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honest game

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Feb 22, 2001, 5:33:08 PM2/22/01
i'm looking for an honest severs with unbias dice.


Feb 23, 2001, 2:12:27 PM2/23/01
pick anyone....


"Haborrat" <> wrote in message


Feb 23, 2001, 6:44:21 PM2/23/01
Servers are machines. They are not honest or dishonest. They serve up
rolls of the dice. All of them are the same. As the previous post
said....pick one. If you want a list of servers, go to and look at the list of servers at the bottom of the
home page. Now, having said that, PLAYERS are honest or dishonest. Next to
the server name look at the corresponding number one ranked player at each
site. I can tell you that almost everyone one of them with the exception of
Nack at gamesgrid is a cheater.


Feb 25, 2001, 12:28:32 PM2/25/01

Heheheh! Yup. I just can't believe that these people think they're getting away
with something. When you cheat you only cheat yourself. Sounds corny, but it's
true and the cheaters out there know it.


Michael Halpenny

Feb 25, 2001, 5:35:01 PM2/25/01
I know that I'm going to sound very naive here but is there anyway that you can
tell that somebody is cheating on you? Apart that is from them getting the right
rolls at the right time if not earlier?



Feb 25, 2001, 6:34:51 PM2/25/01
There are several ways to cheat, but in reality none of them involve the
dice, no matter how much whining and complaining you might hear. The only
way you can be cheated "directly", that I know of, is if someone is using
snowie or jellyfish to determine their moves. That can be detected by
analyzing the match yourself and seeing if the opponent is playing at too
high a level. The rest of the cheating involves obtaining ratings points by
other various nefarious means, and if you played one of those morons, they
could not cheat you by somehow winning your match unfairly.

"Michael Halpenny" <> wrote in message

Andy M

Feb 25, 2001, 6:27:22 PM2/25/01
The two cheats i know of are

Dropping - only let games they will win complete

Playing with themselves, to gain extra points

I sometimes wonder if some people are using snowie on the side, perhaps they
just think a lot.

What level of rating is implausible and a sign of cheating?


Andy M

"Michael Halpenny" <> wrote in message


Feb 26, 2001, 10:02:12 AM2/26/01
andy M asks...:

>I sometimes wonder if some people are using snowie on the side, perhaps they
>just think a lot.
>What level of rating is implausible and a sign of cheating?

Every online rating over 1900 is a sign of cheating and these players should be
avoided like the plague.

Hans Marius Eikseth

Feb 26, 2001, 10:15:26 AM2/26/01
BGtallrock wrote:
> Every online rating over 1900 is a sign of cheating and these players should be
> avoided like the plague.

Excuse me??

There are some of us out there, you know, that can sustain a 1900+
rating (FIBS, in my case) by simply playing - not cheating.

Now, if the high rating comes together with low experience (< ca.500),
that is a somewhat stronger signal. A better signal still could be
checking for available e-mail address.



Feb 26, 2001, 11:05:40 AM2/26/01
i think BGtallrock had his tongue planted firmly in cheek

...since his rating has been as high as 2031 (on Gamesgrid)

... either that, or because he's pissed off that he has slipped below 1900 :)

"Hans Marius Eikseth" <> wrote in message


Feb 26, 2001, 12:00:12 PM2/26/01
>> Every online rating over 1900 is a sign of cheating and these players
>should be
>> avoided like the plague.

Well, I wouldn't go THAT far.

>Excuse me??
>There are some of us out there, you know, that can sustain a 1900+
>rating (FIBS, in my case) by simply playing - not cheating.

>Now, if the high rating comes together with low experience (< ca.500),
>that is a somewhat stronger signal. A better signal still could be
>checking for available e-mail address.

Not EVERY player on FIBS with a high rating is a cheater, just the one with the
highest rating. )8^)
I guess my point is if you have to cheat to maintain a high rating and everyone
knows you're doing it, what's the rating really mean? For the most part, in my
experience anyway, players are honest.


Mary Hickey

Feb 26, 2001, 4:50:02 PM2/26/01
Zare on Gamesite2000 is a "real" player also...a big fish in a small pond,
perhaps, but not a cheater.

How to tell who is good: Watch them play and ask your friendly bot-assistant to
make the call if you disagree with them. If the bot usually agrees with them
and gives your plays the cyber-raspberry, time for you to do some studying if
you want to reach their level. A great place to start is by watching the "real"
experts play each other. I do this a Yogi Berra is said to have said,
"You can observe a lot just by watching."

The bots aren't always right, and neither are the experts, but when the expert
and the bot agree and you are the one who differs, at least try to figure out
why that is.

Mary Hickey
mamabear on FIBS and GamesGrid

Douglas Zare

Feb 26, 2001, 7:28:42 PM2/26/01
Mary Hickey wrote:

> Zare on Gamesite2000 is a "real" player also...a big fish in a small pond,

> perhaps, but not a cheater. [...]

Thanks. GS2000 has a nice interface, friendly people, and is faster for me than
FIBS, Yahoo, and gamesgrid. I don't mind playing weaker opponents (and gladly give
tips during matches), and playing GS2000's Snowie 2 is faster (though it is weaker)
than playing Snowie 3 on my computer. I do not cheat. I also try to avoid playing
matches shorter than 3 points.

As far as I know, the player listed as the best on Yahoo happened to be at the top
of the ladder the day Yahoo reported the stats, and though this is not an
indication of backgammon playing strength it does not imply cheating.

Why do some people have ratings much higher than average? Strong players still make
a _lot_ of errors, but the errors are less significant and less numerous than those
of weak players. An intermediate player will blunder right and left with the cube
and think many plays are automatic that are in fact wrong, many decisions tossups
that are clear errors. That is because of the depth of the game of backgammon.

Douglas Zare


Feb 26, 2001, 8:20:53 PM2/26/01
Dear Douglas Zare,

I have to question everything you said, including the statement that you are
not a cheater because of what you said about the yahoo number one player.
It is a fact that can be verified by 100's of yahoo players, including the
cheaters themselves, that the top 20 players at yahoo are in a gang and
rotate themselves into the top position on a regular basis by throwing
matches to each other. The top players at yahoo have freely admitted that
they are cheats in several forums, and they openly mock the players that
don't cheat. They have even argued that because you are able to throw
matches it is not cheating but part of the way the ladder was set up and
therefore perfectly ok. They also get in fights because their alliances
fall apart, and they accuse each other of cheating on their agreements.
Yahoo backgammon is a cesspool filled with the worst scumbags in the world
that the founders of Yahoo, Jerry Yang and Steven Filo, should be ashamed
of. The sad thing is that the ethic there has spread to the other bg sites
like the plague.

The fact that you defended the top player at Yahoo makes me suspicious of
your ethics.


Feb 26, 2001, 8:36:56 PM2/26/01

In my experience, at most of the bg sites, if you assume a top player is a
cheater, you will be right 90% of the time. The higher you go up the
ratings, the more cheaters there are per capita. And for the few players
that cry foul when I say that....tough! Do something proactively to get the
cheaters out of the game and off the site you play on if you don't like to
be lumped in with the scumbags. I am sick and tired of players doing
nothing about cheaters. I have never been more suprised than to read an
article by Kit Woolsey, one of the foremost backgammon authorities, where he
tells a story about someone who threw a match in a tournament which
benefited Mr. Woolsey monetarily, yet he did not turn the culprit in. That
is shameful.

Douglas Zare

Feb 26, 2001, 9:45:12 PM2/26/01
hi wrote:

> Dear Douglas Zare,

Excuse me, but do you know the difference between e-mail and usenet?

> I have to question everything you said, including the statement that you are
> not a cheater because of what you said about the yahoo number one player.
> It is a fact that can be verified by 100's of yahoo players, including the
> cheaters themselves, that the top 20 players at yahoo are in a gang and
> rotate themselves into the top position on a regular basis by throwing
> matches to each other.

I am aware that some players have done this, but when I played on Yahoo the
matches I watched between players in the top few rungs were fought hard if
ineptly. Do you have any evidence that the particular player who used to be
first on the ladder cheated, or are you extrapolating with no evidence? A high
rung can also indicate that one is willing to play a lot, that the ladders have
just been reset, or that one has both friends and some skill at backgammon. I
don't know the player, but I have known others high on the ladder who were
there because they played well.

Your assumption that almost everyone with a low rank cheats is not evidence
that players with low ranks cheat.

> [...]

> The fact that you defended the top player at Yahoo makes me suspicious of
> your ethics.

You can be suspicious of me due to the statement, and I can be suspicious that
you are a troll due to the low signal/noise ratio in your posts and your

Your suggestion that I cheat is incorrect and rude. I suggest that you make a
public retraction and apology.

Douglas Zare


Feb 27, 2001, 4:34:20 PM2/27/01
Hallelujah, brother! The religion of morality is hereby founded. The
scumbag cheaters and droppers are the sinners. Salvation can be had by not
cheating, taking or giving forfeits, directly or indirectly receiving
benefits from the actions of a cheater, and refusing to play cheaters.

Douglas Zare

Feb 28, 2001, 1:25:09 PM2/28/01
hi wrote:

> Hi,

Hello, troll.

> [...] I have never been more suprised than to read an

> article by Kit Woolsey, one of the foremost backgammon authorities, where he
> tells a story about someone who threw a match in a tournament which
> benefited Mr. Woolsey monetarily, yet he did not turn the culprit in. That
> is shameful.

Are you referring to ? If so, work on
your reading skills. I'd like to point out that you didn't turn the cheater in,
either. Shame on you.

Douglas Zare


Mar 29, 2001, 8:24:28 AM3/29/01

hi <> schrieb in im Newsbeitrag:

> Hi,
> In my experience, at most of the bg sites, if you assume a top player is a
> cheater, you will be right 90% of the time.

I could name several bg sites where cheating isn't tolerated and there are
methods in place to minimise such antics. You shouldn't tar every bg server
with the same brush. God forbid that Yahoo be used as a yard stick for bg

I've been around the block as far as bg servers are concerned and gave
practically all of them a go. Each has their plus and minus points but at
the end of the day you go where the features/experience match what you want.
Yahoo was social with lively public chat but to be truthful I couldn't learn
the game there. Few were of the standard to watch and learn from. My goal
was to improve and for me GG met that need even though I'm only a guest and
dont have a rating, the guests there are likely to have a plus 1700 rating
on yahoo from my own personal experience. If your goal is to mainly do the
chat thing and socialise with the odd game thrown in then Zone or Yahoo are
the place to go imo. If you would rather learn the game and play to a
reasonably high standard and want better administration then you go to GG,
Netgammon, Fibs, or perhps GS2000. if you want free tournaments then Zone
does some gooduns imo. If you want flaming and general "excitement"
experience Yahoo ladderfacts. If you want a reasonably well run league then
I had good experiences with POGL.

The choices are there but you need to know what you want from online
backgammon and do the rounds as I did to find it.



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