edition by G. F. Franklin, J. D. Powell, A. Emami (solutions manual)
Feedback Control of Dynamic Systems 7th Edition by Gene F. Franklin,‎ J. David Powell,‎ Abbas Emami-Naeini (solutions manual)
Feedback Control of Dynamic Systems 7th Global Edition By Gene F. Franklin, J Powell, Abbas Emami-Naeini (solutions manual)
Field and Wave Electromagnetics 2nd Edition by Wesley Cheng (solutions manual)
Field and Wave Electromagnetics International Edition by David K (solutions manual)
Financial & Managerial Accounting 18th Edition by Jan Williams, Susan Haka, Mark S Bettner, Joseph V Carcello (Test Bank)
Financial Accounting , By Harrison and Horngren , 8th ed (solutions manual)
Financial Accounting 11th Edition by Walter T. Harrison (Test Bank/solutions manual)
Financial Accounting 5th Canadian Edition by Charles T. Horngren; C. William Thomas Walter T. Harrison Jr (Test Bank/solutions manual)
Financial Accounting 8th Edition by Craig Deegan (Test Bank/solutions manual)
Financial Accounting 8th Edition by Robert Libby (Test Bank/solutions manual)
Financial Accounting 9th Edition by John Hoggett (Test Bank/solutions manual)
Financial Accounting 9th Edition by Robert Libby (Test Bank/solutions manual)
Financial Accounting and Reporting 17th Edition by Barry Elliott ,‎ Jamie Elliott (solutions manual)
Financial Accounting in an Economic Context 9th edition by Jamie Pratt (Test Bank)
Financial Accounting information for decisions , John J. Wild , 4th ed (solutions manual)
Financial Accounting International Financial Reporting Standards 9th Global Edition by Walter T.; Horngren, Charles T.; Thomas, C. William; Suwardy, Themi Harrison Jr(Test Bank/solutions manual)
Financial Accounting Theory 4th Edition by Craig Deegan (Test Bank/solutions manual)
Financial Accounting Theory 7th Edition by William R. Scott (solutions manual)
Financial Accounting Theory and Analysis: Text and Cases 11th Edition by Richard G. Schroeder, Myrtle W. Clark (Test Bank)
Financial Accounting Tools for Business Decision Making 7th Edition by Paul D. Kimmel,‎ Jerry J. Weygandt,‎ Donald E. Kieso (solutions manual)
Financial Accounting Tools for Business Decision Making 8th Edition by Paul D. Kimmel ,‎ Jerry J. Weygandt ,‎ Donald E. Kieso (Test Bank/solutions manual)
Financial Accounting: A Critical Approach 4th Canadian Edition by John Friedlan (Test Bank/solutions manual)
Financial accounting: an integrated approach 5th edition by Ken Trotman, Michael Gibbins, Elizabeth Carson. Trotman, K. T. (solutions manual)
Financial accounting: an integrated approach 6th edition by Ken Trotman , Elizabeth Carson , Michael Gibbins (Test Bank/solutions manual)
Financial Accounting: IFRS 3rd Edition by Jerry J. WeygandtPaul D. KimmelDonald E. Kieso (Test Bank/solutions manual)
Financial Accounting: Information for Decisions 9th Edition ,by John J Wild (Test Bank/solutions manual)
Financial Accounting: Reporting, Analysis and Decision Making 5th Edition by hirley Carlon, Rosina McAlpine-Mladenovic, Chrisann Palm, Lorena Mitrione, Ngaire Kirk, Lily Wong (Test Bank/solutions manual)
Financial Accounting: Tools for Business Decision-Making 6th Canadian Edition by Paul D. Kimmel ,‎ Jerry J. Weygandt ,‎ Donald E. Kieso ,‎ Barbara Trenholm ,‎ Wayne Irvine (Test Bank/solutions manual)
Financial Accounting: Tools for Business Decision-Making 7th Canadian Edition by Paul D. Kimmel; Jerry J. Weygandt; Donald E. Kieso (Test Bank/solutions manual)
Financial and Managerial Accounting 16th Edition by Jan Williams ,‎ Susan Haka ,‎ Mark Bettner ,‎ Joseph Carcello (Test Bank/solutions manual)
Financial and Managerial Accounting: Information for Decisions 6th Edition by John J Wild ,‎ Ken Shaw Accounting Professor ,‎ Barbara Chiappetta Fundamental Accounting Principles (Test Bank)
Financial Institutions Instruments and Markets 8th Edition by VINEY & PHILLIPS (Test Bank/solutions manual)
financial institutions management 4th edition by Helen Lange (Test Bank/solutions manual)
