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The Judith Exner Story, The Life of the Mistress of John F. Kennedy ISBN 0923891900

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Sam Sloan

Dec 13, 2007, 12:50:00 AM12/13/07
The Judith Exner Story, The Life of the Mistress of John F. Kennedy
ISBN 0-923891-90-0

Judith Immoor Campbell Exner and her place in history

When I think of Judith Immoor Campbell Exner, in my mind I compare her
to Forest Gump. This may seem unlikely but I will explain. Forest Gump
is an entirely fictional character who was a mildly retarded man who
just happened to be there at every important junction in history. At
every event of major significance involving Kennedy, Johnson, Nixon
and so on, Forest Gump was there.

Forest Gump was not the only one there. Judith Immoor Campbell Exner
was there too. There was just one difference. Judith Immoor Campbell
Exner was a real person. She was like an extra who appears in every
scene of a movie, yet has no lines to speak. Every important event of
the 1960s and 1970s seems to have involved Judith Immoor Campbell
Exner in some way. She dated, was seen with or was on the arm of many
of the important men of that generation. She dated or at least knew
almost the entire A-list of Hollywood Movie Stars, yet she never
appeared in a movie. Everybody who ever saw her reported that she was
a spectacular beauty, one of the most beautiful women of all time, yet
few photographs survive of her.

She is also one of the most reviled and hated women. She has been
called every bad word in the book, a slut, a whore, a high-class
hooker, yet if you believe her biography, she was a deeply
conservative, prudish woman who never slept with more than one man at
a time. How many women can say that nowadays?

Judith Immoor Campbell Exner is still in the news constantly. Turn on
CNN news almost every night there will likely be something involving
Judith Immoor Campbell Exner. Every news story involving President
John F. Kennedy, the Bay of Pigs Invasion, covert operations by the
CIA against Fidel Castro of Cuba and so on will probably in some way
involve Judith Immoor Campbell Exner.

However, two allegations involving Judith Immoor Campbell Exner must
be dealt with quickly.

The first is that she was involved in some way with the delivery of a
huge satchel of cash from John F. Kennedy to Mafia Don Sam Giancana to
insure that Kennedy would defeat Hubert Humphrey in the 1960 West
Virginia Presidential Primary.

According to biographer Kitty Kelly, "while JFK's lover, she had
served as a courier between the President and Giancana. According to
Exner, JFK wanted the mobster's help in nailing down votes in the 1960
West Virginia primary."

However, there is something wrong with this sentence. What is wrong is
that JFK was not the President at the time of the West Virginia
Primary. He was just a candidate for the nomination, one of many.

Sam Giancana was the Don of the Chicago Mafia, a successor to Al
Capone. It was well known in 1960 that the Mafia controlled most Las
Vegas Casino Operations and had infiltrated into many labor unions,
including especially the United Mine Workers in West Virginia. Kennedy
wanted to be president. West Virginia, normally a relatively minor
state, was of utmost importance in the 1960 campaign because it was an
anti-Catholic state. Kennedy was a Catholic and the Catholic-Issue was
a big albatross for Kennedy in 1960.

I will give a personal example. My father was a liberal and always
voted Democratic. (This was back in the old days when the Democrats
were the tax-and-spend liberals and the Republicans were the fiscal
conservatives, unlike now when the opposite is the case.) There was
only one time in his life that my father voted Republican. That was in
1960, and the reason was that my father feared that if elected Kennedy
would fly over to the Vatican where the Pope would tell him what to

Many voters felt that way. Therefore, Kennedy needed to win in West
Virginia to demonstrate that he could be elected president even in an
anti-Catholic jurisdiction.

Politics makes strange bedfellows. No doubt Kennedy legitimately
believed that mob influence was needed to win the West Virginia
primary. It became even more critical in the 1960 Presidential
election, when most observers believe that mob influence was critical
in delivering to Kennedy the Illinois electoral votes by a razor-thin
margin. Thus, sending money to Chicago mob boss Sam Giancana was a
reasonable decision.

Life is like that. If you want to win an election, whether it be to
the presidency of the United States or to the Executive Board of the
United States Chess Federation, you may have to pay off the right

On the other hand, no evidence has emerged that Giancana did anything
to actually help Kennedy win in West Virginia or to carry Illinois in
the subsequent general election. Giancana probably just pocketed the
money. More pertinent to the issue here, it is difficult to see how
Judith Immoor Campbell Exner played a role in this. She had been
introduced to Senator Kennedy by her former lover Frank Sinatra in
February 1960. Then, Sinatra had introduced her to Sam "Flood" only a
few months later. So, by the time of the West Virginia Primary, she
had only known Senator Kennedy a few months. More than that, she did
not find out that the real name of "Sam Flood" was actually Sam
Giancana and that he was in the mob until after Kennedy had actually
been elected President, but before Kennedy took office, when the FBI
informed her of this.

What Judith Immoor Campbell Exner almost certainly did not know was
that Joseph Kennedy, the father of John F. Kennedy, had connections
with the Chicago mob dating back to the Roaring Twenties. The Kennedy
family is nowadays often thought of as one of the old-line Blue Blood
families. Not true. It is now well established that the Kennedy wealth
comes from a bootlegging operation in the 1920s. When President
Franklin D. Roosevelt appointed Joseph Kennedy as the First Chairman
of the Securities and Exchange Commission, and somebody asked
Roosevelt why he chose Kennedy, Roosevelt replied, "It Takes a Crook
to Catch a Crook!"

Another allegation that must be addressed is that Judith Immoor
Campbell Exner carried documents between JFK and Sam Giancana,
regarding a decision by the CIA to hire the Chicago mob to kill Fidel
Castro, President of Cuba. However, this observation usually ignores
the fact that the mob operation to kill Castro started in 1960. In
1960, KENNEDY WAS NOT PRESIDENT YET!!!! Kennedy did not become
president until 1961. In 1960, Eisenhower was president. Obviously,
there is politics here. The Republicans want to blame the Democrats
for it. The Democrats want to blame the Republicans for it.

This is what I mean when I write that Judith Immoor Campbell Exner
seems to be like a movie extra who appears in every scene but has no
lines to speak. Here she was, a little 120 pound 26-year-old girl
taking the train back and forth between Chicago and Washington DC or
New York, receiving and delivering documents, and what did these
documents contain? Did it concern the Plot to Assassinate Castro, the
Cuban Missile Crisis, the Bay of Pigs Invasion and the eventual
Assassination of JFK? But there is more:

Antionette Giancana, daughter of Mafia Capo Sam Giancana, has a book
out about this. In her book, she names the actual killer of President
Kennedy and the motive, never previously suggested.

The motive concerns the Controversy Linking the F-111 to the Kennedy

Virtually every recent book about the Kennedy Assassination has
advanced the theory that Kennedy was assassinated because of the F-111
contract. Essentially, the conspiracy theorist say that the CIA was
opposed to the development of the F-111, favoring a competing aircraft
by Boeing instead. When, after many warnings, Kennedy insisted on
proceeding with the development of the F-111 anyway, he was shot, they

The development of the F-111 has been linked to numerous Kennedy
Assassination Theories. General Dynamics was not favored to win the
contract under which the F-111 was ultimately built. Another aircraft
designed by Boeing was favored. It was a controversial last-minute
decision by Secretary of Defense Robert McNamara to overrule the
military and build the F-111 instead. Assassination Theorists state
that actually President John F. Kennedy ordered that the contract be
awarded to General Dynamics. As this was the largest defense contract
ever awarded, this attracted the attention of the press and Kennedy
was asked about this repeatedly in press conferences. The United
States Senate started an investigation. However, the investigation was
shut down after Kennedy was Assassinated.

Seymour Hersh in his book "The Dark Side of Camelot" states that
General Dynamics got the contract by blackmailing President Kennedy.
Hersh states that Bobby and Billy Hale, twin sons of the General
Dynamics security chief I. B. Hale, broke into the apartment of
Kennedy's mistress Judith Exner and placed bugs and wiretaps on her
telephone. With these bugs, they were able to establish proof that
Kennedy was sleeping with Exner. When presented with the evidence,
Kennedy agreed to award the $6.5 billion contract to General Dynamics.

Antionette Giancana in her book "JFK and Sam" expresses the belief
that Kennedy was assassinated because of the F-111 contract. The CIA
too favored Boeing over General Dynamics and, dissatisfied with the
decision to build the F-111, hired her father, Sam Giancana, to carry
out the hit. The actual shooter was James Files, who worked for
Charles Nicoletti, who worked for Sam Giancana, according to
Antionette Giancana.

Needless to say, I have written a book about this:

The Judith Exner Story, The Life of the Mistress of John F. Kennedy by
Sam Sloan ISBN 0-923891-90-0

Sam Sloan


Dec 13, 2007, 11:29:00 AM12/13/07
On Dec 13, 12:50 am, (Sam Sloan) wrote:
What does this have to do with Chess?


Dec 13, 2007, 11:40:49 AM12/13/07
On Dec 13, 12:50 am, (Sam Sloan) wrote:

Who is Rufus Z and why does he keep hijacking my threads??

Dec 13, 2007, 12:01:39 PM12/13/07
Sam Spam

He will never learn.

- Mike Petersen

Anthony Marsh

Dec 13, 2007, 9:55:37 PM12/13/07

Sure, but that means hundreds of men, a different man every week.

> Judith Immoor Campbell Exner is still in the news constantly. Turn on
> CNN news almost every night there will likely be something involving
> Judith Immoor Campbell Exner. Every news story involving President
> John F. Kennedy, the Bay of Pigs Invasion, covert operations by the
> CIA against Fidel Castro of Cuba and so on will probably in some way
> involve Judith Immoor Campbell Exner.

Could be due to her fascination with Mafiosi.

> However, two allegations involving Judith Immoor Campbell Exner must
> be dealt with quickly.
> The first is that she was involved in some way with the delivery of a
> huge satchel of cash from John F. Kennedy to Mafia Don Sam Giancana to
> insure that Kennedy would defeat Hubert Humphrey in the 1960 West
> Virginia Presidential Primary.
> According to biographer Kitty Kelly, "while JFK's lover, she had
> served as a courier between the President and Giancana. According to
> Exner, JFK wanted the mobster's help in nailing down votes in the 1960
> West Virginia primary."
> However, there is something wrong with this sentence. What is wrong is
> that JFK was not the President at the time of the West Virginia
> Primary. He was just a candidate for the nomination, one of many.

That's silly. The sentence says JFK, not the President.

Did JFK even have to know if the father was sending money to the Mob?

> Life is like that. If you want to win an election, whether it be to
> the presidency of the United States or to the Executive Board of the
> United States Chess Federation, you may have to pay off the right
> people.
> On the other hand, no evidence has emerged that Giancana did anything
> to actually help Kennedy win in West Virginia or to carry Illinois in
> the subsequent general election. Giancana probably just pocketed the

It explains how so many dead people voted in Chicago.

