In GIPF, playing the tournament rules, you can happily put 4 or more
GIPF pieces in a row and leave them all on. What I'd like clarifying is
when you can subsequently have the row of 4+ "go active". Throwing some
moves into GF1 it gives the opportunity to remove after every turn by
each player, though it would also be possible to play it so only if the
status of that line changes does anything happen to it. What do folks
My TAMSK set came with a set of 3 "starter potentials". In the rules
illustration they look like draughtsmen, with an extra furrow in the
centre compared to a basic GIPF piece, but the actual objects in my set
are indistinguishable from basic GIPF pieces. Is there a disparity
between the picture and the actual pieces because of a production change
(and you just play them upside down to distinguish a loaded piece with a
TAMSK potential from a GIPF piece) or did I get the wrong thing in my
set (TAMSK potentials really are physically different, like the ZERTZ
potentials are)?
Ta, Pete.
Peter Clinch University of Dundee
Tel 44 1382 660111 ext. 33637 Medical Physics, Ninewells Hospital
Fax 44 1382 640177 Dundee DD1 9SY Scotland UK
Following up my own post...
Thanks to those (including Kris Burm, the inventor) who directed me to
the FAQ at FAQ 8 answered my first query, and it seems I
did get the wrong bits for TAMSK potentials. Replacements have been
offered both by Kris himself and Stephen Tavener (who I bought it from,
at his Gamesale site).