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Timothy Chow

Feb 9, 2024, 9:19:24 AMFeb 9

Score is X:0 O:0. Unlimited Game
| O O | | O O X O |
| O O | | O O X O |
| | | O |
| | | |
| | | |
| |BAR| |
| | | |
| X | | X |
| X X | | X |
| X X O | | X X |
| O X X O | | X O X |
Pip count X: 137 O: 126 X-O: 0-0
Cube: 1
X to play 61

Tim Chow

Timothy Chow

Feb 12, 2024, 9:35:16 AMFeb 12
I didn't think my position was so bad that I needed to risk a bold play
like 8/2 6/5* or 9/3 6/5*, but that's what XG insists.

1. Rollout¹ 8/2 6/5* eq:-0.412
Player: 39.84% (G:11.41% B:0.49%)
Opponent: 60.16% (G:16.97% B:0.64%)
Confidence: ±0.013 (-0.425..-0.399) - [50.7%]

2. Rollout¹ 9/3 6/5* eq:-0.412
Player: 39.88% (G:11.51% B:0.50%)
Opponent: 60.12% (G:16.60% B:0.64%)
Confidence: ±0.013 (-0.425..-0.398) - [49.3%]

3. Rollout¹ 9/2 eq:-0.615 (-0.203)
Player: 33.51% (G:6.59% B:0.26%)
Opponent: 66.49% (G:10.78% B:0.34%)
Confidence: ±0.013 (-0.627..-0.602) - [0.0%]

4. Rollout¹ 9/3 4/3 eq:-0.625 (-0.214)
Player: 33.21% (G:6.45% B:0.25%)
Opponent: 66.79% (G:10.20% B:0.31%)
Confidence: ±0.012 (-0.637..-0.614) - [0.0%]

5. Rollout¹ 8/1 eq:-0.629 (-0.217)
Player: 32.99% (G:6.37% B:0.20%)
Opponent: 67.01% (G:10.12% B:0.30%)
Confidence: ±0.012 (-0.641..-0.616) - [0.0%]

¹ 1296 Games rolled with Variance Reduction.
Dice Seed: 271828
Moves: 3-ply, cube decisions: XG Roller

eXtreme Gammon Version: 2.19.211.pre-release

Tim Chow
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