> money. More pertinent to the issue here, it is difficult to see how
> Judith Immoor Campbell Exner played a role in this. She had been
> introduced to Senator Kennedy by her former lover Frank Sinatra in
> February 1960. Then, Sinatra had introduced her to Sam "Flood" only a
> few months later. So, by the time of the West Virginia Primary, she
> had only known Senator Kennedy a few months. More than that, she did
> not find out that the real name of "Sam Flood" was actually Sam
> Giancana and that he was in the mob until after Kennedy had actually
> been elected President, but before Kennedy took office, when the FBI
> informed her of this.
> What Judith Immoor Campbell Exner almost certainly did not know was
> that Joseph Kennedy, the father of John F. Kennedy, had connections
> with the Chicago mob dating back to the Roaring Twenties. The Kennedy
> family is nowadays often thought of as one of the old-line Blue Blood
> families. Not true. It is now well established that the Kennedy wealth
> comes from a bootlegging operation in the 1920s. When President
> Franklin D. Roosevelt appointed Joseph Kennedy as the First Chairman
> of the Securities and Exchange Commission, and somebody asked
> Roosevelt why he chose Kennedy, Roosevelt replied, "It Takes a Crook
> to Catch a Crook!"

This is old news.

Virtually no book advances that theory. You are blowing smoke.

Dec 14, 2007, 12:38:38 AM12/14/07
On Dec 13, 10:29 am, RufusZ <> wrote:
> On Dec 13, 12:50 am, (Sam Sloan) wrote:
> What does this have to do with Chess?

This pays Sam's rent. This has to do with advertising a book for which
Sam gets a check, that pay's his rent, so he can lose
his hack licence, and spend all of that time suing and losing his
ability to drive a cab.

If Sam doesn't post this, Sam could be homeless. He needs to be on the
EB to get a nice room to sleep on, a good meal to eat...

Marcus Roberts

Sam Sloan

Dec 19, 2007, 9:10:31 AM12/19/07
John Roselli and the CIA Family Jewels

New information and evidence is coming out all the time about the
complex relationships between Exner, Kennedy, Roselli, Giancana and
the CIA. One recent example of this is the CIA TOP SECRET "Family
Jewels" documents released on June 25, 2007.

It seems strange that documents marked TOP SECRET would be released to
the public, until one reads them and realizes that they are largely
old news that were leaked to journalists years ago and have long since
become the grist of rumor mills.

Nevertheless, some of the revelations are new and shocking.

The item that made the biggest news when the "Family Jewels" came out
was that the government particularly under the Nixon Administration
was spying on political dissidents. Others may have found this
shocking, but I was not shocked by this. I have always assumed that my
telephone is tapped and that they have been spying on me since 1966. I
am so deeply disappointed to find out that this seems not to be true.

However, I really am shocked to learn that during the Kennedy
Administration the telephones of prominent newspaper journalists were
tapped, such as for example ABC Reporter Brit Hume. Their telephones
were tapped because certain news reporters consistently reported on
top secret information that they were not supposed to know. The
purpose of these telephone taps was to find out the sources of the

This was part of what was called "Project Mockingbird". It was, of
course, highly illegal. It was approved by Attorney General Robert F.
Kennedy and Secretary of Defense Robert McNamara.

The result of this project was that 12 Senators, 6 members of
Congress, 12 Congressional Staff Members, a staff member of the White
House, members of the Vice-President’s Office and an Assistant
Attorney General were all identified as the sources of leaks. In fact,
so much data and so many TOP SECRET documents were leaked to the
newsmen that they could not use it all and distributed some of the
material to other newsmen, which created the illusion that more
newsmen were receiving the leaked material than was actually the case.

In short, the United States Government leaked like a sieve.

The Family Jewels documents were compiled by then CIA Director William
Colby at the time that the Watergate Affair was unraveling. The
previous CIA Director, James R. Schlesinger, had commissioned the
report after two former CIA Employees, E. Howard Hunt and James
McCord, had been implicated in the Watergate Break-in.

The purpose of assembling the "Family Jewels" was damage control, to
identify areas of possible embarrassment to the CIA, should they ever
become public, such as, for example, the unsuccessful attempts by the
CIA to assassinate Congolese President Patrice Lumumba.

However the ultimate effect was the opposite. The "Family Jewels",
which are dated May 16, 1973, put together in one neat pile all of the
secrets of the CIA from 1959 forward. This infuriated Secretary of
State Henry Kissinger. At a meeting with President Ford on January 4,
1975 in the Oval Office, Kissinger said:

"What is happening is worse than the days of McCarthy. You will end up
with a CIA that does only reporting, no operations. He has turned over
to the FBI the whole of his operation . . . Helms said all these
stories are just the tip of the iceberg. If they all come out, blood
will flow. For example, Robert Kennedy personally managed the
operation on the assassination of Castro. . . . . The Chilean thing,
that is not in any report -- that is sort of blackmail on me."

Kissinger wanted for Colby to be suspended, but realizing how that
could backfire suggested that he be transferred to a less sensitive
position. Colby was eventually replaced by future president George H.
W. Bush. Colby later died in a mysterious "canoeing accident" at
night. There was immediate speculation that he had been murdered, as
why would Colby, a real-life "spook" who had twice parachuted behind
enemy lines during World War II, go canoeing in the Potomac River in
the middle of the night without the life-jacked that he usually wore?
This incident seems to be the inspiration of a similar scene in the
2004 version of the movie "The Manchurian Candidate".

The last quotation above, regarding "The Chilean Thing", probably
refers to September 1970 when President Nixon informed the CIA that an
Allende regime in Chile would not be acceptable, and the CIA attempted
to kidnap a top supporter of Allende. It could not refer to the actual
overthrow of Allende on September 11, 1973, because that occurred a
few months after the date of the "Family Jewels" reports.

Although the Family Jewels documents, which are 702 pages long, deal
with a wide variety of CIA operations, more attention is paid to John
Roselli than to anybody else. This is because the CIA had contacted
Roselli to kill Fidel Castro.

Roselli was the ideal man for the job because, prior to the takeover
of Cuba by Castro, he had been the supervisor of Mafia operations in
casinos in Havana. After Castro had thrown out the mob and closed the
casinos, Roselli still had been running forays into Cuba, using high
speed power boats to cross the 90 miles from Florida to Cuba without
being detected. Once his boat was shot out from under him by the Cuban
Navy but another boat picked up Roselli and carried him to safety.

Jack Anderson later wrote:

"The full story reads like a script of a James Bond Movie,
complete with secret trysts at glittering Miami Beach Hotels and
midnight powerboat dashes to secret landing spots on the Cuban coast.

For the first try, the CIA furnished Roselli with special
poison capsules to slip into Castro’s food. The poison was supposed to
take three days to act. By that time Castro died, his system would
have thrown off all traces of the poison and it would seem like a
natural death. . . . . A couple of weeks later, just about the time
for the plot to have been carried out, a report out of Havana said
that Castro was sick, but he recovered."

Too bad our CIA can just never get it done right! The Gang that
couldn’t shoot straight! Things are much better now however. They did
such a fine job of detecting Saddam Hussein’s "weapons of mass

An aside to this issue is to compare the "Family Jewel" documents,
with the so-called "Killian" documents that brought down CBS News
Reporter Dan Rather in 2004. Dan Rather produced six pages of
memorandums which stated that future president George W. Bush had
failed to report as required for National Guard duty in September
1972. Rather claimed that the memos had come from an "unimpeachable
source" and had been authenticated by "experts". These memos were
intended to demonstrate that Bush was unfit to serve as President of
the United States.

By comparing the Killian documents from 1972 side-by-side with the
Family Jewel documents from 1973 one can easily see that the Killian
documents are fake. The Killian documents were obviously made with a
modern computer word processor using Times New Roman typestyle
proportional spacing fonts that did not even exist in 1972. For
example, the "th" in 187th could not have been made by any typewriter
that existed in 1972. The "Family Jewels" were created with an old
fashioned manual typewriter. The comparison is ridiculous, not to
mention the fact that the "Family Jewels" were created by the Director
of the CIA whereas the Killian documents were supposedly created by a
local national guard grunt. The networks have every justification for
kicking out Dan Rather. Even today, Dan Rather claims the Killian
documents are genuine, even though the person who gave him the
documents has admitted that they are fake.

The Family Jewels contain numerous shocking revelations regarding John
Roselli. The CIA had ex-FBI agent Robert Maheu contact Roselli and
claim that he represented businessmen who had been kicked out of Cuba
by Castro and who were willing to pay $150,000 to have Castro bumped
off. Later, on September 25, 1960, Roselli met Maheu in Miami and
introduced him to "Sam Gold" and "Joe". Sam Gold was, of course, our
own lovable Sam Giancana. "Joe" was Santo Trafficante, Jr., the mob
boss in Miami who had operated several legal casinos in Cuba until he
had been kicked out by Castro.

The Family Jewels, on page 13, state that weeks later Maheu saw
pictures of Sam Giancana and Santo Trafficante, Jr. in Parade magazine
and identified them as being the same persons as "Sam Gold" and "Joe".
Both men were on the Attorney General’s "Ten Most Wanted" list. Our
super-sleuths had scored again! However, they did not have Giancana
and Trafficante arrested. Rather they gave them poison pills that were
supposed to kill Castro, but failed.

To their credit, John Roselli and "Sam Gold" told Maheu that they did
not want the $150,000. They were probably surprised by the
ridiculously small amount that was being offered to kill Castro. One
wonders how long it took them to realize that they were not dealing
with disaffected businessmen but with the CIA itself.

Both John Roselli and Sam Giancana had personal reasons for wanting to
do business with the CIA. Roselli was an illegal alien. His real name
was Filippo Sacco and he had been born in Esperia, Italy in Frosinone
Province. As he was in the US illegally, he wanted to have some
leverage to avoid deportation. Later, when he was being prosecuted,
Roselli told the CIA that if the prosecution was not dropped he would
reveal to newspaper reporters the plot to kill Castro. Richard Helms,
Director of the CIA, made a decision not to help Roselli. Roselli, by
then in federal prison, carried out his threat and the plot to kill
Castro became public knowledge through a Jack Anderson column in the
Washington Post dated January 13, 1970 entitled "6 Attempts to Kill
Castro Laid to CIA".

All this is detailed in the "Family Jewels" documents.

Needless to say, I have written a book about this:

The Judith Exner Story, The Life of the Mistress of John F. Kennedy by
Sam Sloan ISBN 0-923891-90-0

Sam Sloan


Dec 23, 2007, 12:55:52 AM12/23/07
Exner Sources

A time line has been created using a wide variety of sources. With
many sources being used, one would expect that there would be many
disagreements as to who did what and where and when. There are
surprisingly few of these.

The main reason for this seems to be that Exner herself was a "Pack
Rat". She tended to keep everything. Columnist Liz Smith reports that
Exner showed her canceled checks for hotel bills, plane tickets, and
train tickets as well as newspaper items, date books, photographs and
even cleaning bills.

The investigations by the Church Committee on CIA Assassination Plots
is how she was found out. The FBI had been tracking her for years and
this was brought to the attention of the Church Committee. The Church
Committee, after finding out that Judith had been sleeping with JFK,
voted unanimously to leave that out of its report, feeling that the
President痴 personal sex life was irrelevant to its investigations.
Somehow, the Washington Post found out about it and published in on
page 6A of the Post. This attracted little attention until the
following month when William Safire wrote a column in The New York
Times accusing the Church Committee of a cover-up.

It is important to note that this came shortly after the Watergate
Cover-ups that led President Nixon to resign in 1974 and sent more
than 30 high administration officials to prison. The public was
interested in learning about other cover-ups. At any other time, the
Campbell-Kennedy-Mafia Connection might never have become publicly
known. FBI Records, White House logs and other documents and records
establish that there was a relationship between Campbell and Kennedy,
although the president痴 secretary Evelyn Lincoln stated that she was
merely a "volunteer campaign worker".