Financial Institutions Management: A Risk Management Approach 8th Edition by Anthony Saunders,‎ Marcia Millon Cornett (Test Bank/solutions manual)
Financial Instruments , John Hull , 4ed (solutions manual)
Financial Management: Principles and Applications 12th Edition by Sheridan Titman, Arthur J. Keown (Test Bank)
Financial Management: Principles and Applications 7th Edition By Sheridan Titman, Arthur J. Keown, John D. Martin, Tony Martin (Test Bank/solutions manual)
Financial Management: Theory and Practice 15th Edition by Eugene F. Brigham, Michael C. Ehrhardt (Test Bank/solutions manual)
Financial Management: Theory and Practice 3rd Edition by Eugene Brigham, Michael Ehrhardt, Jerome Gessaroli (Test Bank/solutions manual)
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Financial Markets and Institutions 6th Edition by Anthony Saunders, Marcia Millon Cornett (Test Bank/solutions manual)
Financial Markets and Institutions 7th Edition by Anthony Saunders (Test Bank/solutions manual)
Financial Markets Institutions and Money 3rd Edition by Mark Brimble, Anup Basu, Liam Lenten (Test Bank/solutions manual)
Financial Planning 2nd Update Edition by Warren McKeow (Test Bank/solutions manual)
Financial Planning 2nd Update Edition by Warren McKeown (Test Bank/solutions manual)
Financial Reporting 1st by Janice Loftus (Test Bank/solutions manual)
Financial Reporting 2nd Edition by Janice Loftus (Test Bank/solutions manual)
Financial Reporting 2nd Edition by Janice Loftus, Ken J. Leo, Sorin Daniliuc, Noel Boys (Test Bank/solutions manual)
Financial Reporting and Analysis 6th Edition by Lawrence Revsine (Test Bank/solutions manual)
Financial Reporting and Analysis 6th Edition by Revsine (Test Bank/solutions manual)
Financial Reporting and Analysis 7th Edition by Lawrence Revsine (Test Bank/solutions manual)
Financial Reporting, Financial Statement Analysis and Valuation 8th Edition by James M. Wahlen,‎ Stephen P. Baginski,‎ Mark Bradshaw (Test Bank/solutions manual)
Financial Reporting, Financial Statement Analysis and Valuation 8th Edition by Wahlen (Test Bank/solutions manual)
Financial Statement Analysis 11th Edition by K. R. Subramanyam Associate (Test Bank/solutions manual)
Financial Statement Analysis and Security Valuation 5th Edition by Penman (Test Bank/solutions manual)
Financial Statement Analysis and Valuation 4th Edition by Easton, McAnally, Sommers, Zhang (Test Bank/solutions manual)
Financial Statement Analysis and Valuation 4th Edition by McAnally (Test Bank/solutions manual)
Financial Statement Analysis and Valuation 5th edition by Sommers, Zhang Easton McAnally (text book)
FINITE MATHEMATICS , Lial , Greenwell & Ritchey , 8th ed (solutions manual)
Fluid Mechanics , By Frank M. White , 5th ed (solutions manual)
Fluid mechanics , By Merle C. Potter and David C. Wiggert , 3rd ed (solutions manual)
Fluid Mechanics , By Russell C. Hibbeler , 1st ed (solutions manual)
Fluid Mechanics , Munson , 7th ed (solutions manual)
Fluid Mechanics 1st edition by CENGEL (solutions manual)
Fluid Mechanics 5th Edition by Pijush K. Kundu (solutions manual)
Fluid Mechanics 5th Edition by Pijush K. Kundu, Ira M. Cohen, David R Dowling (solutions manual)
Fluid Mechanics 5th Edition by White (solutions manual)
Fluid Mechanics 6th edition by Kundu, Pijush K.; Cohen, Ira M.; Dowling, David R (solutions manual)
Fluid Mechanics and Thermodynamics of Turbomachinery , By Dixon and Hall , 5th ed (solutions manual)
Fluid Mechanics Fundamentals and Applications , By Cengel and Cimbala , 1st ed (solutions manual)
Fluid Mechanics With Engineering Applications 10th edition by E. John Finnemore, Joseph B Franzini (solutions manual)
Focus on Personal Finance 5th Edition by Les Dlabay,‎ Robert J. Hughes,‎ Jack Kapoor (Test Bank/solutions manual)
Forecasting for Economics and Business 1st Edition by Gloria González-Rivera (solutions manual)
Forensic & Investigative Accounting 5th Edition by Professor D. Larry Crumbley (Test Bank)
Forensic Accounting and Fraud Examination 1st Edition by Mary-Jo Kranacher, Richard Riley, Joseph T. Wells (Test Bank)
