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Rare Book: _BG: the *Meanest* Game_

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Albert Steg

Aug 26, 1998, 3:00:00 AM8/26/98
This past week in San Antonio I picked up a BG book I had neither ever
seen nor heard of before. It's not a strategy book, but a book of
cartoons. There is *very* little in the way of publishing info on the
book, suggesting a very small-scale printing, but it is a well-produced,
substantial paperback. All the info in it is:

_Backgammon: The Meanest Game_
copyright 1975 by Rick Steed
Lettering by Gary Ferguson
"Dedicated to Marti - with special appreciation to the Westside Syndicate"

The book is made up of a series of chapters: "Learning the Ropes";
"Vocabulary"; "Doubling"; "Chouettes" etc...The cartoon style and the
humor is distinctly "70's". Lots of very wide collars and wincingly crass
sexual puns and gags. (eg. "Cathy Cleavage" leans over too far and slips
out of her haltertop, "exposing a blot". *wince*).

Is anyone out there familiar with the book? Know who the author was/is?
Know what the "Westside Syndicate" is?


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