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Paid pro, e.g. Lawrence-Conforte

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James Dow Allen

Nov 7, 2021, 9:30:09 AM11/7/21
I'm disappointed there's no longer traffic in this newsgroup. :-(

I have a question.

How much does/did a bridge pro get for partnering some amateur in an ACBL regional or national tournament? How much circa 1970? How much circa 2020?

In addition to Lawrence-Conforte, famous partnerships include Lawrence-Larsen and Larsen-Wong. I''ll guess Lawrence played at the Bear's Lair
in the early 1960's -- a snack-bar with tables for playing bridge near the
corner of Telegraph and Bancroft. But I frequently saw Kyle Larsen
and Matty Wong there in the late 60's. The Lawrence partnership was key
to Larsen's eventual world-champion status (or near champ?),
but Matty Wong partnered Kyle to Life Master.

Returning to Lawrence-Conforte, I kibitzed them circa 1970 when they
were playing in a San Francisco Regional. In the middle of a session
Joe handed Mike something, and grinned or made a wise-crack. Mike smiled back. Positioned as I was at Lawrence's right hand I saw what Conforte had passed him. A free session at one of SF's higher-class massage parlours.

Cheers Gmail @ Jamesdowallen

James Dow Allen

Nov 7, 2021, 9:32:37 AM11/7/21
On Sunday, November 7, 2021 at 9:30:09 PM UTC+7, James Dow Allen wrote:
> corner of Telegraph and Bancroft. But I frequently saw Kyle Larsen
> and Matty Wong there in the late 60's. The Lawrence partnership was key
> to Larsen's eventual world-champion status (or near champ?),
> but Matty Wong partnered Kyle to Life Master.

MANNY Wong. Why was it so hard for me to remember his name?

> Cheers Gmail @ Jamesdowallen
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