Foundations of Colloid Science ,Hunter ,2nd ed
Foundations of Financial Management 11th Canadian Edition by Stanley Block, Geoffrey Hirt, Bartley Danielsen, Doug Short (Test Bank/solutions manual)
Foundations of International Macroeconomics , By Obstfeld and Rogoff , 1st ed (solutions manual)
Foundations of Molecular Structure Determination ,Simon Duckett, Bruce Gilbert, and Martin Cockett ,2nd ed (solutions manual)
Fracture mechanics fundamentals and applications 2nd edition by Northam Anderson (solutions manual)
Fraud Examination 5th Edition by W. Steve Albrecht ,‎ Chad O. Albrecht ,‎ Conan C. Albrecht ,‎ Mark F. Zimbelman (Test Bank/solutions manual)
Fund of Corporate Finance , by Richard A. Brealey , 4th ed (solutions manual)
Fundamental Accounting Principles 22nd Edition by John J Wild (Test Bank/solutions manual)
Fundamental Managerial Accounting Concepts 8th edition by Christopher Edmonds, Bor-Yi Tsay, Philip Olds Thomas Edmonds (Test Bank/solutions manual)
Fundamental of Electric Circuits 3rd editoin by C. K. Alexander M. N. O. Sadiku (solutions manual)
Fundamental of engineering electromagnetics by David Cheng (solutions manual)
Fundamentals od Finanial Management , James Van Horne and John Wachowicz , 12th ed (solutions manual)
Fundamentals of Aerodynamics , By John D. Anderson , 3rd ed (solutions manual)
Fundamentals of Analytical Chemistry , By Holler and Crouch , 9th ed (solutions manual)
Fundamentals of Applied Electromagnetics , By Faeeaz T. Ulaby (solutions manual)
Fundamentals of corporate finance , By Ross and Jordan and Westerfield , 8th ed (solutions manual)
Fundamentals of Corporate Finance 10th Alternate Edition by Stephen A. Ross,‎ Randolph W. Westerfield,‎ Bradford D. Jordan (Test Bank/solutions manual)
Fundamentals of Corporate Finance 2nd Australian Edition by Berk (solutions manual)
Fundamentals of Corporate Finance 2nd Australian Edition By Jonathon Berk, Peter DeMarzo, Jarrod Harford, Guy Ford, Vito Mollica, Nigel Finch (solutions manual)
Fundamentals of Corporate Finance 5th Canadian edition by Richard A Brealey Professor,‎ Stewart C Myers,‎ Alan J. Marcus Professor,‎ Elizabeth Maynes Professor (Test Bank/solutions manual)
Fundamentals of Corporate Finance 7th Australian Edition by Stephen A. Ross, Michael Drew, Adam Walk, Randolph W Westerfield and Bradford D Jordan (Test Bank/solutions manual)
Fundamentals of Corporate Finance 8th Canadian Edition by Stephen A. Ross Franco (Test Bank)
Fundamentals of Corporate Finance 9th Edition by Brealey (Test Bank/solutions manual)
Fundamentals of Corporate Finance 9th Standard Edition by Stephen Ross, Randolph Westerfield, Bradford D. Jordan (Test Bank/solutions manual)
Fundamentals of Corporate Finance Australasian 2nd edition Robert Parrino, Michael Dempsey, Samson Ekanayake, Au Yong Hue (Test Bank/solutions manual)
Fundamentals of Corporate Finance Standard Edition 9th Edition by Ross (Test Bank/solutions manual)
Fundamentals of Diferential Equations , By Nagle and Saff and Snider , 6th ed (solutions manual)
Fundamentals of differential equations , 7ed.-Pearson (2008) , By R. Kent Nagle , Edward B. Saff , A. David Snider (solutions manual)
Fundamentals of differntial equations , R. kent nagle & Edward b.saff & A. David snider , 7th ed (solutions manual)
Fundamentals of Digital Logic with VDL Desing , By S. Brown and Z. Vranesic , 1st ed (solutions manual)
Fundamentals of Digital Logic with Verilog Design 1st edition by S. Brown Z. Vranesic (solutions manual)
Fundamentals of Digital Logic with VHDL Design, 1st edt. by S. Brown, Z. Vranesic (solutions manual)
Fundamentals of Digital Signal Processing using MATLAB , By Sandra L. Harris and Robert J. Schilling , 2nd Ed (solutions manual)
Fundamentals of Electric Circuits , 5th ed
fundamentals of electric circuits , By Alexander and Sadiku , 4th ed (solutions manual)
Fundamentals of Electric Circuits 2nd edition by C. K. Alexander M. N. O. Sadiku (solutions manual)
Fundamentals of Electric Circuits, 3rd edition by C. K. Alexander M. N. O. Sadiku (solutions manual)
fundamentals of engineering thermodynamics , By Moran & Shapiro , 5th ed (solutions manual)
fundamentals of engineering thermodynamics , By Moran & Shapiro , 6th ed (solutions manual)
Fundamentals of engineering thermodynamics by m. j. moran h. n. shapiro (solutions manual)
Fundamentals of Financial Management , and E. Brigham, J. Houston , 12th ed (solutions manual)
Fundamentals of Fluid mechanics 4th edition by Munson (solutions manual)
Fundamentals of Fluid Mechanics Student Solutions Manual, 3rd Edition [Student solution manual]
Fundamentals of Futures and Options Markets 8th Edition by John C. Hull (Test Bank/solutions manual)
Fundamentals of heat and mass transfer , By Incropera & Lavine & Dewitt & Bergman , 5th ed (solutions manual)
Fundamentals of heat and mass transfer , By Incropera & Lavine & Dewitt & Bergman , 6th ed (solutions manual)
Fundamentals of Heat and Mass Transfer 4th edition by Incropera & Dewitt (solutions manual)
Fundamentals of Human Resource Management 6th Edition by John Hollenbeck, Barry Gerhart, Raymond Noe, Patrick Wright (Test Bank/solutions manual)
Fundamentals of Investing 13th Edition by Scott B. Smart ,‎ Lawrence J. Gitman ,‎ Michael D. Joehnk (Test Bank/solutions manual)
Fundamentals of Investing 3rd Australian Edition by Lawrence Gitman Michael Joehnk Scott Smart Roger H. Juchau Donald G. Ross (solutions manual)
Fundamentals of logic design 5th edition by Charles Roth (solutions manual)
Fundamentals of Machine Component Design - 3rd edition by Robert C. Juvinall and Kurt M. Marshek (solutions manual)
Fundamentals of Machine Component Design 4th edition by Robert C. Juvinall, Kurt M. Marshek (solutions manual)
Fundamentals of Machine Component Desing , By R. Juvinall. K. Marshek , 1st (solutions manual)
Fundamentals of Machine Elements , By Steven Schmid and Bernard Hamrock and Bo. Jacobson , 2nd ed (solutions manual)
fundamentals of manufacturing , By philip D. Rufe , 2nd ed (solutions manual)
Fundamentals of Momentum, Heat, and Mass Transfer , By Welty and Wicks and Wilson and Rorrer , 5th ed (solutions manual)
Fundamentals of Organic Chemistry , By Solomon , 5th ed (solutions manual)
Fundamentals of Physics (Extended) , by Halliday , Resnick & J. Walker , 9th ed , pp.1643, (Wiley, 2011) (solutions manual)
Fundamentals of Physics 7th edition by Halliday, Resnick and Walker (solutions manual)
Fundamentals of physics 8th edition by Halliday, Resnick and Walker (solutions manual)
Fundamentals of Physics Extended , By Halliday and Resnick , 8th ed (solutions manual)
fundamentals of physics Vol.1 vol.2 , By Halliday and Resnick , 6th ed (solutions manual)
Fundamentals of Power Electronics 2nd edition by R.W. Erickson (solutions manual)
Fundamentals of Power Semiconductor Devices 1st Ed. by B. Jayant Baliga (solutions manual)
Fundamentals of Quantum Mechanics for solid state electronics and optics , By C.L. Tang , 1st ed (solutions manual)
Fundamentals of Risk and Insurance 11th Edition by Emmett J. Vaughan, Therese M. Vaughan (Test Bank/solutions manual)
Fundamentals of signals and systems , By Michael J. Roberts . 1st ed (solutions manual)
Fundamentals of Signals and systems using web and matlab third edition by Edward W. Kamen, Bonnie S Heck (solutions manual)
Fundamentals of Solid-State Electronics by Chih-Tang Sah (solutions manual)
Fundamentals of Thermal Fluid Sciences by Yunus A. Cengel, Robert H. Turner, Yunus Cengel, Robert Turner (solutions manual)
Fundamentals of Thermal-Fluid Sciences 5th Edition by Yunus A. Cengel Dr.,‎ Robert H. Turner,‎ John M. Cimbala (solutions manual)
Fundamentals of Thermodynamics by Richard Sonntag Claus Borgnakke Gordon Van Wylen (solutions manual)
Fundamentals of Web Development 2nd Edition by Randy Connolly, Ricardo Hoar (Test Bank/solutions manual)
Fundamentals of Wireless Communication by Tse and Viswanath (solutions manual)

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