The most complete record comes from Exner痴 book, "My Story" as told to
Ovid Demaris. Ovid Demaris was the ideal choice to write this
biography because he had already written several books on the Mafia,
so he knew who those people were. For example, when Judith briefly met
Mafia characters "Joe Fish" and Sidney Korshak, Judith would not have
known who those people were, but Ovid Demaris knew because he was an
authority on this subject.

Among the books by Ovid Demaris were "The Last Mafioso", a biography
of Jimmy "The Weasel" Fratianno, "The Green Felt Jungle", his expose
on Mafia operations in Las Vegas, "The Director", a biography of J.
Edgar Hoover, "Jack Ruby", a biography of Jack Ruby, "Brothers in
Blood: The International Terrorist Network" about international
organized crime, and "Captive City", the story of Chicago and the
Mafia which has a photo of Sam Giancana on the cover. The knowledge
that writing these books gave Ovid Demaris about Mafia operations was
invaluable. Judith Campbell Exner herself never graduated from high
school, so it is not likely that she could have written this book or
even have pieced together the parts of this complex story without the
help of Ovid Demaris.

As an aside, I personally met Barney Rosset, the owner of Grove Press
and publisher of "My Story", in 1971 on a business matter. In the
1950s, Grove Press had become famous for publishing "Lady Chatterley's
Lover" and "Tropic of Cancer". Both books resulted in court cases
after they were banned under the censorship laws. Grove Press won the
court cases in the United States Supreme Court and the works became
accepted as great literature. In 1968, I met an editor for Grove Press
at his booth at the American Orthopsychiatric Association Convention
in Chicago, to which my mother, a child psychiatrist, had taken me. I
tried to get the Grove Press representative interested in publishing
my book about the History of the Sexual Freedom League. He took part
of my manuscript home for the night, returned it the next day and said
that he was not interested.

By 1971, the situation had reversed. By then, I was the principal of a
registered securities Broker-Dealer, Samuel H. Sloan & Co. I had lots
of money. Barney Rosset was broke, busted. Grove Press was essentially
bankrupt, its office had been closed and all employees had been laid

So, my plan was to buy or take over Grove Press, which was a public
company, which would then publish my book. I made an appointment to
meet Barney Rosset in the office of my attorney, Roy L. Weiss. We met
with Barney Rosset for about two hours, but nothing came of the
conversation, as he had big plans. I felt that Rosset was finished.

Thus, I was surprised to read that in 1977, six years later, Grove
Press had put up big money to buy the rights to the Judith Campbell
Exner story. I still suspect that this was not what really happened.
Probably the $100,000 offer was just a publicity stunt. Ovid Demaris
likely wrote it on the fly. Grove Press was certainly the right choice
for a publisher. Being bankrupt, it could not be sued or, if it was
sued, no money would be forthcoming.

In her interview by Liz Smith, Judith said that she never got the
$100,000 that had been promised her because the IRS had taken it for a
tax lien on the golf winnings of her husband, Dan Exner, a
professional golfer. However, this does not seem right either.
Although Dan Exner was a professional golfer, he never won a major
event and the best he ever did was being accepted on the Florida Mini-
tour. I doubt he owed the IRS $100,000 and would the IRS take the
proceeds of his wife痴 sale of her book even if he did? I do not know.
I do know something that few in the outside world knew, that Barney
Rosset was flat-on-his-ass broke and had no way to pay $100,000.

In an interview with gossip columnist Liz Smith, Judith Campbell said
that the best part of the book was the first page, because it was
blank. She said that although she was given the book prior to
publication and offered the chance to make any changes she deemed
necessary, she had just bothered to read the first section. She
complains about misrepresentations in the book. However, I suspect
that her complaints are invalid because things she seems to think are
in the book are not there. It seems likely that she never read the
book and just relied on what others told her it contained. For
example, she seems to think that the book implies that she was a
"party girl" and was promiscuous. In reality, the book contains no
such implication. It characterizes her behavior as rather prudish. The
book mentions sexual relationships with eight men: William Cambpell,
Tony Travis, Frank Sinatra, John F. Kennedy, Sam Giancana, Bo
Bolinsky, the unnamed father of her son who was born in 1965, and
Daniel Exner whom she married. This is over a period of 25 years from
1952 when she married for the first time until 1977 when the book was
published. Any unmarried woman who has slept with only eight men over
a period of 25 years is certainly not promiscuous and has led a dull
life. (Of course, one suspects that there may have been a few more
lovers whom she forgot to mention to her biographers.)

She has less kind words for Kitty Kelley, who interviewed her for an
article in the February 29, 1988 issue of People Magazine. She says
that Kitty Kelley tried to get her to agree to make the article more
sensational by changing some of the facts and adding some false facts.

Kitty Kelley does her best by starting with a quote from Exner stating
"I lied" in her 1977 book. However, the facts are hardly convincing
that really she lied. It is more like she evaded or that she told the
truth but not the whole truth. For example, one of the questions asked
of her by the Church Committee was whether Sam Giancana or John
Roselli had ever asked her to carry messages to President Kennedy. Her
answer was "no". That was the correct answer. However, the truth was
the other way, because the President had asked her to carry messages
to Giancana. The Church Committee had never asked her that question.

Another source must be the movie "Power and Beauty". I have just
played that movie through twice on video. The movie has so many
mistakes that it is virtually worthless as a historical document,
although it does have a few good points. Nevertheless, anybody writing
a book on any subject must read or view all of the literature on that
subject before picking up a pen. The most annoying misrepresentation
comes at the very beginning when it depicts Judith being close friends
with John Roselli at a party in 1952 where she meets William Campbell,
Frank Sinatra, and Peter and Patricia Lawford. Later there is a fight
between William Campbell and Peter Lawford. In reality, none of these
things happened. Judith says that she first met Roselli in May 1961,
after she had met Sinatra, Kennedy and Giancana, and she never slept
with him. No credible evidence has emerged disputing this fact.

Many people seem to believe that Judith made the whole thing up.
However, it can be readily observed from reading through her 304 page
book filled with checkable facts on every page that if it were not all
true there would be complaints from people whose names are mentioned
in the book that the facts are false. For example, the book provides
the private telephone numbers of President Kennedy and numerous other
government officials. Most of those telephone numbers were non-public.
A Washington Post reporter has checked all those numbers and every one
of them was proven to be correct.

There are other completely independent sources. Jimmy "The Weasel"
Fratianno, reported seeing Judith with Frank Sinatra and being told
that she was the girlfriend of the President of the United States.
Another is a book, "Sinatra: The Life" by Anthony Summers and Robbyn
Swan that has a 14-page chapter devoted to Judith Campbell entitled
"The Candidate and the Courtesan". This book tells an entirely
different story, quoting Peter Lawford as saying that Judith was a
"hooker". However, it hardly matters. It was extremely important to
Judith Campbell that she be portrayed as a non-hooker who never took
money for sex and who paid her own way. However, to the rest of the
world, it does not matter whether money changed hands or not. The
important question is whether she slept with the President. Everybody
agrees that she did. Whether she did so on a paid or a volunteer basis
is not that important.

The Summers and Swan book adds a new story. It says that Kennedy and
Campbell actually first met earlier, in November 1959, before Kennedy
had declared for President. The meeting took place in Puccini痴
restaurant in Beverly Hills. Sinatra and Kennedy were dining together
and noticed two beautiful broads at another table. They sent Nick
Sevano over to their table with a note asking them to join them. The
two broads came over and turned out to be Angie Dickinson and Judith
Campbell. The four of them went out to see movies together. However,
the girls did not sleep with the boys. They just went home after the

There is no mention of this incident in "My Story". However, it is
possible that Judith had forgotten about it. After all, "My Story" was
written 18 years after the event in question. Also, nothing
significant had happened.

As to the first meeting with JFK as described by Judith in "My Story",
there are lots of witnesses to that, because that took place in the
middle of the election campaign and an entire press corps was
following around Kennedy, making every stop he made. Kennedy had his
own airplane, purchased for him by his father a few months earlier.
When he stopped in Las Vegas on February 7, 1960, the press corps was
wondering why he was stopping there as he had nothing to do there.
According to Summers and Swan, Kennedy stopped there to meet Giancana.
Giancana knew that Kennedy had a weakness for women. "Throw him a
broad and he will do anything", said Giancana. Although, as everybody
knows, Las Vegas is filled with fantastically beautiful hookers,
Giancana did not want to use any of the local talent, so he placed a
phone call to Los Angeles and had the most beautiful hooker anybody
had ever seen flown in to sleep with Kennedy. Her name was, you
guessed it, Judith Campbell. This is the story as told by Summers and

Good thing that "Sinatra: The Life" by Summers and Swan was not
published until after her death because she would have sued. Judith
Campbell did in fact once sue a newspaper for libel for calling her a

I personally believe that Judith Campbell was not a hooker and she was
telling the truth when she said that she never took money for sex.
There are several reasons for my belief. One is that hookers are only
used for one night stands. A man sleeps with a hooker, pays her in the
morning, and the next night sleeps with a different hooker. Judith
Campbell maintained relationships with Sinatra, Kennedy and finally
Giancana for years. Hookers never do that.

As to why several witnesses have referred to her as a hooker, that is
not difficult to explain. Here was this stunningly beautiful woman
constantly hanging around Sinatra and other famous movie stars.
However, she was not an actress, an extra or the wife or girlfriend of
anybody. Yet, she was always there. What could she be? Ergo, she must
be a hooker.

As to why they always enjoyed her company, this too has a simple
explanation. Every man likes to be accompanied by a beautiful woman.
Movie stars especially need beautiful women around to get publicity
for themselves and get their names in the gossip columns. Nowadays it
is common knowledge that publicists even today assign movie stars to
sleep with each other for just one night so the movie magazines will
have a new scandal to write about next month. It is their bread and
butter. The great thing about Judith Campbell is she never demanded
money. She never asked to be paid. Thus, she was always in high

One question Judith never answers satisfactorily in her book and her
interviews is where did she get the money to do all the things she
did. She says that her father lived beyond his means. She lived in
beautiful homes while she was growing up, but her father was often
broke and real estate records show that her father never owned any of
the houses. She often writes that she got money from an inheritance
and from Grandmother Immoor. She received $500 per month in alimony
from William Campbell for two years after their divorce until she
accepted $6,000 in a lump sum final payment. She used that money to
buy a mink stole. (The movie "Power and Beauty" shows her constantly
wearing that mink coat and often being asked where she got it from.)
She briefly had a job earning $100 a week working for Jerry Lewis.
That was the only time she ever had a regular job. She never graduated
from high school, so her typing and secretarial skills were probably

Yet, look at her lifestyle. She lived for months in the Plaza Hotel in
New York City. When in Miami, she always stayed at the Fontainebleau
Hotel. In Washington DC, she always stayed at the Mayflower. When in
Los Angeles, she often had two apartments, although sometimes she
moved in with her sister or her parents.

She describes how she slept late and then spent hours every day
bathing, fixing her hair, putting on make up and dressing so that she
was absolutely stunningly perfect when she went out on her nightly
dates. Every woman would like to be able to enjoy that lifestyle. How
was she able to do it? Naturally, one suspects that she was hooking,
especially since she states that the telephone was constantly ringing
with men asking her out and she went out on dates every night for
months on end.


Dec 23, 2007, 10:38:20 AM12/23/07
Exner Sources

A time line has been created using a wide variety of sources. With
many sources being used, one would expect that there would be many
disagreements as to who did what and where and when. There are
surprisingly few of these.

The main reason for this seems to be that Exner herself was a "Pack
Rat". She tended to keep everything. Columnist Liz Smith reports that
Exner showed her canceled checks for hotel bills, plane tickets, and
train tickets as well as newspaper items, date books, photographs and
even cleaning bills.

The investigations by the Church Committee on CIA Assassination Plots
is how she was found out. The FBI had been tracking her for years and
this was brought to the attention of the Church Committee. The Church
Committee, after finding out that Judith had been sleeping with JFK,
voted unanimously to leave that out of its report, feeling that the

President's personal sex life was irrelevant to its investigations.

Somehow, the Washington Post found out about it and published in on

page 6A of the Post on November 16, 1975. This attracted little

attention until the following month when William Safire wrote a column
in The New York Times accusing the Church Committee of a cover-up.

It is important to note that this came shortly after the Watergate
Cover-ups that led President Nixon to resign in 1974 and sent more
than 30 high administration officials to prison. The public was
interested in learning about other cover-ups. At any other time, the
Campbell-Kennedy-Mafia Connection might never have become publicly
known. FBI Records, White House logs and other documents and records
establish that there was a relationship between Campbell and Kennedy,

although the president's secretary Evelyn Lincoln stated that she was

merely a "volunteer campaign worker".

The most complete record comes from Exner's book, "My Story" as told

at the Grove Press booth at the American Orthopsychiatric Association

Convention in Chicago, to which my mother, a child psychiatrist, had
taken me. I tried to get the Grove Press representative interested in
publishing my book about the History of the Sexual Freedom League. He
took part of my manuscript home for the night, returned it the next
day and said that he was not interested.

By 1971, the situation had reversed. By then, I was the principal of a
registered securities Broker-Dealer, Samuel H. Sloan & Co. I had lots
of money. Barney Rosset was broke, busted. Grove Press was essentially
bankrupt, its office had been closed and all employees had been laid

So, my plan was to buy or take over Grove Press, which was a public
company, which would then publish my book. I made an appointment to
meet Barney Rosset in the office of my attorney, Roy L. Weiss. We met
with Barney Rosset for about two hours, but nothing came of the

conversation, as he still had big plans and dreams. I felt that Barney
Rosset was finished.

Thus, I was surprised to read that in 1977, six years later, Grove
Press had put up big money to buy the rights to the Judith Campbell
Exner story. I still suspect that this was not what really happened.
Probably the $100,000 offer was just a publicity stunt. Ovid Demaris
likely wrote it on the fly. Grove Press was certainly the right choice
for a publisher. Being bankrupt, it could not be sued or, if it was
sued, no money would be forthcoming.

In her interview by Liz Smith, Judith said that she never got the
$100,000 that had been promised her because the IRS had taken it for a
tax lien on the golf winnings of her husband, Dan Exner, a
professional golfer. However, this does not seem right either.
Although Dan Exner was a professional golfer, he never won a major

tournament and the best he ever did was being accepted on the Florida
Mini-Tour. I doubt he owed the IRS $100,000 and would the IRS take the
proceeds of his wife's sale of her book even if he did? I do not know.

after she had met Sinatra, Kennedy and Giancana, and that she never
slept with Roselli. No credible evidence has emerged disputing this

Many people seem to believe that Judith made the whole thing up.
However, it can be readily observed from reading through her 304 page
book filled with checkable facts on every page that if it were not all
true there would be complaints from people whose names are mentioned
in the book that the facts are false. For example, the book provides
the private telephone numbers of President Kennedy and numerous other
government officials. Most of those telephone numbers were non-public.
A Washington Post reporter has checked all those numbers and every one
of them was proven to be correct.

There are other completely independent sources. Jimmy "The Weasel"
Fratianno, reported seeing Judith with Frank Sinatra and being told

that she was none other than the girlfriend of the President of the

United States. Another is a book, "Sinatra: The Life" by Anthony
Summers and Robbyn Swan that has a 14-page chapter devoted to Judith
Campbell entitled "The Candidate and the Courtesan". This book tells
an entirely different story, quoting Peter Lawford as saying that
Judith was a "hooker". However, it hardly matters. It was extremely
important to Judith Campbell that she be portrayed as a non-hooker who
never took money for sex and who paid her own way. However, to the
rest of the world, it does not matter whether money changed hands or
not. The important question is whether she slept with the President.
Everybody agrees that she did. Whether she did so on a paid or a
volunteer basis is not that important.

The Summers and Swan book adds a new story. It says on page 260 that
Kennedy and Campbell actually first met earlier, on November 1 or 2,

1959, before Kennedy had declared for President. The meeting took

place in Puccini's restaurant in Beverly Hills. Sinatra and Kennedy

were dining together and noticed two beautiful broads at another

table. They sent Nick Sevano over to the table with a note asking them

to join them. The two broads came over and turned out to be Angie
Dickinson and Judith Campbell. The four of them went out to see movies
together. However, the girls did not sleep with the boys. They just
went home after the movies.

There is no mention of this incident in "My Story". However, it is
possible that Judith had forgotten about it. After all, "My Story" was
written 18 years after the event in question. Also, nothing
significant had happened.

As to the first meeting with JFK as described by Judith in "My Story",

there are lots of witnesses to that, because it took place in the

middle of the election campaign and an entire press corps was
following around Kennedy, making every stop he made. Kennedy had his
own airplane, purchased for him by his father a few months earlier.
When he stopped in Las Vegas on February 7, 1960, the press corps was
wondering why he was stopping there as he had nothing to do there.

According to Summers and Swan, page 263, Kennedy stopped there to meet
Sinatra. They give as sources CBS Reporter Blaire Clark and Mary
McGrory of the Washington Star, who saw Judith sitting between Sinatra
and Kennedy at the Sands. Later, Judith "went upstairs" with Kennedy.
Another witness who saw them together was Milt Ebbins.

It also says on page 263 that Giancana knew that Kennedy had a

weakness for women. "Throw him a broad and he will do anything",

Giancana said in 1959, according to the book. However, there are
serious problems with this quote. Not only is no date, place or source
given but he seems to be talking about Joseph Kennedy, the father of
John F. Kennedy. The father was also known for philandering. He openly
conducted an affair with movie actress Gloria Swanson (1899-1983) and
even brought her to his home when his wife Rose was there. Summers and
Swan suggest that arrangements had been made for Judith Campbell to
sleep with Joseph Kennedy, the father, not with his son John, the
future president. The source given for this statement is a Las Vegas
card dealer, Count Guido Deiro.

Summers and Swan state that JFK has sex with "a hooker" on February 7,
1960. They imply that Judith Campbell was that hooker. However, as

everybody knows, Las Vegas is filled with fantastically beautiful

hookers. Also, Summers and Swan state that there was a sex party
involving Kennedy that night at El Rancho Vegas where there was "some
sort of indiscreet party" with "showgirls running in and out of
Kennedy's suite" where there occurred "certain sex activities by
Kennedy that he hopes are never publicized".

All this creates the impression that Judith Campbell was one of the
"showgirls" and that she was the "hooker" who had sex with Kennedy
that night. However, Campbell does not appear to have been at the El
Rancho Vegas that night. She was staying at the Sands. The El Rancho
Vegas is nowhere mentioned in her book. Also, Judith was not a
"showgirl". She often states that she refused to wear a bikini because
her body did not measure up to the other girls. Thus, it seems likely
that the showgirls and the hooker were other women of which there are
a multitude available in Las Vegas, and were not Judith Campbell.

Summers and Swan also quote Peter Lawford as saying that Campbell was
a "hooker" who had been paid $200 by Sinatra to sleep with Kennedy.
The source for this quote is Milt Ebbins. However, this quote is
suspicious because another source quotes Lawford as saying that he
never met Campbell at all. Also, just because Lawford thought that
Campbell was a hooker does not mean that she was. (Milt Ebbins was
also said to be one of the first persons to learn that Marilyn Monroe
had committed suicide. Not the best source.)

Summers and Swan claim that Sinatra did not want to use any of the

local talent, so he placed a phone call to Los Angeles and had the
most beautiful hooker anybody had ever seen flown in to sleep with
Kennedy. Her name was, you guessed it, Judith Campbell. This is the
story as told by Summers and Swan.

Unfortunately, the book "Sinatra: The Life" is unacceptable as a
source for anything. It slurs events and sources together so that one
often cannot determine which is which. I have been going through the
book looking for independent verification of the events described in
the book, "My Story" and the interviews of Judith Campbell. Since "My
Story" is one of their sources, whenever they are simultaneously using
My Story and the recollection of somebody else as a source they need
to be specific about what part comes from "My Story" and what part
comes from something else. Summers and Swan do provide three sources
not found in "My Story" for the fact that JFK and Judith Campbell were
in the audience watching the Rat Pack performance at the Sands on
February 7, 1960, and that Kennedy and Campbell "went upstairs"
together. These are good sources, including two reputable and well
known newspaper reporters. This however fails to prove that Kennedy
and Campbell had sex with each other on that night. Just because they
went upstairs together does not necessarily mean that they had sex,
especially since lots of other people were with them. The other
sources in the book by Summers and Swan are unacceptably vague, such
as "hotel staff, such as those involved in cleaning the senator's
rooms" and "the phone operators who knew who was calling and who heard

This problem does not arise in any of the writings by Ovid Demaris,
Kitty Kelly or Liz Smith. Reading them, you know exactly what their
source is. Another problem is that for example Summers and Swan say
that Sinatra was in Las Vegas on February 7, 1960, Kennedy flew there
to see him, Sinatra then picked up the phone and called a broad
(Judith Campbell) to come to sleep with him. However, Judith says that
she did not sleep with Kennedy that weekend. She did not sleep with
anybody. Sinatra wanted her for himself that night, not for John
Kennedy. She refused to sleep with Sinatra then or ever again because
of the incident in January 1960 when he had tried to include her in a
threesome with another girl. She slept in her own hotel room, by
herself. She first slept with Kennedy later on March 7, 1960 at the
Plaza Hotel in New York City, she says.

Anybody reading about Judith Campbell starts to wonder whether she
ever in her life slept in her own hotel room by herself without a man.
If Summers and Swan have any source for their statements that Judith
slept with Kennedy on the night of February 7, 1960, they should
include that in their book. Unfortunately, no exact source is
provided. Thus, much of their book must be dismissed as rumor and

It is a good thing that "Sinatra: The Life" by Summers and Swan was
not published until after her death, because Judith Campbell would
have sued. Judith Campbell did in fact sue Laurence Leamer over his
1996 book "The Kennedy Women", because it suggested that she had been
a hooker. The suit was dismissed after she walked out of a deposition.
She was trying to get the suit reinstated when she died in 1999.

