On Monday, January 30, 2023 at 8:36:26 PM UTC+1, Kenny McCormack wrote:
> In article <
> Adam Wildavsky <
ad...@tameware.com> wrote:
> >On Tuesday, July 5, 2022 at 8:50:05 PM UTC+2, Kenny McCormack wrote:
> >> You hold: Axx,AK,AKQJT,Kxx
> >>
> >> Assume SAYC, no other agreements. You open 2C and partner responds 3C.
> >>
> >> Your call (and plan) ?
> >
> >5NT seems right, asking responder to bid 7 with two of the top three club honors.
> >I'll pass 6c and convert 7c to 7NT.
> >
> >Usually I'd need to know the vulnerability and form of the game. Here it might
> >make little difference, though at matchpoints I'd consider auctions that might
> >let us reach 6N.
> Yeah, this looks right to me. You certainly want to be in the grand if pd
> has AQxxx (or better) in clubs. The problem/risk is what if his clubs are
> really bad - say J high (or worse). The question is: Would you really
> respond 3C with something like:
> KJx
> QJx
> xx
> Jxxxx
Few experts would bid 3c with that hand. If we're concerned about it, though, we could convert 6c to 6N even at IMPs. It will be wrong only opposite something like this, and then only part of the time: