X:Player 1 O:Player 2
Score is X:0 O:0 7 pt.(s) match.
| O | | O X X X |
| O | | O |
| O | | O |
| O | | O |
| | X | O |
| |BAR| |
| | O | |
| O | | |
| O | | |
| O | | X X X X |
| O X X X | | X O X X X |
Pip count X: 139 O: 159 X-O: 0-0/7
Cube: 1
X on roll, cube action
I'm not going to offer much commentary because I don't (yet) understand these sorts of positions very well. According to the rollout, this is a huge pass but also a huge double. In the variant position, I've advanced one of X's back checkers to the point where the rollout declares X to be too good.
Analyzed in Rollout
No double
Player Winning Chances: 68.50% (G:47.84% B:0.40%)
Opponent Winning Chances: 31.50% (G:8.23% B:0.63%)
Player Winning Chances: 68.59% (G:48.29% B:0.50%)
Opponent Winning Chances: 31.41% (G:8.32% B:1.01%)
Cubeful Equities:
No double: +0.832 (-0.168)
Double/Take: +1.368 (+0.368)
Double/Pass: +1.000
Best Cube action: Double / Pass
1296 Games rolled with Variance Reduction.
Dice Seed: 271828
Moves: 3-ply, cube decisions: XG Roller
Confidence No Double: ± 0.013 (+0.819..+0.845)
Confidence Double: ± 0.018 (+1.350..+1.385)
X:Player 1 O:Player 2
Score is X:0 O:0 7 pt.(s) match.
| X O | | O X X |
| O | | O |
| O | | O |
| O | | O |
| | X | O |
| |BAR| |
| | O | |
| O | | |
| O | | |
| O | | X X X X |
| O X X X | | X O X X X |
Pip count X: 130 O: 159 X-O: 0-0/7
Cube: 1
X on roll, cube action
Analyzed in Rollout
No double
Player Winning Chances: 73.29% (G:53.48% B:0.43%)
Opponent Winning Chances: 26.71% (G:6.44% B:0.55%)
Player Winning Chances: 73.41% (G:53.88% B:0.36%)
Opponent Winning Chances: 26.59% (G:6.57% B:0.73%)
Cubeful Equities:
No double: +1.030
Double/Take: +1.752 (+0.722)
Double/Pass: +1.000 (-0.030)
Best Cube action: Too good to double / Pass
Percentage of wrong take needed to make the double decision right: 4.0%
1296 Games rolled with Variance Reduction.
Dice Seed: 271828
Moves: 3-ply, cube decisions: XG Roller
Confidence No Double: ± 0.013 (+1.017..+1.042)
Confidence Double: ± 0.018 (+1.734..+1.769)
eXtreme Gammon Version: 2.10, MET: Kazaross XG2
Tim Chow