I personally believe that Judith Campbell was not a hooker and that

she was telling the truth when she said that she never took money for
sex. There are several reasons for my belief. One is that hookers are

used only for one night stands. A man sleeps with a hooker, pays her
in the morning, and the next night sleeps with a different hooker. Why
would any man pay each night to sleep with the same woman two nights
in a row, when there are so many hundreds of other equally beautiful
women available? Judith Campbell maintained relationships with
Sinatra, Kennedy and finally Giancana for more than two years. Hookers
never do that.

As to why several witnesses have referred to her as a hooker, that is
not difficult to explain. Here was this stunningly beautiful woman
constantly hanging around Sinatra and other famous movie stars.
However, she was not an actress, an extra or the wife or girlfriend of

anybody. Yet, she was always there. What else could she be? Ergo, she
must be a hooker.

As to why they always enjoyed her company, this too has a simple
explanation. Every man likes to be accompanied by a beautiful woman.
Movie stars especially need beautiful women around to get publicity
for themselves and get their names in the gossip columns. Nowadays it
is common knowledge that publicists even today assign movie stars to
sleep with each other for just one night so the movie magazines will
have a new scandal to write about next month. It is their bread and
butter. The great thing about Judith Campbell is she never demanded
money. She never asked to be paid. Thus, she was always in high

One question Judith never answers satisfactorily in her book and her
interviews is where did she get the money to do all the things she
did. She says that her father lived beyond his means. She lived in
beautiful homes while she was growing up, but her father was often
broke and real estate records show that her father never owned any of
the houses. She often writes that she got money from an inheritance
and from Grandmother Immoor. She received $500 per month in alimony
from William Campbell for two years after their divorce until she
accepted $6,000 in a lump sum final payment. She used that money to
buy a mink stole. (The movie "Power and Beauty" shows her constantly

wearing that mink coat and often being asked where she got it.) She

briefly had a job earning $100 a week working for Jerry Lewis. That
was the only time she ever had a regular job. She never graduated from
high school, so her typing and secretarial skills were probably

Yet, look at her lifestyle. She lived for months in the Plaza Hotel in
New York City. When in Miami, she always stayed at the Fontainebleau
Hotel. In Washington DC, she always stayed at the Mayflower. When in
Los Angeles, she often had two apartments, although sometimes she
moved in with her sister or her parents.

She describes how she slept late and then spent hours every day
bathing, fixing her hair, putting on make up and dressing so that she

was absolutely stunningly perfect when she went out on dates. Every

woman would like to be able to enjoy that lifestyle. How was she able
to do it? Naturally, one suspects that she was hooking, especially
since she states that the telephone was constantly ringing with men

asking her out and that she went out on dates every night for months


Dec 23, 2007, 11:39:51 AM12/23/07
Exner Prologue

The name of Judith Immoor Campbell Exner (1934-1999) would probably
never be known today had it not been for the investigations of the
Church Committee, named after Senator Frank Church, a United States
Senator from Idaho. The Church Committee is the common term referring
to the United States Senate Select Committee to Study Governmental
Operations with Respect to Intelligence Activities, chaired by Senator
Frank Church in 1975. The Church Committee was investigating reports
that the CIA had tried to assassinate Cuban President Fidel Castro and
Congo President Patrice Lumumba. Both assassination attempts had been
unsuccessful. Lumumba had been killed on January 17, 1961, three days
before Kennedy took office as president, but not by the CIA, rather by
other Congolese. Fidel Castro is, of course, still alive.

In hindsight, the investigations by the Church Committee must be
considered one of the bright and shining moments of US History.
Nowadays, such an investigation would be unthinkable. Everything would
be covered up. If there were an investigation at all, it would be why
the assassination attempts failed. What kind of incompetents do we
have at the CIA anyway? An additional factor is that the investigation
was bi-partisan. Nowadays, you have only the Democrats investigating
the Republicans or the Republicans investigating the Democrats.
However, the Church Committee was investigating both the Republican
Administration of President Eisenhower and the Democratic
Administration of President Kennedy. It was clear that both
assassination plans originated under Eisenhower. By the time Kennedy
took office on January 20, 1961, Lumumba was already dead, and the
attempts to kill Castro involving a wide variety of devices including
poison pills and exploding cigars, had all failed. The plan to kill
Castro was said to havec been abandoned after the Bay of Pigs fiasco
on April 17-20, 1961. However, Kennedy continued to attempt to
overthrow Castro, but not necessarily to kill him, until Kennedy
himself was killed on December 22, 1963. For this reason, one of the
leading theories as to why Kennedy was killed continues to be
retaliation by Castro.

The Mafia had their own reasons for wanting to kill Castro. The Mafia
controlled casino operations in Cuba. John Roselli, who later became
involved with Judith Immoor Campbell Exner, was for many years the
manager of a casino in Cuba. Casino operations were closed down and
Roselli was thrown out when Castro took over the Government of Cuba on
December 19, 1959.

Thus, the idea that the CIA would hire and pay the Mafia to kill
Castro is not as ridiculous as it might seem today. It was a natural
fit. The Mafia wanted to get their casinos back, and the CIA of course
wanted to restore Democracy plus Truth, Justice and the American Way
by killing Castro.

The Church Committee found that Sam Giancana and John Roselli had been
offered $150,000 by the CIA to kill Castro. But how did the CIA and
the Mafia communicate with each other. Does the CIA just pick up a
telephone, dial a number, and call the Mafia? "Hello, Mr. Mafia. This
is the CIA calling. We would like for you to kill Castro and for this
service we will pay you $150,000." Did it work like that?

No. It could not have been like that. There must have been an
intermediary. Perhaps a woman. Yes, that's the ticket! Some completely
undistinguished woman, an unknown person, a high school dropout, a
person nobody would ever suspect.

But who was that woman? Who was the mystery woman?

That was indeed the question being asked all around the world, when
the story finally broke: WHO WAS THE MYSTERY WOMAN?

I know this because I was staying in Reykjavik, Iceland at the time
with my lady friend Inga Brandsdottir. Inga came home with a newspaper
one night with a big newspaper headline saying in Icelandic "Who Is
the Mystery Woman?". The entire world wanted to know.

The first mention of her name came from the Washington Post on
November 16, 1975 in an article on page 6A entitled "Probers Doubt
Kennedy Knew of Poison Plot Against Castro". However, this story got
the sequence of events backwards, suggesting that the Mystery Woman
might have told Kennedy about the Mafia's plans to kill Castro. The
real situation proved to be the other way around.

One month later, on December 18, 1975, headlines in the Los Angeles
Times blared, "John Kennedy's Mystery Woman Tells Her Story". The
Story of Judith Immoor Campbell Exner, a previously unknown person, a
person whose name had never appeared in any print publication, nor in
any radio, TV or news broadcast, was suddenly the focus of the
attention of the entire world.

Sam Sloan

Sam Sloan

Dec 23, 2007, 2:57:00 PM12/23/07
Exner Sources

A time line has been created using a wide variety of sources. With
many sources being used, one would expect that there would be many
disagreements as to who did what and where and when. There are
surprisingly few of these.

The main reason for this seems to be that Exner herself was a "Pack
Rat". She tended to keep everything. Columnist Liz Smith reports that
Exner showed her canceled checks for hotel bills, plane tickets, and
train tickets as well as newspaper items, date books, photographs and
even cleaning bills.

The investigations by the Church Committee on CIA Assassination Plots
is how she was found out. The FBI had been tracking her for years and
this was brought to the attention of the Church Committee. The Church
Committee, after finding out that Judith had been sleeping with JFK,
voted unanimously to leave that out of its report, feeling that the
President’s personal sex life was irrelevant to its investigations.
Somehow, the Washington Post found out about it and published in on

page 6A of the Post. This attracted little attention until the

at his booth at the American Orthopsychiatric Association Convention

in Chicago, to which my mother, a child psychiatrist, had taken me. I
tried to get the Grove Press representative interested in publishing
my book about the History of the Sexual Freedom League. He took part
of my manuscript home for the night, returned it the next day and said
that he was not interested.

By 1971, the situation had reversed. By then, I was the principal of a
registered securities Broker-Dealer, Samuel H. Sloan & Co. I had lots
of money. Barney Rosset was broke, busted. Grove Press was essentially
bankrupt, its office had been closed and all employees had been laid

So, my plan was to buy or take over Grove Press, which was a public
company, which would then publish my book. I made an appointment to
meet Barney Rosset in the office of my attorney, Roy L. Weiss. We met
with Barney Rosset for about two hours, but nothing came of the

conversation, as he had big plans. I felt that Rosset was finished.

Thus, I was surprised to read that in 1977, six years later, Grove
Press had put up big money to buy the rights to the Judith Campbell
Exner story. I still suspect that this was not what really happened.
Probably the $100,000 offer was just a publicity stunt. Ovid Demaris
likely wrote it on the fly. Grove Press was certainly the right choice
for a publisher. Being bankrupt, it could not be sued or, if it was
sued, no money would be forthcoming.

In her interview by Liz Smith, Judith said that she never got the
$100,000 that had been promised her because the IRS had taken it for a
tax lien on the golf winnings of her husband, Dan Exner, a
professional golfer. However, this does not seem right either.
Although Dan Exner was a professional golfer, he never won a major

event and the best he ever did was being accepted on the Florida
Mini-tour. I doubt he owed the IRS $100,000 and would the IRS take the

after she had met Sinatra, Kennedy and Giancana, and she never slept

with him. No credible evidence has emerged disputing this fact.

Many people seem to believe that Judith made the whole thing up.
However, it can be readily observed from reading through her 304 page
book filled with checkable facts on every page that if it were not all
true there would be complaints from people whose names are mentioned
in the book that the facts are false. For example, the book provides
the private telephone numbers of President Kennedy and numerous other
government officials. Most of those telephone numbers were non-public.
A Washington Post reporter has checked all those numbers and every one
of them was proven to be correct.

There are other completely independent sources. Jimmy "The Weasel"
Fratianno, reported seeing Judith with Frank Sinatra and being told

that she was the girlfriend of the President of the United States.

Another is a book, "Sinatra: The Life" by Anthony Summers and Robbyn
Swan that has a 14-page chapter devoted to Judith Campbell entitled
"The Candidate and the Courtesan". This book tells an entirely
different story, quoting Peter Lawford as saying that Judith was a
"hooker". However, it hardly matters. It was extremely important to
Judith Campbell that she be portrayed as a non-hooker who never took
money for sex and who paid her own way. However, to the rest of the
world, it does not matter whether money changed hands or not. The
important question is whether she slept with the President. Everybody
agrees that she did. Whether she did so on a paid or a volunteer basis
is not that important.

The Summers and Swan book adds a new story. It says that Kennedy and
Campbell actually first met earlier, in November 1959, before Kennedy

had declared for President. The meeting took place in Puccini’s
restaurant in Beverly Hills. Sinatra and Kennedy were dining together
and noticed two beautiful broads at another table. They sent Nick

Sevano over to their table with a note asking them to join them. The

two broads came over and turned out to be Angie Dickinson and Judith
Campbell. The four of them went out to see movies together. However,
the girls did not sleep with the boys. They just went home after the

There is no mention of this incident in "My Story". However, it is
possible that Judith had forgotten about it. After all, "My Story" was
written 18 years after the event in question. Also, nothing
significant had happened.

As to the first meeting with JFK as described by Judith in "My Story",

there are lots of witnesses to that, because that took place in the

middle of the election campaign and an entire press corps was
following around Kennedy, making every stop he made. Kennedy had his
own airplane, purchased for him by his father a few months earlier.
When he stopped in Las Vegas on February 7, 1960, the press corps was
wondering why he was stopping there as he had nothing to do there.

According to Summers and Swan, Kennedy stopped there to meet Giancana.

Giancana knew that Kennedy had a weakness for women. "Throw him a

broad and he will do anything", said Giancana. Although, as everybody
knows, Las Vegas is filled with fantastically beautiful hookers,
Giancana did not want to use any of the local talent, so he placed a

phone call to Los Angeles and had the most beautiful hooker anybody
had ever seen flown in to sleep with Kennedy. Her name was, you
guessed it, Judith Campbell. This is the story as told by Summers and

Good thing that "Sinatra: The Life" by Summers and Swan was not

published until after her death because she would have sued. Judith
Campbell did in fact once sue a newspaper for libel for calling her a

I personally believe that Judith Campbell was not a hooker and she was

telling the truth when she said that she never took money for sex.

There are several reasons for my belief. One is that hookers are only
used for one night stands. A man sleeps with a hooker, pays her in the
morning, and the next night sleeps with a different hooker. Judith

Campbell maintained relationships with Sinatra, Kennedy and finally

Giancana for years. Hookers never do that.

As to why several witnesses have referred to her as a hooker, that is
not difficult to explain. Here was this stunningly beautiful woman
constantly hanging around Sinatra and other famous movie stars.
However, she was not an actress, an extra or the wife or girlfriend of

anybody. Yet, she was always there. What could she be? Ergo, she must
be a hooker.

As to why they always enjoyed her company, this too has a simple
explanation. Every man likes to be accompanied by a beautiful woman.
Movie stars especially need beautiful women around to get publicity
for themselves and get their names in the gossip columns. Nowadays it
is common knowledge that publicists even today assign movie stars to
sleep with each other for just one night so the movie magazines will
have a new scandal to write about next month. It is their bread and
butter. The great thing about Judith Campbell is she never demanded
money. She never asked to be paid. Thus, she was always in high

One question Judith never answers satisfactorily in her book and her
interviews is where did she get the money to do all the things she
did. She says that her father lived beyond his means. She lived in
beautiful homes while she was growing up, but her father was often
broke and real estate records show that her father never owned any of
the houses. She often writes that she got money from an inheritance
and from Grandmother Immoor. She received $500 per month in alimony
from William Campbell for two years after their divorce until she
accepted $6,000 in a lump sum final payment. She used that money to
buy a mink stole. (The movie "Power and Beauty" shows her constantly

wearing that mink coat and often being asked where she got it from.)

She briefly had a job earning $100 a week working for Jerry Lewis.
That was the only time she ever had a regular job. She never graduated
from high school, so her typing and secretarial skills were probably

Yet, look at her lifestyle. She lived for months in the Plaza Hotel in
New York City. When in Miami, she always stayed at the Fontainebleau
Hotel. In Washington DC, she always stayed at the Mayflower. When in
Los Angeles, she often had two apartments, although sometimes she
moved in with her sister or her parents.

She describes how she slept late and then spent hours every day
bathing, fixing her hair, putting on make up and dressing so that she

was absolutely stunningly perfect when she went out on her nightly

dates. Every woman would like to be able to enjoy that lifestyle. How
was she able to do it? Naturally, one suspects that she was hooking,
especially since she states that the telephone was constantly ringing

with men asking her out and she went out on dates every night for
months on end.

Needless to say, I have written a book about this:


Dec 23, 2007, 3:18:50 PM12/23/07
The Judith Exner Story, The Life of the Mistress of John F. Kennedy
ISBN 0-923891-90-0

Judith Immoor Campbell Exner and her place in history

When I think of Judith Immoor Campbell Exner, in my mind I compare her
to Forest Gump. This may seem unlikely but I will explain. Forest Gump
is an entirely fictional character who was a mildly retarded man who
just happened to be there at every important junction in history. At
every event of major significance involving Kennedy, Johnson, Nixon
and so on, Forest Gump was there.

Forest Gump was not the only one who was there. Judith Immoor Campbell

Exner was there too. There was just one difference. Judith Immoor

Campbell Exner was a real person. She was like an extra in a movie who
appears in every scene, yet has no lines to speak. Every important

event of the 1960s and 1970s seems to have involved Judith Immoor
Campbell Exner in some way. She dated, was seen with or was on the arm
of many of the important men of that generation. She dated or at least
knew almost the entire A-list of Hollywood Movie Stars, yet she never
appeared in a movie. Everybody who ever saw her reported that she was
a spectacular beauty, one of the most beautiful women of all time, yet
few photographs survive of her.

She is also one of the most reviled and hated women. She has been

called every bad word in the book, "a common street slut", a whore, a
high-class hooker, a party girl, yet if you believe her biography, she
was a deeply conservative, prudish, Catholic woman who never slept

with more than one man at a time. How many women can say that

Judith Immoor Campbell Exner is still in the news constantly. Turn on

CNN news almost every night and there will likely be something

involving Judith Immoor Campbell Exner. Every news story involving
President John F. Kennedy, the Bay of Pigs Invasion, covert operations
by the CIA against Fidel Castro of Cuba and so on will probably in
some way involve Judith Immoor Campbell Exner.

However, two allegations involving Judith Immoor Campbell Exner must
be dealt with quickly.

The first is that she was involved in some way with the delivery of a
huge satchel of cash from John F. Kennedy to Mafia Don Sam Giancana to
insure that Kennedy would defeat Hubert Humphrey in the 1960 West
Virginia Presidential Primary.

According to biographer Kitty Kelly, "while JFK's lover, she had
served as a courier between the President and Giancana. According to
Exner, JFK wanted the mobster's help in nailing down votes in the 1960
West Virginia primary."

However, there is something wrong with this sentence. What is wrong is
that JFK was not the President at the time of the West Virginia
Primary. He was just a candidate for the nomination, one of many.

Seymour Hersch in his book "The Dark Side of Camelot", page 303, says
that Kennedy had Exner carry a bag containing $250,000 in cash to Sam

Sam Giancana was the Don of the Chicago Mafia, a successor to Al
Capone. It was well known in 1960 that the Mafia controlled most Las

Vegas Casino operations and had infiltrated into many labor unions,

including especially the United Mine Workers in West Virginia. Kennedy
wanted to be president. West Virginia, normally a relatively minor
state, was of utmost importance in the 1960 campaign because it was an
anti-Catholic state. Kennedy was a Catholic and the Catholic-Issue was
a big albatross for Kennedy in 1960.

I will give a personal example. My father was a liberal and always
voted Democratic. (This was back in the old days when the Democrats
were the tax-and-spend liberals and the Republicans were the fiscal

conservatives, unlike today when the opposite is the case.) There was
only one time in his life that my father ever voted Republican. That
was in 1960, and the reason was that my father feared that if Kennedy
was elected, he would fly over to the Vatican where the Pope would

tell him what to do.

Many voters felt that way. Therefore, Kennedy needed to win in West
Virginia to demonstrate that he could be elected president even in an
anti-Catholic jurisdiction.

Politics makes strange bedfellows. No doubt Kennedy legitimately
believed that mob influence was needed to win the West Virginia

primary. It became even more critical in the 1960 Presidential general

election, when most observers believe that mob influence was critical
in delivering to Kennedy the Illinois electoral votes by a razor-thin
margin. Thus, sending money to Chicago mob boss Sam Giancana was a
reasonable decision.

Life is like that. If you want to win an election, whether it be to

the Presidency of the United States or to the Executive Board of the

United States Chess Federation, you may have to pay off the right

On the other hand, no evidence has emerged that Giancana actually did
anything to help Kennedy win in West Virginia or to carry Illinois in

the subsequent general election. Giancana probably just pocketed the
money. More pertinent to the issue here, it is difficult to see how
Judith Immoor Campbell Exner played a role in this. She had been

introduced to Senator Kennedy by her former lover Frank Sinatra on
February 7, 1960. Then, Sinatra had introduced her to Sam "Flood"
during a party at Hotel Fontainebleau in Miami, Florida on March 26,
1960. The West Virginia primary, was held on May 10, 1960. So, by the

time of the West Virginia Primary, she had only known Senator Kennedy

for three months. She writes that she first made love to the future
President Kennedy in the Plaza Hotel in New York City on March 7,
1960. More than that, she did not find out that the real name of "Sam
Flood" was actually Sam Giancana until four days before Kennedy had
actually been elected President, when the FBI informed her of this.

What Judith Immoor Campbell Exner almost certainly did not know was
that Joseph Kennedy, the father of John F. Kennedy, had connections

with the Chicago mob dating back to the Roaring Twenties. It was
Joseph Kennedy, not John F. Kennedy, who frequently met with Sam
Giancana during the 1960 election campaign. The Kennedy family is

nowadays often thought of as one of the old-line Blue Blood families.
Not true. It is now well established that the Kennedy wealth comes

from a bootlegging operation in the 1920s. The grandfather of Joseph
Kennedy had been Patrick Kennedy, who had died at an early age leaving
his wife, Bridget Murphy, destitute with four small children. She had
survived by working as a domestic servant. Her son, Patrick Joseph
Kennedy (1858-1929), who had been less than one year old when his
father had died, grew up in poverty. However, he and his son, Joseph
Patrick Kennedy (1888-1969), became rich through illegal activities,
including bootlegging.

Even the marriage of John F. Kennedy to Jacqueline Bouvier was part of
a long-range plan to raise the social status and wealth of the Kennedy
clan. Jackie was of the upper crust. Her step-father was Hugh
Auchincloss, a wealthy man and principal of a Wall Street securities
firm, who gave away the bride. His uncle was the son-in-law of Sam
Sloan (1817-1907), the railroad tycoon, one of the richest men in
America, who built the railroad system that now services New York
City. The marriage of John F. Kennedy to Jackie had been part of a
plan to gain control of the fabulous wealth of the Sloan-Auchincloss
Family. The mother of Jackie, Janet Lee, had been concerned that her
daughter was marrying into a family of low social status like the
Kennedys, but was unable to dissuade her daughter from taking this

When President Franklin D. Roosevelt appointed Joseph Kennedy as the
First Chairman of the Securities and Exchange Commission, and somebody

asked Roosevelt why he had chosen Kennedy, Roosevelt replied, "It

Takes a Crook to Catch a Crook!"

Joseph Kennedy decided that the crowning achievement in raising the
status of his family from poverty to wealth would be to get his son
elected President of the United States. When John F. Kennedy was in
the final stages of his election campaign, President Truman said,
"It's not the Pope I'm afraid of, it's the Pop. Old Joe Kennedy is as
big a crook as we've got anywhere in this country."

Another allegation that must be addressed is that Judith Immoor
Campbell Exner carried documents between JFK and Sam Giancana,
regarding a decision by the CIA to hire the Chicago mob to kill Fidel
Castro, President of Cuba. However, this observation usually ignores
the fact that the mob operation to kill Castro started in 1960. In
1960, KENNEDY WAS NOT PRESIDENT YET!!!! Kennedy did not become
president until 1961. In 1960, Eisenhower was president. Obviously,
there is politics here. The Republicans want to blame the Democrats
for it. The Democrats want to blame the Republicans for it.

