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Don Stern book review

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May 16, 2001, 9:51:07 PM5/16/01
Anybody ever read Don Stern's "Backgammon The Quick Course to Winning Play"?
Is it worth reading?

Bob T

Mark Driver

May 17, 2001, 12:10:40 AM5/17/01
Is it worth reading?
Depends what other books you have read, and your motives for reading it.
Its a typical basic beginner's book from the early 70's. Rules, objectives,
opening moves, return openers, basic middle game; end game strategies,
bearoffs, elementary cube theory, lots of probability tables, pip count
methods, a 'revolutionary gammon count', learning quizzes, a sample
annotated game, and some psychology of the game. The board notation is
annoying eg W3 and B4 etc.

If you've read anything by Magriel, Robertie, Cooke, Woolsey, Kleinman etc,
you won't learn anything new, period.

If your interested in stories from the 70's hey day, its very disappointing
in comparison to the Playboy book.

Is it worth owning?
Probably only if your a collector and you can find a first edition hardback
copy. Its got a nice picture on the front and it won't fall apart as soon as
you open it :-).

bobtam wrote in message

Daniel Murphy

May 17, 2001, 9:20:34 AM5/17/01
On Thu, 17 May 2001 14:10:40 +1000, "Mark Driver"
<> wrote:

>Is it worth owning?
>Probably only if your a collector and you can find a first edition hardback
>copy. Its got a nice picture on the front and it won't fall apart as soon as
>you open it :-).

Plus ... "Inside this book! Practi-gammon, a complete backgammon set
for practice and play .. while you read!"

Daniel Murphy
Raccoon on FIBS, GamesGrid

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