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Conduct question

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Igor Schein

Mar 24, 2003, 1:20:21 AM3/24/03

On Sun, while playing a match in a local monthly tournament, I was
accused of cheating by my opponent in a rude and somewhat profane
fashion. I chose not to respond to him in the same fashion, but
rather silent-treated him for the rest of the match and refused the
after-match handshake because I took it personally. My question is,
what would most players do in my situation? Pretend nothing happened?
Treat is as strictly business? Cut the guy a slack for simply
expressing his frustration with my rolling 3 sets of boxes in 4 shakes
( like that never happened before ) and not take him literally?



Patti Beadles

Mar 24, 2003, 1:50:57 AM3/24/03
At the poker table, I would probably summon the tournament director.
Does this tournament have any rules about acceptable behavior?

You could also adopt the Miss Manners response to people who have been
extremely rude-- apologize for having misunderstood him, because you're
certain that he couldn't possibly have said what you thought you just
heard. Or just give them a dumb look.

Failing that, I would be polite, civilized, and icy. You don't want
to stoop to his level, but you don't need to respond warmly either.

Patti Beadles | | | 1991 EX500 (RIP, stolen)
or just yell, "Hey, Patti!" | 2001 Sprint ST ("Booh")


Mar 24, 2003, 1:02:09 PM3/24/03
>Failing that, I would be polite, civilized, and icy. You don't want
>to stoop to his level, but you don't need to respond warmly either.

Yeah, all that is well and good and you could just tell him to fuck off too.
Big reason I don't play online anymore. People are assholes. They don't mind
when THEY'RE rolling doubles 3 out of 4 rolls, but when you do it, they call
you names. While I enjoy playing, I do not enjoy being insulted. I played this
guy at a local tavern for a few hours once and ALL he seemed to do was whine
about his rolls. FINALLY after hearing this long enough I told him to stop
bitching or stop playing. Bad rolls are part of it. I keep my mouth shut when
I'm not doing so well. He stopped playing and I walked away with about 35.00
dollars of his money. So I guess handling that sort of situation would depend
on the type of personality you have. I don't take abuse very well and when it
comes my way I just seem to dish it right back. Whether it's right or wrong I
really don't care. That's just how *I* choose to handle it.


Christopher Alvino

Mar 24, 2003, 1:57:40 PM3/24/03
From what I've seen at the local chouette, the best players always seem
to take things in stride. They want future games with people because it
is a source of income for them, so they do what they can to ease
relations. They especially want future games with people who complain
about rolls because those are usually the people who don't fully
understand the swings or the importance of skill (vs. luck) in long run

Things that I've seen done by expert players are:
1) calmly apologizing about the way they've been rolling
2) acknowledging that "yes, I beat you in that game because I got
lucky", to make other players try to get even
3) ignoring profanities politely
4) leave if it starts to get physical or out of control
5) actively not take sides
6) not gossip

So yeah, if you understand the swings in the game, you can cut the guy
some slack, and try to ease his pain by admitting that you were lucky.
I've even had an expert player apologize to me about the rolls he'd be
getting in a 5-point match during a tournament. He wanted to make me
comfortable and to play him more. I knew that the reason he had beat me
*that night* had to do largely with his luck, but also that he was a
huge favorite over me in the long run, and that given equal luck, he
would have clobbered me.

So you don't have to handle it by getting walked over or by being
belligerent back. In the long run, you want to keep playing backgammon
in a non-stressful environment, while keeping your self-respect.

As far as declining the after-match handshake, I wouldn't have done
that, only because I'd probably want to play him again. I don't think
accepting his handshake would have made you a pushover. However, if
that's the extent of what you did, I think you handled it very well.


Kees van den Doel

Mar 24, 2003, 8:27:24 PM3/24/03
In article <>,
Christopher Alvino <> wrote:

>Things that I've seen done by expert players are:
>1) calmly apologizing about the way they've been rolling
>2) acknowledging that "yes, I beat you in that game because I got
>lucky", to make other players try to get even
>3) ignoring profanities politely
>4) leave if it starts to get physical or out of control
>5) actively not take sides
>6) not gossip

>So yeah, if you understand the swings in the game, you can cut the guy
>some slack, and try to ease his pain by admitting that you were lucky.
>I've even had an expert player apologize to me about the rolls he'd be
>getting in a 5-point match during a tournament. He wanted to make me
>comfortable and to play him more. I knew that the reason he had beat me
>*that night* had to do largely with his luck, but also that he was a
>huge favorite over me in the long run, and that given equal luck, he
>would have clobbered me.

>So you don't have to handle it by getting walked over or by being
>belligerent back. In the long run, you want to keep playing backgammon
>in a non-stressful environment, while keeping your self-respect.

When someone is getting abusive after losing due to some bad luck I
usually argue seriously it was due to his bad play and my superior skill
that he lost and had nothing to do with the rolls, offer some irritating
advice, and when he 4-letter words and curses have maxed out tell him
I'm saving this chat for an official complaint.

Kees (I'll sue if Ziggy heathened Bello, Bello too.)

Bob Ebbeler

Mar 25, 2003, 12:21:24 PM3/25/03
I'd have accepted the after-match handshake, and while holding firmly onto
his hand, I'd have kicked his balls up into his throat.


"Igor Schein" <> wrote in message

Bob Ebbeler

Mar 25, 2003, 12:25:16 PM3/25/03
Horseshit, you were one of the worst crybabies and raging assholes ever to
grace FIBS with your presence. Take your pirated copy of Snowie and go sit
on the crapper and play with yourself.


"Mogath3" <> wrote in message


Mar 25, 2003, 12:57:24 PM3/25/03
>Horseshit, you were one of the worst crybabies and raging assholes ever to
>grace FIBS with your presence. Take your pirated copy of Snowie and go sit
>on the crapper and play with yourself.

Blow me Bob. You still playing those one pointers and dropping connection when
you're getting your ass kicked?? Yeah, I thought so. Your whining was EPIC!!
ahahaha!! STILL the asshole I guess.
As far as my "pirated" copy of Snowie, be carefull or else I'll tell everyone
that you, along with SEVERAL other of you self righteous pricks, emailed me
requesting a copy. Spew your morality to someone else.

Kindest Regards,

Mark Haley

Mar 25, 2003, 4:37:00 PM3/25/03
Sure you would have.

"Bob Ebbeler" <> wrote in message


Mar 28, 2003, 5:57:53 PM3/28/03
Your post is quite accurate!!! Just substitute the word "hustlers" for
"expert players".

"Kees van den Doel" <> wrote in message


Apr 1, 2003, 5:17:54 AM4/1/03

Mogath where you bin? Everybody already has a pirated copy of Snowie,
you couldn't give them away.


Apr 2, 2003, 12:50:26 PM4/2/03
>Mogath where you bin? Everybody already has a pirated copy of Snowie,
>you couldn't give them away.

Well, considering GnuBG, why would anyone want it Snowie?? For FREE?? Sure, but
not what they're asking. HAHAH!! Every once in a while I STILL get requests.
Took me a while to find it. Nobody pointed ME to it, so it's out there and if
you know anything about searching for things, you'll know right where to go.
Have fun....


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