This is what I mean when I write that Judith Immoor Campbell Exner
seems to be like a movie extra who appears in every scene but has no
lines to speak. Here she was, a little 120 pound 26-year-old girl
taking the train back and forth between Chicago and Washington DC or
New York, receiving and delivering documents, and what did these
documents contain? Did it concern the Plot to Assassinate Castro, the
Cuban Missile Crisis, the Bay of Pigs Invasion and the eventual

Assassination of JFK? We would like to know.

But there is more:

Antionette Giancana, daughter of Mafia Don Sam Giancana, has a book

out about this. In her book, she names the actual killer of President
Kennedy and the motive, never previously suggested.

The motive concerns the Controversy Linking the F-111 to the Kennedy


The General Dynamics F-111 was a medium-range strategic bomber,
reconnaissance, and tactical strike aircraft designed in the 1960s.

Virtually every recent book about the Kennedy Assassination has
advanced the theory that Kennedy was assassinated because of the F-111

contract. Essentially, the conspiracy theorist say that the CIA and
the military were opposed to the development of the F-111, favoring a

competing aircraft by Boeing instead. When, after many warnings,
Kennedy insisted on proceeding with the development of the F-111

anyway, he was shot, they say. They justified the assassination of the
President on the belief that Kennedy had been bribed or blackmailed
into developing the inferior F-111 and therefore the assassination of
the president was justified.

If that was the reason, the assassination was a failure, because the
development of the F-111 went ahead anyway. After Kennedy was
assassinated, it became unthinkable to change or abandon any of the
initiatives the President had started. Had Kennedy lived, the pressure
on the President to abandon the F-111 project in favor of the superior
aircraft to be built by Boeing might have become unbearable. On the
other hand, General Dynamics was tottering on the brink of bankruptcy.
Had the F-111 project been abandoned, General Dynamics might have gone
out of business. As things turned out, President Kennedy, a weak and
ineffective president in life, became an icon after his death and
nothing that he started could be stopped.

The development of the F-111 has since been linked to numerous Kennedy

Assassination Theories. General Dynamics was not favored to win the
contract under which the F-111 was ultimately built. Another aircraft
designed by Boeing was favored. It was a controversial last-minute
decision by Secretary of Defense Robert McNamara to overrule the

military and to build the F-111 instead. Assassination Theorists state

that actually President John F. Kennedy ordered that the contract be
awarded to General Dynamics. As this was the largest defense contract

ever awarded, this attracted the attention of the press. Kennedy was

asked about this repeatedly in press conferences. The United States
Senate started an investigation. However, the investigation was shut
down after Kennedy was Assassinated.

Seymour Hersh in his book "The Dark Side of Camelot" suggests that

General Dynamics got the contract by blackmailing President Kennedy.

Hersh states that on August 7, 1962, Bobby and Billy Hale, twin sons

of the General Dynamics security chief I. B. Hale, broke into the
apartment of Kennedy's mistress Judith Exner and placed bugs and
wiretaps on her telephone. With these bugs, they were able to
establish proof that Kennedy was sleeping with Exner. When presented
with the evidence, Kennedy agreed to award the $6.5 billion contract

to General Dynamics, or so goes this theory.

There is a major problem with this theory, however. The major problem
is that Kennedy did not seem to be concerned about the fact that many
people knew that he had numerous mistresses, some of whom were even on
the White House staff and had no other duties but to sleep with him.
Two of those women were known to the Secret Service by their code
names "Fiddle" and "Faddle". An article in Time magazine for December
29, 1975 entitled "Jack Kennedy's Other Women" said that the
revelation that Judith Campbell had been his mistress only "confirmed
what had long been a matter of open speculation" concerning "a legend
of prodigious sexual activity" involving naked girls running around
the White House or swimming nude in the White House pool. (The White
House pool was covered over and sealed by subsequent presidents
because of this scandal.)

Antionette Giancana in her book "JFK and Sam" expresses the belief
that Kennedy was assassinated because of the F-111 contract. The CIA
too favored Boeing over General Dynamics and, dissatisfied with the
decision to build the F-111, hired her father, Sam Giancana, to carry

out the hit. The actual shooter was James Files, also known as James
Sutton, who worked for Charles Nicoletti, who worked for Sam Giancana,
according to Antionette Giancana.

The 2002 made for television movie "Power and Beauty" starring Natasha
Henstridge as Judy Exner, Kevin Anderson as John F. Kennedy, Peter
Friedman as Sam Giancana and John Ralston as Frank Sinatra recreates
many of the scenes from the Kitty Kelly interview and the book by
Seymour Hersh. The most controversial, and indeed the only really
controversial, remaining question is whether Exner actually arranged
face-to-face meetings between John F. Kennedy and Mafia Don Sam
Giancana while Kennedy was president.

Credibility Issues

The biggest issue and the issue with which must always be dealt is the
issue of credibility. Was Judith Immoor Campbell Exner really the
mistress of President John F. Kennedy? Or, was she just a high class
hooker, as detractors say she was, who tried to make a big score,
become famous and get paid a lot of money by claiming to have had an
affair with the president?

Or was she the American version of the Riding Instructor, or the
Telephone Partner or the Bodyguard of Princess Diana, who got the
benefit of the full enjoyment of sleeping with a beautiful woman, plus
on top of that received millions of pounds and became a celebrity by
writing about experiences in bed with the princess?

A second issue concerns differences between her 1977 book and the 1988
interview with Kitty Kelly published in the February 29, 1988 issue of
People Magazine.

On this last point, I fail to see the issue. I have not found any
actual significant discrepancies between the 1977 book "My Story" and
the 1988 interview published in "People" magazine. Rather, the 1988
interview added some more details. There was a good reason for the
additional details. In 1975, Judith Immoor Campbell Exner married
Professional Golfer Daniel Exner. Judith became the devoted wife she
always dreamed of becoming, accompanying her husband down to the golf
course every morning and watching him practice and play golf all day,
while sipping tea. Her affair with the late President was all but
forgotten. The FBI was no longer trailing her, stopping her at
embarrassing moments to ask her questions. It was all in the past, or
so she hoped.

However, by 1988, she no longer feared being assassinated. She was
separated from Dan Exner, who could no longer play golf because he had
had a brain tumor removed. A curious fact about Daniel Exner is that
no biographical information is available about him. One website states
that his birth date has been suppressed. He is known to have been born
in about 1946 and to have been 12 years younger than his wife. Since
he had a brain tumor removed in 1988, it would seem likely that he in
no longer alive, yet there is no record of his death or of his
existence after 1988.

Actually, the FBI had lost track of Judith in 1975 because she was now
living under her married name of Exner and living in a mobile home,
which they drove to golf tournaments. The FBI could not find her until
her sister, upon being questioned by the FBI, gave her up.

It was then that Judith was subpoenaed to testify before a Senate
Committee, the Church Committee. The Church Committee is the common

term referring to the United States Senate Select Committee to Study

Governmental Operations with Respect to Intelligence Activities, a
U.S. Senate committee chaired by Senator Frank Church (D-ID) in 1975.

The Church Committee subsequently decided, correctly of course, that
the question of with whom the President was sleeping was none of its


Dec 23, 2007, 3:57:44 PM12/23/07
John Roselli and the CIA Family Jewels

New information and evidence is coming out all the time about the
complex relationships between Exner, Kennedy, Roselli, Giancana and
the CIA. One recent example of this is the CIA TOP SECRET "Family
Jewels" documents released on June 25, 2007.

It seems strange that documents marked TOP SECRET would be released,

newsmen that they could not use them all and distributed some of the

position. Colby was eventually replaced with future president George

H. W. Bush. Colby later died in a mysterious "canoeing accident" at
night. There was immediate speculation that he had been murdered, as
why would Colby, a real-life "spook" who had twice parachuted behind

enemy lines during World War II, go canoeing in the Potomac River in
the middle of the night without the life-jacket that he usually wore?
This incident seems to be the inspiration for a similar scene in the

2004 version of the movie "The Manchurian Candidate".

The last quotation above, regarding "The Chilean Thing", probably
refers to September 1970 when President Nixon informed the CIA that an

Allende regime in Chile would not be acceptable, and the CIA attempted
to kidnap a top supporter of Allende. This is similar to what happened
in the United States Chess Federation in 2006, when USCF President
Bill Goichberg tried to prevent Sam Sloan from taking office after
Sloan had been democratically elected. It could not refer to the

actual overthrow of Allende on September 11, 1973, because that
occurred a few months after the date of the "Family Jewels" reports.

Although the Family Jewels documents, which are 702 pages long, deal
with a wide variety of CIA operations, more attention is paid to John
Roselli than to anybody else. This is because the CIA had contacted
Roselli to kill Fidel Castro.

Roselli was the ideal man for the job because, prior to the takeover
of Cuba by Castro, he had been the supervisor of Mafia operations in
casinos in Havana. After Castro had thrown out the mob and closed the
casinos, Roselli still had been running forays into Cuba, using high
speed power boats to cross the 90 miles from Florida to Cuba without

being detected. One time his boat was shot out from under him by the
Cuban Navy, but another boat picked up Roselli and carried him to

Jack Anderson later wrote:

"The full story reads like a script of a James Bond Movie, complete
with secret trysts at glittering Miami Beach Hotels and midnight
powerboat dashes to secret landing spots on the Cuban coast.

"For the first try, the CIA furnished Roselli with special poison
capsules to slip into Castro's food. The poison was supposed to take
three days to act. By that time Castro died, his system would have
thrown off all traces of the poison and it would seem like a natural
death. . . . . A couple of weeks later, just about the time for the
plot to have been carried out, a report out of Havana said that Castro
was sick, but he recovered."

Too bad our CIA can just never get a job done right! The Gang that

couldn't shoot straight! Things are much better now however. They did
such a fine job of detecting Saddam Hussein's "weapons of mass

An aside to this issue is to compare the "Family Jewels" documents,

with the so-called "Killian" documents that brought down CBS News

Reporter Dan Rather during the 2004 Presidential Election Campaign.

Dan Rather produced six pages of memorandums which stated that future
president George W. Bush had failed to report as required for National
Guard duty in September 1972. Rather claimed that the memos had come
from an "unimpeachable source" and had been authenticated by
"experts". These memos were intended to demonstrate that Bush was

unfit to serve as President of the United States.

By comparing the Killian documents from 1972 side-by-side with the

"Family Jewels" documents from 1973 one can easily see that the

Killian documents are fake. The Killian documents were obviously made
with a modern computer word processor using Times New Roman typestyle
proportional spacing fonts that did not even exist in 1972. For
example, the "th" in 187th could not have been made by any typewriter
that existed in 1972. The "Family Jewels" were created with an old
fashioned manual typewriter. The comparison is ridiculous, not to
mention the fact that the "Family Jewels" were created by the Director
of the CIA whereas the Killian documents were supposedly created by a

local National Guard grunt. The networks have every justification for

kicking out Dan Rather. Even today, Dan Rather claims the Killian
documents are genuine, even though the person who gave him the
documents has admitted that they are fake.

The Family Jewels contain numerous shocking revelations regarding John
Roselli. The CIA had ex-FBI agent Robert Maheu contact Roselli and
claim that he represented businessmen who had been kicked out of Cuba
by Castro and who were willing to pay $150,000 to have Castro bumped
off. Later, on September 25, 1960, Roselli met Maheu in Miami and
introduced him to "Sam Gold" and "Joe". Sam Gold was, of course, our
own lovable Sam Giancana. "Joe" was Santo Trafficante, Jr., the mob
boss in Miami who had operated several legal casinos in Cuba until he
had been kicked out by Castro.

