Here is an ordinary game that is in the end a little bit interesting:
On move 11 I decided to give the enemy my G pawn. Just to get an open line to his king. That worked out wonderfully well.
On move 13 I thought about bringing my queen to h4, but I thought then he obviously plays g3, and my queen has to run. I thought if I then move my queen to h3, then his bishop goes to g2, and my queen is trapped and lost. So I didn't see any use in that one.
And then I saw that I have a bishop, attacking g3. Then I thought "What happens if after g3 I then sacrifice my bishop on g3?"
I saw that I then could keep a draw with eternal check, moving my queen to and fro.
On that point in time I missed two winning lines, but I decided to do it anyway, hoping that something would pop up when I was in that position. So I did queen h4, he did as expected g3, and my bishop smacked in on g3, his h pawn took my bishop on g3, my queen took g3 pawn and gave check. His king stepped to h1. Then I started thinking, "What if my bishop on g4 takes his bishop on f3?" I saw that his castle couldn't take back, because of mate in one.
He had to come with his queen f3, and after a little bit of deliberation I saw the winning continuation, my queen to h4, and mate on next move.
So that's what I did, and after my queen went to h4, the enemy surrendered.
Later during the post mortem I saw there is another winning line. My queen could check on h3, king goes to g1, and then my bishop on g4 could take his bishop on f3, and at the same time give a discovered check, which would cost him his queen.
But of course, a forced mate is preferable.
While typing this, saw in my minds eye that when the bishop gives discovered check, the king has to go to the f line, but a castle would be obstructing him, which would force him to f2. I was wondering "Could it be that then my queen can mate him?"
I went to analysis board, and lo and behold; there really is a mate then.
So also the second line would have lead to mate. :)
I was lucky that those winning lines where in the position, but things looked bad for him, with me so much material on his bare king, his queen out of the way. It just felt good to give it a try. And if I couldn't find anything, I had my eternal check.
But this was much more fun :D