The Family Jewels, on page 13, state that weeks later Maheu saw
pictures of Sam Giancana and Santo Trafficante, Jr. in Parade magazine
and identified them as being the same persons as "Sam Gold" and "Joe".
Both men were on the Attorney General's "Ten Most Wanted" list. Our
super-sleuths had scored again! However, they did not have Giancana
and Trafficante arrested. Rather they gave them poison pills that were
supposed to kill Castro, but failed.

To their credit, John Roselli and "Sam Gold" told Maheu that they did
not want the $150,000. They were probably surprised by the
ridiculously small amount that was being offered to kill Castro. One
wonders how long it took them to realize that they were not dealing
with disaffected businessmen but with the CIA itself.

Since they had spent years in Cuba prior to the revolution and
probably knew everybody likely to want to engage is such an operation,
it seems likely that Roselli and Trafficante realized almost from the
beginning that they were dealing not with disaffected businessmen but
with the US Government.

Both John Roselli and Sam Giancana had personal reasons for wanting to
do business with the CIA. Roselli was an illegal alien. His real name
was Filippo Sacco and he had been born in Esperia, Italy in Frosinone
Province. As he was in the US illegally, he wanted to have some
leverage to avoid deportation. Later, when he was being prosecuted,
Roselli told the CIA that if the prosecution was not dropped he would
reveal to newspaper reporters the plot to kill Castro. Richard Helms,
Director of the CIA, made a decision not to help Roselli. Roselli, by
then in federal prison, carried out his threat and the plot to kill
Castro became public knowledge through a Jack Anderson column in the
Washington Post dated January 13, 1970 entitled "6 Attempts to Kill
Castro Laid to CIA".

All this is detailed in the "Family Jewels" documents.

Santo Trafficante, Jr., John Roselli and Sam Giancana are all on the
list of persons suspected of involvement in the Kennedy Assassination.
Just about the only person not on that list is Oswald.

Sam Sloan

[Anon] planmodeal3<ardef2ulus

Dec 23, 2007, 8:10:04 PM12/23/07
Would you please stop posting this off topic crap?
PA Anonymous Remailer

Dec 23, 2007, 8:16:28 PM12/23/07

Non scrivetemi

Dec 23, 2007, 8:13:18 PM12/23/07


Dec 23, 2007, 8:15:04 PM12/23/07


Dec 23, 2007, 8:46:54 PM12/23/07
Would you please stop posting this off topic crap?

This message was posted via one or more anonymous remailing services.
The original sender is unknown. Any address shown in the From header
is unverified.


Dec 23, 2007, 9:09:53 PM12/23/07


Dec 24, 2007, 8:50:02 AM12/24/07
Would you please stop posting your off topic crap?

Non scrivetemi

Dec 24, 2007, 9:17:28 AM12/24/07
Are you a veteran? They have many excellent programs for
mental health, no charge if you are over 45 and make
under a certain amount per year, or a modest co-pay
if you do.



Dec 24, 2007, 11:22:48 AM12/24/07
Nobody, Sloan, nobody.

B. Lafferty

Dec 24, 2007, 12:13:23 PM12/24/07

"Anonymous" <> wrote in message
> Nobody, Sloan, nobody.
> PA
ROTFL! Except you who keeps posting.

Mike Murray

Dec 24, 2007, 12:19:07 PM12/24/07
On Mon, 24 Dec 2007 17:13:23 GMT, "B. Lafferty" <>

If wishing could make it so....

Sam Sloan

Dec 25, 2007, 1:26:26 PM12/25/07
Another is a book, "Sinatra: The Life" by Anthony Summers and Robbyn
Swan that has a 14-page chapter devoted to Judith Campbell entitled
"The Candidate and the Courtesan". This book tells an entirely
different story, quoting Peter Lawford as saying that Judith was a
"hooker". However, it hardly matters. It was extremely important to
Judith Campbell that she be portrayed as a non-hooker who never took
money for sex and who paid her own way. However, to the rest of the
world, it does not matter whether money changed hands or not. The
important question is whether she slept with the President. Everybody
agrees that she did. Whether she did so on a paid or a volunteer basis
is not that important.

The Summers and Swan book adds a new story. It says on page 260 that
Kennedy and Campbell actually first met one month earlier, on November
1-2, 1959, before Kennedy had declared for President. The meeting took

place in Puccini’s restaurant in Beverly Hills. Sinatra and Kennedy
were dining together and noticed two beautiful broads at another

table. They sent Nick Sevano over to the table with a note asking them

to join them. The two broads came over and turned out to be Angie
Dickinson and Judith Campbell. The four of them went out to see movies
together. However, the girls did not sleep with the boys. They just
went home after the movies.

There is no mention of this incident in "My Story". However, it is
possible that Judith had forgotten about it. After all, "My Story" was
written 18 years after the event in question. Also, nothing

significant had happened. In addition, the story lacks credibility for
a number of reasons. By November 1959, Angie Dickinson was a well
established actress, who had appeared in 37 movies. Most were minor
roles but she had been the leading lady in the box office hit "Rio
Bravo" starring John Wayne, Dean Martin, Ricky Nelson and Angie
Dickinson. Rio Bravo had been released on April 4, 1959. It is thus
impossible that Frank Sinatra did not know who Angie Dickinson was.
Also, the book by Judith Exner on page 49 recounts a similar incident
also at Puccini’s, also in the first week of November 1959 and also
involving herself and Frank Sinatra and Nick Sevano. However, she says
that she was having dinner with "friends". Neither Angie Dickinson nor
John F. Kennedy are mentioned as being present on that occasion.

As to the first meeting with JFK as described by Judith in "My Story",

there are lots of witnesses to that, because it took place in the

middle of the election campaign and an entire press corps was
following around Kennedy, making every stop he made. Kennedy had his
own airplane, purchased for him by his father a few months earlier.
When he stopped in Las Vegas on February 7, 1960, the press corps was
wondering why he was stopping there as he had nothing to do there.

According to Summers and Swan, page 263, Kennedy stopped there to meet
Sinatra. They give as sources CBS Reporter Blaire Clark and Mary
McGrory of the Washington Star, who saw Judith sitting between Sinatra
and Kennedy at the Sands. Later, Judith "went upstairs" with Kennedy.
Another witness who saw them together was Milt Ebbins.

It also says on page 263 that Giancana knew that Kennedy had a

weakness for women. "Throw him a broad and he will do anything",

Giancana said in 1959, according to the book. However, there are
serious problems with this quote. Not only is no date, place or source
given but he seems to be talking about Joseph Kennedy, the father of
John F. Kennedy. The father was also known for philandering. He openly
conducted an affair with movie actress Gloria Swanson (1899-1983) and
even brought her to his home when his wife Rose was there. Summers and
Swan suggest that arrangements had been made for Judith Campbell to
sleep with Joseph Kennedy, the father, not with his son John, the
future president. The source given for this statement is a Las Vegas
card dealer, Count Guido Deiro.

Summers and Swan state that JFK had sex with "a hooker" on February 7,
1960. They imply that Judith Campbell was that hooker. However, as

everybody knows, Las Vegas is filled with fantastically beautiful

hookers. Also, Summers and Swan state that there was a sex party
involving Kennedy that night at El Rancho Vegas where there was "some
sort of indiscreet party" with "showgirls running in and out of
Kennedy’s suite" where there occurred "certain sex activities by
Kennedy that he hopes are never publicized".

Needless to say, I have written a book about this:

Sam Sloan

Jan 30, 2008, 11:07:55 PM1/30/08
The book is out now:

It will still be available on Amazon for a few days longer at the
reduced "Pre-Publication" price, but the book is already published, we
are just awaiting the shpment from the printers.

Sam Sloan

On 13 Dec 2007 21:55:37 -0500, Anthony Marsh

Sam Sloan

Feb 12, 2008, 8:40:26 AM2/12/08
The book is out today!!!

Go take a look. Nice pictures.

The first printing sold out instantly but we will have more from you
in a few days.

Sam Sloan

Sam Sloan

Feb 12, 2008, 8:41:13 AM2/12/08

Sam Sloan

Feb 12, 2008, 9:52:26 PM2/12/08

help bot

Feb 13, 2008, 3:15:23 AM2/13/08
On Dec 24 2007, 11:22 am, Anonymous <>

> Nobody, Sloan, nobody.
> PA

There are no such postings; you're imagining it.

-- shrink bot


Feb 14, 2008, 9:47:15 PM2/14/08

I fail to understand what "Rob" Mitchell and Help Bot are trying to


Feb 14, 2008, 10:24:08 PM2/14/08

Just what we need in America. More trash.

Sam Sloan

Feb 25, 2008, 9:46:02 AM2/25/08
My book:

"Mafia Moll: The Judith Exner Story, The Life of the Mistress of John
F. Kennedy" by Sam Sloan ISBN 0-923891-90-0 published by Ishi Press
International 574 pages $29.95

Is temporarily out of stock.

What really happened is I discovered a very, very serious
typographical error in the book, so serious that I had to stop the
presses and send it back for reprinting.

I have now redone the book and sent it back to the printer. I hope to
have it available again soon.

Sam Sloan


Feb 25, 2008, 6:42:53 PM2/25/08


Sam Sloan

Feb 25, 2008, 9:54:08 PM2/25/08

Sam Sloan

Feb 27, 2008, 12:05:43 AM2/27/08
The book is being reprinted right now, this minute.

I believe that it will be back available again in about two days at:

I had to stop the presses and redo the book because I discovered two
very serious errors. One was a wrong date and the other was a
pagination error.

I have also added a new picture of Judith I just discovered and a new
quote about her I just found.

Anybody who bought this book before today and wants to know what
errors I corrected, please contact me.

The great thing about new technology and small press runs is you can
redo a book like this at minimum cost. Under the old system I would
have been stuck with these typographical errors forever.

Sanm Sloan


Feb 27, 2008, 12:23:28 AM2/27/08

> The great thing about new technology and small press runs is you can
> redo a book like this at minimum cost. Under the old system I would
> have been stuck with these typographical errors forever.

> Sanm Sloan

LOL... were they like the TYPOS on spelling your own name?... What a
professional publisher you are!


Feb 28, 2008, 6:17:14 PM2/28/08


Feb 28, 2008, 8:18:34 PM2/28/08
> Sam Sloan

The book is out again, reprinted:

I had to stop the presses and redo the book, because of having
discovered two serious typographical errors.

Now the book has been reprinted and this time I believe that it is

Sam Sloan


Feb 29, 2008, 7:16:51 AM2/29/08

Mike Murray

Feb 29, 2008, 12:07:31 PM2/29/08
On Fri, 29 Feb 2008 04:16:51 -0800 (PST), Rob <>

>> Now the book has been reprinted and this time I believe that it is
>> perfect.

>> Sanm Sloan

> LOL... were they like the TYPOS on spelling your own name?... What a
> professional publisher you are!

This happened to the well-known chess author J. du Mont. One of his
books was actually published with his name misprinted on the spine of
the book, I believe (as "Du Mont").

A bit more significant than not noticing one's finger brushed an
adjacent key on a newsgroup post. At best, this sort of finger-fehler
might be worth a single snicker, but NOT post after post.

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